Synchronoss Anuncia Plano de Transição de CFO

Empresa Confirma Orientação para o Exercício Fiscal de 2021

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 17, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: SNCR), líder global e inovadora em nuvem, mensagens, e produtos e plataformas digitais, anunciou hoje um plano de transição de CFO com o atual Diretor Financeiro (CFO) David Clark renunciando a sua função em 9 de agosto de 2021 em busca de outros interesses pessoais e de carreira. A transição de Clark não está relacionada aos relatórios financeiros e ao desempenho dos negócios da Empresa, e a Empresa confirma a orientação para 2021 divulgada em 10 de maio de 2021, em paralelo com o anúncio de hoje. Clark foi nomeado CFO em agosto de 2018.

Comentando sobre a partida de Clark, Jeff Miller, Presidente e CEO da Synchronoss, disse: “Gostei de trabalhar ao lado de David e sou grato pelo seu compromisso com a Empresa. David ingressou na Synchronoss para melhorar nossos controles operacionais e relatórios. Durante seu mandato, ele ajudou a Synchronoss a navegar com sucesso através das melhorias significativas na gestão das despesas operacionais e na implementação da governança e dos controles financeiros. Acredito firmemente que sua contribuição nos preparou para o crescimento e sucesso futuros. Em uma nota pessoal, desejo a ele o melhor no seu futuro e aprecio seu apoio durante esta transição de liderança.”

Uma busca pelo substituto de Clark está em andamento. Ele permanecerá no seu cargo atual até a data da sua partida e dará apoio à Synchronoss durante a transição do seu cargo de CFO para um sucessor.

Sobre a Synchronoss
A Synchronoss tecnologia(NASDAQ: SNCR) cria software que capacita empresas ao redor do mundo a se conectarem com seus assinantes de forma confiável e significativa. O conjunto de produtos da empresa ajuda a agilizar as redes, simplificar a integração e envolver os assinantes, permitindo novos fluxos de receita, redução dos custos e aumento da velocidade no mercado. Centenas de milhões de assinantes confiam nos produtos da Synchronoss que se mantêm em sincronia com as pessoas, serviços e os conteúdos que elas gostam. É por isso que mais de 1.500 funcionários talentosos da Synchronoss em todo o mundo se esforçam todos os dias para reimaginar um mundo em sincronia. Saiba mais em

Declarações de Previsão

Este comunicado de imprensa inclui declarações sobre a Synchronoss e suas expectativas futuras, planos e perspectivas que constituem “declarações prospectivas” na acepção da Lei de Reforma de Litígios de Títulos Privados de 1995. Para este fim, quaisquer declarações aqui contidas que não sejam declarações de fato histórico podem ser consideradas declarações prospectivas. Sem limitar o acima exposto, as palavras “pode”, “deve”, “espera”, “planeja”, “antecipa”, “poderia”, “pretende”, “acredita”, “potencial” ou “continua” ou outras expressões semelhantes destinam-se a identificar declarações prospectivas. A Synchronoss baseou essas declarações prospectivas em grande parte nas suas expectativas e projeções atuais sobre eventos futuros e tendências financeiras que acredita que possam afetar seus negócios, condição financeira e resultados das operações. Estas declarações prospectivas falam apenas a partir da data deste comunicado de imprensa e estão sujeitas a uma série de riscos, incertezas e premissas, incluindo, sem limitação, riscos relacionados à capacidade da Empresa sustentar ou aumentar a receita de seus clientes maiores e gerar receita de novos clientes, as expectativas da Empresa em relação a despesas e receitas, a suficiência dos recursos de caixa da Empresa, as estratégias de crescimento da Empresa, as tendências e desafios previstos nos negócios e no mercado em que a Empresa opera, as expectativas da Empresa em relação aos requisitos regulatórios federais, estaduais e estrangeiros, os processos pendentes contra a Empresa descritos em seus registros SEC mais recentes e outros riscos e fatores descritos nas seções “Fatores de Risco” e “Discussão e Análise da Condição Financeira e Resultados de Operações da Administração” do Relatório Anual da Empresa no Formulário 10-K do exercício fiscal encerrado no dia 31 de dezembro de 2020, e Relatório Trimestral no Formulário 10-Q do trimestre encerrado no dia 31 de março de 2021, que estão arquivados na SEC e disponível no site da SEC em Não assumimos nenhuma obrigação de atualizar nenhuma declaração prospectiva, como resultado de novas informações, desenvolvimentos futuros ou outros.

Contato com a Mídia

Em nome da Synchronoss:
Anais Merlin, CCgroup UK
Diane Rose, CCgroup US
E: [email protected]

Contato com o Investidor
Em nome da Synchronoss: Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc., E: [email protected]

Synchronoss annonce le plan de transition de sa direction financière

La société réaffirme ses directives pour l’exercice 2021

BRIDGEWATER, New Jersey (États-Unis), 17 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ : SNCR), un innovateur mondial de premier plan en matière de produits et plateformes numériques, de cloud et de messagerie, a annoncé aujourd’hui un plan de transition relatif au départ, le 9 août 2021, de son actuel directeur financier David Clark, qui poursuivra d’autres intérêts personnels et professionnels. Le départ de M. Clark est sans rapport avec les états financiers et les performances commerciales de la Société, laquelle réaffirme les directives 2021 précédemment énoncées le 10 mai 2021, parallèlement à l’annonce de ce jour. David Clark avait été nommé directeur financier en août 2018.

Commentant le départ de M. Clark, Jeff Miller, président-directeur général de Synchronoss, a déclaré : « J’ai apprécié de travailler aux côtés de David et le remercie pour son engagement envers la Société. David a rejoint Synchronoss pour apporter des améliorations à nos contrôles opérationnels et notre reporting financier. Au cours de son mandat, il a permis à Synchronoss de réaliser avec succès des améliorations significatives dans la gestion des dépenses d’exploitation et la mise en œuvre de la gouvernance et des contrôles financiers. Je suis fermement convaincu que, grâce à sa contribution, nous sommes positionnés pour la croissance et la réussite futures. Sur un plan plus personnel, je lui souhaite le meilleur dans ses futures attributions. Par ailleurs, j’apprécie le soutien qu’il nous apporte durant cette transition de direction ».

Le recrutement en vue de remplacer M. Clark est en cours. Jusqu’à la date de son départ, il demeurera à son poste actuel et soutiendra Synchronoss durant la phase de succession au poste de directeur financier.

À propos de Synchronoss
Synchronoss Technologies (NASDAQ : SNCR) est un développeur de logiciels permettant aux entreprises du monde entier de se connecter à leurs abonnés de manière fiable et pertinente. Sa gamme de produits contribue à rationaliser les réseaux, simplifier l’intégration et interagir avec les abonnés afin de créer de nouvelles sources de revenus, réduire les coûts et accélérer la mise sur le marché. Plusieurs centaines de millions d’abonnés font confiance à Synchronoss pour rester en phase avec les individus, les services et les contenus qu’ils aiment. C’est pourquoi les plus de 1 500 talentueux collaborateurs de Synchronoss à travers le monde s’efforcent chaque jour de repenser un monde synchrone. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

Énoncés prospectifs

Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations concernant Synchronoss et ses attentes, projets et perspectives futurs, qui constituent des « énoncés prospectifs » au sens de la Loi de 1995 sur la réforme du litige avec le secteur privé (Private Securities Litigation Reform Act). À cette fin, toutes les déclarations contenues dans ce document qui ne sont pas des déclarations de faits historiques peuvent être considérées comme des énoncés prospectifs. Sans limiter ce qui précède, les mots « peut », « devrait », « s’attend à », « prévoit », « estime », « pourrait », « a l’intention de », « croit », « potentiel » ou « continue », ou d’autres expressions similaires, sont destinés à identifier les énoncés prospectifs. Synchronoss a largement fondé ces énoncés prospectifs sur ses attentes et prévisions actuelles concernant des événements futurs et les tendances financières susceptibles d’affecter ses activités, sa situation financière et ses résultats d’exploitation. Ces énoncés prospectifs ne sont valables qu’à la date du présent communiqué de presse et sont assujettis à un certain nombre de risques, d’incertitudes et d’hypothèses, y compris, sans limitation, les risques liés à la capacité de la Société à maintenir ou augmenter les revenus de ses grands clients et à générer des revenus auprès de ses nouveaux clients, les attentes de la Société en matière de dépenses et de revenus, le caractère suffisant des ressources de trésorerie de la Société, les stratégies de croissance de la Société, les tendances et les défis anticipés dans le secteur et sur le marché où la Société exerce ses activités, les attentes de la Société à l’égard des exigences réglementaires fédérales, nationales et étrangères, les poursuites en instance contre la Société décrites dans ses plus récents documents déposés auprès de la SEC, ainsi que d’autres risques et facteurs décrits dans les sections « Facteurs de risque » et « Rapport et analyse par la direction de la situation financière et des résultats opérationnels » du Rapport annuel sur formulaire 10-K de la société pour l’exercice clos le 31 décembre 2020, ainsi que du Rapport trimestriel sur formulaire 10-Q pour le trimestre clos le 31 mars 2021, déposés auprès de la SEC et disponibles sur le site Web de la SEC à l’adresse La Société décline toute obligation de mettre à jour les énoncés prospectifs contenus dans le présent communiqué de presse à la suite de nouvelles informations, d’événements futurs ou autrement.

Contacts pour les médias

Pour Synchronoss :
Anais Merlin, CCgroup UK
Diane Rose, CCgroup US
E-mail :

Contact avec les investisseurs
Pour Synchronoss: Todd Kehrli/Joo-Hun Kim, MKR Investor Relations, Inc., E-mail :

Suspect arrested for possessionof stolen property in Paarl

WESTERN CAPE – After a spate of house robberies in the Winelands and surrounding rural areas, members of Paarl SAPS Crime Prevention Unit and the Agter Paarl Farm Watch arrested a suspect that could possibly be linked to house robberies in the rural area. The suspect was arrested in possession of stolen items linked to a house robbery on a farm in the Tulbagh area last night, 17 June 2021.

The Paarl SAPS and Agter Farm Watch members held a vehicle check point (VCP) on the R45 road when they pulled over a silver Chevrolet with five males in the vehicle. On requesting the driver to open the vehicles boot the four male passenger jumped out of the vehicle and fled the scene. The vehicle was subsequently searched and balaclavas, gloves and a baby browning firearm with magazine and four rounds were found in the vehicle amongst numerous electronic items. It was discovered that the electronic items found in the vehicle belonged to a farm owner in the Tulbagh area that was robbed earlier in the evening by five unknown males. The items were positively identified by the owner and the driver of the vehicle, a 32-year-old from, Kuilsrivier was subsequently arrested for the possession of an illegal firearm, ammunition, stolen property and house breaking implements. Investigation into the arrest of the other suspects is continuing.

In an unrelated matter, police visibility in Philippi-East continue to deliver the desired results. A 25-year-man is due to appear in the court once charged for hijacking. The suspect was arrested last night during patrols while driving in the hijacked vehicle. When the vehicle was tested, it was positively linked to hijacking in Samora Machel policing precinct. The suspect is currently in detention.

Two men will also face court today on a charge of possession of stolen motor vehicle after vigilant police members on patrol arrested them on Wednesday, 16 June in Philippi-East. Both aged, 27 and 28 from Marikana informal settlement were arrested after the officers did stop-and-search operations and tested the vehicle for ownership. The motor vehicle was positively linked to a theft case in the Pinelands policing precinct during this month.

Source: South African Police Service

Police officers to get vaccinated after teachers

Police officers are next in line to get vaccinated after the inoculation of teachers.

This is according to the Health Department’s Dr Nicholas Crisp, who said this second major vaccination programme is now at an advanced stage of planning.

“It will be rolled out immediately upon the completion of the teacher [vaccination],” he said on Friday.

Crisp, who is a Deputy Director-General (DDG) in the department, managing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, said they have identified 145 000 officials and 36 000 civilians working in the police service.

Vaccination sites will be set up at police stations, in collaboration with licenced pharmacies.

Crisp announced that another vaccination programme will aimed at the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and Correctional Services.

“SANDF has its own military health services and will be vaccinating their own members,” said Crisp.

Inmates, said Crisp, will be vaccinated through Correctional Services, while the staff will receive their vaccines through the same programme run by the Department of Public Service and Administration with the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS).

“There are a lot of parallel processes in terms of volume of vaccines.”

Besides the Pfizer vaccines that are already in the country, Crisp said the country will receive an additional two million that will be delivered soon.

In addition, he said Johnson & Johnson (J&J) is expected to start delivering more vaccines after the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) halted the distribution of the contaminated jabs.

So far, the country has already inoculated over two million citizens and government is determined to prioritise frontline workers.

“What has constrained us has been the lack of the availability of vaccines and we know if we want to get to more people, we need more sites and more vaccines,” said Crisp.


Crisp confirmed that the country received the 300 000 J&J vaccines earmarked for teachers on Thursday.

The department is targeting 582 000 public, private and school governing body-appointed teachers.

“Most of them have already been vaccinated because some of them are over 60, while others work as psychologists or registered as healthcare workers.

While the 300 000 vaccines will not be enough to cover all the teachers, Crisp said the next consignment is due to arrive next week from a similar source in the US.

The Basic Education Department is arranging for schools to get designated vaccination sites, and will arrange for transport to get them to these centres.

Crisp reminded teachers to carry their IDs and medical aid cards (for those who have them).

Source: South African Government News Agency

Building a digital economy

The Department of Communications and Digital Technologies has embarked on a process to develop Data and Cloud Policy as one of the enablers of the digital economy.

Addressing the virtual colloquium on the Draft Data and Cloud Policy on Friday, Minister of Communication and Digital Technologies, Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams, emphasised the importance of building a digital economy, as it presents opportunities to create jobs.

“The digital economy is driven by digitalisation, which is the use of digital technologies and digitised data to impact how work gets done, transform how customers and companies engage and interact, and create new (digital) revenue streams.

“We believe data is the critical asset to set the digital economy in motion. We therefore did not decide to develop the Data and Cloud Policy to control and direct how it should be used, but rather as an enabler for social and economic development,” Ndabeni-Abrahams said.

With skills development being a critical intervention to enable economic participation and inclusion, the policy reinforces the issue of skills and capacity development at different levels, including government to create a digitally transformed society through the implementation of National Digital and Future Skills Strategy published by the department in 2020.

“As government, we also recognise the importance and availability of skills that exist outside State institutions, hence the policy proposal about the Data Advisory Council that will draw experts from government, private sector and academia, among others, to contribute towards certain aspects of data governance, including the development of standards relating to the management of data,” the Minister said.

Ndabeni-Abrahams said the digital economy evolves at a faster pace and has the potential to render many innovations that are obsolete within a short period.

“The policy asserts the role of the Department of Science and Innovation to lead South Africa Research and Development in collaboration with the department to accelerate inclusive economic growth, make the economy more competitive and improve people’s daily lives.

“The policy further, propose the establishment of a dedicated research and development capacity, which is critical for the development of human capital to derive value from data and cloud and the establishment of world standard and reliable cyber-infrastructure,” the Minister said.

She said the draft Data and Cloud Policy is also about reinforcing the acceleration of the rollout of digital infrastructure to reinforce a connected society.

“It is also about the storage and, processing and digitisation of government data to create access for citizens, emerging businesses, government and even the private sector.

“The government data referred to must be accessed data in useable form to innovate, develop digital products and services that improve the way we do business, interact with government and each other, support evidence-based policy-making and ultimately enhance service delivery by government,” the Minister said.

Furthermore, it is about creating a feasible environment for data sharing and interoperability to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among government departments and state-owned enterprises to satisfy the unlimited needs of government and citizens.

“The cooperation and collaboration is done through optimization of existing capacities and capabilities of other government and government institutions to create required capacity for data collection, storage and processing.

The draft policy also recognizes the need for data security and protection, hence its reinforcement of Cybersecurity protection of personal information, including the recommendation for review where necessary to support data protection and security and a data driven economy. It is about recognition of what already exists and implementing necessary enhancements to make it better,” she said.

The Minister clarified the issue of data localisation by stating that government has a responsibility to the security and sovereignty of the Republic.

“… As such, we unapologetically insist that Critical Information Infrastructure data (all ICT systems, data systems, databases, networks (including people, buildings, facilities and processes), that are fundamental to the effective operation of the Republic be stored within the borders of South Africa.

“Kindly also note that there is no intention to force the private sector to store their data in the High-Performance Computing Data Processing Centre. We are clearly indicating that government data will be stored there, while we strengthen and preserve the confidentiality and security of the stored data in a manner that will encourage other parties to store their data there,” the Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Business robbery suspect arrested

EASTERN CAPE – A swift actions by SAPS forces led to the recovery of stolen cellphones and arrest of two male suspects on Thursday, 17 June 2021 in Mthatha.

The two suspects in their (20) twenties were arrested following information of an armed business robbery that occurred on Tuesday, 15th of June in one of the clothing stores in Mthatha Plaza where an undisclosed number of cellphones were taken.

The suspects were then taken in for questioning and the vehicle believed to have been used in the commission of crime was impounded by police.

During the investigation a firearm allegedly used during the incident was recovered in Corana A/A, Ngqeleni.

The suspects are currently in police custody and will appear in Mthatha Magistrates court soon and once they are charged with possession of suspected stolen property, business robbery and possession of unlicensed firearm.

Source: South African Police Service