A 26-year-old man sentenced to undergo double life imprisonment

CACAD – Perpetrators of serial crimes against defenseless victims whom they manipulated and brainwash continue to get hefty sentencing in different areas in Eastern Cape. Simpiwe Mehlo (26) was found guilty and was sentenced to undergo double life sentence on Tuesday 08 June 2021. The sentence will not run concurrently.

The sentence follows an incident that happened in January 2016 while the 16-year-old survivor was attending traditional ceremony at Gqebenya Administrative Area. She was allegedly grabbed by the suspect and dragged to his house where he raped her until the following day.

The rapes continued for several times until the victim reported the matter to her sister and a case of rape was opened. The docket was assigned to Detective Sgt Yongama Mkabile who took many hours investigating and collected evidence until the case was finalized.

Acting District Commissioner Brigadier Pumla Mavuka encouraged rape victims to immediately report rape attacks to the police or immediate family so evidence can be collected and perpetrators be brought to book. He also congratulated the member.

Source: South African Police Service

Manhunt launched after five houses were torched in Tshilwavhusikhu

POLOKWANE – The police in Tshilwavhusikhu outside Louis Trichardt have launched a manhunt for the suspects who, last night at about 21h45 allegedly torched five houses at Ravele village.

Preliminary police investigations revealed that this incident of mob justice could be linked to the murders that were previously committed in the area but the suspects in these cases have already been arrested.

The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe has strongly condemned these incidents of mob justice and has directed the police to hunt down the suspects and bring them to book.

Anyone with information is requested to contact the Station Commander Lieutenant Colonel Maphefo Machaba on 082 461 7163 or the Crime Stop number 0860010111

Source: South African Police Service

Community to assist in locating a missing teenager

MAAKE – The South African Police Service in Maake outside Tzaneen need assistance from members of the community in locating a 15-year-old girl, Bongani Modjadji Maake from Callies Village who reportedly went missing on Sunday 06 June 2021.

The victim’s mother alleges that she left her at home with her cousin in the afternoon and when she returned, her daughter was nowhere to be found.

The victim’s cousin told her that she went out running without telling anyone about her destination. At about 21:00, the teenager called her mother and told her that she is at Pulaneng village and promised that she will come back the next day on Monday 07 June 2020.

The teenager never returned home and her cellphone is on voicemail. Attempts to locate the victim at friends and surrounding areas were not fruitful.

There is no clear description of the type of clothes the victim was wearing at the time of her disappearance.

Anyone with information that can assist to reunite the missing teenager with her family should contact Investigating Officer, Sergeant Rakgoale on 0714814540 or crime stop number 0860010111 or nearest police or MySAPSApp.

Source: South African Police Service

Pregnant mother and son reported missing

A heavily pregnant mother and her 6-year-old son were reported missing at Botshabelo police station on the 9 June 2021. A missing file is being investigated after a 23-year-old Matshediso Maliela and her son, Lerato Junior Maliela were last seen on the 23 May 2021.

The Maliela family had a thanksgiving ceremony on 23 May 2021 at their parental residence in Section J, Botshabelo. After the ceremony it is alleged that Matshediso Maliela and her went with her boyfriend Lebohang Thaane went to Thaba Nchu.

Few days after the ceremony the family became worried when they could not get hold of her. They went to Thaba Nchu to look for them but they could not find them. Matshediso is said to be suffering from a slight mental problem.

She is light in complexion, medium height, well-built and heavily pregnant, whilst her son is dark in complexion. It is suspected that they might be in Pretoria.

Anyone with information on their whereabouts should please contact Botshabelo Detectives at 0824668341 or call Crime Stop at 08600 10111, alternatively send information via MySAPS App.

Source: South African Police Service

Western Cape on joint agreement with City of Cape Town to turn Cape Town International Convention Centre into vaccination site

CTICC to be turned into mass vaccination site – one of first ‘vaccination centres of hope’

The Western Cape Government and the City of Cape Town have reached joint agreement to turn the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) into a mass vaccination site.

With much of the legwork done and the funding for this important endeavor secured, formal contracts are due to be signed imminently with the CTICC, paving the way for implementation within the next 3 to 4 weeks.

Premier of the Western Cape, Alan Winde, said: “Just over one year ago, our teams worked quickly and efficiently to convert the CTICC into the Western Cape’s first major field hospital, our ‘Hospital of Hope’, and it became a place of healing for the thousands of residents who received life-saving treatment there. I’m excited to once again be working at full speed to open this world-class conferencing venue to residents across the City of Cape Town, enabling a radical increase in life-saving vaccinations. It is our intention for it to be a Centre of Hope in our City and Province within a few weeks.”

It is envisaged that the site will be used for high volumes of vaccinations as part of both the Province and City’s commitment to vaccinating as many of our residents as possible against Covid-19.

“The City of Cape Town begun preparation for the site in March 2021. Work included project management, concept design and costing. These plans were shared with the Provincial government who, after several engagements with the City, made the decision to utilise the CTICC in this regard” said the City’s Executive Mayor Alderman Dan Plato.

The City will drive final preparations in the coming week with the aim of completing the project before the end of June, and the Western Cape Government will be responsible for the management of the site.

The site, however, can only work at full capacity once vaccine supplies allows it. We are hopeful that the release of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, and the arrival of further Pfizer tranches will enable this in the next 3 weeks.

Premier Alan Winde continued “At its peak, it is envisaged that this mass ‘vaccination centre of hope’ will be able to vaccinate over 4000 people a day. It will have up to 50 vaccination stations, with each station capable of administering 100 vaccinations per day. This will have a major impact on the pace of our vaccination programme, especially as we move to vaccinate residents under the age of 60.”

It is intended that the CTICC will be the first of at least three major vaccination centres in Cape Town, ensuring greater access to residents across the city.

Mayor Dan Plato commented: “There are currently detailed plans in place for the opening of several more mass sites in the Metro. The City is excited to partner with the provincial government on these projects where we can so that we ensure that residents have better access to vaccines.”

The Provincial Government and the City will keep residents updated on the progress of these projects, including details on activation dates for the sites – as these will be linked to the supply of vaccines over the next few weeks.

Premier Alan Winde concluded “I would like to thank the Western Cape Department of Health, the Western Cape Department of Transport and Public Works, and the Provincial Treasury – under the leadership of Minister Nomafrench Mbombo, Minister Daylin Mitchell and Minister David Maynier – for their hard work, and of course, the City of Cape Town and the CTICC for being a committed partner in bringing this important project to fruition.”

Source: Government of South Africa

مكتب التميمي ومشاركوهيقدم المشورة القانونية للشركة المصرية للاتصالات في التوقيع على اتفاقية مساهمين معدلة مع مجموعة فودافون

الجيزة، مصر. 9 يونيو 2021: وقعتالشركة المصرية للاتصالات ومجموعة فودافون اتفاقية مساهمين معدلة بعد ما يقرب من ثلاثة أعوام من التفاوض للوصول لتسوية. وورِد بالاتفاق تفصيلياً بعض التغييرات في سياسة التوزيعاتالتي تتبعها فودافون. وقد قام مكتب التميمي ومشاركوه بدور المستشار القانوني للشركة المصرية للاتصالات في إعادة التفاوض بشأن بعض النقاط باتفاقيةالمساهمينالحالية مع مجموعة فودافون. وتستهدف الاتفاقية المعدلةالتأكيد بصفة رئيسية على الحماية المتبادلة للطرفين بشأن حوكمة الشركة وحقوق التخارج المستقبلي لكلا الطرفين.

وعلق إيهاب طه، الشريك بمكتب التميمي ورئيس القسم التجاري والإستحواذات بالمكتب: “يسرنا تقديمالمشورة القانونية للشركة المصرية للاتصالات بشأن اتفاقية المساهمين المعدلة. هذه الاتفاقية تمهد الطريق شراكة حقيقية بين المصرية للاتصالات ومجموعة فودافون لسنواتٍ مقبلة. وأضاف إيهاب طهأن هذه الاتفاقية المعدلةستؤدي لزيادة استقرار وتطوير مجال الاتصالات في مصر.”

تم التصريحعن تطورات إضافية بعد الإعلان عن توقيع الاتفاقية المعدلة، هذه التطورات تتمثل في قدرةشركة فودافون مصر على نقل البيانات الخاصة بأعمالها داخل مجموعة فودافون العالمية. بالإضافة إلى الحقوق التي تتمتع بها الشركة المصرية للاتصالات قبل تعديل الاتفاقية،فقد حصلت على حقوق إضافية، ومن هذه الامتيازات الحق في الإطلاع على بعض المعلومات والبيانات الإضافية. فيما يتعلق بشروط السداد الخاصة بتوزيعات الأرباح، قامتشركة فودافون مصر بالفعلبتوزيع مبلغ 2 مليار جنيه في مارس الماضي،وستعمل على توزيع أرباح إضافية لمساهميها بمبلغ 10 مليارات جنيه مصري خلال هذا العام. وأخيرًا، اتفق الطرفان على قيام الشركة بتوزيع أرباح بشكل مستقبلي يُحدد بنسبة 60٪ من التدفقاتالنقديةالحرة للشركة.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى التواصل على التفاصيل التالية:

زينة مكارم

مدير تسويق اقليمي، مكتب التميمي ومشاركوه

البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]

ت: 01000484182

ملاحظات للمحررين

التميمي ومشاركوه هي أكبر شركة محاماة في الشرق الأوسط ولها 17 مكتبًا في 9 دول. تتمتع الشركة بخبرة واسعة في مجال المحاماة، حيث عملت في المنطقة لأكثر من 30 عامًا. يتمتع محاموها بؤ بخبرات متنوعةومؤهلات دولية ومعرفة والفهم الإقليمي.

نحن شركة متكاملة الخدمات، متخصصة في تقديم المشورة والدعم للشركات الدولية الكبرى والبنوك والمؤسسات المالية والمنظمات الحكومية والشركات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية. تشمل مجالات خبرتنا الرئيسية التحكيم والتقاضي، والخدمات المصرفية والمالية، والشركات التجارية، والملكية الفكرية، والعقارات، والبناء والبنية التحتية، والتكنولوجيا، والإعلام والاتصالات. يقدم محامونا المشورة القانونية عالية الجودة والدعم للعملاء في جميع مجالات ممارستنا.

تستمر أعمالنا وبصمتنا الإقليمية في النمو، ونسعى إلى المزيد من التوسع تماشيًا مع التزامنا بتلبية احتياجات العملاء الذين يمارسون الأعمال التجارية في جميع أنحاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.tamimi.com