Police found burnt body in boot of vehicle

POTCHEFSTROOM – The Police in Klipgat are investigating a case of murder following an incident wherein a body was found inside a burnt vehicle in Ikageng Section, at a soccer field in Klipgat.

It is alleged that the police were called at approximately 07:00 on Thursday, 17 June 2021, to the scene of crime where upon arrival, they found a sedan that was burnt to ashes. Furthermore, they found a burned body of a man in the boot of the vehicle.

Currently, the police cannot precisely confirm what transpired and investigation into the matter continues. It is suspected that it could possibly be the owner of the vehicle, who has been missing since the incident was reported. However, the identity of the man can’t be confirmed as the body is burnt beyond recognition and DNA testing will have to be done to assist in positively identifying the man.

Anyone with information that can assist the police are requested to contact the investigating officer, Warrant Officer Thabo Sekgororoana on Cell: 082 ?520 1588. Alternatively you can contact your local police station, anonymously contact Crime Stop on ?08600 10111 of use the MySAPS app on your smart phone.??

Source: South African Police Service

Border police confiscate fake goods from a trader in Korsten

EASTERN CAPE – Police members from Border Policing attached to the Port of Ngqura, confiscated illicit cigarettes, sanitary pads and creams from a retail store in Durban Road in Korsten on Friday, 18 June 2021.

It is alleged that at about 10:15, police searched the premises and seized 430 cartons of fake cigarettes, 1538 tubes of various creams, 25 cartons of tobacco as well as 22 loose packets of tobacco. The total amount of the confiscated goods were R230 000.

The 35-year-old owner was warned but not charged and the illicit goods were seized by Border Policing members.

Source: South African Police Service

Kimberley K9 Unit netted dagga worth R40 000

NORTHERN CAPE – Kimberley K9 Unit acted on Crime Intelligence information and confiscated dagga worth R40 000. A house in Amakhuzeni Street, Galeshewe was under police surveillance, as it was suspected to be dealing in drugs.

On Saturday, 19 June 2021 members of Kimberley K9 Unit raided the house. During raiding the suspect fled the scene on foot. Dagga worth R40 000 including cash to the value of R17 000 and three digital scales were found hidden in one of the rooms on the premises.

The Frances Baard District Commander, Major General Johan Bean commended members for their vigilance and for acting promptly to the information.

Source: South African Police Service

Provincial Commissioner leading from the front in operations in gang rife areas in Gqeberha

The Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Liziwe Ntshinga ended the three day operations by painting the streets of Timothy Valley and Arcadia blue on Saturday, 19 June 2021.

A multi-disciplinary team comprising of SAPS Junior Management Core (JMC) in the Province, Men for Change, Women’s Network, CPF, Youth Desk and Visible Policing members descended in the Nelson Mandela Bay district on Thursday, 17 June 2021 embarking on a mission to educate and inform the citizens of this city on various crime preventative initiatives focussing on prevalent crime issues affecting this metro.

The team kick started their awareness campaigns in the New Brighton and Kwazakele areas. They fruitfully interacted with the residents on topics such as Gender Based Violence, adherence to COVID 19 protocols and the regulations as stipulated in the DMA – level 3, bullying etc. The JMC led these operations and were well received wherever they engaged with the local community.

Educating and developing our citizens as well as instilling good morals and patriotism should be the goal of any person or organisation that may have the power to invest in these positive changes and the JMC are one of these important role-players to build and create future leaders through educational programmes.

As part of their mandate of proactively tackling crime that is prevalent in a specific community, the JMC wasted no time in meeting with tavern owners and traders with the aim of ensuring that there was total compliance of the Disaster Management Act- level 3 restrictions. One of the contributors in the rise of Covid 19 infections and GBV, is the misuse of alcohol. The team immediately set out in tackling these worrying issues. Tavern owners and traders in New Brighton were addressed and warned to keep to the curfew and liquor trading hours as outlined in the DMA. They were informed that the abuse of alcohol is a major concern as this leads to the commission of many crimes especially crimes against women and children. Police warned tavern owners that they will ‘show no mercy if found contravening the law relating to the operating times. We will be constantly breathing down your necks to ensure 100% compliance.’

The awareness campaigns continued throughout the three days where police and various stakeholders as well as non-governmental organisations teamed up and engaged with the residents in open spaces as well as door-to-door campaigns. Men and women were sensitized on violence against women and children. The women were informed of the process to follow if they become victims of this scourge. The men were addressed on the consequences of their actions should they fall on the wrong side of the law. In general, the community were advised to be vigilant at all times and to always verify information before falling prey to online scams. They were also cautioned about depositing money into accounts without receiving their goods. Internet fraud is a major concern in Motherwell, New Brighton, Kwazakele and Kwadwesi. People were warned about divulging personal information over the telephone especially their ID numbers and their bank card pin numbers.

Taverns were visited at night to ensure compliance. Detective officers conducted late night raids in search of wanted suspects. Blue light patrols, stop and search operations dominated at night in hotspot areas.

Continuing with their awareness drive, on Friday, 18 June 2021, two schools were visited in Kwazakele where the youth were the focus of these visits. The main topics addressed were on bullying, drug abuse and vandalism at schools. The learners were informed to be proud of their learning environment and to protect it from vandals and criminals. They were schooled to report all forms of criminality to police. The topic of bullying dominated the awareness talks and learners were taught to always respect others and were warned to “Remember that when sending a message to someone, you cannot see the impact that your words or images may have on them. That is why it is important to always respect people and be careful what you say online or what pictures you post. What may appear as a joke to you, may be hurtful to another.”

Lt Gen Liziwe Ntshinga joined the operations on Saturday, 19 June 2021, leading from the front ensuring that the authority of the State will not be undermined by gang activities in the Bethelsdorp area. Walking beside and fully supporting the Provincial Commissioner on this worthy initiative were the Deputy Executive Mayor of NMB Metro, Cllr Nametta, Commissioner of NMB Metro Police, Ms Faro, the NMB District Executive Community Policing Forum, representative from the Human Rights Commission, traditional leaders ,youth group from Jacksonville as well as many other NGO’s in the metro. She also met with the NMB business community policing board and the CPF Executive. While addressing them she added that, “We must work together and not alone. We are all partners and the business fraternity is crucial in our fight against crime. We need to take care of our communities through social needs as well. With businesses on board, we can do more. We need your assistance in helping those in need in our communities and we thank and appreciate you for your continuous support.”

The Deputy Executive Mayor of NMB metro, Cllr Nametta also pledged his support to the SAPS. He added that “We are a one city and we need to unify the city by working together. We need to declare a zero tolerance in respect of crime. Today we are going to restore the dignity of the SAPS, Metro Police and other law enforcement in our metro. This is not the end of the operations, it will be continuous.”

While engaging with the community of Timothy Valley and Arcadia, Lt Gen Ntshinga urged women to take a stand on violence against them and their children. The community was very receptive of the Provincial Commissioner and the strong police presence in the area. They openly highlighted their problems on GBV and gangsterism. She encouraged the women to report all criminality to the police as well as advised them on the appropriate steps to follow in respect of their problems. “We are here to take care of our children. We need to take them off the streets and the children need to know that we, the police are their friends. These children are our future leaders. Parents need to take care of their children. The people in these areas need to know that they are not alone and if they work with us, together we will achieve a safe environment for our children and women. We will not be intimidated by the gangs in these areas,” stated Lt Gen Ntshinga.

Apart from proactive policing, the operations during the three days have achieved significant successes. A total of 234 rolls of dagga, 11 packets of tik, a dagga roller, loose dagga, wiring and wooden fencing were confiscated. Eight (8) suspects were arrested for crimes ranging from rape, pointing of a firearm and domestic violence, dealing in drugs and possession of suspected stolen property. During one of the awareness talks at a school, one minor was referred to the Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit for an alleged sexual assault claim.

Lt Gen Ntshinga congratulated the JMC on their work in the Metro over the last three days. “Police officers are on duty 24 hours a day. We need to police the communities and build their trust by being in the faces of criminals continuously. I appreciate all the law enforcement officers who committed themselves to working together with the SAPS. Our one objective is to reduce crime and we all share a common purpose of making this metro safe. We are here today to support our foot soldiers, to encourage them and to lead them as we take back our space from criminals,’ added Lt Gen Ntshinga.

Source: South African Police Service

Lockdown II forces making inroads in crime fighting efforts in Cape Town

WESTERN CAPE – Members of Lockdown II forces strategically deployed responded to a shooting incident involving a male person on the corner of Borcheds Quarry and Klipfontein Roads on Saturday evening. As they were assisting the injured victim, shot were fired from the shacks nearby. The police members went in the direction of the shots and came under fire from unknown suspects. The police fired back. A 41-year-old suspect was hit and certified dead on the scene. Two unlicensed firearms with ammunition were seized while another suspect, a 31-year-old man was arrested.

While on the scene police questioned, another man wearing a blood-stained shirt. He pointed the police with a firearm and later ran into a nearby shack. The 35-year-old was arrested. It was later discovered the firearm was a toy gun. He faces charges of pointing the police with a firearm.

In another area, the Lockdown II forces stopped a Mazda bakkie on Old Paarl Road in Bloekombos, Kraaifontein, which had no number plates and license disk. It transpired the vehicle was reported stolen in Parow in June 2021. The 39-year-old suspect was subsequently arrested.

Meanwhile another Lockdown II contigent on patrol on Japhta K Masemola Road in Site C, Khayelitsha spotted four suspects cutting cables at a fire station on Saturday afternoon. They gave chase but the suspects managed to evade arrest by disappearing into the shacks. Members recovered a roll of cable that was booked in.

The Lockdown II forces are still on the ground at identified hotspots fighting serious violent crimes.

Source: South African Police Service

Janet D’Addario, cofundadora da D’Addario & Co., e ex-presidente da Providence House, falece aos 72 anos

FARMINGDALE, NY, June 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Janet D’Addario, prodigiosa força criativa e filantrópica em todo o mundo, e esposa do presidente da D’Addario, Jim D’Addario, faleceu no dia 14 de junho em casa, cercada por toda a família. Ela tinha 72 anos.Ela faleceu de complicações de um câncer de vesícula biliar, de acordo com o marido, Jim D’Addario.

Janet Marie D’Addario nasceu em 10 de dezembro de 1948 no Condado de Nassau. Sua educação foi toda em Long Island: St. Brigid em Westbury; St. Dominic ‘s High School em Oyster Bay, e Nassau Community College em Garden City.

Em 1966, o curso da vida dela mudou para sempre quando, com 18 anos e principal cantora de um grupo folclórico, conheceu outro jovem músico em ascensão que se encantou instantaneamente pela sua voz terna e personalidade magnética. Jim e Janet D’Addario se casaram, cantaram e se apresentaram juntos no palco, e iniciaram uma parceria extraordinária que durou 50 anos, resultando em uma família, um legado filantrópico e a empresa de acessórios musicais mais prestigiada do mundo.

Quando D’Addario & Co. foi fundada em 1973, Janet usou seu talento criativos para conceber a publicidade da empresa, bem como o design das embalagens de todos os seus produtos. Durante o estabelecimento da empresa a visão e compaixão de Janet tiveram uma tremenda influência no desenvolvimento da cultura que orienta a empresa até hoje.

Ela ocupou vários cargos, incluindo de dirigente de Relacionamento com Artistas e cofundadora da D’Addario Foundation, que continua a proporcionar educação musical para crianças em comunidades carentes. Janet atuou como Diretora Executiva da Fundação durante 20 anos – ajudando a aumentar a conscientização da causa, produzindo concertos de música clássica em cidades de todo o mundo.

A Sra. D’Addario era conhecida pela família e amigos por sua incomparável compaixão e generosidade – por acreditar fervorosamente que as ações significam muito mais do que apenas palavras. Ela serviu 11 anos no Conselho da Long Island Cares, a instituição de caridade criada por Harry Chapin para erradicar a fome em Long Island. Como católica devota, ela apoiou inúmeras instituições de caridade católicas em todo o mundo, o sistema do Hospital Católico de Long Island, bem como a paróquia à qual pertencia, St. Brigid.

A instituição de caridade que ocupou um lugar particularmente especial no seu coração foi a Providence House, uma instituição de Nova York que fornece alojamento transitório para mulheres e crianças sem-teto.

“A Providence House é, de muitas maneiras, a própria personificação da minha esposa…que quando via dor trazia alento. Quando via a fome alimentava. Quando via pessoas sem-teto proporcionava abrigo. E o mais importante, quando Janet via alguém sem esperança, ela fazia de tudo para proporcionar as ferramentas necessárias para que a pessoa pudesse ter de volta a vontade de superar os desafios enfrentados”, disse Jim D’Addario.

A Sra. D’Addario atuou como Conselheira da Providence House durante 21 anos e como Presidente de 2004 a 2019. Ao longo desses anos, ela ajudou a arrecadar milhões de dólares para garantir que milhares de mulheres e crianças tivessem a oportunidade de ter um futuro mais brilhante. Seu trabalho inestimável levou Janet e Jim a serem nomeados os primeiros People of Hope (Pessoas da Esperança) em 2002 e a construção da D’Addario Residence com 43 unidades em Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Além do seu trabalho filantrópico, Janet era uma ávida foodie e pintora prolífica. Não surpreendentemente, sua maior alegria era reunir amigos e familiares para uma refeição caseira e uma apresentação musical ocasional por ela e Jim, bem como seus muitos amigos da área da música.

Janet D’Addario era filha de Robert James Carbone e Annabelle (Eannaccone) Carbone de Westbury, Nova York. Ela deixa seu amado marido de mais de 50 anos de casamento, Jim D’Addario, e seus três filhos: Julie (Pat); Amy (Marcus) e Robert (Gina). Ela também deixa oito netos, e seus amados cães, Dave e Blue.

Em vez de presentes ou flores, a família pede a quem que deseje prestar seus respeitos que considere uma doação modesta para a Providence House (https://www.providencehouse.org/support-our-work).

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Natalie Morrison
[email protected]