Building a digital economy

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies has embarked on a process to develop Data and Cloud Policy as one of the enablers of the digital economy.

Addressing the virtual colloquium on the Draft Data and Cloud Policy on Friday, Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, emphasised the importance of building a digital economy, as it presents opportunities to create jobs.

“The digital economy is driven by digitalisation, which is the use of digital technologies and digitised data to impact how work gets done, transform how customers and companies engage and interact, and create new (digital) revenue streams.

“We believe data is the critical asset to set the digital economy in motion. We therefore did not decide to develop the Data and Cloud Policy to control and direct how it should be used, but rather as an enabler for social and economic development,” Ndabeni-Abrahams said.

With skills development being a critical intervention to enable economic participation and inclusion, the policy reinforces the issue of skills and capacity development at different levels, including government to create a digitally transformed society through the implementation of National Digital and Future Skills Strategy published by the department in 2020.

“As government, we also recognise the importance and availability of skills that exist outside State institutions, hence the policy proposal about the Data Advisory Council that will draw experts from government, private sector and academia, among others, to contribute towards certain aspects of data governance, including the development of standards relating to the management of data,” the Minister said.

Ndabeni-Abrahams said the digital economy evolves at a faster pace and has the potential to render many innovations that are obsolete within a short period.

“The policy asserts the role of the Department of Science and Innovation to lead South Africa Research and Development in collaboration with the department to accelerate inclusive economic growth, make the economy more competitive and improve people’s daily lives.

“The policy further, propose the establishment of a dedicated research and development capacity, which is critical for the development of human capital to derive value from data and cloud and the establishment of world standard and reliable cyber-infrastructure,” the Minister said.

She said the draft Data and Cloud Policy is also about reinforcing the acceleration of the rollout of digital infrastructure to reinforce a connected society.

“It is also about the storage and, processing and digitisation of government data to create access for citizens, emerging businesses, government and even the private sector.

“The government data referred to must be accessed data in useable form to innovate, develop digital products and services that improve the way we do business, interact with government and each other, support evidence-based policy-making and ultimately enhance service delivery by government,” the Minister said.

Furthermore, it is about creating a feasible environment for data sharing and interoperability to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among government departments and state-owned enterprises to satisfy the unlimited needs of government and citizens.

“The cooperation and collaboration is done through optimization of existing capacities and capabilities of other government and government institutions to create required capacity for data collection, storage and processing.

The draft policy also recognizes the need for data security and protection, hence its reinforcement of Cybersecurity protection of personal information, including the recommendation for review where necessary to support data protection and security and a data driven economy. It is about recognition of what already exists and implementing necessary enhancements to make it better,” she said.

The Minister clarified the issue of data localisation by stating that government has a responsibility to the security and sovereignty of the Republic.

“… As such, we unapologetically insist that Critical Information Infrastructure data (all ICT systems, data systems, databases, networks (including people, buildings, facilities and processes), that are fundamental to the effective operation of the Republic be stored within the borders of South Africa.

“Kindly also note that there is no intention to force the private sector to store their data in the High-Performance Computing Data Processing Centre. We are clearly indicating that government data will be stored there, while we strengthen and preserve the confidentiality and security of the stored data in a manner that will encourage other parties to store their data there,” the Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Business robbery suspect arrested

EASTERN CAPE – A swift actions by SAPS forces led to the recovery of stolen cellphones and arrest of two male suspects on Thursday, 17 June 2021 in Mthatha.

The two suspects in their (20) twenties were arrested following information of an armed business robbery that occurred on Tuesday, 15th of June in one of the clothing stores in Mthatha Plaza where an undisclosed number of cellphones were taken.

The suspects were then taken in for questioning and the vehicle believed to have been used in the commission of crime was impounded by police.

During the investigation a firearm allegedly used during the incident was recovered in Corana A/A, Ngqeleni.

The suspects are currently in police custody and will appear in Mthatha Magistrates court soon and once they are charged with possession of suspected stolen property, business robbery and possession of unlicensed firearm.

Source: South African Police Service

Two suspects arrested for failure to give satisfactory account of possession of stock

EASTERN CAPE – The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga’s determination to eradicate stock theft in the Eastern Cape played out when she personally confiscated seven (7) suspected stolen sheep and effected an arrest of three (3) male suspects aged between 27 and 35 on Thursday morning, 17 June 2021, at Xaxazana Locality, in Mount Fletcher.

At the time of the incident, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga was driving to an outreach event organised by Pholile Police Station for the handing over of school uniform to the victims of Gender Based Violence in Mt Fletcher, when she stopped a bus carrying suspected stolen sheep. She started conducting a search for a possible crime and called her forces for reinforcement.

As she continued the search in the Bus, seven sheep were found locked inside the place where passenger luggage are normally kept. The Bus driver was then questioned about papers for transportation of the sheep which he failed to produce. Those who claimed the sheep also could not produce the papers which would have served as proof of purchase.

General Ntshinga then arrested the three suspects including the bus driver after they failed to provide the necessary documents to prove that the sheep were not stolen. The livestock were then taken to the police station whilst further investigation was underway to verify the information provided by the suspects.

After the final investigation, police were satisfied that the sheep were not stolen but stock theft regulations had been contravened, as no papers were produced for conveyance and purchase of the livestock. Subsequently, all three suspects were issued with J 534’s in order to pay fines to the amount of R300-00 each or appear in court should they fail to pay the fine.

The former Chief investigator and a Commander within the Hawks environment Lt Gen Liziwe Ntshinga was convinced that the laws regulating Stock theft were violated, and this was proven by the outcome of the final investigation. She urged stock theft commanders not to be lenient towards stock thieves, but implement the laws and regulations to the letter. The Provincial Commissioner further warned Stock thieves to refrain from their activities as the net around them is being closed gradually.

Source: South African Police Service

Studies show good immune response to J&J vaccine

Studies are showing a good immune response to the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) single-dose COVID-19 vaccine.

The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) collaborated with J&J on the investigator-led collaborative Sisonke Study, which saw close to 500 000 healthcare workers receiving the single-dose vaccine under the Sisonke Study.

The lead investigator in the Sisonke Study and SAMRC Chief Executive Officer, Professor Glenda Gray, said the side-effects observed are similar to those in other parts of the world, and other vaccines.

“So, there’s no real difference that we’re seeing,” she said at a media briefing on Friday.

Meanwhile, these vaccines – whether it is a J&J or Pfizer – will reduce the risk of severe disease.

“They may not protect you from infection but they do protect you or reduce your risk from severe disease,” said Gray.

According to the Professor, they are following up on all the healthcare workers that had breakthrough infections – cases where fully vaccinated individuals test positive for Coronavirus – and they are currently adjudicating them to see if their illness was mild or severe.

“However, most of the breakthrough infections have been mild and only a handful have been severe,” Gray said.

Most breakthrough infections have been due to the variant that is currently driving the third wave in the country, Gray said.

Researchers are also looking at boosters for the J&J vaccine, about six months after the first vaccination.

In the meantime, Gray said “sub-studies” are being conducted with the single-dose vaccine, looking at HIV infected healthcare workers; pregnant and lactating women, and healthcare workers with comorbidities to understand their immune response compared to other parts of the world.

According to Gray, healthcare workers who have been vaccinated will have a reduced risk of getting severe disease.

“We still believe that healthcare workers must use the personal protective equipment. They must use masks, wash their hands and observe social distancing,” said Gray.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Janet D’Addario, Co-Founder of D’Addario & Co., and Former President of Providence House, Dies at 72.

Janet D’Addario

Photo provided by D’Addario & Company, Inc.

FARMINGDALE, N.Y., June 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Janet D’Addario, a prodigious creative and philanthropic force throughout the world, and wife of D’Addario Chairman, Jim D’Addario, died on June 14th in her home, surrounded by her entire family. She was 72.

The cause was complications from gall bladder cancer, said her husband, Jim D’Addario.

Janet Marie D’Addario was born on December 10th, 1948 in Nassau County. Her education circumnavigated Long Island: St. Brigid in Westbury; St. Dominic’s High School in Oyster Bay, and Nassau Community College in Garden City.

In 1966, the course of her life would forever change when the 18-year-old lead singer of a folk group met another young, budding musician who was instantly smitten by her tender voice and magnetic personality. Jim and Janet D’Addario would go on to marry, sing and perform on stage together, and start an extraordinary 50-year partnership that produced a family, a philanthropic legacy, and the most prestigious music accessories business in the world.

When D’Addario & Co. was first founded in 1973, Janet used her creative talents to design the company’s advertising as well as the packaging design for all of their products. As a fledgling organization, Janet’s vision and compassion had a tremendous influence on the development of the culture that guides the organization today.

She would go on to wear many hats, including head of Artist Relations and co-founder of the D’Addario Foundation, which continues to provide music education to young children in underserved communities. Janet served as the Managing Director of the Foundation for 20 years—helping to raise awareness for the cause by producing classical music concerts in cities around the world.

Ms. D’Addario was known by family and friends for her peerless compassion and generosity—fervently believing that actions mean far more than just words. She would go on to serve 11 years on the Board of Long Island Cares, the charity created by Harry Chapin to eradicate hunger on Long island. As a devout Catholic, she supported numerous Catholic charities across the globe, the Long Island Catholic Hospital system as well as her own, personal parish, St. Brigid.

The one charity that held a particularly special place in her heart was Providence House, a New York institution that provides transitional housing for homeless women and children.

“Providence House is, in so many ways, the very embodiment of my wife…when she saw pain, she wanted to ease it. When she saw hunger, she brought food. When she saw homelessness, she provided shelter. But most importantly when Janet saw someone with no hope, she worked hard to provide them with the tools to restore their will to overcome the challenges they were facing.,” said Jim D’Addario.

Ms. D’Addario served as a Board Member of Providence House for 21 years and as its President from 2004-2019. Over those years, she helped raise millions of dollars to ensure thousands of women and children would have a pathway to a brighter future. Her invaluable work led to Janet and Jim being named the first People of Hope in 2002 and the construction of the 43-unit D’Addario Residence in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

In addition to her philanthropic work, Janet was an avid foodie and prolific painter. Not surprisingly, her greatest joy was bringing friends and family together for a homemade meal and the occasional musical performance by she and Jim, as well as their many musical friends.

Janet D’Addario was the daughter of Robert James Carbone and Annabelle (Eannaccone) Carbone of Westbury, New York. She is survived by her loving husband of over 50 years, Jim D’Addario, and their three children: Julie (Pat); Amy (Marcus) and Robert (Gina). She is also survived by eight grandchildren, and her beloved dogs, Dave and Blue.

In lieu of any gifts or flowers, the family is asking anyone wishing to pay their respects to consider a modest donation to Providence House (

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Natalie Morrison
[email protected]


Les aligneurs Spark™ reçoivent l’autorisation de la FDA pour le traitement orthodontique des enfants, offrant aux parents une nouvelle option avec des avantages de traitement significatifs par rapport au principal concurrent

— Le tout nouveau système d’aligneur transparent, conçu par des médecins pour redresser les dents, permet désormais de traiter les jeunes patients ayant des dents primaires et secondaires et présentant des problèmes orthodontiques simples ou complexes.

BREA, Californie17 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Ormco Corporation, un leader mondial des solutions orthodontiques, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir reçu l’autorisation de la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) des États-Unis pour l’utilisation de son système d’aligneur transparent Spark™ pour le traitement orthodontique des patients ayant à la fois des dents primaires et secondaires (dentition mixte), donnant ainsi le feu vert aux orthodontistes pour traiter leurs jeunes patients qui peuvent bénéficier d’un traitement par aligneur transparent.

Spark for Kids & Teens II

Conçus pour s’adapter au mode de vie des enfants et des adolescents actifs d’aujourd’hui, les aligneurs transparent Spark sont désormais l’une des rares marques approuvées par la FDA pour traiter efficacement et en toute sécurité les jeunes patients dont les cas vont de simples à plus complexes. Les aligneurs Spark sont une option de traitement dirigée par un médecin, plus claire, plus confortable et qui se tache moins que la principale marque d’aligneurs. En fait, 96 % des patients préfèrent les aligneurs Spark à la marque leader sur la base de la clarté et du confort.1 Les aligneurs Spark ont créé des milliers de sourires sains dans le monde entier depuis 2019.

Spark for Kids & Teens I« Mon fils et moi avons été très heureux de son expérience avec les aligneurs Spark », a déclaré Mme Strecker, parent d’un enfant de 9 ans qui avait besoin d’un traitement pour l’espacement et la correction de la PA. « Notre orthodontiste nous a recommandé Spark parce qu’il a obtenu des résultats exceptionnels avec d’autres patients et nous a dit que le matériau utilisé dans les aligneurs Spark serait l’option la plus claire tout en étant plus confortable que la principale alternative concurrente. Comme les gens pouvaient à peine remarquer qu’il portait des gouttières, mon fils s’est senti en confiance pendant tout le traitement. Nous avons vu son sourire changer radicalement en 3 mois environ et l’achèvement du traitement avec un beau sourire en 5 mois. Nous sommes de grands fans de Spark ! »

Spark Aligner Competitive ComparisonsLes aligneurs Spark sont fabriqués avec le matériau TruGENTMTM, la dernière innovation en matière de matériau d’aligneur de marque propriétaire. TruGEN résiste mieux aux taches et est encore plus transparent que le principal matériau pour aligneurs. Les bords sont polis et plus lisses pour éviter l’inconfort occasionnel qui peut résulter des autres marques d’aligneurs. Contrairement aux produits d’alignement en ligne ou à domicile qui éliminent le rôle important de l’orthodontiste, les aligneurs Spark impliquent un médecin expérimenté dans tous les aspects du traitement.

« Mon cabinet a été impressionné par les résultats obtenus par nos patients avec les aligneurs Spark », a déclaré le Dr. Bill Dischinger* de Dischinger Team Orthodontics. « Le matériau TruGEN dans lequel sont fabriquées les gouttières offre un meilleur contact de surface, ce qui permet des mouvements dentaires plus rapides et plus fiables. Avec les aligneurs Spark, nous obtenons des résultats plus solides et plus prévisibles que ceux obtenus avec d’autres aligneurs. L’élargissement des indications d’utilisation est donc une excellente nouvelle pour mes jeunes patients qui mènent un style de vie actif, rempli de sports, de musique et d’autres activités. Toute mon équipe et nos patients sont ravis de l’expérience de traitement efficace et fiable qu’offrent les aligneurs Spark. »

Spark logo Des médecins du monde entier ont utilisé avec succès les aligneurs Spark pour traiter une grande variété de problèmes orthodontiques chez les patients, notamment l’occlusion ouverte, l’occlusion profonde, la surocclusion, la sous-occlusion, l’occlusion croisée, l’encombrement, l’espacement, les dents semi-éruptées et les extractions.

« Les aligneurs Spark ont été conçus en collaboration avec des orthodontistes de premier plan. Ceci, ainsi que TruGEN™, le matériau le plus avancé disponible, garantit une meilleure expérience de traitement pour les patients », a déclaré Sheila Tan, vice-présidente de Global Marketing & Clinical Education. « Nous sommes ravis de l’autorisation de la FDA d’étendre nos options de traitement aux enfants et aux adolescents. Désormais, les aligneurs Spark peuvent être utilisés pour traiter les jeunes enfants qui n’ont pas toutes leurs dents permanentes. »

Les parents et autres consommateurs peuvent en savoir plus sur le système d’aligneur transparent de Spark, voir des images de patients avant et après, et trouver un médecin Spark Aligners sur

À propos du système d’aligneur transparent Spark™

Les aligneurs Spark™ sont fabriquées par Ormco™, un leader mondial des produits orthodontiques innovants, fort de 60 ans d’expertise en orthodontie, en R&D et en matière de normes de fabrication élevées. Ormco a permis aux médecins de créer plus de 20 millions de sourires dans plus de 130 pays. Les aligneurs Spark offrent les dernières avancées en matière d’aligneurs transparents et une meilleure expérience pour le patient. L’application Spark Approver 3D et la technologie avancée des aligneurs transparents avec le matériau TruGEN™ sont conçus pour répondre aux besoins des orthodontistes, offrant un mouvement dentaire plus efficace et plus performant, par rapport à la principale marque d’aligneurs. Les aligneurs Spark sont conçus pour donner aux orthodontistes plus de contrôle et de flexibilité afin qu’ils puissent obtenir plus facilement de beaux et rayonnants sourires.

Reconnus par les orthodontistes du monde entier, les aligneurs Spark sont plus claires, plus confortables et se tachent moins que la principale marque d’aligneurs. Les patients adorent les Spark Aligners : 100 % des patients interrogés recommanderaient les aligneurs transparents de Spark à un ami.¹ Pour plus d’informations sur les aligneurs Spark, visitez le site

*Le Dr. Bill Dischinger est un consultant rémunéré d’Ormco. Les opinions exprimées sont celles du Dr. Dischinger. Ormco est un fabricant de dispositifs médicaux et ne délivre pas d’avis médicaux. Les cliniciens doivent se servir de leur propre jugement professionnel pour traiter leurs patients.

Base pour l’autorisation : Formulaire 045 de la matrice des réclamations :

Nouvelles indications d’utilisation : « Le système d’aligneur transparent Spark ™ Clear Aligner est indiqué pour l’alignement des dents pendant le traitement orthodontique de la malocclusion. » Auparavant, l’indication était : « Le système d’aligneur transparent Ormco Spark Clear Aligner est indiqué pour le traitement de la malocclusion dentaire chez les patients ayant une dentition permanente (c’est-à-dire toutes les deuxièmes molaires). Le système Ormco Clear Aligner positionne les dents par le biais d’une force douce et continue.

3. Les aligneurs Spark™ sont un système de traitement par aligneur discret et presque invisible.

13. Les aligneurs Spark sont conçus pour permettre un traitement plus confortable et plus productif.

17. Il est prouvé que les aligneurs transparents Spark présentent un minimum de taches, ce qui permet de garder un sourire éclatant pendant le traitement.

20. Il est prouvé que le matériau TruGEN™ offre une rétention de force avancée par rapport au matériau leader des aligneurs. Il a été constaté que la rétention de la force entraîne une augmentation du mouvement des dents. Il peut en résulter un mouvement dentaire plus efficace et plus effectif par rapport au matériau de base des gouttières.

21. Les aligneurs transparents Spark sont conçus pour être plus clairs que le principal concurrent.

32. « Les médecins du monde entier utilisent les aligneurs transparents Spark pour traiter une grande variété de malocclusions de patients, notamment l’occlusion ouverte, l’occlusion profonde, la surocclusion, la sous-occlusion, l’occlusion croisée, les encombrements, l’espacement. »

33. 100 % des patients interrogés recommanderaient les aligneurs Spark à un ami.

40. Plus clair. Plus confortable.

41. Les patients s’accordent à dire que les aligneurs Spark sont plus confortables à porter.


Sharon Scott, [email protected]


1 Données sur fichier avec Ormco™

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