Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. annonce la tarification d’une offre publique de 125 millions de dollars de billets de premier rang

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey, 29 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (la « Société » ou « Synchronoss »), un innovateur mondial de premier plan en matière de produits et plateformes numériques, de cloud et de messagerie, a annoncé aujourd’hui la tarification d’un appel public à l’épargne par voie de prise ferme portant sur un capital total supplémentaire de 125 millions de dollars de 8,375 % de billets de premier rang arrivant à échéance en 2026, comprenant le plein exercice par les souscripteurs de l’option d’acheter un capital total supplémentaire de 5 millions de dollars en billets de premier rang. La clôture de l’offre est prévue le, ou aux alentours du 30 juin 2021, sous réserve de la satisfaction aux conditions habituelles.

Synchronoss et les billets de premier rang ont tous reçu la note de BB d’Egan-Jones Ratings Company, une agence de notation indépendante et non affiliée. La Société a demandé à coter les billets de premier rang sur le Nasdaq Global Select Market sous le symbole « SNCRL » et prévoit que les billets commenceront à être négociés dans les 30 jours ouvrés suivant la date de clôture de l’offre, s’ils sont approuvés.

Tous les billets de premier rang de l’offre sont vendus par Synchronoss. Synchronoss prévoit d’utiliser le produit net de l’offre, et de l’offre d’actions ordinaires et de la vente d’actions privilégiées de série B (chacun tel que décrit ci-dessous), pour échanger intégralement tous les titres en circulation des actions privilégiées perpétuelles participantes convertibles de série A et rembourser les encours au titre de la facilité de crédit renouvelable de Synchronoss.

B. Riley Securities, Inc. (« BRS ») agit en tant que seul gestionnaire de livres pour l’offre. Northland Capital Markets, Aegis Capital Corp. et EF Hutton, division de Benchmark Investments, LLC agissent en tant que chefs de file de l’offre.

Parallèlement à l’offre, la Société offre, au moyen d’un supplément de prospectus distinct, 100 millions de dollars de ses actions ordinaires. En outre, B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (« BRPI »), une filiale de BRS, a conclu un accord en vertu duquel BRPI a accepté d’acheter 75 millions de dollars d’actions privilégiées de série B de la Société dans le cadre d’une transaction privée devant être effectuée parallèlement à la clôture de l’offre.

Les billets de premier rang décrits ci-dessus sont proposés par Synchronoss conformément à une déclaration d’inscription préalable sur le formulaire S-3 précédemment déposée auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) et déclarée effective par la SEC le 28 août 2020. Un supplément de prospectus provisoire connexe et décrivant les conditions de l’offre a été déposé auprès de la SEC et est disponible sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse Les conditions finales de l’offre proposée seront exposées dans un supplément final du prospectus qui devra être déposé auprès de la SEC. Des exemplaires du supplément de prospectus final (lorsqu’il sera disponible) et du prospectus qui l’accompagne concernant l’appel public à l’épargne pourront également être obtenus en envoyant une demande à : B. Riley Securities, Inc., 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209 ou en composant le (703) 312-9580 ou en envoyant un e-mail à l’adresse [email protected].

Le présent communiqué de presse ne constitue ni une offre de vente ni la sollicitation d’une offre d’achat de quelconque de ces titres, et aucune vente de ces titres n’aura lieu dans un État ou une juridiction au sein duquel ou de laquelle une telle offre, sollicitation ou vente serait illégale avant son enregistrement ou sa qualification en vertu des lois sur les valeurs mobilières dans un tel État ou une telle juridiction.

À propos de Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché.

Énoncés prospectifs

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des énoncés prospectifs au sens de l’article 21E du Securities Exchange Act de 1934, tel qu’amendé, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, les énoncés concernant la clôture de l’offre publique et l’utilisation prévue du produit de celle-ci. Ces énoncés prospectifs sont assujettis à un certain nombre de risques, comprenant la satisfaction des conditions de clôture habituelles liées à l’offre publique et les facteurs de risque énoncés de temps à autre dans les documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, incluant, sans s’y limiter, les risques décrits dans les sections « Facteurs de risque » (Risk Factors) et « Rapport et analyse par la direction de la situation financière et des résultats opérationnels » (Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations) (selon le cas) du Rapport annuel sur formulaire 10-K de Synchronoss pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020, ainsi que du Rapport trimestriel sur formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos le 31 mars 2021, déposés auprès de la SEC et disponibles sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse Outre les risques décrits ci-dessus et dans les autres documents déposés par Synchronoss auprès de la SEC, d’autres facteurs inconnus ou imprévisibles pourraient également affecter les résultats de Synchronoss. Aucun énoncé prospectif ne peut être garanti et les résultats réels peuvent différer sensiblement de ces énoncés. Les informations contenues dans le présent communiqué de presse sont valables à la date des présentes uniquement, et Synchronoss décline toute obligation de mettre à jour tout énoncé prospectif contenu dans ce communiqué que ce soit à la suite de nouvelles informations, d’événements futurs ou autrement, sauf si la loi l’impose.


Diane Rose
[email protected]


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.
[email protected]

The Globe and Mail’s Wins Digiday Media Award

Digiday awards Best Publisher Platform to, a suite of artificial intelligence-powered automation, optimization and prediction tools developed by The Globe and Mail

TORONTO, June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, The Globe and Mail’s artificial intelligence-based automation and prediction engine, won the 2021 Digiday Media Award for Best Publisher Platform, which recognizes technology that is most successful in helping publishers achieve their goals.

“AI is an essential technology for helping publishers add authentic value to stories — extending their measure of success beyond page views and virality. For example, Sophi is able to provide data on how much each article on The Globe and Mail contributes to subscriber retention, acquisition, registration potential and advertising dollars. Additionally, to effectively deploy machine learning, around 10% of The Globe and Mail’s workforce is now data scientists and engineers, hired to develop Sophi and grow the strategy even further,” Digiday said.

The awards honour companies, technologies and campaigns that have stood out throughout the media over the past year. “This year, the competition was fierce and the programs robust. Innovation and big ideas expanded the playing field for many of the winners, even in a year when quarantines limited where and how people could work — and play,” according to Digiday.

Phillip Crawley, Publisher and CEO of The Globe and Mail, commented: “It’s an honour to be chosen as the winner of Digiday’s Media Award for Best Publisher Platform. We aren’t often up against companies in both the media and marketing industries but our investments in Sophi have been driven by the understanding that our technology can directly drive performance and economic growth for companies across a large range of industries.”

The other finalists in the Best Publisher Platform category were: Piano, Connatix, Insticator, Duration Media and Adapex LLC.

Sophi is an artificial-intelligence system that helps publishers identify and leverage their most valuable content. It has powerful predictive capabilities – using natural language processing, Sophi Dynamic Paywall is a fully dynamic, real-time, personalized paywall engine that analyses both content and user behaviour to determine when to ask a reader for money or an email address, and when to leave them alone.

Sophi Site Automation autonomously curates digital content to find and promote the most valuable articles. It places 99% of the content on all of The Globe and Mail’s digital pages, including its homepage and section pages. Sophi has been so successful that it is now being used for print laydown as well. Sophi is available to publishers across the globe to enable their content producers to focus on creating the best content possible.

Earlier this month, Sophi won the 2021 International News Media Association (INMA) Global Media Awards for Best in Show in North America and Best Use of Data to Automate or Personalize. Sophi has also won the Online Journalism Award (OJA) for Technical Innovation in the Service of Digital Journalism, handed out by the Online News Association (ONA), and both the World Digital Media Award and the North American Digital Media Award awarded by The World Association of News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) in the category of Best Digital News Start-up.

About ( is a suite of AI-powered optimization and prediction tools that helps content publishers make important strategic and tactical decisions. Sophi solutions range from Sophi Site Automation and Sophi for Paywalls to Sophi Analytics, a decision-support system for content publishers. Sophi is designed to improve the metrics that matter most to any business, such as subscriber retention and acquisition, engagement, recency, frequency and volume.


Jamie Rubenovitch
Head of Marketing,
The Globe and Mail
[email protected]

Alberton police station closed for decontamination

Alberton Police Station will be temporarily closed for decontamination due to COVID -19 related case.

The Community Service Center will be temporarily operate from George Corrie Building, 2nd Floor, 59 Voortrekker Avenue, Alberton CBD.

Telephone lines at Alberton SAPS Community Service Center will not be accessible during closure.

The SAPS management apologise for any inconvenience that may arise during the closure. The community can call 10111 for emergencies and assistance.

The community is advised to contact the following numbers:

Station Commander Col Doctor Sibuyi: 082 411 6572

Support Commander Lt Col Makgakga: 082 570 2721

Detective Commander: 082 461 3495

Vispol Commander Lt Col Makopo: 082 461 3495

Operational Commanders: 082 558 2662

Relief Commander: 071 67 56872

Source: South African Police Service

Nine apprehended for illegal mining

LIMPOPO – The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation members arrested nine suspected illegal miners aged between 23 and 73 in the Giyani area on Monday, 28 June 2021.

A multi-disciplinary operation led by the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation team assisted by Giyani Cluster, Public Order Policing, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, Department of Home Affairs and Department of Environmental Affairs swooped in on illegal miners who were caught in the act of mining gold concentrate.

During the operation, nine shovels, fifteen spades, seventeen picks, one bicycle, one axe and six bush knifes to the value of R4 000-00 were seized.

The suspects are expected to make their first appearance in the Giyani Magistrates’ Court today on 29 June 2021 for charges relating to illegal mining. More operations to address the scourge of illegal mining in the Province are still going to be conducted.

Source: South African Police Service

Magareng protests delay R83 million water project

The Department of Water and Sanitation has urged communities in the Magareng Local Municipality to allow the process of the construction and upgrading of Magareng Water Treatment Plant to be completed.

Department spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, said the department in the Northern Cape, in partnership with Magareng Local Municipality is currently implementing a R83 million water project in the Warrenton area.

The project commenced in April 2020 and was scheduled to be completed in June 2021.

However, due to community protests for various service delivery issues, including water shortages, the project has been delayed.

The project includes upgrading the capacity of the 9 Megalitres per day (9ML/day) water treatment plant to a 12ML/day capacity.

A new water reservoir is currently under construction as well as the installation of new flocculation channels and sedimentation tanks.

“The upgrade will improve water treatment and production processes to acceptable water quality standards in line with the South African National Standards (SANS241). The project will further reduce water losses from 33% to less than 10%, making available sufficient and sustainable water supply to the people of Magareng Local Municipality,” Ratau said.

The community is urged to allow the construction of the Water Treatment Plant to be completed, as “this will address the issue of water shortages and provide the much needed bulk water supply to the community”. –

Source: South African Government News Agency

Gauteng ramps up bed capacity to deal with COVID-19 patients

Acting Health Minister, Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane, has reassured the citizens of Gauteng that government is working around the clock to ramp up bed capacity to deal with the third wave of COVID-19 infections.

While the Nasrec Field Hospital has been closed, Kubayi-Ngubane said other health facilities have been “activated” to deal with the influx of patients.

“The province had challenges [with field hospitals] and there were limitations in terms of utilisation of the hospitals – that’s why they were no longer used because we couldn’t justify the cost,” she said during a briefing of the National Coronavirus Command Council on Tuesday.

The 1000-bed Nasrec Field Hospital was set up to help alleviate the burden of COVID-19 patients at clinics and hospitals across the province during the first two waves.

In the meantime, the Minister said more work has been done to ensure there is enough bed capacity in Gauteng, which is currently the epicentre of the pandemic.

The province will benefit from the newly opened AngloGold Ashanti Hospital, Jubilee Hospital, Bronkhorstspruit Hospital, and the Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital that has recently been extended.

“These hospitals are doing exactly what the field hospital at Nasrec was doing. The information I’ve been receiving is that they have not been full to capacity,” the Minister explained, adding that the 300-bed Jubilee Hospital has not been full beyond 50%.

“We do have the capacity in terms of the general wards and work continues,” she added.

In addition, Gauteng is working on providing more resources to recruit more healthcare workers.

She said government was monitoring beds in Gauteng and the entire country and that they are seeing more pressure in the private health sector.

In addition, she announced there are no oxygen supply challenges.


Meanwhile, the Minister addressed the decision to terminate the usage of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine in light of the Delta variant, which was first discovered in India.

In February, South Africa suspended the rollout of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after studies showed that it was less effective against the mutated COVID-19 501Y.V2 variant, which was common in South Africa.

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases of South Africa (NICD) said Gauteng remains the epicentre of the resurgence, accounting for an average of 65% of daily new cases.

In Gauteng, 64% of 244 genomes sequenced from May 2021 are attributed to the Beta variant, while in June 2021 this dropped to 37%. In contrast, during June, 53% of genomes from Gauteng were the Delta variant.

“The growing prevalence of Delta doesn’t mean that Beta no longer exists in the country. The decision was correct at that time because the efficacy of AstraZeneca against Beta variant seemed very low. That’s why the decision was taken.”

This comes after new studies show that two doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca may be highly effective in preventing hospitalisation due to the Delta variant.

Kubayi-Ngubane said the Alpha and Beta variants are still circulating in all provinces.

Vaccine rollout

The Minister acknowledged the country will not be able to meet the target of vaccinating over five million senior citizens by the end of June.

This is mainly due to vaccine hesitancy, lack of technology for some of these citizens to sign up and the vaccination centres that are located far from people’s residences.

However, she said her department was addressing all these issues.

She said there was still an issue around the payment of overtime for those who will be vaccinating on weekends.

The Ministers who serve in the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC) were outlining measures to ensure compliance with the regulations in the fight against the spread of COVID-19 in South Africa. –

Source: South African Government News Agency