Janet D’Addario, co-fondatrice de D’Addario & Co., et ancienne présidente de Providence House, s’est éteinte à l’âge de 72 ans.

FARMINGDALE, État de New York, 18 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Janet D’Addario, une force créatrice et philanthropique prodigieuse dans le monde entier, et l’épouse du président de D’Addario, Jim d’Addario, est décédée le 14 juin chez elle, entourée de toute sa famille. Elle avait 72 ans.

Selon son mari, Jim D’Addario, son décès est dû à des complications suite à un cancer de la vésicule biliaire.

Janet Marie D’Addario était née le 10 décembre 1948 dans le comté de Nassau. Ses études lui ont fait faire le tour de Long Island, ayant fréquenté : St. Brigid à Westbury ; la St. Dominic’s High School à Oyster Bay et le Nassau Community College à Garden City.

En 1966, le cours de sa vie a changé à jamais lorsqu’à 18 ans, alors chanteuse principale d’un groupe folk, elle a rencontré un autre jeune musicien en herbe qui s’est tout de suite épris de sa tendre voix et de sa personnalité magnétique. Par la suite, Jim et Janet D’Addario se marient, chantent et se produisent ensemble sur scène, puis entament un partenariat extraordinaire de 50 ans qui a donné naissance à une famille, un héritage philanthropique et l’entreprise d’accessoires de musique la plus prestigieuse au monde.

Lorsque D’Addario & Co. a été fondée en 1973, Janet a utilisé ses talents créatifs pour concevoir la publicité de la société ainsi que le design d’emballage de tous ses produits. Organisation alors naissante, la vision et la compassion de Janet ont eu une influence considérable sur le développement de la culture qui la guide aujourd’hui.

Elle a occupé diverses fonctions, notamment celles de directrice des relations avec les artistes et co-fondatrice de la D’Addario Foundation, qui continue de dispenser une éducation musicale aux jeunes enfants des communautés mal desservies. Janet a occupé le poste de directrice générale de la Fondation pendant 20 ans, aidant à sensibiliser à la cause en produisant des concerts de musique classique dans des villes du monde entier.

Mme D’Addario était connue par sa famille et ses amis pour sa compassion et sa générosité sans égales, croyant fermement que les actions signifient bien plus que de simples mots. Elle continuera à siéger 11 ans au conseil d’administration de Long Island Cares, l’organisme caritatif créé par Harry Chapin pour éliminer la faim sur Long Island. En tant que pieuse catholique, elle a soutenu de nombreuses œuvres de bienfaisance catholiques à travers le monde, le système de l’hôpital catholique de Long Island ainsi que sa propre paroisse, St. Brigid.

L’association caritative qui occupait une place particulière dans son cœur était Providence House, une institution de New York qui fournit des logements transitoires aux femmes et aux enfants sans abri.

« Providence House est, à bien des égards, l’incarnation même de ma femme… lorsqu’elle voyait des gens souffrir, elle voulait les soulager. Lorsqu’elle voyait des individus affamés, elle leur apportait de la nourriture. Lorsqu’elle voyait des sans-abri, elle leur offrait un refuge. Mais surtout, lorsque Janet voyait quelqu’un sans espoir, elle travaillait dur afin de lui fournir les outils nécessaires pour rétablir sa volonté de surmonter ses difficultés », explique Jim d’Addario.

Mme D’Addario a été membre du conseil d’administration de Providence House pendant 21 ans et présidente de 2004 à 2019. Au cours de ces années, elle a aidé à lever des millions de dollars pour garantir que des milliers de femmes et d’enfants auraient une voie vers un avenir plus prometteur. Son travail inestimable a conduit à ce que Janet et Jim soient nommés premières personnes d’espoir (People of Hope) en 2002 et à la construction de la résidence D’Addario de 43 unités dans le quartier de Bedford-Stuyvesant, à Brooklyn.

Outre son travail philanthropique, Janet était une passionnée de gastronomie et une peintre prolifique. Sans surprise, sa plus grande joie était de réunir ses amis et sa famille pour un repas maison, et parfois pour une représentation musicale aux côtés de Jim, ainsi que de leurs nombreux amis musiciens.

Janet D’Addario était la fille de Robert James Carbone et Annabelle (Eannaccone) Carbone de Westbury, dans l’État de New York. Elle laisse derrière elle son mari aimant après plus de 50 ans de mariage, Jim D’Addario, et leurs trois enfants : Julie (Pat), Amy (Marcus) et Robert (Gina). Elle laisse aussi huit petits-enfants, et ses chiens adorés, Dave et Blue.

Au lieu de cadeaux ou de fleurs, la famille demande à quiconque souhaite lui rendre hommage d’envisager de faire un modeste don à Providence House (https://www.providencehouse.org/support-our-work).

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible sur https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/88f5885b-1766-4876-89ab-810766a28ed6

Natalie Morrison
[email protected]

SANDF members and another suspect arrested for allegedly transporting illicit cigarettes

POLOKWANE – Two members of the South African National Defence Force aged 27 and 38 together with an undocumented foreign National aged 30 will appear in Musina magistrate court on Monday 21 June 2021 after they were arrested yesterday, 18 June 2021 for allegedly transporting illicit cigarettes in the Army vehicle.

The police at Beitbridge received information about an Army vehicle which was loaded with illicit cigarettes which were to be delivered to an unidentified buyer around Musina. They then reacted by staging a stop and search operation next to the Baobab Truck Park along the N1 road north of Musina.

The Army vehicle fitting the description given approached and the members pulled it over. Two uniformed Soldiers and a civilian wearing the Army jacket disembarked from the vehicle. The vehicle was then searched and 12 boxes of illicit cigarettes to the value of R160 000-00 were found packed in the back of the said vehicle.

The civilian was immediately arrested but the armed soldiers reportedly became confrontational and refused to be arrested. The police then confiscated the said vehicle.

The soldiers were later brought to the police station by their Commander and were then detained. They will be charged with possession of illicit cigarettes, defeating the ends of Justice and resisting arrest. The other suspect will be charged with impersonating SANDF members and contravening the Immigration Act.

The Provincial Commissioner of Police in Limpopo Lieutenant General Thembi Hadebe has commended the members for their swift reaction to the information provided which led to these arrests.

Source: South Africa Police Service

Two police officers and tow truck driver nabbed with stolen copper cables

DURBAN – The theft of copper cables in the province is crippling the productivity of crucial services in most companies. It also has a negative impact on all the citizens of this province. Operations are in place to curb the theft and damage of the essential infrastructure.

In the early hours of yesterday at 02:10, the Umkomaas Task Team were busy tracing suspects at Umlazi W Section when they noticed three vehicles. When they got closer, they noticed a cable being dragged behind by the tow truck and they gave chase. Three suspects aged between 29 and 44 were placed under arrest for possession of copper cables, tampering and damaging the essential infrastructure.

Among the suspects that were arrested were two Sergeants stationed at Umlazi SAPS. It was established that the copper cables belonged to Telkom. The estimated street value is R267 486-00. The docket was taken by the Hawks who took over the investigation. The suspects are expected to appear before the Umlazi Magistrates’ Court on Monday, 21 June 2021.

This arrest proves that no one is above the law. All rotten apples who are committing criminal activities and hiding behind the SAPS emblem will be brought to book and dealt with harshly.

Source: South Africa Police Service

Three suspects arrested with unlicensed firearm.

FREE STATE – On Thursday, 17 June 2021 at about 16:00, members of Welkom Tactical Response Team received an intelligence led information about three men driving around and acting in a suspicious manner.

The members came across the same vehicle fitting the description in Jason’s way Riebackstad.

The said vehicle was tactically approached and ordered to stop alongside the road next to the Garage. The vehicle was thoroughly searched and a firearm with one magazine loaded with eight live rounds was found inside the vehicle. The occupants failed to provide members with valid Firearm license and all three men were arrested for possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition

All these three suspects who are between 22 and 34 years of age, will make their first appearance in the Welkom Magistrate court soon.

Source: South Africa Police Service

Mooinooi police station temporarily closed for decontamination

NORTH WEST – All communities being serviced by Mooinooi police station are advised that this police station is currently closed due to one of its member having tested positive for the Covid-19.

The Community Service Centre (CSC) will now be operating from the board room as a contingency plan.

The old police station land line numbers are currently not working due to a technical fault. The CSC can be reached on the following cellphone number: 060 987 5498.

The police station building is currently undergoing decontamination while members that have come in contact with the infected member are undergoing screening and testing. It will be fully operational on Monday, 21 June 2021.

The South African Police Service (SAPS) management apologises for any inconvenience caused.

Source: South Africa Police Service

Millions of Refugees Face Hunger as Donor Support Withers

GENEVA – Ahead of World Refugee Day, the World Food Program is appealing for international support for millions of destitute refugees, many of whom are facing hunger because money to feed them has dried up.

The World Food Program assists more than 115 million people in 80 countries. Currently, it has received just 55 percent of the $15.3 billion it needs to implement its life-saving operations this year.

To make ends meet, it has been forced to make draconian cuts in food rations for millions of refugees across eastern and southern Africa, as well as the Middle East. WFP spokesman Tomson Phiri says in eastern Africa alone, nearly three-quarters of refugees have had their food rations cut by half.

“In Southern Africa, refugees in Tanzania who depend entirely on WFP assistance have had their rations cut by almost one-third,” said Phiri. “Significant funding shortages for the Syria Regional Refugee Response mean 242,000 refugees in Jordan may be cut off from assistance at the end of August unless more funding is received.”

Phiri says the WFP urgently requires $4.5 billion over the coming six months to restore those benefits.

“If we do not get money, we may be forced to prioritize further or even to suspend activities. This will affect vulnerable groups depending on WFP support, particularly malnourished children,” said Phiri. “You have other vulnerable groups or other populations of concern. Pregnant and expecting mothers, nursing mothers. They are all parts lumped together in that category that we refer to as refugees.”

The U.N. refugee agency says a record number of more than 80 million refugees and internally displaced people have been forced to flee their homes because of war, violence, and persecution. It says most of those forcibly displaced live precariously on the margins of society, with little hope of returning home any time soon.

As nations prepare to commemorate World Refugee Day, the World Food Program is urging donors not to turn their back on the most vulnerable people when they need their support more than ever.

Source: Voice of America