SAHPRA vows to uphold vaccine standards

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) says it will not grant approval to vaccines that do not meet stringent standards and protocols.

SAHPRA chief executive Dr Boitumelo Semete-Makokotlela reaffirmed this stance during the authority’s webinar on the process of vaccine approval on Thursday.

This comes on the eve of a planned march to the SAHPRA offices by the Economic Freedom Fighters, which accuses the authority of not approving the use of the Sputnik V and Sinovac vaccines.

“Where products do comply, we will indeed authorise. We concern ourselves with only science and nothing else,” she said.

She said SAHPRA protocols ensure that the authority takes into account all facts.

“When we make a decision, we don’t only consider data generated from South Africa. We are working with experts – international experts – and we continuously review the emerging data around these vaccines,” Semete-Makokotlela said.

Regarding the march, she said it was the Constitutional right of every South African to protest.

“We just hope and urge the [marchers] to comply with the COVID-19 safety protocols of wearing masks and social distancing.

“Gauteng has high [infection] numbers and we really need to make sure that through non-pharmaceutical interventions, these are managed.”

The regulator’s position, she said, is that decisions are made based on the science that is behind every single vaccine.

“… The types of data we look at [are very] detailed, and the reviews that we go through. Our main concern is the science of these vaccines.

“We are evaluating the Sinovac vaccine. We are also evaluating the Sputnik vaccine. This week, we’ve received an application for Sinopharm. We are really quite busy as an organisation and the only thing we’re going to concern ourselves with is science.

“While the authority understands that this is a pandemic and understands that delays have been experienced, it is important to indicate that the safety of the public is paramount and needs to be safeguarded.

“The safety of the public takes precedence. Wherever we are of the view that the regulatory requirements are not met, we will not issue an authorisation.”

This is due to the SAHPRA’s intent to ensure that when the public gets a vaccine, the authority is confident that the vaccine is safe, said Semete-Makokotlela.

It is a similar stance that was taken on the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, of which two million doses had to be discarded due to manufacturing safety concerns raised in the United States.

“That should actually give the public confidence that as a regulator, while we are cognisant of the pandemic and the pressures that we under, where we are of the view that the safety of the public will be compromised, we will ensure that we remain independent, and we make decisions based on science.

“We will therefore not authorise what does not comply with these pillars,” Semete-Makokotlela said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Call for business sector to comply with COVID-19 regulations

With South Africa experiencing the third wave of COVID-19, Acting Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, has called on the business sector to comply with the Alert Level 3 regulations as the country continues to fight the pandemic.

“Taverns, shebeens, bars and alcohol establishments have become super spreaders themselves because [there is] no social distancing, we need to manage the number of people that go into these facilities, we can do better,” Ntshavheni said on Thursday.

Addressing a media briefing following law enforcement operations to monitor compliance with COVID-19 regulations at Pretoria taxi ranks, the Minister urged the liquor industry to enforce the regulations at its establishments.

“We understand that we need to balance saving lives and saving livelihoods. We need to try as a nation, business, government and society to [avoid going] back into a hard lockdown so that we can save jobs.

“If we all play our part, we will defeat this pandemic, we will make sure that [the] economy remains open and we will all be safe. If government is given a choice to save livelihoods or to save lives, we will choose to save lives because livelihoods we can rebuilt and lives we cannot rebuilt,” Ntshavheni said.

She commended the taxi industry for ensuring compliance with regulations.

During the ongoing operations to monitor compliance with government regulations and directions as the country remains under Level 3 lockdown of government’s risk adjusted strategy, Ntshavheni was joined by Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula, Gauteng MEC for Roads and Transport, Jacob Mamabolo and Gauteng MEC responsible for Health, Dr Nomathemba Mokgethi.

“In playing our part towards halting the rapid spread of the pandemic, it is important that we strengthen compliance with health protocols. We have always made a commitment that we will not allow any mode of transport to be the enabler of the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

“We have put strong measures in the transport sector, which include capacity restrictions. While these have contained the spread of the pandemic through your taxis, we are under no illusion about the devastating impact these had in your business,” Mbalula said.

Non-pharmaceutical measures that South Africans can comply with to prevent the virus include social distancing, wearing cloth masks to cover one’s nose, mouth and chin, washing hands with soap for 20 seconds, and or using a 70% alcohol-based sanitiser.

Mbalula said government remains encouraged by the co-operation, support and innovative leadership shown by the taxi industry in ensuring the safety of the commuting public and adherence to the rules.

“As a sector, we carry the burden of enabling economic activity whilst containing the spread of the virus. The 2020 National Travel Household Survey tells us that the market share of the taxi industry in transporting workers has increased from 67.6% in 2013 to 80.2% in 2020,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

African leaders call for faster vaccine delivery

The Commission on African COVID-19 Response has shone the spotlight on the immediate urgency of accelerating COVID-19 vaccine procurement and rollout on the continent through a unified approach.

The commissioners also emphasised the critical role of health systems strengthening and public health investments as the foundation of this intervention.

The commission, chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa and deputised by the Director of Africa Centres for Disease Control and Infection (Africa CDC), Dr John Nkengasong, held its inaugural meeting on Tuesday, 22 June 2021.

This comes after the African Union Bureau of Assembly of Heads of State and Government (AU Bureau) announced President Cyril Ramaphosa as the AU Champion on COVID-19.

This happened at the 34th Ordinary Session of the AU held on 6 February 2021, which led the South African President to establish the Commission on African COVID-19 Response.

“Despite the development of a vaccine, we are still a long way from permanently containing the pandemic, necessitating that African countries consolidate their cooperation and strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders in this crucial next phase,” President Ramaphosa said.

While many African countries are scrambling to secure life-saving vaccines to fight the spread of COVID-19, the officials believe that the commission has made great strides.

“The establishment of this commission recognises and advances the crucial role played by President Ramaphosa in driving the continental COVID-19 response during his tenure as Chair of the African Union in 2020.”

Meanwhile, the commissioners believe that critical milestones were attained, including developing and endorsing the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 Outbreak.

They also reflected on the establishment of the Africa Task Force for Coronavirus (AFTCOR), the development and establishment of the African Medical Supplies Platform (AMSP).

The commissioners commended the formation of the COVID-19 African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team (AVATT) to secure financing for and acquiring of vaccines.

“There has also been coordinating communications across the continent around COVID-19 as well as the contributions of the AU Bureau to the continental COVID-19 response and appointment of AU Special Envoys for the pandemic.”

The members once again reiterated their support for President Ramaphosa in his championship role to enable his continued leadership in guiding the continental response to COVID-19.

“The commission’s mandate is to identify gaps in the continental COVID-19 response strategy and propose evidence-based interventions within the scope of practice of the commission and generate evidence to assess the impact of COVID-19 on social and economic harm on the continent and propose ways to a strong recovery.”

Some of the specific areas of focus include the need to strengthen the public health workforce; continental manufacturing of diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics; results-oriented partnerships, and strengthening national public health institutions including the Africa CDC.

The statement said the inaugural meeting included guests from GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, United Nations Children’s Fund, Gates Foundation, and the Open Society Foundation.

This was done to galvanise support around innovative mechanisms to secure Africa’s position in the vaccine market to address the immediate urgency of securing COVID-19 jabs vaccines for the continent.

The Bureau said the commission will work within the established African Continental Strategy structures and will be supported by a Secretariat.

“Commissioners also emphasised the cross-cutting nature of gender-related issues across all the objectives set in the terms of reference.”

The commission’s output is expected to be tabled as a standing agenda item of the AU Bureau.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Lenasia Police Station temporarily closed for COVID-19 decontamination

GAUTENG – All communities serviced by Lenasia Police Station are advised that the Community Service Centre has been temporarily closed for decontamination after a positive Covid-19 test.

The Community Service Centre will be operating from Block B parade room next to the main entrance (big gate) opposite the SA Post Office, Eland Street, Lenasia Extension 1.

The cellphone numbers at the community service centre and sector policing will be accessible during the temporary closure.

The building will be undergoing decontamination and the community will be informed once the station is operational again.

The station management can be contacted as follows:

Station Commander: 082 493 3039

Acting VISPOL Commander: 071 675 6951

Relief Commander: 071 675 6582

Duty Officer: 082 493 6973

Communication Officer: 079 525 1428

The South African Police management apologises for any inconvenience caused during this temporary closure.

Source: South African Police Service

Natural causes ruled out as cause of Table Mountain fire

The South African National Parks (SANParks) says an independent report on the wildfire that burned about 600 hectares of land within the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) and some neighbouring properties has ruled out natural causes.

The report also ruled out rock falls or lightning strikes or an accidental/negligent incident, such as an abandoned camping/cooking fire as possible causes of the fire.

The latter, therefore, confirms the fact that the fire was not started by homeless persons, as was initially alleged.

SANParks Acting Chief Executive Officer, Dr Luthando Dziba, said various potential causes of the fire were thoroughly assessed by an independent investigator, Enviro Wildfire (Pty) Ltd.

Dziba said the investigation report provides compelling evidence suggesting that the fire may have been started as a malicious act.

This evidence is currently being investigated by law enforcement agencies.

The report states that according to CCTV footage and eyewitnesses, the fire started at approximately 8:40am under extreme weather conditions such as very warm temperatures (26°C) and low relative humidity (19%).

Within a few hours, the temperature had increased to 34°C and the relative humidity had decreased to 13%, with a prevailing north-westerly breeze of approximately 12km/h.

These conditions, in addition to dry vegetation, presented an ideal environment for the rapid spread of the fire due to the high fire danger index.

In turn, the increase in wind speed and a change in the wind direction caused embers to land outside of the burn area, where they ignited the surrounding veld.

According to Dziba, the situation could have been much worse if the strategic relationship between SANParks and various stakeholders, including the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality, were not in place.

“This provided for a well organised effort in suppressing the fire from the ground and air-support within reasonably good time,” Dziba said.

The firefighting team consisted of SANParks, NCC Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd, City of Cape Town, Working on Fire, Volunteer Wildfire Services and the South African National Defence Force.

A total of five fire-fighters were injured while fighting the fire.

“These men and women acted in the best interest of the community, despite the extremely grim weather conditions and did so at risk to their own welfare and safety,” Dziba said.

Extensive damage occurred to the Rhodes Memorial restaurant, University of Cape Town and the historic Mostert Mill, and various private properties as a result of windblown smouldering embers landing on dry, combustible materials such as thatch, exotic pines, palm trees, ivy and leaves in gutters.

Dziba thanked Cape Town residents and businesses for their generosity and donations of food, drinks and other necessities for the fire fighters, and extend his sincere thanks to the fire fighters for their bravery and dedication.

He thanked members of the public who assisted the investigation.

The independent fire report is available on the SANParks website on

Source: South African Government News Agency

Media invitation: SAPS bids farewell to District Commissioner of OR Tambo

MTHATHA – The South African Police Service in the Eastern Cape will be honouring the District Commissioner of OR Tambo, Major General David Kanuka with a Medal Parade and Farewell Evening Function which are to be held on 25 June 2021 in Mthatha.

Major General Kanuka has served in the SAPS for more than 3 decades from the lowest rank of Constable up to the rank of a Major General.

With the advent of the district developmental model in the Province, he became the first District Commissioner ever to be appointed and was privileged to have his promotion conferred to him by the State President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa personally during the historic launch of the District Model held at Lusikisiki.

The Medal Parade will be held in Mthatha on Friday, 25 June 2021. Members of the media are invited to attend the day’s event.

Details are as follows:

Venue: Mthatha Stadium Grounds

Time: 10:30

Source: South African Police Service