Teachers and staff urged to get vaccinated

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has urged educators and staff to go to the vaccination sites to get their Johnson & Johnson vaccine injections during the sectors’ final week of the vaccination rollout.

In a statement on Monday, the department said the vaccination programme in basic education continued, even after schools went on an early recess last Friday, following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement that the country would move to Adjusted Alert Level 4.

The department announced that more than 333 000 teachers and support staff have since been vaccinated since the campaign started on 23 June 2021.

“Phase 1 targeted 300 000 to be vaccinated within the first 10 days of the programme. This target was based on the number of doses allocated of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to the sector.

“By the end of day 1 of the sector’s vaccination programme, the Basic Education sector had vaccinated a total of 48 000 of the Phase 1 target. By 01 July 2021, over 100% (300 052) of the Phase 1 target had been met across the nine provinces or within 9 days of commencing Phase 1, [with] a total of 300 052 educators and non-teaching staff had been vaccinated,” the department said.

Additional 289 000 vaccine doses received

The department also reported that the sector has received an additional 289 000 doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and these enables the sector to reach its overall target of vaccinating 582 564 educators and non-teaching staff.

“The Basic Education sector will continue to administer the remaining doses of the vaccine to cover the remaining 282 512 staff. In addition, support staff from independent schools, food handlers, screeners, cleaners and Early Childhood Development (ECD) practitioners will be included in the roll out programme,” the department said.

The department reiterated its call to all educators and staff to follow the schedules in each district, in order to ensure a smooth roll-out of the [vaccination] programme.

Hesitancy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines

Meanwhile, the department said it is aware of hesitancy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines, and the sector is working closely with teacher unions, School Governing Bodies (SGBs) and other stakeholders to address it.

“The Basic Education sector is engaging experts and leaders of the faith based groups to address vaccine hesitancy in the sector. Getting the vaccine provides you with one layer of protection – you still need to continue wearing a mask, washing or sanitizing your hands and keeping physical distance from others.

“Together, these provide you with a complete package of protection. Vaccination is voluntary – the Basic Education sector will never force you to take it. You can, however, save yourself and help save others by choosing vaccination,” the department said.

The department said the sector vaccination programme will remain open during the week of 5-9 July 2021, where educators and staff can get vaccinated at their nearest vaccination designated site.

Their schools has the information on the nearest vaccination site.

Why getting the vaccines is important to you

• All vaccines used in South Africa have been tested and approved by South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), an entity of the National Department of Health created by government with the responsibility to regulate health products in the country.

• Getting the vaccine will protect you from severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

• When you are vaccinated, your immune system will recognize the virus quickly when you get infected with COVID-19 and prevents you from being severely ill or from dying.

• Get vaccinated, you will be doing it for yourself and your loved ones.

• When we collectively take the decision to get vaccinated, we take a step closer to returning to getting back to life as we knew it.

• Leaders in Government, Teacher Unions, faith-based and other sectors have already received the vaccine.

• Fake news and conspiracy theories are part of all vaccination programmes – always listen to the experts and the scientists.

For more information on the vaccination rollout, call the COVID-19 call centre on 0800 029 999.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Tribute for Dr Kenneth Kaunda

Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Nathi Mthethwa, has paid tribute to former President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, for fighting against colonial rule on the continent and the world.

Addressing the Kenneth Kaunda Tribute Webinar on Monday, the Minister described the founding President of Zambia as a great leader who fought for the defence of peace, independence and security in Africa and the world.

“In international platforms, Dr Kaunda always expressed his determination to fight for the freedom of all oppressed African nations and all other nations of the world,” Mthethwa said.

Kaunda passed away on 17 June, at the age of 97. He was laid to rest on Friday.

Government through the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and its agency, the National Heritage Council (NHC) in partnership with Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) hosted the Kenneth Kaunda Tribute Webinar Hosted under the theme: “Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Dr Kenneth Kaunda”.

The webinar paid homage to Kaunda for being an outstanding African leader.

“Though Kaunda’s philosophy was a non-violent one, he at the same time supported those who chose armed resistance as a legitimate pillar of struggle. Under his leadership, the people of Zambia opened their country to those who were fleeing oppression and hosted leaders of Liberation Movements. This came at enormous cost, because of their difficult geographical situation,” the Minister said.

Mthethwa commended Kaunda for the role he played in South Africa’s freedom and independence.

“South Africa, like many of the then frontline States, owes her freedom and independence to this gallant statesman, a jovial man, a creative worker, a sportsman and, above all, a true and sincere African liberator. The well-regarded legacies of Zambia, which is not commonly known or spoken about is that Zambia has also been the country of residence for more future Presidents of African countries than have been produced by any other country in Africa,” the Minister said.

These include the late President Milton Obote of Uganda, the late President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, all the three Presidents of Namibia, President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, President Bingo wa Mutharika of Malawi, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe.

The following second in command, of the State are the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo of Zimbabwe and Deputy President Baleka Mbete of South Africa.

“Whilst he was never President of State, it is worth mentioning the great Oliver Reginald Tambo, the ANC’s longest serving President since its formation over 100 years ago, and who oversaw it through its most difficult period, also lived in Zambia.

“Kaunda made it abundantly clear that Zambia’s support and participation in the Liberation Struggle, was not based on a desire to make social, economic and political investments.

“Rather, it was simply doing what was morally correct and therefore should not concern themselves with the question of whether or not there would be eventual rewards for the Zambian sacrifices,” the Minister said.

He said Kaunda was a dedicated Pan Africanist and a citizen of the world whose mission on planet earth was unity to humanity.

African Union Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development, Amira Elfadil, said Kuanda was a pioneer leader and a dedicated Pan-Africanist committed to ending colonial rule in Africa.

“We recognise his endless dream of having Africa as a united continent with sustainable peace, security and a strong cultural identity.

“Kaunda was a strong supporter of the HIV/AIDS response and showed great leadership and courage in raising awareness and contributing to the fight against HIV/AIDS, related to stigma in the early days of the pandemic in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region and on the continent,” Elfadil said.

She credited Kaunda for being inspirational and innovative in the arts, culture, heritage and sports sector.

“In the liberation struggle there was a common song that used to be sung by freedom fighters in many countries in Southern Africa… it was let us walk together with one heart. It was written by Kaunda about the independence he hoped to achieve. This is one of the songs that was well known by the public but he composed several other songs as well.

“He also has had a love for football as he had the national team for Zambia named after him the KK11. The Zambian national football team was known for its performance in the global football arena and he was always ready to support the young players to achieve their dreams,” Elfadil said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Minister urges unions to return to the wage negotiations

Public Service and Administration Minister Senzo Mchunu has appealed to labour unions that have left the public sector wage negotiations at the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council to return to the table.

Government, he said, respects all the unions represented at the chamber.

Addressing the media virtually on Monday, Mchunu said government is doing everything in its power to have the matter resolved amicable.

“We want to appeal to them to reconsider their decisions. We have a country to run, at any given time we have to find a way to find one another,” he said.

Mchunu assured public servants that their jobs are secured and that there will be no salary cuts.

Government is offering 1.5 percent increase and the unions are demanding a consumer price index (CPI) increase, which is projected at 3.1%, plus 4% across the board on the cost-of-living adjustment.

“Government is trying its best in these difficult financial conditions. We would like to urge all the unions to consider what we are offering now, this is a reasonable offer,” Mchunu said, adding that there are no conditions attached to the offer.

Government and Organised Labour in Council are trying to resolve the impasse through the constitutionally recognised process of collective bargaining.

In April this year, talks between the government and the unions resumed at the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council for the State’s negotiators to respond to workers’ demands.

There are eight unions representing 1.2 million State employees in national and provincial government departments. These are Nehawu, Denosa, Hospersa, Naptosa, Popcru, PSA, Sadtu and Sapu.

The Public Servant Association has opted not to participate in the ongoing facilitation process and has resorted to making public statements which are neither responsible nor constructive and not in the interests of the public servants in the public service.

In April, Mchunu announced that government had appointed an independent facilitator to ensure that negotiations succeed.

At the time, Mchunu urged both government and the unions involved in the negotiations to go beyond “demands” and arrive at solutions.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Algoa Park detectives hunt murder and attempted murder suspects

GQEBERHA – SAPS Algoa Park detectives are on the hunt for suspects allegedly involved in a murder and attempted murder which took place on Sunday afternoon, 04 July 2021 in Missionvale.

It is alleged that at about 16:30, a 22-year-old male was shot (in his thigh) in Phoenix Street in Missionvale while his friend, Lee- Roy Erasmus (30) ran to his house in Record Street to escape the two suspects. The suspects chased after him and followed him into his house. Erasmus jumped through the window and fell through the roof of a shack at the back of the house. The suspects shot him multiple times in the shack. He died at the scene.

The suspects are unknown at this stage and police are investigating a case of murder and attempted murder.

Police are appealing to anyone who can provide any information relating to the motive or the whereabouts of the suspects to contact D/W/O Errol Kleinhans on 082 302 6419 or SAPS Algoa Park on 041 4011061 or Crime Stop 08600 10111 or their nearest police station. All information is confidential and callers may remain anonymous.

Source: South African Police Service

Boyfriend arrested after murdering his girlfriend

ELLIOTDALE – A 35-year-old male from Gusi Administrative area, Mount Plesent Location outside Elliotdale has been arrested last night following the missing person case that is being investigated by the Detectives.

The arrest follows after a 34-year-old woman was reported missing at Elliotdale SAPS beginning of June 2021. It is alleged that the woman went missing while she visited her boyfriend in Elliotdale and never returned home. Thorough investigation led to the arrest of his boyfriend for murdering her in June 2021. Upon investigation Police found out that he murdered his girlfriend and he pointed out the scene of crime where the deceased remains were found. He was immediately arrested and charged for Murder.

The suspect is appearing at Elliotdale Magistrate Court on Tuesday, 06 July 2021.

The District Commissioner Brigadier Ngangema Xakavu said this sends a strong message to perpetrators that we will continue fighting the scourge of Gender Based Violence and Femicide in our area and we will left no stone unturned in ensuring that perpetrators are behind bars and facing the full might of law.

Source: South African Police Service

Operation Vhuthu Hawe yielded positive results

EASTERN CAPE – Operation Vhuthu Hawe conducted at Chris Hani policing precinct under the command of Ngcobo Station Commander Lt Colonel Xolani Sali over the weekend yielded positive results.

Operation was conducted focusing in Covind 19 Regulations, drug trafficking and in enhancing high visibility around Dalasile and Engcobo

Total of 16 suspects were arrested for various charges:

03 were arrested in possession of firearm and ammunition

02 were arrested in possession of drugs while 11 suspects were arrested under Disaster Management Act

Livestock and dangerous weapons were also confiscated

Acting District Commissioner Brigadier Pumla Mavuka thanked all the foot soldiers that were involved during the operations.

Source: South African Police Service