Moonbug Entertainment’s Hugely Popular Kids Shows come to the BBC

Programs Including Global Hits CoComelon, Go Buster, Little Baby Bum And More Are Now Available

LONDON, June 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Moonbug Entertainment Ltd., one of the largest digital media companies in the world, today announced its fun, relatable and enriching kids shows are now available on the BBC. All available episodes of hugely popular titles, including CoComelon, Digley and Dazey, Little Baby Bum, Go Buster and Playtime with Twinkle can now be enjoyed by families across the UK on BBC iPlayer.

Moonbug x BBC

“Our collaboration with the BBC marks the first partnership with a public service broadcaster. A real quality stamp for our creative teams!” said Nicolas Eglau, Managing Director EMEA & APAC, Moonbug. “BBC is known worldwide for its engaging programming for preschoolers, and Moonbug is excited to enter a partnership with such a renowned organization.”

Moonbug’s programming introduces universal themes that children can relate to via colorful animation and compelling storytelling. Whether it’s eating veggies or getting ready for bed, Moonbug’s playful animation and catchy songs supports children’s development and learning.

About Moonbug Entertainment
Moonbug Entertainment is an award-winning global entertainment company providing values-based educational programming for children. Its popular kids lineup includes global sensations CoComelonBlippiLittle Baby BumMy Magic Pet MorphleSupa StrikasGo BusterPlaytime with TwinkleGecko’s GarageARPO and many more which are available in 27 languages.

In just two years, it has become a kids programming powerhouse with a library of more than 550 hours of content, which is distributed on more than 100 platforms globally, including YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Sky, Tencent, Youku and Roku. In May of 2020, Tubular Labs named Moonbug one of the leading digital kids’ entertainment companies in the world based on the total number of minutes watched worldwide.

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Zoom lance Zoom Phone Appliances, enrichissant les capacités des professionnels hybrides

Zoom Phone Appliances offre une solution de téléphonie de bureau tout-en-un pour les appels et les réunions, avec des solutions matérielles de Poly et Yealink

SAN JOSÉ, Californie, 10 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ : ZM) a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de Zoom Phone Appliances, une nouvelle catégorie de matériel optimisé pour les professionnels hybrides, des bureaux à domicile aux espaces de huddle partagés, s’adressant aux cas d’utilisation dans tous les secteurs. Zoom Phone Appliances combine la technologie de Zoom avec le matériel de Poly et Yealink pour fournir des capacités vidéo et audio et un écran tactile, dans une solution de téléphonie de bureau tout-en-un pour les appels téléphoniques, les tableaux blancs interactifs et les réunions vidéo HD.

« Zoom continue de faire preuve d’un rythme rapide d’innovation et d’une capacité à évoluer à l’échelle mondiale avec son offre robuste de téléphonie cloud, Zoom Phone », a déclaré Elka Popova, vice-présidente de la recherche sur le travail connecté chez Frost & Sullivan. « Zoom Phone a toujours été une alternative révolutionnaire aux anciennes solutions de téléphonie et ce nouveau programme d’appareils améliore davantage sa proposition de valeur en permettant aux entreprises d’ajouter la vidéo aux espaces de travail avec des appareils spécialement conçus et faciles à obtenir, déployer et gérer. »

« Le lieu de travail traditionnel s’adapte et évolue, et notre objectif est de donner aux professionnels les moyens d’accomplir davantage de choses en estompant les frontières entre la voix et la vidéo », a déclaré Graeme Geddes, responsable de Zoom Phone et Zoom Rooms chez Zoom. « Le nouveau programme Zoom Phone Appliance comprend une sélection de matériel Zoom Phone spécialement conçu de Poly et Yealink, rationalisant les communications, éliminant les frictions et permettant une expérience de communications puissante. »

Zoom Phone Appliances simplifie l’octroi de licences, l’installation, l’utilisation et la gestion, bénéficiant à la fois aux utilisateurs finaux et aux services informatiques. Parmi les autres points saillants de Zoom Phone Appliances, on peut citer :

  • Un téléphone de bureau complet avec de puissantes capacités Zoom. Les appareils Zoom Phone Appliances sont toujours opérationnels et toujours prêts pour une communication et une collaboration instantanées. Démarrez des réunions ad hoc ou planifiées, passez et recevez des appels téléphoniques, consultez votre messagerie vocale et collaborez virtuellement grâce au partage de contenu et aux annotations, tout cela en toute simplicité
  • Gestion centralisée via le Zoom Admin Portal : gestion simplifiée, évolutive et centralisée avec provisioning et mises à jour à distance
  • Aucun octroi de licences supplémentaire requis : connectez-vous à un appareil Zoom Phone Appliances avec votre compte Zoom et créez une expérience bureautique instantanée
  • Solution personnalisée en fonction de l’utilisateur : se synchronise avec le calendrier, le statut, les paramètres de réunion et le téléphone de l’utilisateur pour une expérience intégrée de communications unifiées mettant la vidéo au premier plan
  • Intégration simplifiée avec provisioning sans contact tactile : minimise le besoin d’assistance informatique avec une configuration et une expérience utilisateur simplifiées
  • Écran tactile avec tableau interactif : collaborez avec vos collègues grâce au tableau interactif qui peut facilement être exporté et partagé
  • Zoom Certified : les Zoom Phone Appliances introduisent une nouvelle catégorie de matériel certifié, garantissant que ces appareils sont spécialement conçus pour offrir une expérience de réunions et Zoom Phone optimale. Davantage de périphériques seront ajoutés à cette catégorie au fil du temps

La classe inaugurale de Zoom Phone Appliances propose des solutions innovantes de deux partenaires matériels de Zoom, Poly et Yealink, d’autres étant à suivre.

Téléphones de bureau Poly CCX 600 et CCX 700 avec caméra vidéo intégrée

« Nous sommes ravis d’être parmi les premiers à intégrer une expérience Zoom native dans notre gamme Poly CCX, sous la forme de Zoom Phone Appliances », a déclaré John Lamarque, vice-président et directeur général de la collaboration vocale chez Poly. « Cela donne à la plateforme Zoom, que nous connaissons et aimons tous, la place centrale dans l’écran tactile de l’appareil, offrant une expérience puissante et immersive. »

Vidéophone intelligent Yealink VP59

« Nous sommes ravis de dévoiler le nouveau vidéophone VP59, fiable et à la pointe de la technologie, un appareil Zoom Phone Appliance », a déclaré Alvin Liao, vice-président des produits chez Yealink. « L’écran tactile du vidéophone VP59 sera alimenté par la plateforme leader de communications vidéo de Zoom, fournissant aux clients une interface conviviale et une expérience intuitive. »

Les Zoom Phone Appliances sont disponibles via le programme Zoom Hardware-as-a-Service ainsi qu’auprès des revendeurs agréés Poly et Yealink. Pour en savoir plus sur Zoom Phone Appliances, consultez le site Web de Zoom Phone Appliances et notre blog.

À propos de Zoom
Zoom est fait pour vous. Nous vous aidons à exprimer vos idées, à communiquer avec les autres et à bâtir un avenir limité uniquement par votre imagination. Notre plateforme de communications sans friction est la seule qui a commencé par la vidéo comme fondement, et nous avons établi la norme en matière d’innovation depuis lors. C’est pourquoi nous sommes un choix intuitif, évolutif et sécurisé aussi bien pour les particuliers, que les petites et grandes entreprises. Fondée en 2011, Zoom est cotée en bourse (NASDAQ : ZM) et a son siège social à San José, en Californie. Rendez-vous sur et suivez@zoom.

Relations publiques de Zoom
Farshad Hashmatulla
Responsable des relations publiques
[email protected]

Zoom Lança Zoom Phone Appliances, Capacitando a Força de Trabalho Híbrida

Zoom Phone Appliances Fornece uma solução de telefone fixo tudo-em-um para chamadas e reuniões, com soluções de hardware da Poly e Yealink

SAN JOSE, Calif., June 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) anunciou hoje o lançamento do Zoom Phone Appliances, uma nova categoria de hardware otimizado para a força de trabalho híbrida, que abrange desde escritórios em casa até espaços de reunião compartilhados, abordando casos de uso em todos os setores. O Zoom Phone Appliances combina a tecnologia Zoom com hardware da Poly e Yealink para fornecer recursos de vídeo, áudio e tela sensível ao toque em uma solução de telefone fixo tudo-em-um para videoconferências, telefonemas e quadro branco interativo em HD.

“O Zoom continua a demonstrar um ritmo rápido de inovação e capacidade de escala global com sua robusta oferta de telefones na nuvem, o Zoom Phone”, disse Elka Popova, VP de Pesquisa de Trabalho Conectado da Frost & Sullivan. “O Zoom Phone sempre foi uma alternativa disruptiva às soluções de telefone legadas e o novo programa de aparelhos aprimora ainda mais sua proposta de valor, permitindo que as empresas habilitem espaços de trabalho em vídeo com aparelhos criados especificamente para que sejam fáceis de adquirir, implantar e gerenciar.”

“O local de trabalho tradicional está evoluindo e se adaptando, e nosso objetivo é capacitar a força de trabalho para realizar mais, eliminando a divisão entre a voz e o vídeo”, disse Graeme Geddes, Chefe de Zoom Phone e Zoom Rooms da Zoom. “O novo programa Zoom Phone Appliance oferece uma seleção de hardware Zoom Phone criada especificamente pela Poly e Yealink, que simplifica as comunicações, remove o atrito e viabiliza uma potente experiência de comunicação.”

O Zoom Phone Appliances simplifica o licenciamento, instalação, uso e gerenciamento, beneficiando tanto os usuários finais quanto os departamentos de TI. Os destaques adicionais do Zoom Phone Appliances são:

  • Um telefone fixo completo com potentes recursos Zoom. O Zoom Phone Appliances está sempre ligado e sempre pronto para comunicação e colaboração instantâneas. Para início fácil e rápido de reuniões no momento ou agendadas, chamadas telefônicas, verificação de correio de voz e colaboração virtual com compartilhamento e anotação de conteúdo
  • Gerenciamento centralizado por meio do Zoom Admin Portal: Gerenciamento simplificado, escalonável e centralizado com provisionamento remoto e atualizações
  • Sem licenciamento adicional necessário: Faça o login em um Zoom Phone Appliance com sua conta Zoom e crie uma experiência de escritório instantânea
  • Personalizado para o usuário: Sincronização com o calendário do usuário, status, configurações de reunião e telefone para uma experiência de comunicação unificada de vídeo integrada
  • Integração simplificada com provisionamento Zero-touch: Minimização da necessidade de suporte de TI com uma configuração e experiência do usuário simplificada
  • Tecla de toque com quadro branco interativo: Colaboração com colegas com quadro branco interativo que pode ser facilmente exportado e compartilhado
  • Certificado Zoom: O Zoom Phone Appliances está lançando uma nova categoria de hardware certificada, garantindo que esses dispositivos sejam projetados para uma experiência ideal de Zoom Phone e reuniões. Mais dispositivos serão adicionados a esta categoria ao longo do tempo

Os primeiros Zoom Phone Appliances oferecem soluções inovadoras de dois parceiros de hardware do Zoom — Poly e Yealink — com outras previstas para breve.

Poly CCX 600 Desk Phone e CCX 700 Desk Phone com câmera de vídeo integrada

“Estamos entusiasmados por ser um dos primeiros a integrar uma experiência nativa Zoom na nossa família Poly CCX, como o Zoom Phone Appliances”, disse John Lamarque, Vice-Presidente e Gerente Geral da Voice Collaboration, Poly. “Isso coloca a plataforma Zoom que todos conhecemos e amamos à frente e no centro da tela sensível ao toque do dispositivo, proporcionando uma experiência potente e profunda.”

Yealink VP59 Smart Video Phone

“Estamos muito contentes com o lançamento do novo telefone de vídeo confiável e de ponta VP59, um Zoom Phone Appliance”, disse Alvin Liao, Vice-Presidente de Produtos, da Yealink. “A tela sensível ao toque do telefone de vídeo VP59 será alimentada pela plataforma de comunicação de vídeo do Zoom líder de mercado, fornecendo aos clientes uma interface amigável e uma experiência intuitiva.”

O Zoom Phone Appliances está disponível através do programa Zoom Hardware-as-a-Service, bem como a partir de revendedores Poly e Yealink autorizados. Para mais informação sobre o Zoom Phone Appliances, visite o website Zoom Phone Appliances e leia o nosso blog.

Sobre o Zoom
O Zoom é para você. Ajudamos você a expressar ideias, se conectar a outras pessoas e se preparar para um futuro limitado apenas pela sua imaginação. Nossa plataforma de comunicações sem atrito é a única que teve início com o vídeo como base, e que nos permitiu o padrão da inovação. É por isso que somos uma escolha intuitiva, escalonável e segura para pessoas e pequenas e grandes empresas. Fundada em 2011, a Zoom é negociada publicamente (NASDAQ:ZM) e sediada em San Jose, Califórnia. Visite e siga @zoom.

Zoom Relações Públicas
Farshad Hashmatulla
Gerente de RP de Produto
[email protected]

The Countdown, 8 Days Until the Davido Live! Global Unity Concert Sponsored by Shrucoin Cryptocurrency. Davido, King Of Afro beats, Ask 2 Million Fans To Support His Livestream on June 18th.

Portions of the proceeds from the global concert will support waterholes in Africa. The concert will livestream only on

HOUSTON, TX — (June 10, 2021) – Shrucoin, Inc. The shrucoin cryptocurrency company today announced that Davido, the Nigerian entertainer, known as the king of afrobeats has challenged 2 million of his nearly 20 fans and followers on social media to support his upcoming Global Unity Concert on June 18, 2021. The concert will livestream from Nigeria on at 8pm WAT (West Africa Time). Tickets are on-sale now for only $5 via

The Davido Live, Global Unity Concert is brought to you by Shrucoin cryptocurrency. The King of Afrobeats himself, Davido will perform live from Nigeria and will stream globally exclusively on Davido, will perform his greatest hits and a few surprises. Watch him perform Skelewu, Fall, DamiDuro, If, La La and more.

“We are bringing the world together through the international language of music. Davido and Afrobeats are the future of music, and Shrucoin Cryptocurrency is the future of money, together changing world,” said Julius Jenge, Chief Executive Officer of Shrucoin, Inc.  Tickets are only $5 USD to purchase tickets go to GFNTV.COM now using Mpesa, Mobile Money all major US credit cards. Mobile money and Mpesa are available in Kenya, The DRC, Egypt, Ghana, Lesotho, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania  and South Africa.

About Shrucoin, Inc.

SHRUCOIN is a cryptocurrency built on the Ethereum Blockchain, tethered by several assets. There are 1 billion SHRUCOIN’s available, a basket of cryptocurrency assets tethers each coin. The SHRUCOIN basket of cryptocurrency assets comprises 25% Bitcoins, 25% Ethereum, 25% Bitcoin SV and 25% Litecoin.  The 1 billion tethered SHRUCOIN assets include: 1,000 Bitcoins, 1,000 Ethers, 1,000 BitcoinSVs, and 1,000 Litecoins.Blockchain token SHRU can be used for purchases relating to psilocybin and cannabis. SHRU can be purchased at Consumers can also use the SHRUCOIN Pay app by visiting

For more information:

[email protected]


Five alleged hijacking suspects in custody and stolen property recovered

GQERBERHA – Team work and immediate follow up on information led to the successful arrest of five alleged hijacking suspects and the recovery of suspected stolen property, only a few days after the hijacking was reported.

It is alleged that on Friday 4/06 at approximately 23:55 at NU 2, Motherwell the driver of a courier truck was on route to East London when he was forced to stop when a bakkie overtook him and stopped in front of him. He was confronted by five armed suspects who instructed him not to resist. They drove the truck towards Swartkops River where they dropped the driver off.

A case of Hijacking was reported at SAPS Kwazakele. During the investigation members from Gqerberha Flying Squad were tasked to follow up on information.

On Wednesday 9/06 at approximately 02:00 information led the members to Marine Drive, Summerstrand where they noticed four suspicious vehicles at the beach braai area. As the members approached the vehicles one Quantum minibus managed to speed away, however three vehicles, a Toyota corolla, Toyota Hilux and a Mazda 323 were blocked in. The members managed to arrest five suspects aged between 32 and 47. During the searched of the vehicles the members recovered a cell phone signal jammer, a chrome licensed 9mm firearm with one magazine and ammunition and various types of medical supplies with an estimated value or R700 000.00.

All three vehicles were confiscated and impounded for further investigation. Although the suspects have been found in possession of the stolen goods, further investigation is still being conducted to establish possible links to the hijacking of the courier truck.

The suspects were charged for possession of suspected stolen property and will appear in the Gqeberha Magistrate Court on Friday 11/06.

Acting District Commissioner, Brig Thandiswa Kupiso applauded the excellent efforts of the members who acted on the information received. “The effective coordination of accurate information and swift intervention were instrumental in the arrests and recovery of the stolen goods. All those involved are commended for the breakthrough and the step closer for SAPS to combat and prevent further hijackings in the city,” added Brig Kupiso.

Source: South African Police Service

Police appeal for information to locate missing teenager

DESPATCH – The Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit in Uitenhage is urgently seeking the community’s assistance in locating a 15-year-old girl who went missing on Friday, 4 June 2021. Isha Abrahams, who is residing at the Oosterland Youth Centre, Berg Street, Despatch, attended school at Gamble Street Secondary School, Jubilee Park, Kariega during the day, but never returned to the Youth Centre.

Isha was cladded in school uniform at the time of her disappearance. She is about 1,6m tall and weight 56kg.

Anyone with information about her whereabouts is urged to contact the investigating officer, Detective Constable Ntombeqaya April on 072 732 4809, SAPS Crime Stop 08600 10111, Crime Line sms 32211 or contact the nearest police station.

Source: South African Police Service