More firearms recovered in the Nyanga Cluster

WESTERN CAPE -Integrated and focused operations conducted in the Nyanga Cluster Precinct continue to result in significant successes. Two illegal firearms were recovered last night in Nyanga and Samora Machel areas.

On Saturday, 10 July 2021 at about 19:00, Lockdown II members conducted an intelligence driven operation at a premises in Rose Street, Heinz Park, Philippi East after receiving information about firearms. The members searched the house and found a 35-year-old in possession of a prohibited firearm and 17 rounds of ammunition. He was arrested and is expected to appear in the Athlone Magistrates court on Monday, 12 July 2021 on charges of possession of prohibited firearm and possession of ammunition.

The second firearm, a revolver was recovered from a suspect in Govan Mbeki Road, Nyanga. Members were patrolling in the area when they spotted the suspicious looking suspect. They searched him and found him in possession of an unlicensed firearm and six rounds. The 33-year-old suspect was also arrested and detained. He is expected to appear in the Athlone Magistrates court on Monday, 12 July 2021 on charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition.

In an unrelated incident on Friday, 09 July 2021 at about 18:40, members of Lockdown II conducted patrols at Klipfontein Road, Cross Roads, next to the New Rest Shacks when they arrested two suspects aged 27 and 34 on charges of tampering with infrastructure and malicious damage to property and possession of a dangerous weapon.

Source: South African Police Service

Two suspects arrested whilst one is at large

EASTERN CAPE – SAPS detectives are searching for a suspect believed to be involved in a shooting incident on Saturday night, 10July 2021 at about 20:30, nearby Indoor Sport Centre at Highway, Mdantsane.

According to the reports, SAPS members were patrolling in the area when they heard a shooting in the vicinity. On investigation the police found two men, one of whom was already deceased whilst the other was injured. As they were still focusing on the incident, the police were confronted by three (3) suspects who appeared and fired gunshots at the police. An exchange of gunfire ensued which left one of the suspects fatally wounded whilst the other was injured. The third suspect fled the scene without trace.

The circumstances surrounding the incident are still unclear at this stage, however the police have opened murder, attempted murder and Inquest dockets for investigation. Two (2) suspects in their 30’s have been arrested and are currently receiving medical attention in hospital for the injuries sustained.

Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the outstanding suspect is requested to please make contact with Mdantsane Police Station or call the Crime Stop Number 08600 10 111. All the information received will be treated with confidentiality.

Source: South African Police Service

Adjusted Alert Level 4 extended for further two weeks

South Africa will over the next two weeks remain on Adjusted Alert Level 4 of the COVID-19 regulations, albeit with minor adjustments, President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced.

Among the adjustments was that schools would now reopen on 26 July, a week later than initially planned. Restaurants will now be able to serve patrons but not host more than 50 customers at a time. Smaller restaurants will have to keep to a maximum of 50% of its capacity.

Addressing the nation, the President said for the last two weeks, the country had consistently recorded an average of nearly 20 000 daily new cases. As of Sunday, the country had over 200 000 active COVID cases.

“In the last two weeks, over 4 200 South Africans have lost their lives to COVID-19,” he said.

Gauteng, he said, continues to be the country’s epicentre, accounting for more than half of new infections. However, cases were rapidly increasing in the Western Cape, Limpopo, North West and KwaZulu-Natal.

“Our health system countrywide remains under pressure. Daily hospital admissions across the country are likely to reach the levels observed during the peak of the first two waves. COVID-19 related deaths in hospitals are also increasing,” he said.

Deaths in hospitals had already surpassed those observed at the peak of the first two waves.

Until 25 July, all social, political, religious and other gatherings would remain prohibited as would the curfew between 9pm and 4am.

Only those with permission to do so may leave their homes during this time. The sale of alcohol also remains prohibited.

“Schools will remain closed until the 26th of July.

“It remains mandatary in other words, compulsory to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth. Whenever you are in public.

Other adjustments to the alert level include that gyms and fitness centres would now open while activities such as agricultural livestock and game auctions could proceed, subject to the conditions outlined in regulations, since the onset of the pandemic.

SA guided by advice of experts

The President reiterated that the country’s response had been guided by the latest available evidence and advice of experts.

“And this is what we know; we know that reducing the instances where people are in close proximity to others helps to contain infections.

“We know that the Coronavirus spreads at funerals, in office meetings, at parties and family occasions, and restaurants, and that is why we have Adjusted Alert Level 4. We have had to prohibit religious, social and political gatherings. We also know that as more people move the virus moves with them, and spreads,” he said.

“We know that curfews reduce movement and limits the late night social gatherings that increase the potential for transmission. We know that restrictions on alcohol sales reduce the number of admissions at hospitals and emergency rooms with alcohol related trauma, such as motor vehicle accidents and interpersonal violence.”

Reducing alcohol frees up hospitals

He said reducing alcohol harm frees up much needed capacity in health facilities to deal with COVID-19 cases, saying alcohol abuse was also associated with gatherings and non-adherence to public health regulations.

“At the same time, we know and recognize the vital contribution of the alcohol industry to our economy,” he said.

Ultimately, he said, the most important measures to limit transmissions are those that are within an individual’s control.

“The Delta variant is more transmissible. We need to be far more diligent in following the basic precautions with which we are all familiar with, as we implement measures to limit the number of infections. We are acting to protect as many people as possible through vaccination.”

SA’s vaccination programme

Turning attention to the country’s vaccination programme, President Ramaphosa said this was expanding.

To date, over 4.2 million people in South Africa have received a vaccine dose, with one million of these having been done over the past seven weekdays.

“The pace of vaccination has more than doubled in the last month, and will continue to increase,” he said.

Presently, South Africa was on average inoculating 190 000 each weekday.

The President said government and the private sector were working together in an unprecedented way to build additional capacity to vaccinate many more people a day.

Currently, the vaccination programme is administering jabs on the 60+ and 50+ age groups.

From Thursday, the over 35 age group will be able to register on the Electronic Vaccination Data System and begin getting vaccinations on 1 August.

The programme was also inoculating essential workers in basic education, the police and the defence force.

“We are working to ensure that vaccination sites are located closer to where people live to make it easier for them. We will continue to work with community, religious and traditional leaders to mobilise communities to get vaccinated,” the President said.

Plans are in place in all provinces to expand many sites to vaccinate either six or seven days of the week.

He said this would be achieved by the provision of funds for overtime and the recruitment of additional medical staff and health science students.

President Ramaphosa urged all those who qualify for vaccination to pre-register to speed up the process at vaccination sites.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Gauteng pilots taxi rank Covid19 vaccination registration drive, 12 Jul

Gauteng MEC Jacob Mamabolo will on Monday, 12 July 2021, lead a pilot Vaccination Registration Drive at the Esangweni Taxi Rank in Thembisa, Ekurhuleni.

This is part of the provincial government’s COVID19 vaccination drive to encourage eligible persons to register for vaccination.

The objective of the pilot programme, to be rolled out in partnership with the provincial Department of Health, is aimed at assisting eligible commuters and taxi operators to register for their COVID-19 vaccination.

Currently, persons aged 50 years and older are eligible for vaccination, whilst registration for the 35-49 cohort will be opened on 15 July 2021.

Source: Government of South Africa

Government offers UIF COVID-19 TERS to affected sectors

President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that government has decided to avail the COVID-19 TERS to sectors hardest hit by the Adjusted Alert Level 4 COVID-19 restrictions.

“Despite the economic impact of these restrictions, we need to appreciate that it is the pandemic itself that poses the greatest threat to economic recovery,” said the President, while addressing the nation on the country’s progress in the national effort to contain the pandemic.

He said a prolonged period of uncontrolled infections would cause far greater economic damage than the restrictions put in place, disrupting production and deterring people from venturing out to entertainment venues and public spaces.

“We recognise, however, that these restrictions have had consequences for individuals, for households, and for businesses that were already under pressure before the pandemic.

“We remain committed to do all that we can to mitigate the impact of the lockdown on people’s livelihoods,” he said.

Following the move to Adjusted Alert Level 4, he said the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) embarked on negotiations with social partners to address the difficulties that employees who lost income under these restrictions faced.

On the basis of these discussions, the UIF decided that the COVID-19 TERS scheme should be extended to sectors that are affected by Adjusted Alert Level 4 restrictions.

“The details of the extension will be published shortly following the finalisation of the full scheme, which will include further details on who is eligible for this support,” he said.

Since its inception last year, the COVID-19 TERS scheme has already provided more than R60 billion to protect the jobs of 5.5 million workers.

In addition, Cabinet has decided that all business licenses and permits that expired between March 2020 and June 2021 will remain valid until 31 December 2022.

New business licenses or permits that are issued from 1 July will also be valid until 31 December 2022, and no license fee will be payable.

“This will provide some relief to small businesses,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

President Cyril Ramaphosa addresses the nation at 20h00 on developments in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 11 Jul

President Cyril Ramaphosa will address the nation at 20h00 today, Sunday, 11 July 2021, on developments in the country’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The President’s address will follow meetings of the National Coronavirus Command Council, the President’s Coordinating Council and Cabinet which are taking place during the course of the day.

As South Africa rolls out its COVID–19 vaccination programme, government and social partners are continuously monitoring infection, treatment and patient recovery rates as well as compliance with health regulations and other prevention measures.

The President’s address will be broadcast and streamed on a range of platforms that are accessible to South Africans and international audiences.

The SABC will provide a live feed for all media.

Source: Government of South Africa