SAPS continues to seize drugs within the Joe Gqabi District

EASTERN CAPE – The determination of SAPS members in removing illicit drugs continues to yield positive results over the past weekend this after suspects age between 20,35 and 38 years were arrested at different Police stations .

In the first incident on Saturday, 17 July 2021, members of Pubplic order Policing (POPS) were on duty performing routine patrols and monitoring communities’ adherence to regulations of the Disaster Management Act. While patrolling, they saw a suspicious male suspect and upon searching him, drugs and money was found. A 20-year-old suspect was arrested and he will appear in court on Monday, 19 July 2021.

The second unrelated incident on Sunday, 18 July 2021 at Maclear, members of Crime prevention were on duty performing routine patrols when they acted swiftly on positive information about suspects seating in a motor vehicle selling drugs. The information was immediately followed up and while searching the silver Polo, two occupants male and female were seating inside the vehicle drugs and money was found. Both suspects were arrested and detained at Maclear holding cells and they will appear in court on Monday, 19 July 2021.

The acting District Commissioner Brigadier Rudolph Adolph applauded the quick response by the men and women in blue in apprehending the suspects before the drugs reach the streets and our children become the victims of these drugs.

Source: South African Police Service

Provincial commissioner welcomes two life sentences for rape accused

The Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena welcomed two life sentences handed down to Kabelo Motlangwane (37) by the Mmabatho Regional Court on Wednesday, 14 July 2021.

Motlangwane’ sentencing came after he was arrested on Friday, 27 February 2015, for two counts of rape. The accused raped two women aged 26 and 36 on two separate occasions in February 2015. Motlangwane who was targeting women who were staying alone, broke into two separate houses in RDP Section, Setlagole, then raped the victims before robbing them of household items.

The long arm of the law caught up with the accused through the help of one of his victims and the public. It was testified during the proceedings that Motlangwane called one of his victims, then proposed love and told the woman that he would visit her. The woman informed members of the community who agreed to assist in arresting Motlangwane. The latter visited the victim at her house and she alerted the members of the community and the police. As a result, the accused was arrested and linked with the rape of the other victim through DNA. Motlangwane, who was also charged with theft and house breaking intent to commit theft, has been in custody since his arrest after his request for bail was successfully opposed.

The Provincial Commissioner congratulated the Vryburg Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FSC) for working tirelessly to ensure that the accused was sentenced. He also thanked members of the community for collaboration with the police in make certain that Motlangwane was arrested.

Source: South African Police Service

ServiceMax fait l’acquisition de LiquidFrameworks pour faire progresser les solutions de gestion des services sur le terrain dans le secteur de l’énergie

Une solution de gestion des services sur le terrain conçue spécialement pour ce secteur et une expertise dans le domaine pour relever les défis uniques des secteurs pétroliers et gaziers, industriels et environnementaux

PLEASANTON, Californie, 16 juillet 2021 /PRNewswire/ — ServiceMax, le leader de la gestion des services sur le terrain centrée sur les actifs, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il avait signé un accord définitif pour acquérir LiquidFrameworks, une entreprise de premier plan dans les solutions mobiles de gestion des opérations sur le terrain spécialisée dans l’industrie de l’énergie, appartenant à Luminate Capital Partners, société d’investissement privé qui investit dans les sociétés de logiciels de croissance et d’entreprise. Avec cette acquisition, ServiceMax pourra étendre ses solutions de gestion des services sur le terrain afin de répondre aux défis uniques du secteur de l’énergie.

Alors que le marché continue de faire pression sur l’industrie pétrolière et gazière pour qu’elles deviennent plus efficaces en termes de capital, les fournisseurs de services pétroliers doivent transformer leurs anciens processus de gestion des opérations sur le terrain en systèmes numériques. Qu’il s’agisse de longues rotations sur une plateforme offshore avec une connectivité limitée ou de révisions dans une raffinerie, les techniciens de terrain de ce secteur sont chargés de fournir un service au client tout en exploitant de nouveaux systèmes numériques visant à maintenir les actifs, à améliorer la productivité et à accroître les revenus. Cette acquisition permettra à ServiceMax de mieux se positionner pour répondre à la demande d’exécution de services numériques dans ce secteur, tout en élargissant son portefeuille de produits et ses canaux de commercialisation.

« ServiceMax s’engage à faire tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour aider les entreprises à maintenir les actifs stratégiques, et le monde entier, en fonctionnement. Le renforcement de nos offres clients dans le secteur de l’énergie est au cœur de cet engagement », a déclaré Neil Barua, PDG de ServiceMax. « En combinant la plateforme moderne de service sur le terrain de ServiceMax avec l’expertise industrielle de LiquidFrameworks, nous sommes mieux armés pour fournir aux entreprises pétrolières et gazières les outils dont elles ont besoin pour assurer un service cohérent et fiable, et optimiser les performances des actifs. »

« La tradition de l’innovation de ServiceMax a transformé les organisations de service sur le terrain depuis plus d’une décennie », a déclaré Travis Parigi, fondateur et PDG de LiquidFrameworks. « La combinaison de l’offre pour le secteur de l’énergie de LiquidFrameworks, axée sur le terrain, avec la suite de services sur le terrain de ServiceMax, centrée sur les actifs, n’aura pas d’égal sur le marché. Nous sommes déterminés à aider les entreprises à concrétiser les promesses de la transformation numérique. »

« Nous sommes fiers de la croissance et du développement qu’a connu la société LiquidFrameworks au cours de notre partenariat d’investissement, car l’entreprise a fourni une offre SaaS différenciée et stratégique qui a aidé les clients de l’industrie du pétrole, du gaz et des services industriels à réagir rapidement et à naviguer efficacement sur le chemin de la transformation numérique », a déclaré Hollie Haynes, directrice associée chez Luminate. « Nous sommes ravis de voir l’entreprise continuer à soutenir ses clients par le biais de cette association avec ServiceMax, renforçant ainsi sa différenciation concurrentielle dans le paysage de la gestion des services sur le terrain », a noté Mark Pierce, un partenaire opérationnel de Luminate qui siège comme président de LiquidFrameworks depuis l’investissement de Luminate.

AGC Partners agit en tant que conseiller financier et Kirkland & Ellis LLP en tant que conseiller juridique de LiquidFrameworks et Luminate. Centerview Partners agit en tant que conseiller financier et Ropes & Gray LLP en tant que conseiller juridique de ServiceMax.

À propos de ServiceMax
La mission de ServiceMax est d’aider les clients à faire tourner le monde grâce à un logiciel de gestion des services sur le terrain centré sur les actifs. En tant que leader reconnu dans ce domaine, les applications mobiles et le logiciel Cloud de ServiceMax offrent une vue complète des actifs aux équipes de service sur le terrain. En optimisant les opérations de service sur le terrain, les clients de tous les secteurs d’activité peuvent mieux gérer la complexité du service, soutenir une croissance plus rapide et gérer des entreprises plus rentables et axées sur les résultats. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site

À propos de LiquidFrameworks
LiquidFrameworks est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions mobiles de gestion des opérations sur le terrain, basées sur le Cloud, destinées aux secteurs de l’énergie, de l’industrie et des services environnementaux. La solution FieldFX® de LiquidFrameworks offre aux entreprises de nombreux avantages, notamment une augmentation et une accélération de la génération de revenus, une augmentation de la trésorerie, un plus grand respect des contrats, une meilleure précision des factures et une amélioration de la réactivité vis-à-vis des clients. La société LiquidFrameworks est basée à Houston, au Texas. Pour participer à la conversation, suivez @LquidFrameworks sur Twitter.

À propos de Luminate Capital
Luminate Capital Partners est une société de capital-investissement qui investit dans des entreprises de logiciels en pleine expansion. Luminate s’associe aux équipes de direction pour fournir des capitaux afin de stimuler l’amélioration de la stratégie, de la croissance et des opérations. Le portefeuille d’entreprises leaders du marché de Luminate comprend également AMTdirect, AutoQuotes, Axonify, Compliance & Risks, Comply365, Conexiom, Fintech, LiquidFrameworks, MSI, Oversight Systems, PDI, Quantivate, StarCompliance et Thought Industries. Pour plus d’informations, consultez le site

Contacts presse

Pour ServiceMax :
[email protected]

Pour LiquidFrameworks :
Emily Rhodes
[email protected]

Pour Luminate :
Chris Tofalli
Chris Tofalli, Relations publiques,
[email protected]


Police minister announces increased policing in phoenix to improve safety and end vigilante acts

Police Minister, General Bheki Cele says a team of 10 detectives has been assembled to investigate the deaths of 20 people, killed in Phoenix northwest of Durban, during the failed insurrection that saw mass looting and violence in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal.

80 public order police officers have been deployed to assist local police and work together with members of the South African National Defence Force, to keep all residents and property safe.

Cele has urged Phoenix residents not to allow criminal elements to highjack their efforts of trying to protect themselves.

“Residents have the right to defend themselves within the law, but if we hear that people are being racially profiled at roadblocks set up in the area; were people trying to access Phoenix, including police, are being intimidated, violated and in extreme cases people are being beaten up, and their cars are searched and torched is simply criminal and won’t be tolerated, police will not negotiate with criminals, those who commit these criminal acts will be found and dealt with, regardless of who they are and where they come from.”

Meanwhile, Minister Cele embarked on a series of community engagements on Saturday 17 July 2021, to address the killing of the twenty people and ongoing violence. The interaction with community members laid bare claims of racial tensions, vigilante acts, the role of some private security companies as well as policing shortcomings being some of the elements fuelling the instability in the area.

Minister Cele urged residents of Phoenix and neighbouring settlements of Bhambayi, Umaoti and Zwelisha, to form a community grouping that works with the South African Police Service at district level, to rebuild the broken community relations and bring about peace and social cohesion.

The District Commissioner of the area has been tasked to assemble a ‘Peace Committee’; made up of community representatives who will work towards addressing racial tensions and crime challenges in Phoenix and neighbouring settlements.

The team of investigators will also focus their work on the alleged involvement of the local SAPS members and private security companies in the violence in the area.

Source: South African Police Service

Station operations yielded good results

Ngqamakhwe Police were busy with the operations when they recieved an information about a woman who is selling liquor at Qolweni Location outside Ngqamakwe last night.

Police followed up an information they received and went to a house at Qolweni Location and found a 54-year-old woman selling liquor during level 4 in terms of Disaster Management Act. Police arrested her and liquor was confiscated.

They then followed other information about a 39-year-old male that selling drugs at Hlobo Location, Ngqamakwe. They searched him and found five quarters of mandrax tablets and seven straws of TIK. They immediately arrested him and charged for possession and dealing in drugs.

They are due to appear at Ngqamakhwe Magistrate court on Monday.

Source: South African Police Service

Man found in possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition

The police have arrested the 33-year-old man for possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition. This is after he was stopped at a roadblock and firearm found inside his carry bag when police were searching him.

On 16 July 2021 at about 20:30 the police were conducting a roadblock on the N3 near Harrismith. They pulled off on the bay a blue VW Polo with registration number NUZ. There were four occupants inside the vehicle.

Every occupant was requested to carry his or her own luggage. Apparently one of the passenger’s luggage was searched and police official found the black and silver 9mm Parabellum pistol with serial numbers visible, 15 live ammunition and magazine. The man also failed to provide police with firearm license.

Therefore, the 33 years old man arrested and detained in police holding cells.

The suspect is expected to appear before Harrismith Magistrate court on Monday, 19 July 2021 facing charges of possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

“The effectiveness of this road block this past few days, 9its evidence that as a province we are having all hands on the deck with support of all law enforce the agencies in the province.” Said the Provincial Commissioner for Free State, Lt Gen Baile Motswenyane.

Source: South African Police Service