Outgoing Men For Change committee hands over the reigns

EAST LONDON – The outgoing Provincial Executive for the Men For Change officially handed over the reigns to the newly elected structure as they wrapped up a three day successful annual general meeting (AGM) held-from 26 – 28 May 2021, in the International Convention Centre, East London.

This was the inaugural AGM where the districts delegates elected the new Provincial Executive Committee that is going to oversee all the activities falling within the mandate of Men for Change in the SAPS.

Earlier on Thursday during the proceedings, speeches from different speakers were delivered, by the Premier of the Eastern Cape, Mr Oscar Mabuyane, MEC for Community Safety Weziwe Tikana – Gxothiwe and SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga. All of the expressed happiness at great enthusiasm demonstrated by delegates over the three day gathering.

As one of the speakers on the last day of the AGM, Brigadier Xawuka who is a station commander at Bethersdorp congratulated the new committee and encouraged reduction of GBV, change of social attitudes and stereo-types in our communities as well as an environment that is free from harassment in the work place.

“Let’s comply with the objective of redefining the essence of father wood. Elections are now behind us, now what lies ahead is to operationalise these noble ideas and work towards bringing about change in the service and in our communities,” he added.

More speakers delivered their messages of support to the newly appointed executive and equally to the outgoing structure.

These included the National PRO for Men for Change, Captain Jika who commended the Eastern Cape province for making sure that the AGM becomes a success as well as the newly elected structure for willingly taking more responsibility by agreeing to lead the Men for Change.

The outgoing MFC Chairperson, Sergeant Nojavu handed over to the newly elected MFC Chairperson, Colonel Nqaphi.

In closing, the custodian of the Men for Change, Deputy Provincial Commissioner General for Corporate Services, Ma Gen TD Kunene delivered a few words of support and motivation to the newly elected structure and thanked everyone for thier unwavering efforts to ensure the success of the three meeting. “Your positive attitudes, passion and humility are the reason behind this resounding success. Today our Province is trending in social networks for good reasons.” said General Kunene.

Source: South African Police Service

Crime awareness campaign conducted in Alexandra

GAUTENG – Alexandra SAPS Sector Managers payed a special visit to the residents of 16th Avenue Alexandra, educating the residents regarding Gender Based Violence, Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, Abduction and Kidnapping.

Gender Based Violence pamphlets tips, Drugs and Alcohol Abused, Children’s Rights, Abduction and Kidnapping were distributed to many people at 16 Avenue Alexandra.

The residents were advised that if they feel angry or potentially abusive in a relationship, step away to clear your head. If they need someone to talk to, they must call 0800 428 428.

Alexandra residents were also encouraged to report all forms of Gender Based Violence to GBVF on 0800 333 177

Alexandra residents appreciates Police Visibility in the area.

Source: South African Police Service

Phillipolis and Petrusburg police stations closed for decontamination

FREE STATE – Communities served by Phillipolis and Petrusburg police stations are advised that the stations are closed after positive cases of Covid-19 virus were confirmed.

The Community Service Centres will on the interim operate as follows:

Phillipolis CSC will operate from Town hall in Kok Street. The following alternative numbers are to be used: 082 781 6695 The Station Commander, Captain Jolingana can be contacted at 08 455 6105.

Petrusburg CSC will operate from the Detective offices in President Street, and alternative number to be used are 053 574 9929. Station Commander can be contacted at 082 467 6693/0635041409.

The buildings will be disinfected for the duration of the closure and members will be subjected to necessary Covid-19 related protocols.

The community will be informed once the stations are functional again.

Source: South African Police Service

GMAC Adiciona Principal Faculdade de Business da América Latina à sua Associação

EGADE Business School proporciona diversidade e prestígio ao Conselho

RESTON, Va., May 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) divulgou hoje que a EGADE Business School do Tecnológico de Monterrey é o mais novo membro do Conselho. Localizada no México, a EGADE Business School foi selecionada por seus programas de categoria mundial e reconhecimento internacional dentro e fora da América Latina, adicionando grande representação da região à associação global que conta com as 229 melhores faculdades de business de todo o mundo.

“A EGADE Business School do Tecnológico de Monterrey desenvolveu sua reputação reconhecida mundialmente como a principal instituição de educação empresarial da América Latina, comprometida em capacitar líderes empresariais que criam valor compartilhado e transformam a sociedade”, disse o Dr. Osmar Zavaleta, reitor interino da EGADE Business School. “A EGADE está empenhada no intercâmbio de ideias e melhores práticas com os nossos pares globais, e a adesão ao GMAC representa uma plataforma valiosa para aprimorar esse intercâmbio com outras faculdades membros do GMAC”.

“A pandemia nos ensinou a ser inovadores e adaptáveis em um ambiente disruptivo de um mundo interconectado”, disse Sangeet Chowfla, presidente e CEO do GMAC. “Apreciamos a visão global e a abordagem holística da EGADE Business School e estamos prontos para receber sua contribuição para o avanço da educação em gestão de pós-graduação.”

A EGADE Business School faz parte de um seleto grupo de instituições internacionais que formam a “coroa tripla” de excelência dos três principais sistemas globais de acreditação para avaliação da qualidade da educação empresarial e melhoria contínua: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Association of MBAs (AMBA) e EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). Pelo quarto ano consecutivo em 2021, a EGADE Business School liderou o ranking Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) no México e na América Latina por seu MBA em Tempo Integral em Inovação, e Empreendedorismo e Mestrado em Finanças, sendo incluída pela primeira vez como líder regional por seu recém-lançado Mestrado em Gestão.

Para ser membro do GMAC, a faculdade deve ter um processo seletivo de admissões; oferecer um programa de mestrado de gestão, assuntos de gestão ou equivalente; demonstrar suporte à missão do GMAC por meio do uso dos seus produtos de admissão e inscrição.

Sobre o GMAC

O Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC – Conselho de Admissão de Gestão de Pós-Graduação) é uma associação global das principais faculdades de pós-graduação em business. Fundado em 1953, o GMAC está empenhado em criar soluções para faculdades e candidatos de business para que eles possam encontrar, avaliar, e se conectar uns com os outros.

O GMAC™ oferece pesquisas internacionais, conferências da indústria, ferramentas de recrutamento e avaliações para a indústria de graduação em gestão, bem como ferramentas, recursos, eventos e serviços que ajudam a orientar os candidatos na sua jornada rumo ao ensino superior. De propriedade e administrado pelo GMAC, o teste Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) é o exame mais amplamente utilizado pelas faculdades de business em todo o mundo.

O GMAC™ também é proprietário e administra o exame NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) e Executive Assessment (EA). Mais de 7 milhões de candidatos na sua jornada de mestrado em business ou MBA visitaram mba.com do GMAC no ano passado para explorar as opções de faculdades de business, se preparar e se inscrever em exames, e obter conselhos sobre o processo de admissão. BusinessBecause e The MBA Tour são subsidiárias do GMAC™, uma organização global com escritórios na China, Índia, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos.

Para mais informações sobre o nosso trabalho, visite www.gmac.com.

Contato com a Mídia:

Teresa Hsu
Gerente Sênior, Relações com a Mídia
202-390-4180 (celular)
[email protected]


Le GMAC accueille la meilleure école de commerce d’Amérique latine comme tout nouveau membre

L’EGADE Business School apporte diversité et prestige au Conseil

RESTON, Virginie, 27 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC) a annoncé aujourd’hui que l’EGADE Business School de Tecnológico de Monterrey est devenue le dernier membre du Conseil. Située au Mexique, l’EGADE Business School est sélectionnée pour ses programmes de classe mondiale et sa reconnaissance internationale en Amérique latine et au-delà, ajoutant une grande représentation de la région à l’association mondiale qui comprend 229 écoles de commerce de premier plan à travers le monde.

« L’EGADE Business School de Tecnológico de Monterrey s’est forgé une réputation mondialement reconnue en tant qu’établissement d’études commerciales de premier plan en Amérique latine, déterminée à autonomiser les chefs d’entreprise qui créent une valeur partagée et transforment la société », a déclaré le Dr Osmar Zavaleta, doyen intérimaire de l’EGADE Business School. « EGADE est déterminée à échanger des idées et les meilleures pratiques avec ses pairs du monde entier et l’adhésion au GMAC fournit une plateforme précieuse pour améliorer cet échange avec les autres écoles membres du GMAC. »

« La pandémie nous a appris à être innovants et adaptatifs dans un environnement de perturbation au sein d’un monde interconnecté », a déclaré Sangeet Chowfla, président-directeur général du GMAC. « Nous apprécions la vision mondiale et l’approche globale qu’apporte l’EGADE Business School et nous sommes impatients de voir ses contributions à l’avancement de l’enseignement supérieur en management. »

L’EGADE Business School fait partie d’un petit groupe d’établissements à l’échelle internationale qui détiennent la « triple couronne » d’excellence des trois principaux systèmes mondiaux d’accréditation pour l’évaluation de la qualité et l’amélioration continue de l’enseignement en commerce : Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Association of MBAs (AMBA) et EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). Pour la quatrième année consécutive en 2021, l’EGADE Business School a dominé le classement Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) au Mexique et en Amérique latine pour ses programmes de MBA à plein temps en innovation et entrepreneuriat et de master en finance, et apparaît pour la première fois en tant que leader régional pour ses récents masters en management.

Pour être considérée comme membre du GMAC, une école doit maintenir un processus d’admission sélectif ; proposer un programme de master en administration des affaires, en management ou équivalent ; et démontrer son soutien à la mission du GMAC en utilisant ses produits et services.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) est une association des meilleures écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Fondé en 1953, le GMAC crée des solutions et des expériences permettant aux écoles de commerce et aux candidats de mieux se découvrir, s’évaluer et entrer en relation.

Le GMAC™ fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Le GMAC™ détient et administre également l’examen NMAT by GMAC™ (NMAT™) et l’Executive Assessment (EA). Plus de 7 millions de candidats à la recherche de masters en commerce ou de MBA ont visité le site mba.com du GMAC l’an passé pour explorer les choix d’écoles de commerce, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission.BusinessBecause et The MBA Tour sont des filiales du GMAC™, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en apprendre plus sur notre action, rendez-vous sur le site www.gmac.com

Contact auprès des médias :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable principale des relations avec les médias
202-390-4180 (mobile)
[email protected]

International Big Data Expo Opens in Southwest China

GUIYANG, China, May 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The 2021 China International Big Data Industry Expo (CIBDIE), the country’s leading big data expo, kicked off on May 26 in Guiyang, capital city of southwest China’s Guizhou Province, according to China International Big Data Industry Expo Organizing Committee.

International big data expo opens in southwest China.

Founded in 2015 and officially upgraded to a national expo in 2017, the big data expo has become an international and professional platform for the development of big data as well as an industrial bellwether.

The three-day event is jointly held by the local government as well as the country’s top economic planner, industrial and information watchdogs. With support from the China’s commerce ministry, the expo features domestic, global, industrial and business perspectives.

Under the theme “Embrace digital intelligence, Deliver new development”, the event will include conferences, exhibitions, new product launches, contests and other activities.

This year’s expo is scheduled both online and offline, seeking open cooperation and joint development of different stakeholders. The online expo offers services like online communication, online exhibition, business negotiation, online forum and guest promotion, presenting a variety of exhibition functions.

Guiyang City and Gui’an New District, as the core areas of the national big data (Guizhou) integrated pilot zone, have always been pioneers in big data development, posting leapfrogging progresses in industrial growth. More than 5,000 big data enterprises and 117 industrial giants were here by the end of 2020. The added value of digital economy reached 164.9 billion yuan (about 25.8 billion U.S. dollars), accounting for 38.2 percent of the regional GDP, and over half of the region’s real economy featured big data elements.

The specific activities of the expo are as follows:

Conferences: the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as 7 high-end dialogues and 13 professional forums.

Exhibitions: Online and offline exhibitions to display new technologies, new products, new schemes and new applications in the field of big data. A section on big data’s role in rural revitalization is also established.

New launches: Releases of the expo’s leading science and technology achievement award, research on methods and paths of data factor market, global prediction system of COVID-19 and the dictionary of big data encyclopedia, etc.

Competitions: The 2nd industrial APP integration innovation competition and the 6th Guiyang big data and network security elite confrontation exercise.

Activities: a series of activities such as meetings and exchanges, talent introductions, night talks, salons and dialogues, promotions and contract-signing, strategic cooperation, organized visits, etc.

Image Attachments Links:

Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=392265
Caption: International big data expo opens in southwest China.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1519935/2021_CIBDIE.jpg