Commission promotes youth participation in economy

The Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission has highlighted the need for information dissemination and a real focus on skills development as two major pillars to facilitating youth participation in the mainstream economy.

The commission on Friday held a virtual youth dialogue under the theme, ‘Promoting economic inclusion and youth employment’.

The national chairperson of the Black Management Forum’s Young Professionals, Classi Kgopa, who participated in the dialogue, said in order for economic transformation to take place meaningfully, support is needed across the board for youth to succeed.

“South African youth lack opportunities to participate openly in the economic mainstream. There is still a lack of black ownership in large entities [in industries] such as agriculture, transport and finance,” Kgopa said.

Kgopa bemoaned the fact that only 9.2% of South African youth are involved in entrepreneurial activities, and that the majority of them are not listed on the JSE.

Despite this, Kgopa is optimistic that the tide can change if finance institutions ease access to funding, which are needed to oil youth-owned enterprises.

He backed calls for the creation of entrepreneur incubation programmes across the provinces as a means of assisting young people to be actively involved in the economy.

“It is time that young people rise and claim [their] position… in economic transformation, and they need to be supported across the board,” Kgopa said.

The dialogue was held as South Africa marks Youth Month. The B-BBEE Commission said the dialogue was born out of the need to debate issues that are becoming a barrier to transformation, inclusion and employment for young people, which remains a major concern in the country.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Southern Cape police confiscates drugs with an estimated street value of R1 Million during Vhuthu Hawe operations

EDEN CLUSTER – Crime combating operations in the Southern Cape as part of operation “Vhuthu hawe” resulted in the confiscation of drugs with an estimated street value R1 million. This operation commenced on Thursday, 24 June 2021 at 06h00. It included compliance inspections, roadblocks and vehicle check points, stop and search operations and the closing down of drug as well as liquor outlets.

On Thursday at about 19:30, members attached to Crime Intelligence, Attaqua K9 and the Eden Cluster Crime Combating Team operationalized information when they pounced on a house at 15th Avenue, Bongolethu, Oudtshoorn. A search of the premises ensued when police found 538 Mandrax tablets and 2,5 kilogram Tik concealed in a bag in a storeroom. The police arrested a 44-year-old man, a highflyer in the area, on a charge of dealing in drugs.

The team, armed with a search warrant, thereafter proceeded with a search of a house at 9th Avenue where small quantities of Mandrax tablets were discovered. They arrested a 21-year-old woman on a charge of dealing in drugs.

Meanwhile tracing operations for outstanding suspects led to the arrest of 69 suspects on outstanding warrants of arrests.

The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the Western Cape, Major General Thembisile Patekile, joined these operations on Friday. He also addressed operational members and applauded them for their commitment. Major General Patekile said: “the deployment of resources in crime-stricken areas will continue to ensure that the public are and feel safe”.

All arrested will appear in the various local courts once charged.

Source: South African Police Service

VoltDB s’associe à Google Cloud pour les applications de périphérie 5G

BEDFORD, Massachusetts, 24 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, une plateforme de données de premier rang et de calibre d’entreprise, conçue pour permettre une prise de décisions rapide en matière de données, a annoncé aujourd’hui son adhésion à l’initiative de partenariat de Google Cloud axée sur la périphérie 5G et les fournisseurs indépendants de logiciels (FIL). En rejoignant cette initiative, VoltDB pourra rendre ses capacités de gestion des données accessibles dans Google Cloud et utiliser la plateforme Anthos pour déployer des applications et des solutions à la périphérie du réseau.

« Les organisations qui ont une présence à la périphérie du réseau possèdent généralement de grands volumes de données précieuses provenant d’appareils connectés, de capteurs, de machines et d’autres sources encore, a déclaré Tanuj Raja, responsable mondial des partenariats stratégiques chez Google Cloud. Nous sommes ravis de nous associer à VoltDB et nous réjouissons à la perspective de déployer ses capacités avancées en matière de gestion des données dans Google Cloud et Anthos, afin d’aider les organisations à tirer plus de valeur de ces données et à créer une périphérie de réseau plus intelligente. »

À mesure que les organisations mondiales augmentent le nombre de fonctions commerciales de base qu’elles exécutent dans le cloud, elles auront de nombreuses occasions de tirer parti des capacités cloud alimentées par la 5G présentes à la périphérie de leurs réseaux. Pour répondre à ce besoin, Google Cloud a dévoilé au début de 2020 sastratégie de télécommunications. Celle-ci prévoit, entre autres, un soutien aux fournisseurs de services de communication pour les aider à monétiser les capacités de périphérie de réseau destinées aux services d’affaires, ainsi que la collaboration avec des partenaires comme AT&T pour déployer les capacités de Google Cloud à la périphérie par le biais du réseau AT&T.

En décembre 2020, Google Cloud a lancé son initiative de partenariat axée sur la périphérie 5G et les FIL, en vue de déployer des applications et des solutions à la périphérie du réseau à l’aide d’Anthos.

VoltDB a été conçue pour traiter à grande échelle des volumes très élevés de données complexes, avec une faible latence prévisible et sans compromettre la précision des données. Elle est la seule plateforme de données conçue pour permettre aux applications basées sur la 5G de prendre des décisions intelligentes en fonction des données en moins de 10 millisecondes.

David Flower, PDG de VoltDB, a souligné la valeur de ce partenariat, non seulement pour VoltDB et Google Cloud, mais aussi pour toutes les entreprises cherchant à tirer pleinement parti de la 5G. « Le moment est venu d’investir dans la 5G et dans toute technologie aidant les entreprises à réaliser ces investissements, a affirmé David Flower. Nous ne pourrions donc être plus enthousiastes à l’idée de nous associer avec Google Cloud. Ce partenariat élargira grandement l’accès aux capacités uniques, favorables à la 5G et à faible latence de VoltDB. »

Pour obtenir davantage d’informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises de tous les secteurs d’activité choisissent VoltDB pour alimenter leur fonctionnement, visitez le site à l’adresse suivante

À propos de VoltDB

VoltDB est la seule plateforme de données conçue pour prendre en charge les applications télécoms à l’ère de la 5G. Nous combinons le stockage de données en mémoire avec une faible latence prévisible et d’autres fonctionnalités principales pour alimenter les applications BSS/OSS, de gestion client et d’assurance des revenus qui doivent agir en quelques millisecondes pour générer des revenus ou éviter les pertes de revenus, sans compromettre la précision des données. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

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VoltDB Partners with Google Cloud for 5G Edge Applications

BEDFORD, Mass., June 24, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, a leading enterprise-grade data platform built to enable fast-data decisioning, today announced it is joining Google Cloud’s 5G Edge/ISV partner initiative. Through this initiative, VoltDB will make its capabilities in data management available on Google Cloud, with Anthos as a platform for delivering applications and solutions to the network edge.

“Organizations with edge presences often have large volumes of valuable data from connected devices, sensors, machinery and more,” said Tanuj Raja, Global Head, Strategic Partnerships at Google Cloud. “We’re excited to partner with VoltDB and to deliver its advanced capabilities in data management on Google Cloud and Anthos, helping organizations drive more value from this data and building a more intelligent network edge.”

As global organizations increasingly run core business functions in the cloud, they have many opportunities to leverage 5G-based cloud capabilities at the edge of their networks. To support this need, in early 2020 Google Cloud unveiled its telecommunications strategy, which included plans to help communications service providers (CSPs) monetize the edge for business services and collaborations with partners such as AT&T to deliver Google Cloud capabilities at the edge using the AT&T network.

In December 2020, Google Cloud launched its 5G edge/ISV partner initiative to deliver applications and solutions to the network edge with Anthos.

VoltDB was built to handle massive volumes of complex data at scale with predictable low latency and without compromising on data accuracy. It is the only data platform designed to enable 5G-based applications to intelligently act on data in under 10 milliseconds.

VoltDB CEO David Flower highlighted the value of this partnership not just to VoltDB and Google Cloud but any enterprise seeking to take full advantage of 5G. “Now is the time to invest in 5G and any technology that helps you enable those investments,” Flower said. “For this reason, we couldn’t be more thrilled to be partnering with Google Cloud and through that partnership make VoltDB’s unique, 5G-enabling, low-latency capabilities much more widely available.”

For more information on why organizations across all industries are choosing VoltDB to power their operations, visit

About VoltDB

VoltDB is the only data platform designed to support telco applications in the age of 5G. We combine in-memory data storage with predictable low-latency and other key capabilities to power BSS/OSS, customer management, and revenue assurance applications that need to act in single-digit milliseconds to drive revenue or prevent revenue loss, without compromising on data accuracy. For more information, visit

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JW Player Raises $100M in Series E To Help Fuel Growth in the Rapidly Expanding Digital Video Economy

Capital will help accelerate JW Player’s growth and expand its already robust platform, empowering customers with independence and control in the Digital Video Economy

NEW YORK, June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — JW Player, the leading video software and data insights platform, today announced it has raised $100M in Series E funding from LLR Partners. The latest investment comes on the heels of record video streaming growth and strong profitability during the previous 12 months. With this financing, JW Player will accelerate product innovation to meet the rapidly changing demands of customers in today’s digital video environment, expand its global go-to-market footprint across sales, marketing and channel partnerships and continue to grow and invest in building a world-class team.

The funding round follows JW Player’s recent acquisition of VUALTO, a leading provider of live and on-demand video streaming and Digital Rights Management (DRM) solutions, that deepened the company’s offering to global broadcasters. In the days following the acquisition, JW Player has seen a material uptick and influx of sales and pipeline, especially in the LATAM and APAC regions.

Started as a hugely-popular open source video player, JW Player’s API-driven video platform now empowers hundreds of thousands of customers to independently control and operate their mobile, OTT and Web video applications at global scale. Importantly, JW Player includes unique data-driven services and knowledge so that customers can more effectively grow and engage their audiences and generate more incremental revenue from their video investments. In the last year alone, the company’s video streaming grew by nearly 200%, while its live streaming delivery increased by over 400%.

This financing arrives as the consumption of digital video continues its push to the mainstream. Video now comprises over 80% of all traffic on the internet, and according to JW Player data, people are consuming over two hours of digital video each day, a 40% increase since the beginning of 2020. As a result, a digital video strategy has become a ‘must have’ not only for media companies, but also for organizations of all types, including fitness, e-commerce, sports and e-learning businesses, among others. These organizations have a diverse range of needs, require a flexible video platform that allows them to engage with their audiences on the screens of their choice and demand a quantifiable ROI from their video investments. Given these dynamics, the addressable market is on target to grow from $14B today to $50B by 2027, a 20% CAGR.

“Video has entered into a golden age, and we now live in the Digital Video Economy. By combining our easy-to-use video platform technology with our unique consumption and contextual data insights, JW Player has a distinct advantage in helping customers grow their audiences, create world-class video experiences on any screen, and most importantly, generate more revenue,” said Dave Otten, CEO and co-founder of JW Player. “As we enter this next phase, we are thrilled to partner with LLR. LLR’s team brings decades of unmatched support and expertise in growing industry-changing software companies and will undoubtedly help us accelerate our success as we pursue this massive market opportunity together.”

“JW Player has been at the forefront of digital video innovation ever since founder Jeroen Wijering created YouTube’s original video player in 2008. Today, the company offers the most comprehensive technology, advertising and data analytics platform in the digital video ecosystem,” said David Reuter, Partner at LLR Partners. “We look forward to partnering with the JW Player team as they expand their platform and continue to elevate the way brands can host, stream and monetize video.”

About JW Player
JW Player is the leading video software and data insights platform that gives customers independence and control in today’s Digital Video Economy. Started in 2008 as a hugely popular open-source video player, JW Player ’s technology platform now powers digital video for hundreds of thousands of businesses, including half of the comScore top 50 sites in the US, leading broadcasters across EMEA, APAC and Latin America. Each month 1 billion viewers, or one third of all people on the Internet, consume video on JW Player’s technology across 2.7 billion devices, creating an unmatched and powerful consumption and contextual data graph that helps customers grow audiences and generate incremental video from digital video. The company is headquartered in New York, with offices in London and Eindhoven, visit

About LLR Partners
LLR Partners is a middle market private equity firm investing in technology and healthcare businesses. We collaborate with our portfolio companies to identify and execute on key growth initiatives and help create long-term value. Founded in 1999 and with more than $5 billion raised across six funds, LLR is a flexible provider of equity capital for growth, recapitalizations and buyouts. Learn more at

Media Contacts:
Fatimah Nouilati
Scratch Marketing + Media for JW Player
[email protected]

Kristy DelMuto
LLR Partners
[email protected]

Lantronix Announces SmartEdge Partner Program Award Winners

SmartEdge Partner Program Winners Are Tech Data, SHI, Presidio, Atlantik, Arki, Data Equipment, Acromax, Rahi System India and Enthu Technology Sdn. Bhd.

IRVINE, Calif., June 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Lantronix Inc. (NASDAQ: LTRX), a global provider of secure turnkey solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Environment Management (REM) offering Software as a Service (SaaS), connectivity services, engineering services and intelligent hardware, today announced the winners of its SmartEdge™ Partner Program Awards. The awards were given at Lantronix’s 2021 SmartEdge Partner Summit held virtually on June 23, 2021.

Lantronix’s SmartEdge Partner Program Awards were given to winners in three categories: Distribution Partner, StrategicEdge Partner and Edge Partner covering three regions: North America, Europe/Middle East/Africa and Asia Pacific.

The winners are:
North America
North America Distributor Partner of the Year: Tech Data
North America StrategicEdge Partner of the Year: SHI
North America Edge Partner of the Year: Presidio

Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA)
EMEA Distributor Partner of the Year: Atlantik Elektronik
EMEA StrategicEdge Partner of the Year: Arki Technology
EMEA Edge Partner of the Year: Data Equipment

Asia Pacific (APAC)
APAC Distributor Partner of the Year: Acromax
APAC StrategicEdge Partner of the Year: Rahi Systems, India
APAC Edge Partner of the Year: Enthu Technology Sdn. Bhd.

“We are pleased to honor the SmartEdge Partner Program winners, all of which have exceeded our program requirements and expectations in driving sales and building long-term relationships with our mutual customers,” said Roger Holliday, VP of WW Sales at Lantronix.

SmartEdge Partner Program One-Year Anniversary

Lantronix celebrated the one-year anniversary of its new SmartEdge Partner Program in April 2021. “The Lantronix SmartEdge Partner Program has attracted the industry’s top channel partners,” said Jonathan Shipman, VP of Strategy at Lantronix. “With our SmartEdge Program, our channel partners offer Lantronix’s integrated offering of software, hardware and service solutions, providing their customers with everything they need to build robust, secure connectivity-based solutions.”

Lantronix Named to CRN Partner Program Guide

Lantronix’s SmartEdge Partner Program has been named to the industry’s leading partner program guide, the CRN Partner Program Guide. Published by CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, this annual guide provides a conclusive list of the most distinguished partner programs from leading technology companies that provide products and services through the IT Channel. The 2021 Partner Program Guide is online at

About the SmartEdge Partner Program

Lantronix’s SmartEdge™ Partner Program was designed to help Value-Added Resellers (VARs) and Systems Integrators (SIs) drive revenues by differentiating their offerings with Lantronix’s innovative Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), Remote Environment Management (REM), Out-of-Band Management (OOBM) and Mobility/Connectivity solutions.
For more information on the Lantronix SmartEdge Partner Program, visit

About Lantronix

Lantronix Inc. is a global provider of secure turnkey solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Remote Environment Management (REM), offering Software as a Service (SaaS), connectivity services, engineering services and intelligent hardware. Lantronix enables its customers to provide reliable and secure solutions while accelerating their time to market. Lantronix’s products and services dramatically simplify operations through the creation, development, deployment and management of customer projects at scale while providing quality, reliability and security.

With three decades of proven experience in creating robust IoT technologies and OOBM solutions, Lantronix is an innovator in enabling its customers to build new business models, leverage greater efficiencies and realize the possibilities of the Internet of Things. Lantronix’s solutions are deployed inside millions of machines at data centers, offices and remote sites serving a wide range of industries, including energy, agriculture, medical, security, manufacturing, distribution, transportation, retail, financial, environmental and government.

Lantronix is headquartered in Irvine, Calif. For more information, visit Learn more at the Lantronix blog,, featuring industry discussion and updates. To follow Lantronix on Twitter, please visit View our video library on YouTube at or connect with us on LinkedIn at

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Gail Kathryn Miller
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Communications Manager
[email protected]

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Jeremy Whitaker
Chief Financial Officer
[email protected]

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