SBS UnionPay Debit Card – Unlocking digital financial services, Financial inclusion and global e-Commerce in the Kingdom of eSwatini

MBABANE, eSwatini, June 16, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Swaziland Building Society (SBS) and UnionPay International (UPI) jointly announced today the issuance of UnionPay debit, platinum and diamond cards in the Kingdom of eSwatini, providing customers of all income groups with a simple, secure and convenient payment experience. This debut plays a significant role following eSwatini’s national financial inclusion strategy, contributing to economic growth, improving financial inclusion, and creating a sustainable future.

According to UNCDF[1], financial inclusion is increasingly positioned as an enabler of broader development goals. More and more countries in Africa have included the financial inclusion efforts in their national development plans, underpinning the ongoing relevance and significance in the region.

“Today marks a key milestone and a strong collaboration between SBS and UPI, both organisations strongly believe the initiative will drive financial inclusion and technological innovation to repaint the payment landscape in eSwatini”, SBS & UPI joint statement.

The new SBS UnionPay cards enable customers to purchase at any point-of-sales and transact online nationwide ensuring safety and contactless payment experience. Locally the cards can also be used to withdraw cash from local ATMs, providing an inclusive payment environment for all customer needs.

A nationwide marketing campaign to raise awareness about the new cards and the diversified everyday scenarios such as shops, restaurants, petrol stations, clinics and more, enabling customers a localised efficient ways to pay will be launched shortly.

With over 59 years of steady growth, the Swaziland Building Society continues to be an innovative financial service provider offering customer-centric transactional, digital financial services and continues to improve its capacity to serve with a competitive edge.

With over 1.5 billion UnionPay cards issued in 70 countries and regions globally, UnionPay has expanded its acceptance network to 180 countries and regions in recent years. At present, UnionPay cards are widely accepted in Africa across all sectors, effectively meeting the diverse purchasing needs of UnionPay cardholders visiting and living on the continent. UnionPay cards are issued in over 10 African countries, including Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, South Africa, Madagascar and Mauritius. The Nilson Report (Issue 1154) shows that UnionPay ranks first among all card schemes in card issuance and transaction volume worldwide. UnionPay has launched various innovative payment products in Africa in response to the worldwide digital transformation and financial inclusion.

Laserfiche nommé acteur majeur dans un rapport d’analyse indépendant sur les fournisseurs de plateformes de contenu

LONG BEACH, Californie, 15 juin 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Laserfiche, le principal fournisseur de logiciels à la demande (SaaS) offrant des solutions de gestion intelligente du contenu et d’automatisation des processus opérationnels, a été nommé acteur majeur dans le rapport The Forrester Wave™: Content Platforms, Q2 2021. Laserfiche est l’un des 14 fournisseurs qui ont été évalués selon la rigueur de leur stratégie et leur offre actuelle.

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Laserfiche a obtenu la cote la plus élevée possible pour les critères concernant les progiciels, le soutien des développeurs, les services de production de contenu et la feuille de route d’exécution. Selon le rapport, « la feuille de route de [Laserfiche] et sa vision axée sur le cloud lui permettent de déployer ses produits au sein de grandes entreprises, et son approche de mise en marché continue de mettre l’accent sur les marchés verticaux clés en ce qui a trait à la programmation. » Il indique également que « Laserfiche offre un soutien solide pour ses progiciels et les modèles de ses solutions, et facilite l’échange de ces modèles par l’entremise des communautés de clients et de partenaires. »

En conservant une approche de la gestion du contenu d’entreprise axée sur le cloud, Laserfiche se concentre sur l’offre d’une plateforme flexible et extensible qui s’intègre facilement aux applications des entreprises. L’entreprise continue d’offrir des services de gestion des dossiers, des formulaires électroniques et des capacités d’automatisation des processus d’affaires de pointe, y compris l’automatisation robotisée des processus et la saisie intelligente. Son souci constant de satisfaire sa clientèle favorise également l’innovation et un engagement concret auprès de sa communauté d’utilisateurs.

« Laserfiche continue d’être un chef de file dans le domaine de l’automatisation des processus axée sur le contenu », a déclaré Thomas Phelps, directeur de l’information et vice-président principal, Stratégie d’entreprise chez Laserfiche. « Nous croyons que notre vision axée sur le cloud et notre engagement à renforcer l’autonomie de nos clients dans les industries hautement réglementées expliquent cette reconnaissance dans le rapport The Forrester Wave: Content Platforms. »

Le rapport The Forrester Wave™: Content Platforms, Q2 2021 évalue les fournisseurs selon 25 critères regroupés en trois catégories de haut niveau, soit l’offre actuelle, la stratégie et la présence sur le marché. Pour en savoir plus, téléchargez le rapport ici.

À propos de Laserfiche

Laserfiche est le principal fournisseur de logiciels à la demande offrant des solutions de gestion intelligente du contenu et d’automatisation des processus opérationnels. Grâce à de puissants flux opérationnels, à des formulaires électroniques ainsi qu’à la gestion et l’analyse de documents, la plateforme Laserfiche® accélère les processus d’affaires, ce qui permet aux dirigeants de se concentrer sur la croissance globale de leur entreprise.

Laserfiche est une pionnière en matière de gestion du contenu des entreprises pour éliminer l’utilisation du papier au bureau. Aujourd’hui, son approche de développement axée sur le cloud intègre les innovations en matière d’apprentissage machine et d’IA, afin de permettre aux entreprises de plus de 80 pays de passer au numérique. Les clients issus de tous les horizons – gouvernement, éducation, services financiers, soins de santé, fabrication – font appel à Laserfiche pour accroître leur productivité, prendre de l’expansion et offrir des expériences client axées sur le numérique.

Basés dans différents bureaux aux quatre coins du globe, les employés de Laserfiche s’engagent à réaliser la vision de l’entreprise : renforcer l’autonomie des clients et inspirer les gens à repenser comment la technologie peut transformer leurs vies.

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Manhunt for murder suspects who shot five victims execution style then torched their houses in two separate incidents

NELSPRUIT – Police in Mpumalanga have launched a vigorous manhunt for suspects following two separate incidents in which five victims were fatally shot and their houses torched. These horrifying incidents occurred in the early hours of today, Wednesday 16 June 2021, at Bushbuckridge and Madras near Hazyview respectively.

Reports indicate that in the first incident, police received information about a shooting incident at Madras, where four family members were shot execution style by four suspects inside their RDP house.

When police arrived at the scene, they found the house in flames with four victims inside lying unconscious with burn wounds in two separate rooms. The emergency services were summoned for assistance and all the victims were unfortunately certified dead.

The victims have already been identified by the family as Martha Ndlovu (Mother), aged 53, Eckson Five Ndlovu (father), aged 59, Lovenecia Ndlovu (girl child), aged 14 and 12 year Permission Ndlovu (girl child). Police further discovered that one family member, a 25 year old man who was also in the house survived the shooting and managed to alert neighbours who eventually notified police.

Meanwhile in the second incident, which occurred in Bushbuckridge, also a group of about four armed suspects stormed into a certain house at Mandela Village. It is said that Caswell Maphanga, aged 25 was asleep at the time and the suspects reportedly shot at him and then burned the house before they fled the scene.

Concerned members of the public notified relevant stakeholders about the incident and upon arrival, the fire fighters extinguished the fire. However, Maphanga was unfortunately certified dead by the paramedics and police opened a murder case hence the manhunt.

A Preliminary investigation revealed that before the incident, Caswell’s mother received a call from her other son indicating that there were people looking for him (Caswell’s brother) and were already on their way to the house. The mother was reportedly at work at the time and she then learned that the suspects had already killed Caswell as well as burned her house. A preliminary probe has revealed that these killing spree are as a result of gangs fighting against each other. Police request Skhumbuzo Madalane and Bonginkosi Shakoane to come forward as they believe the duo can positively assist in the investigation. As a result of all these atrocious acts, police management in Mpumalanga, led by the Acting Provincial Commissioner Major General Thulani Phahla, has motioned a 72 hour Activation Plan comprising of all relevant disciplines with a view to track down those responsible.

In the meantime, police urge the community to be patriotic in their quest to find these heartless villains. They (community) can volunteer their valuable information if they have knowledge on the whereabouts of Madalane as well as Shakoane by contacting Detective Lieutenant Colonel Elizabeth Bhiya at 0720158022, or Detective Captain Dexter Ndlovu at 0829229902/ 0833124305.

Alternatively members of the public can call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPSAPP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Source: South African Police Service

Eskom remains committed to completing Kusile on schedule

Eskom says it remains committed to completing Kusile power station within the 2024/25 financial year.

“The Eskom board and management are committed to completing Kusile power station within the revised, board-approved completion date in the 2024/25 financial year, and within the project budget of R161.4 billion, excluding interest during construction.

“This project budget remains unchanged,” said Deputy President David Mabuza when responding to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces on Tuesday.

The Deputy President had been asked what action has government, as the overseer of Eskom, taken to ensure the project goes according to schedule, and whether the plans were sufficient for the success of the project.

Mabuza said the Eskom board and management have been driving efforts to complete Kusile to meet the target date. Resolving the issues hindering completion of the project has also been prioritised.

“Through the annual shareholder compact, Eskom is measured on the delivery of major milestones for both Medupi and Kusile projects.

“The status of the project schedule, progress and mitigation actions are monitored through regular executive engagements with the Department of Public Enterprises.”

The Deputy President said delays at Unit 4 to Unit 6 were due to contractor financial, commercial and contractual issues.

“However, the project team is pursuing rigorous schedule recovery plans for achievements of milestones that are at risk.

“We are advised that the plans are sufficient to complete the Kusile project within the set target dates.

“The commercial operation target dates for the remaining three units are January 2023 for Unit 4, December 2023 for Unit 5 and May 2024 for Unit 6.

“Furthermore, we can report that during our visit to Kusile Power Station last month, the Political Task Team on Eskom was encouraged by the progress being made and the commitment by management to implement appropriate risk management plans and design defect modifications.”

The Deputy President said measures have been put in place to strengthen project monitoring, oversight and assurance capability, which will result in increased controls over productivity, and ensure contractor and suppliers quality inputs to avoid schedule and cost overruns.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Negotiations for Sputnik, Sinovac vaccines at advanced stage

Deputy President David Mabuza says negotiations with the manufacturers of Sputnik V and Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines are at an advanced stage.

The Deputy President said this when he responded to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) on Tuesday.

“Further interventions being implemented to save lives are ongoing. Negotiations with vaccine manufacturers such as the Gamaleya Institute for the Sputnik V and manufacturers of Sinovac are at an advanced stage.

“The opportunity of receiving additional doses through the COVAX Facility is being actively pursued.”

Addressing NCOP delegates, the Deputy President said the major response area in saving lives and achieving population health is the ongoing mass vaccination programme under the coordination of the Inter-Ministerial Committee of COVID-19 Vaccines.

“Initially, there was slow uptake of vaccination due to the limited supply of vaccines as a result of global demand for vaccines, as well as pessimism towards their use.

“This has been addressed by concluding negotiations with manufacturers and upscaling government risk communication.

“We experienced regulatory issues with regard to AstraZeneca and later Johnson and Johnson, which cumulatively has impacted the scale and pace of the vaccination programme.”

The Deputy President said notwithstanding these challenges, government is forging ahead with the vaccine acquisition, and distribution to provinces has also improved, evidenced by the rise in the numbers of those vaccinated.

“We are also enhancing local manufacturing capability through collaborations with other partners within BRICS, which will enable us to overcome the current pandemic and respond to future health emergencies.

“As government, we will continue to ensure that every citizen enjoys the right to life, equality and human dignity, as outlined in the Bill of Rights.

“With the recent surge of new cases, we appeal to all of us to continue observing COVID-19 protocols to curb further infections, while working on achieving population immunity through vaccines,” Mabuza said.

Further measures to save lives

The National Department of Health developed a plan of action to mitigate and respond to the COVID-19 resurgence in South Africa prior to the second wave of infections.

Following the second wave, the Incident Management Team, in collaboration with the World Health Organisation, reviewed the successes and failures with regards to interventions previously implemented during the second wave.

From this, the department identified what could have been done to improve the response, including planning for the third wave, which has been officially declared by the National Institute of Communicable Diseases.

Mabuza said the department engaged with provincial Departments of Health, and provided support in the development of the province-specific resurgence plans, which detailed activities to be implemented to improve the health system response going into subsequent resurgences.

“There are two major components of the resurgence plans. The first component is surveillance, where key resurgence monitoring indicators are described, and thresholds are defined to enable the close tracking of COVID-19 trends.

“The second component of the plan is the so-called intervention toolkit, which stipulates action for 10 intervention areas, which include governance and leadership, medical supplies, epidemiology and response, risk communication and community engagement, among others.

“In essence, these measures are focused on ensuring that we continue to save lives through close surveillance of key resurgence indicators, and the deployment of rapid response teams to targeted areas.”

Source: South African Government News Agency

Government prioritises infrastructure for land reform beneficiaries

Deputy President David Mabuza says to enhance agricultural production, government has prioritised the provision of infrastructure and mechanisation support to beneficiaries of restituted and redistributed land.

“Support is also provided to communal farmers to ensure that communal land under the jurisdiction of traditional leaders is productively utilised to advance rural development goals.

“As part of the post-settlement support to land reform beneficiaries and communal farmers, government has prioritised key infrastructure provision to unlock agricultural production,” Deputy President David Mabuza said on Tuesday when responding to questions in the National Council of Provinces.

Other support measures include the revitalisation of irrigation schemes to ensure sustainable water availability; dipping tanks and livestock vaccines to manage biosecurity risks; storage and agro-processing infrastructure, as well as rural access roads to enable logistical mobility for fresh produce and livestock products.

“In addition to critical infrastructure, government support also includes the provision of farming implements, equipment and production inputs to ensure that emerging farmers and beneficiaries of land reform experience no form of barriers to meaningful participation in the agricultural sector.

“As government, we will continue to ensure that farmers access the requisite technical and financial assistance to expand their farming operations through the creation of enabling platforms for domestic and international market expansion for their products,” said Mabuza.

Regional efforts to boost agriculture

Turning attention to provincial success stories, the Deputy President highlighted the Northern Cape, which has been involved in major infrastructure projects, such as the Vaalharts Revitalisation Scheme and the Namakwa Special Economic Zone, as part of ongoing efforts to revitalise the economy of the province.

The Vaalharts Revitalisation Scheme covers over 35 000 hectares, which includes the Taung Irrigation portion in the North West. It is part of the Strategic Infrastructure Projects 11 (SIP 11).

The scheme seeks to refurbish bulk water and in-farm water distribution and irrigation infrastructure in the Vaalharts area.

The irrigation scheme contributes to supporting agriculture in the province.

While commending these efforts, Mabuza acknowledged that there are challenges facing Community Property Associations (CPAs).

“Government is aware of the challenges in the Community Property Associations… We have been advised that efforts are being made to address the challenges these CPAs are facing, including the provision of support through collaborative efforts across all the spheres of government.

“We are aware of the need to strengthen inter-governmental cooperation and integration of programmes across the three spheres of government.

“The District Development Model provides the institutional platform to enhance integrated planning, leadership coordination and integration at programme implementation levels. This approach is intended to foster coordinated leadership contribution to resolving challenges facing our communities.”

With regards to the Richtersveld Community Property Association (which is currently under administration) in the Northern Cape, a steering committee comprising district and provincial representation — facilitated by the Office of the Premier to address settlement issues — has been established.

Furthermore, the Deputy President said a panellist appointed by the department is assisting the Maremane Community Property Association in the Northern Cape to comply with the relevant legislation and submit the necessary reports.

“The panellist is currently working on the beneficiary list, which is problematic in the Community Property Association.

“The same panellist appointed for the Maremane Community Property Association is also assisting the Schmidstdrift Community Property Association to address governance issues and organise the necessary and long-outstanding elections.

“While we appreciate the reports that we have received as the Presidency, we would like to commit… that our own team will undertake a comprehensive investigation and analysis of challenges facing Richterveld, Maremane and Schmidstdrift CPAs,” Mabuza said.

Source: South African Government News Agency