Taconic Biosciences lance la solution d’importation TruIMPORT™

Les modèles de rongeurs originaires de Chine peuvent être importés dans pratiquement n’importe quel vivarium universitaire sans quarantaine

RENSSELAER, New York, 28 mai 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Taconic Biosciences, l’un des leaders mondiaux de la fourniture de solutions à base de modèles d’animaux pour la découverte de médicaments, a annoncé une amélioration significative de son alliance pour la génération de modèles Taconic-Cyagen, qui permet l’importation transparente de nouveaux modèles génétiquement modifiés provenant de Chine en vertu de la réglementation TruIMPORT™.

Les chercheurs travaillant au sein des institutions à but non lucratif jouent un rôle essentiel dans la découverte de médicaments. Toutefois, l’externalisation de la génération de modèles animaux peut représenter un défi en termes de logistique ou de coût. Les obstacles à l’accès aux ressources de modèles animaux peuvent entraver certaines recherches importantes. Les solutions potentielles à ce problème ont toujours débouché sur des compromis. Selon le pays d’origine, les options rentables peuvent nécessiter une longue quarantaine des animaux, ou une reproduction supplémentaire visant à assurer que les animaux respectent les normes de santé requises pour pénétrer dans les installations animalières de l’institution. Ces étapes additionnelles peuvent engendrer un coût temporel et financier pour les chercheurs.

Initialement lancée en 2018, l’Alliance pour la génération de modèles Taconic-Cyagen (ci-après l’« Alliance ») destinée aux chercheurs des pôles universitaires et organismes à but non lucratif tire parti des talents de deux sociétés leaders du secteur pour créer une solution spécialement adaptée aux établissements de recherche bénévole. Taconic Biosciences possède plus de 65 années d’expérience dans la création de modèles de rongeurs, tandis que Cyagen Biosciences est un leader basé en Chine spécialisé dans l’efficacité des générations de modèles et la mise en place de structures de coûts compétitives. Depuis sa création, l’Alliance est devenue un leader reconnu dans le domaine des services de génération de modèles à destination des chercheurs universitaires et bénévoles. La technologie TruIMPORT™ représente une évolution importante dans cette offre de services. Elle permet d’importer des modèles animaux chinois dans des installations animales aux États-Unis et en Europe, tout en respectant les exigences des vivariums en vigueur. Grâce à sa vaste palette d’options, TruIMPORT™ permet aux clients d’accéder à une génération de modèles efficace, en disposant de plusieurs options de tarification selon le calendrier de livraison, la norme sanitaire et la taille de cohorte souhaités.

« Notre principal objectif est de résoudre les problèmes pour nos clients », a déclaré le Dr John Couse, vice-président en charge des services scientifiques chez Taconic. « Alors que l’Alliance fournit une génération de modèles efficace depuis des années, les préoccupations liées à l’importation ont constitué un obstacle pour de nombreux clients. En créant de multiples options sous la protection TruIMPORT™, les clients peuvent désormais importer des modèles de rongeurs depuis la Chine sans quarantaine, quelles que soient les exigences de leur vivarium », a-t-il ajouté.

La gamme TruIMPORT™ comprend trois options d’importation nommées RapidRELAY™, RapidCHECK™, et RapidEXPANSION™. Les clients peuvent comparer les caractéristiques des produits ici afin de déterminer celle qui représente la combinaison de calendrier, de normes sanitaires et de livrables répondant à leurs besoins.

À propos de Taconic Biosciences, Inc.

Taconic Biosciences est un leader mondial pleinement agréé spécialisé dans les modèles et les services de rongeurs génétiquement modifiés. Fondée en 1952, la société Taconic offre les meilleures solutions animales, afin que les clients puissent acquérir, générer d’une manière personnalisée, élever, préconditionner, tester et distribuer des modèles de recherche précieux dans le monde entier. Spécialiste des modèles de souris et de rats génétiquement modifiés, du microbiome, des modèles de souris pour l’immuno-oncologie, ainsi que des services intégrés de génération de modèles et de gestion de colonies, Taconic exploite trois laboratoires de service et six établissements d’élevage aux États-Unis et en Europe, entretient des relations de distribution en Asie et dispose de capacités d’expédition mondiales pour fournir des modèles animaux presque partout dans le monde.

À propos de Cyagen Biosciences, Inc.

Cyagen Biosciences est un fournisseur de premier plan proposant une gamme complète de services à base de modèles de rongeurs génétiquement modifiés. Cyagen s’appuie sur un procédé à haute efficacité comprenant une technologie d’intelligence artificielle exclusive pour concevoir et fournir des nouveaux modèles génétiquement modifiés avec précision et selon une tarification compétitive. Le Centre animalier transgénique Cyagen, situé en Chine, est un établissement de barrière ultramoderne sans pathogène spécifique (SPF) accrédité par l’AAALAC et assuré par l’OLAW. Cyagen possède d’autres sites aux États-Unis, au Japon et en Chine. Depuis la création de Cyagen en 2005, nous avons livré plus de 78 400 modèles animaux à des chercheurs du monde entier et avons été cités dans plus de 4 700 publications.

Contact auprès des médias :

Kelly Owen Grover

Responsable des communications marketing


[email protected]

SAPS donates school uniform to Phalesane Primary School

GAUTENG – The Deputy Provincial Commissioner Policing Major General Tommy Mthombeni, The station commander of Temba SAPS Brigadier Martha Mokobori, joined by Department of Community Safety and Community policing forum when they donate school uniform to Phalesane Primary School learners at Suurman in Temba today.

When outlined the background and the purpose of the visit, Major General Tommy Mthombeni said he was approached by some of community members who needed assistance from the SAPS to assist learners who are struggling with school uniform and who are from the poor families, and that is when he took initiative to kick start the project.

More than 36 identified learners received uniform from SAPS management which includes shoes, shirts, trousers, skirts, socks, ties and jersey.

Phase two was the handing over of the house at Eersterus F4 where a 20 year old woman living with her siblings was handed the key of the house by Major General Mthombeni. It was also a task for SAPS to assist the little girl after the tragedy struck the family which left them without a place to stay after their house burned down and killed the breadwinner.

Food parcels also donated to the family. Major General Mthombeni applauded everyone who spend sleepless nights working around the clock to assist the family, from face one for school uniform donation and handing over of the house that was outstanding job by the SAPS and other stakeholders.

Source: South African Police Service

Drug dealers in custody for allegedly shipping heroin to the United Kingdom

GAUTENG – Two suspects, Lihle Manana (42) and Calvin Mzoli Mpemba (44) were remanded in custody on allegations of illegal dealing in drugs by the Germiston Magistrate’s Court this morning.

It is alleged that the suspects dropped off a package declared as documents at a courier company in Edenvale on Monday, 24 May. The said consignment was destined to an address in the United Kingdom.

The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation in Germiston were called by the courier company for investigation regarding a suspicious package delivered for shipment. Upon arrival and further inspection of the suspected package, the investigation team found 315 grams of suspected heroine concealed in an envelope.

Further investigation led the investigation team to a positively identified address in the Boksburg area where a suspect was brought in for questioning. On Wednesday, 26 May Manana and Mpembe were also brought in for questioning. They were consequently detained shortly afterwards. The authorities seized various items including a white VW Polo suspected to have been used in the commission of crime.

The suspects appeared in court and the matter is postponed to Thursday, 03 June 2021 for a formal bail application and further investigation.

Source: South African Police Service

Three suspects arrested for hijacking a truck

BLOEMFONTEIN – Parkweg police arrested three suspects, including an employee of the SAPS, earlier today on M30 road near Lengau farm. This after information of a truck hijacking was disseminated to all vehicles on patrol to look out for a white Toyota Dyna truck that was allegedly hijacked on the N8 near De Brug army base. The police on patrol then spotted the static truck and approached it. Three males and a lady were found in the truck.

One of the males claimed to be the owner of the truck and identified the other two as a technicians who were there to fix the truck. The police searched the males and found, in possession of the one who identified himself as the truck owner the South African Police Service appointment certificate.

The three suspects, 34-year-old admin clerk at the SAPS, and two 30 year old males were arrested for possession of presumably stolen property.

The 40-year-old truck driver alleged to have been hijacked whilst driving with a lady, assaulted then robbed of his Samsung S10 and a wallet with bank cards. He was then dropped off late at night at an unknown location after being forced inside the boot of a vehicle that forced him off the road.

A case of hijacking, armed robbery and kidnapping is being investigated by Mangaung Metro Detectives. Any member of the public who might have information concerning the case should please call Crime Stop 08600 10111. Alternatively the information can be submitted through MYSAPS.

Source: South African Police Service

Wedela precinct is painted blue by SAPS educating and engaging with community

GAUTENG – The community of Wedela was embraced with a visit of Police officers from 13 different Police Stations within the district.

On Friday 28 May 2021 at 08:30 Communication Officers and Social Crime Prevention Officers from thirteen stations within the district led by captain Havenga took Wedela residence by surprise.

Police visibility threw motorcade drew attention of the community.

The purpose was to able man and woman in blue a chance to interact with the community.

The saps members joined by community safety, Youth desk,Brigades, Cogta, Community Policing Forum members, Patrollers and Gender Based Violence held a Crime Awareness Campaign in Wedela and Elandsridge surrounding houses.

The members came in numbers to issue pamphlets and educate the community of the crimes happening around the area including dangerous areas which are becoming hotspots.

A loudhailer was also used to sensitize the community of Crimes affecting the area such as assaults, gender base violence, house robbery and street robberies and drugs.

Businesses were also visited to address Business Robberies and Selling of expired goods.

There most prevalent crime which are mostly caused by people mostly trusted within our area, the community was also given safety tips of how to deal with such crimes and to take cognisance of their surroundings.

One on one engagement with the community helped with rising concerns of criminal activities especially around Skopas and Extension 3 Wedela and other issues regarding the police.

The community was also encouraged to report any criminal activities, suspicious persons and vehicle and increase safety measures. Pamphlets contained safety tips and telephone numbers for the Station, Sector vehicles and the Community Service Centre cellphone number.

Crime Stop and Emergency numbers were given to the community for Anonymous callers for immediate response.

The Station Commander of Wedela SAPS, Captain C.C Botha thanked the members on behalf of the District Commissioner Major General Fred Kekana. He expressed his gratitude to the group for working tirelessly to ensure the safety of the community.

He also appreciated the help to educate and encourage the Community of Wedela to join forces with the Police as this is an outcry for the District.

Source: South African Police Service

Pinetown robbery suspect arrested

DURBAN – Yesterday at 17:00, Pinetown Trio Task Team members arrested a 29-year-old suspect during a suspect raid in Pinetown. It is alleged that on 17 May 2021 at 09:00, six suspects entered a clothing shop on Hill Street in Pinetown and one of them threatened a security guard with a knife.

A variety of undisclosed amount of male and female clothing items were stolen by the suspects. A case of business robbery was opened at Pinetown police station further investigation. Yesterday detectives received intelligence about the whereabouts of one of the suspects. Detectives proceeded Pinetown CBD where the suspect was and he was arrested.

Five other suspects are still at large and are being sought by police. The arrested suspect will be charged for business robbery and will make his first appearance at Pinetown Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 31 May 2021.

Source: South African Police Service