Furniture over R200 000 recovered

DURBAN – A multi-disciplinary operation was conducted yesterday where the team was following up information about a vehicle that was hijacked while delivering a furniture at Umnini.

Yesterday, at 11h20, a delivery van loaded with furniture was travelling along Umnini Road when it was hijacked by unknown men.

The vehicle was tracked to Folweni. The team proceeded to a house where the vehicle was found and all the furniture was recovered. The total value of the furniture is R200 000.

The team is still searching for the suspects who fled prior to police arriving at the house.

Source: South African Police Service

TRACE Foundation Announces Recipients of the 2021 TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting

ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The TRACE Foundation, a non-profit organization established to support projects that encourage greater commercial transparency, today announced the winners of the 2021 TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting. The annual award recognizes journalism that uncovers business bribery or related financial crime.

Zorayda Gallegos Valle, a freelance journalist writing for El País in Mexico, won the TRACE Prize for her investigation that uncovered the Mexican Army’s scheme to divert at least $156 million of public resources through hundreds of shell companies contracted to complete infrastructure projects.

“I am grateful to the TRACE Foundation for supporting investigative journalism because it plays an important role in the transparency and accountability of governments worldwide,” Valle said. “Investigative journalism has become more relevant in Mexico and all over the world. It helps to disclose unlawful activities that authorities want to keep secret, and oversee their actions.”

The second recipient of this year’s TRACE Prize is the FinCEN Files reporting team, which included BuzzFeed News, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and more than 100 media partners. The team undertook a 16-month long investigation, reviewing thousands of financial intelligence documents. They uncovered a flawed oversight process that allowed global banks to profit from suspect transactions. Their reporting has resulted in new reforms and investigations in multiple countries.

“The FinCEN Files investigation exposed how some of the world’s biggest banks play an integral role in the global flow of dirty money,” ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle said. “Our findings have helped push forward important anti-money laundering reforms in some of the globe’s key financial centers, and this recognition from TRACE will help keep the issue in the spotlight.”

ICIJ also earned an honorable mention, along with the rest of the Luanda Leaks team, which includes FRONTLINE, the New York Times and 34 other media partners, for their work exposing the kleptocracy of Isabel dos Santos, daughter of Angola’s former president. They revealed how Western professionals play a vital, little-examined role in the blighting of the lives of countless Angolans.

Ferdinand Ayite of L’Alternative magazine in Togo earned an honorable mention for his Pétrolegate investigation, which found serious financial malpractice among Togolese government officials in charge of importing and pricing petroleum products.

“Even in the face of 2020’s chaotic circumstances, investigative journalists persisted,” TRACE President Alexandra Wrage said. “We commend the important work they do: their bravery, resolve and ingenuity. The TRACE Foundation extends its gratitude to our judges and admiration for our 2021 Prize for Investigative Reporting recipients and their important work.”

The judging panel for the 2021 TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting included William Gumede, Diana B. Henriques, Rosebell Kagumire, Peter Klein, Donatella Lorch and Jorge Luis Sierra.

The TRACE Foundation will begin accepting submissions for the 2022 TRACE Prize for Investigative Reporting in the fall of 2021. For more details, visit

About the TRACE Foundation

The TRACE Foundation was established to promote, support and fund research, investigative journalism, publications, videos and related projects that encourage greater commercial transparency and advance anti-bribery education. For more information, visit

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. Announces Pricing of $100 Million Public Offering of Common Stock

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (SNCR) (the “Company” or “Synchronoss”), a global leader and innovator in cloud, messaging and digital products and platforms, today announced the pricing of an underwritten public offering of 38,461,538 shares of its common stock at a public offering price of $2.60 per share. The gross proceeds from the offering, before deducting underwriting discounts and commissions and offering expenses payable by Synchronoss, are expected to be $100 million. In addition, Synchronoss has granted the underwriters a 30-day option to purchase up to 3,846,154 additional shares of common stock at the public offering price, less the underwriting discounts and commissions.

All of the shares in the offering are being sold by Synchronoss. Synchronoss anticipates using the net proceeds from the offering, and from the offering of Senior Notes and sale of Series B Preferred Stock (each as described below), to fully redeem all outstanding shares of Synchronoss’ Series A Convertible Participating Perpetual Preferred Stock and repay amounts outstanding under Synchronoss’ revolving credit facility. The offering is expected to close on or about June 29, 2021, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions.

B. Riley Securities, Inc. (“BRS”) is acting as the lead underwriter and sole book-running manager for the offering. Northland Capital Markets is acting as co-manager for the offering.

Concurrently with the offering, the Company is offering, by means of a separate prospectus supplement, $120 million aggregate principal amount of senior notes due 2026 (the “Senior Notes”). In addition, B. Riley Principal Investments, LLC (“BRPI”), an affiliate of BRS, has entered into an agreement pursuant to which BRPI has agreed to purchase $75.0 million of the Company’s Series B Preferred Stock in a private transaction to be completed concurrently with the closing of the offering.

The shares of common stock described above are being offered by Synchronoss pursuant to a shelf registration statement on Form S-3 previously filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and declared effective by the SEC on August 28, 2020. A preliminary prospectus supplement relating to and describing the terms of the offering is filed with the SEC and is available on the SEC’s web site at The final terms of the offering will be disclosed in a final prospectus supplement to be filed with the SEC. Copies of the final prospectus supplement (when available) and accompanying prospectus relating to these securities may also be obtained by sending a request to: B. Riley Securities, Inc., at 1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22209 or by calling (703) 312‐9580 or by emailing [email protected].

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of these securities, nor will there be any sale of these securities in any state or other jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful prior to the registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such state or other jurisdiction.

About Synchronoss

Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ: SNCR) builds software that empowers companies around the world to connect with their subscribers in trusted and meaningful ways. The company’s collection of products helps streamline networks, simplify onboarding, and engage subscribers to unleash new revenue streams, reduce costs and increase speed to market.

Safe Harbor Statement

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including but not limited to statements regarding the closing of the public offering and the anticipated use of the proceeds thereof. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, including the satisfaction of customary closing conditions related to the public offering and the risk factors set forth from time to time in Synchronoss’ SEC filings, including but not limited to the risks that are described in the “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” sections (as applicable) of Synchronoss’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020 and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the period ended March 31, 2021, which are on file with the SEC and available on the SEC’s website at In addition to the risks described above and in Synchronoss’ other filings with the SEC, other unknown or unpredictable factors also could affect Synchronoss’ results. No forward-looking statements can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from such statements. The information in this release is provided only as of the date of this release, and Synchronoss undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release on account of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.


Diane Rose
[email protected]


Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim
MKR Investor Relations, Inc.
[email protected]

JW Player arrecada US$100 milhões na Série E para ajudar a impulsionar o crescimento da Economia de Vídeo Digital em rápida expansão

O capital irá ajudar a acelerar o crescimento da JW Player e expandir sua plataforma já robusta, capacitando os clientes com independência e controle na Economia de Vídeo Digital

NOVA YORK, June 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A JW Player, principal plataforma de software de vídeo e insights de dados, anunciou hoje que arrecadou US$100 milhões em financiamento da Série E da LLR Partners. O investimento mais recente dá seguimento ao crescimento recorde de streaming de vídeo e forte rentabilidade durante os 12 meses anteriores. Com esse financiamento, a JW Player irá acelerar a inovação de produtos para atender às demandas em rápida mudança dos clientes no ambiente de vídeo digital atual, expandir sua pegada global de go-to-market em vendas, marketing e parcerias de canal, e dar continuidade ao crescimento e investimento na criação de uma equipe de categoria internacional.

A rodada de financiamento segue a recente aquisição pela JW Player da VUALTO, principal provedora de soluções de streaming de vídeo ao vivo e sob demanda e de Gerenciamento de Direitos Digitais (DRM), que aprofundou a oferta da empresa para emissoras globais. Nos dias seguintes à aquisição, a JW Player viu um aumento de material e influxo de vendas e pipeline, especialmente nas regiões LATAM e APAC.

Criada como um player de vídeo de código aberto extremamente popular, a plataforma de vídeo orientada por API da JW Player agora capacita centenas de milhares de clientes a controlar e operar independentemente seus aplicativos de vídeo móveis, OTT e Web em todo o mundo. É importante ressaltar que a JW Player inclui serviços e conhecimentos exclusivos orientados a dados, para que os clientes possam crescer e envolver seus públicos de forma mais eficaz e gerar mais receita incremental com seus investimentos em vídeo. Somente no último ano, a transmissão de vídeo da empresa cresceu quase 200%, enquanto a transmissão ao vivo aumentou mais de 400%.

Este financiamento chega no momento em que o consumo de vídeo digital continua seu impulso para o mainstream. O vídeo agora compreende mais de 80% de todo o tráfego na internet e, de acordo com os dados do JW Player, as pessoas estão consumindo mais de duas horas de vídeo digital por dia, um aumento de 40% desde o início de 2020. Por isso, uma estratégia de vídeo digital passou a ser um “must have” não só para emissoras e empresas de mídia, mas também para organizações de todos os tipos, incluindo de fitness, e-commerce, esportes e e-learning, entre outros. Essas organizações têm uma gama diversificada de necessidades, exigem uma plataforma de vídeo flexível que permita o envolvimento com seu público nos dispositivos preferidos, e exigem um ROI quantificável dos seus investimentos em vídeo. Devido a essa dinâmica, o mercado endereçável irá aumentar de US$14 bilhões hoje para US$50 bilhões até 2027, uma Taxa de Investimento Anual Composta (CAGR) de 20%.

“O vídeo entrou em uma era de ouro, e agora vivemos na Economia do Vídeo Digital. Ao combinar nossa tecnologia de plataforma de vídeo fácil de usar com nosso consumo e insights exclusivos de dados contextuais, a JW Player tem uma vantagem distinta em ajudar os clientes a aumentar seu público, criar experiências de vídeo de classe mundial em qualquer dispositivo e, o mais importante, gerar mais receita”, disse Dave Otten, CEO e cofundador da JW Player. “Ao entrarmos nesta próxima fase, estamos contentíssimos com a nossa parceria com a LLR. A equipe da LLR traz décadas de suporte e experiência inigualáveis com empresas de software em constante mudança no setor e, sem dúvida, irá nos ajudar a acelerar o nosso sucesso durante a nossa busca dessa enorme oportunidade de mercado juntos.”

“A JW Player tem estado na vanguarda da inovação em vídeo digital desde que o fundador Jeroen Wijering criou o vídeo player original do YouTube em 2008. Atualmente a empresa oferece a plataforma mais abrangente de tecnologia, publicidade e análise de dados do ecossistema de vídeo digital”, disse David Reuter, Sócio da LLR Partners. “Estamos prontos para fazer uma parceria com a equipe da JW Player para dar continuidade à expansão da sua plataforma e elevação da forma como as marcas podem hospedar, transmitir e monetizar vídeos.”

Sobre a JW Player
A JW Player é a principal plataforma de software de vídeo e insights de dados que oferece aos clientes independência e controle na economia de vídeo digital de hoje. Criada em 2008 como um player de vídeo de código aberto extremamente popular, a plataforma tecnológica da JW Player agora alimenta vídeo digital de centenas de milhares de empresas, incluindo metade dos 50 principais sites da comScore nos EUA, principais emissoras em toda a EMEA, APAC e América Latina. Todos os meses, 1 bilhão de espectadores, ou um terço de todas as pessoas na Internet, consomem vídeo na tecnologia da JW Player em 2,7 bilhões de dispositivos, criando um gráfico de dados contextuais e de consumo incomparável e potente que ajuda os clientes a aumentar o público e gerar vídeo incremental a partir do vídeo digital. A empresa está localizada em Nova York e tem escritórios em Londres e Eindhoven. Visite

Sobre a LLR Partners
A LLR Partners é uma empresa de capital privado de médio porte que investe em empresas de tecnologia e saúde. Colaboramos com as empresas do nosso portfólio para identificar e executar as principais iniciativas de crescimento e ajudar na criação de valor a longo prazo. Fundada em 1999 e com mais de US $ 5 bilhões arrecadados em seis fundos, a LLR é um provedor flexível de capital próprio para crescimento, recapitalizações e aquisições. Saiba mais em

Contato com a Mídia:
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Mídia em nome da JW Player
[email protected]

Kristy DelMuto
LLR Partners
[email protected]

JW Player lève 100 millions de dollars en série E pour aider à alimenter la croissance dans l’économie en rapide expansion de la vidéo numérique

Ce capital contribuera à accélérer la croissance de JW Player et à étendre sa plateforme déjà robuste, offrant contrôle et indépendance aux clients dans l’économie de la vidéo numérique

NEW YORK, 25 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JW Player, la plus importante plateforme de logiciels vidéo et de connaissances tirées des données, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir levé un financement de série E de 100 millions de dollars auprès de LLR Partners. Ce dernier investissement survient directement après une croissance record du streaming vidéo et une forte rentabilité au cours des 12 derniers mois. Grâce à ce financement, JW Player accélèrera l’innovation des produits pour répondre aux demandes en rapide évolution des clients dans l’environnement de la vidéo numérique d’aujourd’hui, étendra sa présence mondiale de mise sur le marché en matière de partenariats de distribution, de ventes et de marketing et continuera de croître et d’investir dans la création d’une équipe de classe mondiale.

Cette ronde de financement fait suite à la récente acquisition par JW Player de VUALTO, un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions de diffusion de vidéo en direct et à la demande et de gestion des droits numériques (DRM, Digital Rights Management), qui a approfondi l’offre de la société auprès des diffuseurs mondiaux. Dans les jours qui ont suivi l’acquisition, JW Player a connu une hausse et un afflux considérables des ventes et pipelines, en particulier dans les régions LATAM et APAC.

Lancée sous la forme d’un lecteur vidéo open source extrêmement populaire, la plateforme vidéo pilotée par API de JW Player permet aujourd’hui à des centaines de milliers de clients de contrôler et d’exploiter de manière indépendante leurs applications vidéo mobiles, OTT et Web à l’échelle mondiale. Point important : JW Player comprend des services et des connaissances uniques pilotés par les données pour permettre aux clients de se développer et d’interagir plus efficacement avec leur public et de générer des revenus supplémentaires grâce à leurs investissements vidéo. Rien que l’année dernière, le streaming vidéo de la société a augmenté de près de 200 %, tandis que sa diffusion en direct a augmenté de plus de 400 %.

Ce financement arrive alors que la consommation de vidéo numérique continue à s’étendre au grand public. La vidéo représente désormais plus de 80 % de l’ensemble du trafic sur Internet, et selon les données de JW Player, les gens consomment plus de deux heures de vidéo numérique chaque jour, soit une augmentation de 40 % depuis le début de l’année 2020. En conséquence, une stratégie de vidéo numérique est devenue « incontournable » non seulement pour les sociétés de médias, mais également pour les organisations de tous types, y compris de fitness, d’e-commerce, de sports et d’e-learning, entre autres. Ces entreprises ont toutes sortes de besoins, il leur faut une plateforme vidéo flexible qui leur permette d’interagir avec leur public sur les écrans de leur choix, et elles demandent à tirer un RSI quantifiable de leurs investissements vidéo. Compte tenu de cette dynamique, le marché potentiel est en bonne voie pour passer de 14 milliards de dollars aujourd’hui à 50 milliards de dollars d’ici 2027, soit un TCAC de 20 %.

« La vidéo est entrée dans un âge d’or, et nous vivons désormais dans l’économie de la vidéo numérique. En combinant notre technologie de plateforme vidéo facile à utiliser avec nos connaissances uniques tirées des données contextuelles et relatives à la consommation, JW Player possède un avantage distinct pour aider ses clients à développer leur audience, créer des expériences vidéo de classe mondiale sur n’importe quel écran et, surtout, générer plus de revenus », a déclaré Dave Otten, PDG et cofondateur de JW Player. « Alors que nous entamons cette prochaine phase, nous sommes ravis de nous associer à LLR. L’équipe de LLR apporte des décennies de soutien et d’expertise inégalés dans des entreprises de logiciels en pleine croissance révolutionnant le secteur, et elle nous aidera indubitablement à accélérer notre réussite alors que nous poursuivons ensemble cette énorme opportunité de marché. »

« JW Player est à l’avant-garde de l’innovation vidéo numérique depuis que le fondateur Jeroen Wijering a créé le lecteur vidéo original de YouTube en 2008. Aujourd’hui, la société propose la plateforme de technologie, de publicité et d’analyse de données la plus complète de l’écosystème de la vidéo numérique », a déclaré David Reuter, associé chez LLR Partners. « Nous sommes impatients de nous associer à l’équipe de JW Player alors qu’elle élargit sa plateforme et continue à améliorer la façon dont les marques peuvent héberger, diffuser et monétiser des vidéos. »

À propos de JW Player
JW Player est la plus importante plateforme de logiciels vidéo et d’informations tirées de données qui apporte aux clients l’indépendance et le contrôle dans l’économie de la vidéo numérique d’aujourd’hui. Lancée en 2008 en tant que lecteur vidéo open source extrêmement populaire, la plateforme technologique de JW Player alimente désormais la vidéo numérique pour des centaines de milliers d’entreprises, dont la moitié des 50 plus grands sites de comScore aux États-Unis, des diffuseurs de premier plan à travers l’EMEA, l’APAC et l’Amérique latine. Chaque mois, 1 milliard de téléspectateurs, soit un tiers de l’ensemble des internautes, consomment des vidéos sur la technologie de JW Player à travers 2,7 milliards d’appareils, engendrant une consommation inégalée et puissante et un graphique de données contextuelles qui aide les clients à accroître leur audience et à générer des vidéos incrémentales à partir de vidéos numériques. La société a son siège social à New York, et possède des bureaux à Londres et à Eindhoven. Rendez-vous sur le site site

À propos de LLR Partners
LLR Partners est une société de capital-investissement sur le marché intermédiaire qui investit dans les secteurs de la technologie et de la santé. Nous collaborons avec nos sociétés de portefeuille pour identifier et exécuter les initiatives de croissance clés et aider à créer de la valeur à long terme. Fondée en 1999 et avec plus de 5 milliards de dollars collectés à travers six fonds, LLR est un fournisseur flexible de capitaux propres pour la croissance, les recapitalisations et les rachats. Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter le site

Contacts auprès des médias :
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Media pour JW Player
[email protected]

Kristy DelMuto
LLR Partners
[email protected]

Expert optimistic about China’s chipmaking industry

BEIJING, June 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by on Expert optimistic about China’s chipmaking industry.

The development of China’s domestic chipmaking industry is looking promising as advanced 28 and 14 nanometer (nm) processes are expected to enter mass production by the end of this year and next year respectively, an expert predicted.

Wen Xiaojun, head of the Electronic Information Institute at the China Center for Information Industry Development (CCID), told China’s news portal, that he was seeing more encouraging signs in China’s chipmaking industry despite technological challenges.

orld Semiconductor Conference & Nanjing International Semiconductor Expo, opens in Nanjing, capital city of east China's Jiangsu province, on June 9. [Photo/VCG]

The country’s 14 nm process has navigated many technology difficulties with significant improvements to manufacturing techniques, packaging technologies and key equipment materials, signaling that the technology for this particular node is going to mature and enter mass production by next year, Wen explained.

“This means that China’s complete reliance on overseas supply chains is coming to an end,” he argued.

According to statistics, the global semiconductor market made around $200 billion in sales in the first half of 2019. The 14 nm chipmaking process accounted for 65% of those sales as it is widely used in fields like high-end consumer electronics, high-speed computing, artificial intelligence and automobiles.

The production lines for 14 nm and 12 nm chipmaking are believed to be critical in the semiconductor industry, as the 14 nm process and above can meet almost 70% of the industry demand for chips, and the 12 nm node can meet the requirements for most mid-end 5G chips.

With cautious optimism, Wen noted that although China’s chipmaking industry is delivering impressive results regarding the 14 nm node, domestic industry stakeholders still need to play catch-up with other global giants in order to bridge the technology gap, which, in his words, “calls for devoting more time, investment, and human resources.”

In an interview earlier in May with, a media outlet focused on the Internet-of-Things (IoT) industry, Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, also stressed the importance of staying at the forefront of the advanced chipmaking industry to catch up with other leading countries.

Ni said new technology breakthroughs in the 28 nm and more advanced 14 nm nodes will raise morale in China’s semiconductor industry, and facilitate growth in cutting-edge sectors like new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence.

The World Semiconductor Conference kicked off in Nanjing, capital city of east China’s Jiangsu province, on June 9 this year, showcasing the innovative technology and applications in the semiconductor industry from home and abroad.

Industry leaders such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), Synopsys Inc and Montage Technology participated in the conference together with over 300 exhibitors.

According to a report by China Daily, statistics show that the global sales volume of semiconductor products reached $123.1 billion in the first quarter, up 17.8% year-on-year.

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