Accused appears in court for possession of illicit cigarettes

POTCHEFSTROOM – In a bid to curb transnational crime, police at Kopfontein Port of Entry arrested a 53-year old Petrus Toppies for possession of illicit cigarettes.

Members were busy with their daily duties on Tuesday, 08 June 2021 at about 17:00, when they pulled off a MAN truck to the search area. The truck which was pulling a trailer, was entering South Africa from Zambia via Botswana. Moreover, the driver who was alone in the truck, declared that he was transporting liquid molasses for cows.

Upon further investigation by the customs officials, the driver reportedly disclosed that the middle compartment of the trailer contained illicit cigarettes. The resultant search revealed that the trailer’s flank compartments contained liquid molasses while the middle one was filled with 355 Master Cases of Pacific Blue Cigarettes to the estimated value of R4 805 200.00.

The driver was immediately arrested and liquid molasses had to be drained out as it is not suitable for use in South Africa. The truck and cigarettes were ultimately confiscated.

Meanwhile, Toppies appeared before the Zeerust Magistrates’ Court on Friday, 11 June 2021. He was remanded in custody until Friday, 18 June 2021, for a formal bail application.

The case is investigated by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI).

The Acting Provincial Commissioner of North West, Major General Dintletse Molefe lauded members and Customs officials for their vigilance and cooperation that resulted in the arrest. She pointed out that illicit cigarettes trade affects the economy of the country and the police will deal harshly with those who perpetrate the crime.

Source: South African Police Service

Huawei Digital Power Looks to Build a Competent Global Partner Community for a Green and Bright Future

SHENZHEN, China, June 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — With a relentless focus on partner success, Huawei Digital Power has recently hosted the Ecosystem Partner Summit 2021 to explore how to build a competent partner system for a green and bright future through competitive zero-carbon all-scenario solutions, quality service and an innovative partner strategy. Due to Covid-19 the virtual event series, with Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe summits, is bringing together partners from 81 countries.

“Carbon neutrality has become the world’s most pressing common goal, which stirs up a revolution in power generation and consumption and accelerates the industrial upgrading as well. The energy transformation brings abundant Industrial and commercial opportunities. By integrating digital and power electronics technologies, Huawei Digital Power is pushing forward the energy revolution and joining hands with our partners to build a green and bright future,” said James Li, Member of the Huawei Supervisory Board and President of Marketing, Sales & Services of Huawei Digital Power in his welcome speech.

Mr. Li added that the ecosystem strategy lies at the heart of Huawei Digital Power’s development strategy. The digital energy industry is essentially an ecosystem industry. We will be committed to doing something right to bring value to partners, share benefits with them, and improve their capabilities, and join forces with every competent and ambitious partner to build a green and bright future through the multi-level and multi-business cooperative ecosystem strategy.

The digital power industry needs an ecosystem, and that’s why Huawei Digital Power has come up with the ‘3-4-5-6’ ecosystem strategy. “We divide partner services into three domains — smart PV, data center & site facility, and Huawei-inside domain — to allow every player to focus on their strengths. When cooperating with partners, we adhere to the following four principles: profitability, simplicity, enablement, and ecosystem. With this in mind, we will implement five major measures this year — building a partner system centering on the digital power industry, optimizing the IT platforms, promoting standardization, ramping up marketing and branding, and increasing resource inputs — to help partners improve six capabilities in sales, service, marketing and so on,” Mr. Li emphasized in his speech.

The annual Ecosystem Partner Summit, designed to showcase the resources and tools that our partners need to drive profitability, comes as Huawei’s stepping up efforts in building a zero-carbon and smart society. Presented at the summit, Zhou Taoyuan, President of Products & Solutions, Huawei Digital Power, introduced Huawei’s All-Scenario Zero-carbon Solution, featuring “5 core technologies + 4 application scenarios + 1 cloud”. The solution covers Smart PV Generator FusionSolar 8.0, Green Residential Power 2.0, Green C&I Power 1.0, Off-grid (fuel removal) Power Supply Solutions, Energy Cloud, Zero-carbon Data Center, Zero-carbon Site, Smart Charging Network and Modular Power.

Ecosystem partner representatives from different corners of the world have shared their insights into marketing strategy during the pandemic, market expansion strategy, business growth, among others, at the virtual summit. 72 top-performing partners globally were selected to be awarded for their dedication to value creation in 2020. Within a few years, some of the partners have expanded their business to more than a dozen countries, thanks to the cooperation with Huawei. Just as Mr. Li said: “Huawei doesn’t place limits on our partners, so dream big and achieve bigger.

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Huawei Digital Power will focus on our ecosystem strategy and join forces with our partners to build a greener, more sustainable planet that we call home.

About Huawei

Founded in 1987, Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. We have more than 197,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people around the world.

Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world. To this end, we will drive ubiquitous connectivity and promote equal access to networks; bring cloud and artificial intelligence to all four corners of the earth to provide superior computing power where you need it, when you need it; build digital platforms to help all industries and organizations become more agile, efficient, and dynamic; redefine user experience with AI, making it more personalized for people in all aspects of their life, whether they’re at home, in the office, or on the go. For more information, please visit Huawei online at or follow us on:

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Layout International Partners with to Fully Automate Print Production

Combining Layout International’s NewsPublish and’s smart AI and ML engine reduces the hours long process of print laydown to just minutes

TORONTO, June 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —, a suite of AI-powered optimization, prediction and automation tools developed by The Globe and Mail, has partnered with Layout International, a supplier of cutting-edge enterprise technology, to transform print production. Sophi will provide the smart AI/ML technology to fully automate the end-to-end print production workflow to save publishers time and money and enable them to focus on creating high quality content.

Print laydown is typically a long and arduous process, involving multiple editors and page designers and taking hours to complete. Without the rigid constraints of a template, Layout International customers will now have the opportunity to create a print-ready paper that is indecipherable from a paper prepared by human page designers, and the entire process takes just minutes. And for Layout International’s over 200 customers, this partnership means seamless integration of Sophi into their current NewsPublish editorial workflow.

“We’re excited that working with enables us to offer our customers cutting edge new capabilities in the form of an end-to-end automated print solution that dramatically increases efficiencies. Our customers will be able to run and rerun their print paper in just minutes, whenever they chose, all within the NewsPublish Enterprise content management system that they already use daily,” said Jean-Michel Habis, CEO of Layout International.

The Sophi suite of tools is designed to identify an organization’s most valuable content (not the most popular content, but the content that drives conversions or retention or the metric that matters most to that organization) and place it in the most valuable places across their digital entities, or behind a paywall when the subscription revenue outweighs the predicted advertising revenue. In addition to NewsPublish powered by, Sophi provides site automation, a fully dynamic, real-time, personalized paywall, and analytics solutions to publishers across the world.

“Print laydown is a massive undertaking,” said Greg Doufas, Chief Technology Officer at The Globe and Mail. “We see this partnership with Layout International giving publishers the freedom to focus on content creation and the specific design elements that page designers want to spend their energy on. The best part is that NewsPublish powered by is getting better and smarter every day, so Layout International customers will always be on the cutting edge of technology with this solution.”

To learn more, please visit or email [email protected].

About Layout International
Layout International ( meets the growing technological needs in the market by providing highly customizable enterprise solutions. They serve more than 200 clients, supplying them with cutting-edge technology to improve the way they work. They enable many organizations to digitally transform their processes, migrate and integrate to work on a single platform.

Layout International Media Contact
Ghassan Halawi
Vice President of Sales, Layout International
+961 70 855685
[email protected]

About ( is a suite of AI-powered optimization and prediction tools that helps content publishers make important strategic and tactical decisions. Sophi solutions range from Sophi Site Automation and Sophi for Paywalls to Sophi Analytics, a decision-support system for content publishers. Sophi is designed to improve the metrics that matter most to your business, such as subscriber retention and acquisition, engagement, recency, frequency and volume. Media Contact
Jamie Rubenovitch
Head of Marketing,
The Globe and Mail
[email protected]

Coppel Mexico choisit VoltDB pour alimenter les profils des clients

BEDFORD, Massachusetts, 10 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — VoltDB, la seule plate-forme de données d’entreprise qui répond aux exigences des applications modernes en matière de données en temps réel, a annoncé aujourd’hui que Coppel, le plus grand magasin national du Mexique, utilise désormais la plate-forme de données VoltDB pour créer un système unifié pour les profils des clients.

« Volt a vraiment changé la donne pour nous », a déclaré Robert Gil, directeur des technologies de Coppel. « Nous pouvons désormais disposer d’une plateforme unifiée pour gérer l’ensemble des données de notre portefeuille de 13 millions de clients, ce qui se traduit ensuite par une expérience client bien meilleure et un retour sur investissement bien plus important pour nous grâce à une meilleure fidélisation de la clientèle. »

L’un des principaux actifs de Coppel, les portefeuilles de clients, présente également un défi de taille : disposer d’un profil unique en ligne et à jour comportant toutes les informations relatives au client et faire en sorte que ce profil soit actif dans un environnement omnicanal afin que les clients puissent accéder à leurs informations sur les frais, les crédits et les versements (soldes) en temps réel, sans compromettre la vitesse de traitement des transactions au sein du portefeuille.

Coppel a choisi VoltDB parce qu’elle avait besoin d’une plateforme de données qui puisse lui permettre de :

  • Conserver les informations en ligne en un seul endroit
  • Être insensible aux défaillances grâce à des schémas aux différences finies (DRP) répartis et optimisés sur plusieurs sites.
  • Analyser les informations en temps réel grâce à des tableaux de bord
  • Collecter les données en temps réel
  • Effectuer des analyses de fraudes sans compromettre les performances de la base de données

« Tous les tests réalisés avec Volt ont dépassé les attentes en ce qui concerne les performances en termes de transactions par seconde », a déclaré Gil.

Coppel prévoit d’étendre l’utilisation de Volt à divers cas d’utilisation des centres d’appels et du service à la clientèle.

Pour obtenir davantage d’informations sur les raisons pour lesquelles les entreprises de tous les secteurs d’activité choisissent VoltDB pour alimenter leur fonctionnement, visitez le site à l’adresse suivante .

À propos de VoltDB

VoltDB est la seule plateforme de données conçue pour prendre en charge les applications télécoms à l’ère de la 5G. Nous combinons le stockage de données en mémoire avec une faible latence prévisible et d’autres fonctionnalités principales pour alimenter les applications BSS/OSS, de gestion client et d’assurance des revenus qui doivent agir en quelques millisecondes pour générer des  revenus ou éviter les pertes de revenus, sans compromettre la précision des données. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site

Logo –

Government developing comprehensive GBVF prevention strategy

President Cyril Ramaphosa says as government moves into the second year of the National Strategic Plan aimed at tackling gender-based violence and femicide, a comprehensive strategy is being developed to tackle the problem.

The President said this when he responded to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces on Thursday.

“As we move into the second year of the National Strategic Plan, we are focused on strengthening accountability at all levels of government and society.

“We are developing a comprehensive national GBVF prevention strategy, including evidence-based social and behaviour change programmes.

“If we are committed to working together as a country – as government, communities, civil society, organised labour, business, academia, traditional leaders and the faith community – we will succeed in ending violence against women in South Africa,” he said.

This comes after the President, in his State of the Nation Address in June 2019, committed himself to strategies aimed at effectively tackling gender-based violence and femicide.

Following this, the Emergency Response Action Plan was implemented to further strengthen the fight against gender-based violence and femicide, and provide justice for the victims and survivors.

This was a short-term plan implemented over six months through partnerships between civil society networks, government, development partners and academic institutions.

The National Strategic Plan on GBVF was approved by Cabinet in March 2020.

The plan, the President said, builds onto the Emergency Response Action Plan, and focuses on improved accountability, responsiveness to the needs of survivors, addressing impunity and driving a comprehensive prevention agenda.

“We are beginning to see positive results through various joint interventions.

“In February 2021, we launched the private sector GBVF Response Fund, where an initial amount of R128 million was pledged.

“Legislative reform has been a critical component of the National Strategic Plan,” the President said.

Last week, the National Assembly passed three bills, namely, the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Bill; Domestic Violence Amendment Bill and Criminal and Related Matters Amendment Bill.

These three Bills are now on their way to the NCOP.

“I would encourage the NCOP to carefully consider these three important Bills with a sense of urgency, within the legislative mandate of the NCOP.

“We have introduced several innovative initiatives to facilitate access to support and justice.

“This includes a SMS notification system for applications for domestic violence protection orders, which was launched at all district courts in January 2021,” President Ramaphosa said.

The President said the Domestic Violence Amendment Bill, once passed, will make it possible for complainants to apply for protection orders online.

“Thirty-two regional courts are ready for designation as Sexual Offences Courts.

“There are plans for the establishment of six additional Thuthuzela Care Centres.

“As at March 2021, all police stations had the necessary sexual assault DNA kits to assist victims and survivors,” said the President.

GBV command centre

South Africa has a Gender-Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC), which operates under the Department of Social Development.

The centre operates a national, 24hr/7days-a-week call centre facility. The facility employs social workers, who are responsible for call-taking and call referrals.

The centre operates an emergency line number – 0800 428 428.

This is supported by a USSD, “please call me” facility: *120*7867#.

A Skype Line ‘Helpme GBV’ for members of the deaf community also exists. (Add ‘Helpme GBV’ to your Skype contacts).

A SMS based Line 31531 for persons with disabilities (SMS ‘help’ to 31531) also exists.

The centre is able to refer calls directly to SAPS (10111) and field social workers, who respond to victims of GBV.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Criminals in the Western Cape are feeling our presence

WESTERN CAPE – Criminals in this province can run but they cannot hide for long as police members will make sure that they are brought before a court of law.

Members of Lwandle police were busy with patrols yesterday when they received information about a vehicle transporting abalone from Hermanus that was destined for Cape Town. At about 14:15 a white Mercedes Benz was stopped and searched on Vulindlela Road in Lwandle when eight bags containing a total of 855 units of abalone worth an estimated street value of R1,200 000-00 were confiscated.

A 25 year old man was arrested and detained. Once charged he is expected to make his court appearance in the Strand Magistrate court on a charge of illegal transporting and possession of abalone.

In an unrelated case in the early hours of this morning Flying S quad members were busy with patrols on Valhalla Drive when they spotted a vehicle that was involved in a robbery in Bellville on Thursday. The vehicle was brought to a halt and both occupants aged 31 and 34 years old respectively were arrested and detained. Once charged both suspects are expected to make a court appearance in the Bellville Magistrate court.

Source: South African Police Service