La suite de The Globe and Mail remporte un Digiday Media Award

Digiday décerne le prix de la meilleure plateforme d’éditeurs à, une suite d’outils d’automatisation, d’optimisation et de prévision basés sur l’intelligence artificielle et développés par The Globe and Mail

TORONTO, 29 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, le moteur d’automatisation et de prévision basé sur l’intelligence artificielle de The Globe and Mail, a remporté le prix Digiday Media 2021 dans la catégorie « Meilleure plateforme d’éditeurs », un prix qui récompense la technologie la plus efficace pour aider les éditeurs à atteindre leurs objectifs.

« L’intelligence artificielle est une technologie essentielle pour aider les éditeurs à ajouter une valeur authentique aux articles, car elle permet de mesurer leur succès par des moyens autres que le nombre de pages consultées et la viralité. Par exemple, Sophi est en mesure de fournir des données sur l’impact de chaque article de The Globe and Mail sur la rétention des abonnés ainsi que leur acquisition, leur potentiel d’inscription et les retombées publicitaires. En outre, pour déployer efficacement l’apprentissage automatique, environ 10 % des effectifs de The Globe and Mail sont désormais des experts de la science et de l’ingénierie des données, recrutés pour développer Sophi et faire progresser davantage encore la stratégie », selon Digiday.

Ces prix récompensent les sociétés, les technologies et les campagnes qui se sont démarquées dans les médias au cours de l’année écoulée. « Cette année, la concurrence a été rude, et les programmes solides. L’innovation et les grandes idées ont élargi le terrain de jeu pour de nombreux gagnants, même au cours d’une année où les confinements ont limité les lieux et modes de travail (et de jeu) des uns et des autres », pour Digiday.

Phillip Crawley, éditeur et PDG de The Globe and Mail, a commenté ainsi cette récompense : « C’est un honneur d’avoir été choisi comme lauréat du Media Award de Digiday pour la Meilleure plateforme d’éditeurs. Nous ne sommes pas souvent face aux entreprises œuvrant dans les médias et le marketing, mais nos investissements dans Sophi ont été motivés par le fait que notre technologie peut directement stimuler la performance et la croissance économique des entreprises d’un large éventail de secteurs d’activité. »

Les autres finalistes de la catégorie « Meilleure plateforme d’éditeurs » étaient : Piano, Connatix, Insticator, Duration Media et Adapex LLC.

Sophi est un système d’intelligence artificielle qui aide les éditeurs à identifier leur contenu le plus précieux et à en tirer parti. Il possède de puissantes capacités prévisionnelles : en s’appuyant sur le traitement automatique du langage naturel, Sophi Dynamic Paywall, un moteur de péage de lecture numérique entièrement dynamique, personnalisé et en temps réel, analyse le contenu et le comportement de l’utilisateur afin de déterminer quand demander de l’argent ou une adresse e-mail à un lecteur, et quand le laisser tranquille.

Sophi Site Automation gère de manière autonome le contenu numérique pour trouver et promouvoir les articles les plus précieux. Il place 99 % de ce contenu sur toutes les pages numériques de The Globe and Mail, y compris sa page d’accueil et ses pages de section. Sophi connaît un tel succès qu’il est désormais également utilisé dans le cadre de la mise en page pour impression. Sophi est disponible pour les éditeurs du monde entier afin de permettre à leurs producteurs de contenu de se concentrer sur la création du meilleur contenu possible.

Début juin, Sophi a remporté les Global Media Awards 2021 de l’International News Media Association (INMA) dans les catégories « Meilleure solution de l’exposition en Amérique du Nord » et « Meilleure utilisation des données pour automatiser ou personnaliser ». Sophi a également remporté le Online Journalism Award (OJA) pour l’Innovation technique au service du journalisme numérique, remis par la Online News Association (ONA), ainsi que le World Digital Media Award et le North American Digital Media Award décernés par The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) dans la catégorie « Meilleure start-up de la presse numérique ».

À propos de ( est une suite d’outils d’optimisation et de prévision basés sur l’IA qui aide les éditeurs de contenu à prendre des décisions stratégiques et tactiques importantes. Les solutions de Sophi vont de Sophi Site Automation et Sophi for Paywalls à Sophi Analytics, un système d’aide à la décision pour les éditeurs de contenu. Sophi vise à améliorer les mesures qui comptent le plus pour toute entreprise, telles que la rétention et l’acquisition d’abonnés, l’engagement, la récence, la fréquence et le volume.

Jamie Rubenovitch
Responsable marketing,
The Globe and Mail
[email protected] da The Globe and Mail Conquista o Digiday Media Award

A Digiday premia a Melhor Plataforma de Editoras,, uma suíte de ferramentas de automação, otimização e previsão alimentadas por inteligência artificial desenvolvida pela The Globe and Mail

TORONTO, June 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, o mecanismo de previsão e automação com base em inteligência artificial da The Globe and Mail, conquistou o prêmio de Melhor Plataforma de Editoras de 2021 da Digiday Media Award que homenageia a tecnologia de maior sucesso que ajuda as editoras a alcançarem seus objetivos.

“A IA é uma tecnologia essencial para ajudar os editores a agregar valor autêntico às histórias — estendendo sua medida de sucesso além das visualizações de página e da viralidade. Por exemplo, a Sophi fornece dados de quanto cada artigo da The Globe and Mail contribui para a retenção de assinantes, aquisição, potencial de registro e dólares de publicidade. Além disso, para implementar efetivamente o aprendizado de máquina, cerca de 10% da força de trabalho da The Globe and Mail agora são cientistas e engenheiros de dados, contratados para desenvolver e expandir ainda mais a estratégia a Sophi”, disse Digiday.

Os prêmios homenageiam empresas, tecnologias e campanhas que se destacaram em toda a mídia no ano passado. “Este ano, a competição foi acirrada e os programas robustos. A inovação e as grandes ideias expandiram o campo de jogo para muitos dos vencedores, mesmo em um ano em que as quarentenas limitavam o local e como as pessoas podiam trabalhar — e jogar”, disse Digiday.

Phillip Crawley, Editor e CEO da The Globe and Mail, comentou: “É uma honra termos sido escolhidos como o vencedor do Digiday Media Award de Melhor Plataforma de Editoras. Nem sempre enfrentamos empresas nos setores de mídia e marketing, mas nossos investimentos na Sophi foram impulsionados pelo entendimento de que nossa tecnologia pode incentivar diretamente o desempenho e o crescimento econômico de empresas em uma grande variedade de setores.”

Os outros finalistas na categoria Melhor Plataforma de Editoras foram: Piano, Connatix, Insticator, Duration Media e Adapex LLC.

A Sophi é um sistema de inteligência artificial que ajuda os editores a identificar e aproveitar seu conteúdo mais valioso. Com recursos preditivos potentes que usam o processamento de linguagem natural, o Sophi Dynamic Paywall, é um mecanismo de paywall totalmente dinâmico, em tempo real e personalizado que analisa o conteúdo e o comportamento do usuário para determinar quando solicitar dinheiro ou um endereço de e-mail de um leitor e quando deixá-lo em paz.

Sophi Site Automation organiza autonomamente conteúdo digital para encontrar e promover os artigos mais valiosos. Ele coloca 99% do conteúdo em todas as páginas digitais da The Globe and Mail, incluindo sua página inicial e páginas de seções. A Sophi está tendo tanto sucesso que agora está sendo usada para o laydown de impressão também. A Sophi está disponível para editores em todo o mundo para permitir que seus produtores de conteúdo se concentrem na criação do melhor conteúdo possível.

No início deste mês, Sophi recebeu o Global Media Awards de 2021 da International News Media Association (Inma) de Melhor do Show na América do Norte e Melhor Uso de Dados para Automatização ou Personalização. A Sophi também foi vencedora do Online Journalism Award (OJA) por Inovação Técnica no Serviço de Jornalismo Digital, concedido pela Online News Association (ONA), e do World Digital Media Award e do North American Digital Media Award concedido pela The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) na categoria de Melhor Start-up de Notícias Digitais.

Sobre a

A ( é uma suíte de ferramentas de otimização e previsão com base em IA que ajuda os editores de conteúdo a tomar decisões estratégicas e táticas importantes. As soluções Sophi variam desde a Sophi Site Automation até Sophi for Paywalls e Sophi Analytics, um sistema de suporte à decisão para editores de conteúdo. A Sophi foi projetada para aprimorar as métricas que mais importam para qualquer empresa, como retenção e aquisição de assinantes, engajamento, recentidade, frequência e volume.

Jamie Rubenovitch
Dirigente de Marketing,
The Globe and Mail
[email protected]

Youth urged to be resilient and conquer challenges

Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu has rallied the youth to be resilient in the face of the challenges currently besetting the country, saying this would propel the country to greater heights.

The Minister on Wednesday hosted a dialogue on youth sustainability during COVID-19. During the dialogue, various youth who have received social development services spoke about how they had been impacted by the pandemic.

“[You] have to be resilient,” she said. “Your being here is a testimony to the work that you do not only in your own families, in your own homes or in your streets but the work that you do from your communities.”

She reiterated President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Youth Day message of patriotism. In his address, the President asked the youth to be patriotic, committed and consistent.

“This requires hard work. He [President Ramaphosa] said you are a generation that is born into democracy and therefore you must take greater interest in the development and destiny of your own country,” Zulu said.

She said while the country faced challenges of low economic growth, high rates of youth unemployment, skills development, economic empowerment, among others, the youth could not moan and groan.

“I think what I’m mostly excited about today is the fact that most of the young people who spoke today didn’t come here to moan and groan and say so and so is not doing this for us,” she said.

“All of them individually they came here to say we see a challenge, we see a problem, and this is what we’re doing about it. We are looking for government to create a conducive environment in order for us to be able to work.”

In such platforms, she said it was important that government departments and agencies be on hand to share services and products that would contribute to youth upliftment.

“Invite the private sector because the building of this country is not only for government, it is for everybody to contribute to this building of this country,” said Zulu.

She urged the youth to gain as much knowledge as possible as they embark on their respective journeys.

The notion of today’s youth being a lost generation needed to be debunked.

“I don’t believe in that. I believe that you are facing new challenges that need you to be resilient, that need you to look at the opportunities around you,” she said.

It was pleasing to hear how speakers had benefitted from government programmes and they had in turn pursued their businesses.

“I want to say to you that it’s important for you to understand and appreciate the strategies, the plans and the implementation plans of government, the plans that we have for helping people to change their lives, their creation of the conducive environment for you to do that.”

She called on the youths to analyse the District Development Model, which helps the country understand a district’s economy, its challenges and opportunities.

“Know your district, know its capabilities and possibilities, know the business that is around your district and go to the offices of local government to find out what is it that you can do in order for you to be supported in all the programs that were clearly stipulated and articulated by all of you here,” she said.

The youth, she said, were the country’s future and should not undermine their capability to contributing in building a better South Africa.

“But first and foremost, focus on building yourself through behavioral change. When you see that things are not coming right, go out and get the information, influence others around you for a behavioral change,” she said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Committee warns against deviations, expansions in public sector

The Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (Scopa), Mkhuleko Hlengwa, has warned about potential abuse of government supply chain systems through the use of deviations and expansions policy to dodge thorough procurement processes in the public sector.

The warning follows a Scopa hearing held with Eskom on Tuesday, regarding deviations and expansions of contracts at the entity.

The committee raised concerns that these should not be the norm or used for short cuts in procurement.

“We take exception on the issue of deviations and expansions which has become a norm at Eskom. This must be the last resort and applied in exceptional circumstances when every necessary option has been tried. There is a concerning trend we have been observing on the abuse of this process to circumvent due and thorough processes,” Hlengwa said.

Hlengwa said the presence of deviations and expansions in law and statutes did not make this practice a norm, and warned officials against creating self-made crisis and emergencies in order to resort to deviations and expansions.

“We need to be convinced that there was no other recourse than to apply to the National Treasury for deviations,” he said.

The chairperson said the committee will schedule more engagement with Eskom to continue deliberations on the subject of deviations and expansions.

The committee welcomed cooperation from the National Treasury and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to provide more details.

Scopa also received an investigation report from the Eskom board into allegations of racism, breach of process and nepotism against the Group Chief Executive Officer Andre de Ruyter, which found that the allegations could not be substantiated.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Msinsini murder suspect caught operating business in Mondlo

DURBAN: A multi-disciplinary operation was conducted yesterday afternoon at Mondlo. The team was following up information about a suspect who was wanted for the murder of a woman that was committed at Msinsini area.

It is alleged that the suspect killed his girlfriend and fled the area after the incident. The suspect was arrested at his tuck-shop at Madresini area in Mondlo. He was found in possession of his licensed firearm which was also seized by police. The firearm will also be subjected to ballistic testing.

It is alleged that on 16 May 2021 at 22:45, the lifeless body of Nonsindiso Mbhele (34) of Mabheleni area in the south coast was found with open wounds on the head. A case of murder was opened at Msinsini SAPS for investigation. The investigation revealed that the deceased was allegedly assaulted with a blunt object by her boyfriend who fled the area after the incident. The 49-year-old suspect is expected to appear in the Turton Magistrates’ Court on Friday, 2 July 2021.

Source: South African Police Service

NPA internship programme targeting young law graduates

As Youth Month comes to an end, the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) hosted a virtual public webinar to raise awareness about an internship programme targeting young law graduates and people aspired to follow a career in prosecutions and contribute to serving justice for victims of crime.

The Aspirant Prosecutor Programme within the National Prosecutions Service (NPS), assists law graduates in gaining practical prosecutorial experience.

The programme runs for 12-months, and after completion, enables competent candidates to be appointed at entry-level prosecutorial positions in the NPA.

The programme helps to ensure that qualified prosecutors provide additional prosecutorial capacity in the lower courts.

Speaking during an information sharing session on Wednesday, Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions Advocate Rodney de Kock said the NPA is open to doing things differently, and the whole strategic approach they are following is to be innovative.

“I often argue that the way in which you introduce innovation into an institution, particularly an institution like the prosecution that has had its challenges over the last few years, is to ensure that we bring young people with new ideas into the institution,” De Kock said.

He also assured the graduates that when joining the prosecution, they are not going to make photocopies.

“In the prosecution we want to ensure that we value you, we value your contribution, and as young people, we want you to bring your ideas into the prosecution, and this aspirant programme is designed to do that. We will put you into a court and you will prosecute, and you will use the skills that you’ve have developed to be able to do your work,” De Kock said.

To be considered for the programmes, the graduates are expected to meet the requirements, including a South African LLB Degree (Bachelor of Laws) or equivalent foreign qualification, certified by SAQA, which must include Law of Evidence, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure, and Interpretation of Studies courses.

Alternatively, final year LLB students with the courses listed, provided they would have completed the degree before commencement of the programme requirement for one to be considered; and the applicant must be a South African.

Chief Prosecutor, Advocate Daphney Rangaka, said the training is conducted by designated NPA officials at the designated magistrates courts.

“All aspirant prosecutors will receive a monthly stipend for the duration of the programme. The applicable salary level will depend on the amount of relevant experience that the candidate has, but will be within the indicated range, for example, those who have completed articles will be assessed as having more experience and therefore, may be placed at a higher salary than those who have not,” Rangaka explained.

Recruitment process

An advertisement for the internship programme is placed in selected media, NPA website or, and on social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter @NPA¬¬¬¬¬_Prosecutes.

Rangaka urged applicants not to submit the applications, unless the advert is placed.

Programme outcome

Successful applicants receive a minimum of six weeks classroom aspirant prosecutors’ tuition, and thereafter they receive practical in court training, where they conduct real cases in courts, demonstrating their competences and skills.

“Aspirant Prosecutors learn about court ethics and rules of court during trials and outside. During trials, aspirants learn about court proceedings from the court composition, opening statements/putting a charge, examination in chief (presenting the state’s case), cross-examination, address on merits, mitigation and aggravating processes.

“In administration, aspirant prosecutors are taught how to prepare a docket before trial and also what to do with the docket after trial. Further, aspirant prosecutors are taught how to compile monthly returns,” the Advocate explained.

She added that aspirant prosecutors are assessed on a continuous basis to determine their competencies, and before the expiry of the programme, final assessment is conducted on each aspirant prosecutor.

“Only those that are found to be competent may be appointed into entry level prosecutor posts in the NPA.”

Source: South African Government News Agency