LeddarTech Makes a Welcome Return to In-Person Events as a Lead Sponsor and Exhibitor at Tech.AD 2021 in Berlin, Germany

The Westfield AutoSweep POD

Westfield’s AutoSweep POD, the UK’s first fully autonomous pure electric road sweeper, featuring LeddarTech’s Leddar Pixell.

LeddarTech joins Tech.AD Europe as the Lead Sponsor and as both a presenter and exhibitor at this live event at the Titanic Chaussee Berlin, Germany, on July 1-2, 2021. Join LeddarTech either in person or digitally by registering today at autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

QUEBEC CITY, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, a global leader in Level 1-5 ADAS and AD sensing technology, is excited to be reigniting its physical event calendar as a lead sponsor and keynote speaker of Tech.AD. Tech.AD has long been recognized as one of Europe’s leading technical ADAS and AD conferences. LeddarTech’s CTO Pierre Olivier will serve on the honorary jury for the 8th Annual Tech.AD Europe Awards. These awards honor individuals and organizations who have designed exceptional solutions or products that contribute to ADAS/AD automotive development.

With a focus on environmental sensing that reimagines ADAS and AD solutions, the LeddarTech team will be participating in several capacities at this event.

Keynote presentation: July 1, 2021, 4:45 p.m. – 5:05 p.m. CET

Topic: Sensing Modalities, Sensor Fusion, and Perception for Autonomous Driving. The speaker, Pierre Olivier, Chief Technology Officer of LeddarTech, will explore the challenges and exciting opportunities facing the ADAS and AD business community.

World Café session: July 2, 2021, 1:15 p.m. – 3:35 p.m. CET

Topic: Sensor Café – Object Fusion vs. Raw Sensor Fusion – What Is the Superior Solution? Moderators: Reza Rashidi Far, PhD, and André Malz, PhD, of LeddarTech’s Strategic Product Management division.

Exhibition booth (6): July 1-2, 2021.

LeddarTech will feature solutions that solve critical sensing and perception challenges across the automotive and mobility value chain. LeddarTech will present these solutions through an innovative approach of on-site and live-streaming demonstrations of:

  • Mobility and ITS sensors, including the recently released Leddar™ Sight LiDAR and the award-winning Leddar™ Pixell;
  • LeddarVision™, a sensor-fusion and perception solution that delivers highly accurate 3D environmental models for L1-5 autonomy;
  • Special Feature: the Westfield AutoSweep, the UK’s first fully autonomous pure electric road sweeper, featuring the Leddar Pixell.
The Westfield AutoSweep POD

Westfield’s AutoSweep POD, the UK’s first fully autonomous pure electric road sweeper, featuring LeddarTech’s Leddar Pixell.

“Our technical teams from Israel, Germany, and Italy are excited to be joining our esteemed colleagues, peers, and partners at Tech.AD. Our much-anticipated return to in-person events is especially significant as we will be showcasing our customer Westfield’s autonomous AutoSweep POD, which features the Leddar Pixell,” stated Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications, and Product Management at LeddarTech. “Tech.AD provides an excellent opportunity to engage with many leaders in the industry both virtually and in person, and we look forward to demonstrating our latest technology, sharing our vision, and engaging with our customers,” Mr. Aitken continued. “Tech.AD is making all efforts to implement precautions to ensure a safe and fulfilling event for all delegates, and I welcome you to visit us in person or online during the event in July,” concluded Mr. Aitken.

For more information about Tech.AD, visit autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

Prior to Tech.AD register for the Automotive IQ Webinar: June 29, 2021, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET

Topic: A Clean Sweep: How Adopting Autonomous Vehicle and EV Technology Is Paving the Way to Increased Road Sweeper Efficiency and Safety While Reducing Environmental Impact. Join Pierre Olivier, CTO of LeddarTech and Julian Turner, CEO of Westfield Technology Group, for this Automotive IQ hosted event.

Register here.

About LeddarTech

LeddarTech is a leader in environmental sensing platforms for autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems. Founded in 2007, LeddarTech has evolved to become a comprehensive end-to-end environmental sensing company by enabling customers to solve critical sensing and perception challenges across the entire value chain of the automotive and mobility market segments. With its LeddarVision™ sensor-fusion and perception platform and its cost-effective, scalable, and versatile LiDAR development solution for automotive-grade solid-state LiDARs based on the LeddarEngine™, LeddarTech enables Tier 1-2 automotive system integrators to develop full-stack sensing solutions for autonomy level 1 to 5. These solutions are actively deployed in autonomous shuttles, trucks, buses, delivery vehicles, smart cities/factories, and robotaxi applications. The company is responsible for several innovations in cutting-edge automotive and mobility remote-sensing applications, with over 95 patented technologies (granted or pending) enhancing ADAS and autonomous driving capabilities.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.leddartech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications, and Product Management, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232
[email protected]

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision, and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names, and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:



LeddarTech fait son retour en présentiel comme commanditaire principal et exposant à l’événement Tech.AD 2021 à Berlin, Allemagne

Le AutoSweep POD de Westfield

L’AutoSweep POD de Westfield, la première navette balayeuse électrique entièrement autonome du Royaume-Uni, équipée du Leddar Pixell de LeddarTech.

LeddarTech se joint à la conférence Tech.AD Europe à la fois à titre de commanditaire principal, présentateur et exposant lors de cet événement en direct qui se tiendra au Titanic Chaussee Berlin, en Allemagne, les 1er et 2 juillet 2021. Rejoignez LeddarTech soit en personne soit virtuellement en vous inscrivant dès aujourd’hui sur autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

QUÉBEC, 15 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, chef de file de calibre mondial en technologie de détection pour les systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systèmes AD) de niveau 1 à 5, est heureuse de renouer avec son calendrier d’événements physiques comme commanditaire principal et présentateur au salon professionnel Tech.AD. Cette conférence est depuis longtemps considérée comme l’un des plus importants événements européens dans le domaine des systèmes ADAS et AD.   Le chef de la technologie de LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, fera partie du jury d’honneur de la huitième édition des prix annuels Tech.AD Europe. Ceux-ci mettent à l’honneur des personnes et des organisations qui ont conçu des solutions ou des produits exceptionnels contribuant au développement des systèmes ADAS et AD pour l’automobile.

L’équipe LeddarTech s’impliquera dans l’événement Tech.AD de différentes façons autour de la thématique de la détection environnementale réinventant les solutions ADAS et AD.

Présentation : 1er juillet 2021, 16 h 45 – 17 h 05 HEC.
Sujet : Modalités de détection, fusion de données de capteurs et perception pour la conduite autonome (en anglais). Le présentateur, Pierre Olivier, chef de la technologie de LeddarTech, explorera les défis et les opportunités passionnantes auxquels est confrontée la communauté des affaires en matière de systèmes ADAS et AD.

Séance « Café découverte » : 2 juillet 2021, 13 h 15 – 15 h 35 HEC.
Sujet : Fusion de données de capteurs basées sur les objets ou fusion de données brutes – Quelle est la meilleure solution? (en anglais) Modérateurs : Reza Rashidi Far, Ph.D. et André Malz, Ph.D., de la division Gestion stratégique des produits de LeddarTech.

Stand d’exposition (6) : 1er et 2 juillet 2021.
LeddarTech présentera des solutions qui résolvent des défis critiques touchant la détection et la perception sur toute la chaîne de valeur du marché automobile et de la mobilité. LeddarTech utilisera une approche innovatrice pour présenter sur place, à l’aide de diffusions en continu et en direct :

  • Des systèmes de détection destinés à la mobilité et au transport intelligent, dont le LiDAR Leddar™ Sight, récemment lancé, et le Leddar™ Pixell, lauréat de plusieurs prix;
  • LeddarVision™, une solution de fusion de données de capteurs et de perception qui fournit des modèles environnementaux 3D haute précision pour niveau d’autonomie 1 à 5;
  • Fait saillant : l’AutoSweep de Westfield, la première balayeuse de voirie tout électrique et entièrement autonome du Royaume-Uni, équipée du Leddar Pixell.
Le AutoSweep POD de Westfield

L’AutoSweep POD de Westfield, la première navette balayeuse électrique entièrement autonome du Royaume-Uni, équipée du Leddar Pixell de LeddarTech.

« Nos équipes techniques d’Israël, d’Allemagne et d’Italie sont impatientes de se joindre à nos collègues, pairs et partenaires de l’industrie lors de l’événement Tech.AD.   Notre retour tant attendu aux événements en présentiel est d’autant plus important que nous présenterons le POD autonome AutoSweep, de notre client Westfield, qui est équipé du Leddar Pixell », a déclaré Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et gestion de produits mondiaux chez LeddarTech. « Tech.AD offre une excellente occasion de dialoguer avec de nombreux leaders de l’industrie à la fois virtuellement et en personne, et nous sommes enthousiastes face à cette opportunité de faire la démonstration de notre dernière technologie, de partager notre vision et d’interagir avec nos clients », a poursuivi M. Aitken. « Tech.AD met tout en œuvre pour s’assurer que l’événement se déroule dans de bonnes conditions et en toute sécurité pour tous les délégués par la mise en place des mesures de précaution adéquates, et je vous invite à nous rendre visite en personne ou en ligne en juillet », a conclu M. Aitken.

Pour plus d’information sur Tech.AD, visitez autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

Avant de vous joindre à Tech.AD, inscrivez-vous au webinaire Automotive IQ : 29 juin 2021, 11 h 00 – 12 h 00 HE.

Sujet : Un coup de balai : comment l’adoption de la technologie des véhicules autonomes et des véhicules électriques favorise l’amélioration de l’efficacité et de la sécurité des balayeuses de voirie tout en réduisant l’impact environnemental (en anglais). Joignez-vous à Pierre Olivier, chef de la technologie de LeddarTech et Julian Turner, chef de la direction de Westfield Technology Group, pour cet événement organisé par Automotive IQ.

Pour s’inscrire

À propos de LeddarTech

LeddarTech est un chef de file dans le domaine des plateformes de détection environnementale pour véhicules autonomes et systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite. Fondée en 2007, LeddarTech a évolué pour devenir une entreprise active dans les solutions de détection environnementale intégrées de bout en bout permettant aux clients de résoudre des problèmes critiques en matière de détection et de perception tout au long de la chaîne de valeur des segments de marché automobile et mobilité. Grâce à sa plateforme de fusion de données de capteurs et de perception LeddarVision™ ainsi qu’à sa solution de développement efficace, extensible et polyvalente pour LiDARs solid-state de classe automobile reposant sur le LeddarEngine™, LeddarTech permet aux intégrateurs de systèmes automobiles de rang 1 et 2 de développer des solutions de détection complètes pour niveaux d’autonomie 1 à 5. Ces solutions sont activement déployées dans des navettes autonomes, camions, autobus, véhicules de livraison, villes ou usines intelligentes et applications pour robotaxis. Détentrice de plus de 95 technologies brevetées (brevets accordés ou en instance) qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome, la société a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de pointe en matière de télédétection automobile et de mobilité.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur www.leddartech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et gestion de produits mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tél. : + 1-418-653-9000 poste 232
[email protected]

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

Des photos accompagnant ce communiqué sont disponibles à :



LeddarTech Volta a Realizar Eventos Presenciais como Patrocinadora e Expositora Líder na Tech.AD 2021 em Berlim, Alemanha

O Westfield AutoSweep POD

Westfield AutoSweep POD, o primeiro varredor de estrada puramente elétrico e totalmente autônomo do Reino Unido, com o Leddar Pixell.

LeddarTech participa da Tech.AD Europe como Patrocinadora Líder e como apresentadora e expositora deste evento ao vivo no Titanic Chaussee Berlin, Alemanha, de 1 a 2 de julho de 2021. Participe do evento também juntamente com a LeddarTech pessoalmente ou de forma digital registrando-se hoje mesmo no autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

QUEBEC CITY, June 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®, líder global em tecnologia de detecção ADAS e AD de Nível 1-5, está animada para reacender seu calendário de eventos presenciais como patrocinadora líder e palestrante principal da Tech.AD. A Tech.AD há muito tempo é conhecida como uma das principais conferências técnicas da Europa sobre ADAS e AD. O CTO da LeddarTech, Pierre Olivier, será jurado honorário do Oitavo Prêmio Anual Tech.AD Europe. Esses prêmios homenageiam pessoas físicas e jurídicas que criaram soluções ou produtos excepcionais que contribuem para o desenvolvimento automotivo da ADAS/AD.

Com foco na detecção ambiental que reimagina as soluções ADAS e AD, a equipe da LeddarTech participará de várias sessões neste evento.

Apresentação principal: 1º de julho de 2021, 16h45 – 17h05 CET

Tema: Modalidades de Detecção, Fusão de Sensor e Percepção para Condução Autônoma. O palestrante, Pierre Olivier, Diretor de Tecnologia da LeddarTech, irá falar sobre os desafios e as oportunidades emocionantes enfrentadas pela comunidade empresarial da ADAS e da AD.

Sessão World Café: 2 de julho de 2021, 13:15 – 15:35 CET

Tema: Sensor Café – Fusão de Objeto vs. Fusão Primária de Sensor – Qual é a Solução Superior? Moderadores: Reza Rashidi Far, PhD, e André Malz, PhD, da divisão de Gestão Estratégica de Produtos da LeddarTech.

Estande de exposição (6): 1-2 de julho de 2021.

A LeddarTech apresentará soluções que resolvem desafios essenciais de sensoriamento e percepção em toda a cadeia de valor automotiva e de mobilidade. A LeddarTech apresentará essas soluções por meio de uma abordagem inovadora de demonstrações no local e ao vivo de:

  • Mobilidade e SEUS sensores, incluindo Leddar™ Sight LiDAR recém-lançado e o premiado Leddar™ Pixell;
  • LeddarVision™, uma solução de fusão e percepção de sensores que oferece modelos ambientais 3D altamente precisos para autonomia L1-5;
  • Apresentação Especial: Westfield AutoSweep, o primeiro varredor de estrada puramente elétrico e totalmente autônomo do Reino Unido, com o Leddar Pixell.
O Westfield AutoSweep POD

Westfield AutoSweep POD, o primeiro varredor de estrada puramente elétrico e totalmente autônomo do Reino Unido, com o Leddar Pixell.

“Nossas equipes técnicas de Israel, Alemanha e Itália estão contentes em participar do evento com nossos estimados colegas e parceiros da Tech.AD. Nosso tão esperado retorno aos eventos presenciais é especialmente significativo, pois iremos apresentar o AutoSweep POD do nosso cliente Westfield, com o Leddar Pixell”, disse Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Gestão Global de Marketing, Comunicações e Produtos da LeddarTech. “A Tech.AD oferece uma excelente oportunidade para engajamento com muitos líderes do setor, tanto virtual quanto pessoalmente, e estamos prontos para apresentar nossa tecnologia mais recente, compartilhar nossa visão e interagir com nossos clientes”, continuou o Sr. Aitken. “A Tech.AD está fazendo todos os esforços para implementar precauções para garantir um evento seguro e gratificante para todos os representantes, e espero que todos nos visitem pessoalmente ou online durante o evento em julho”, concluiu o Sr. Aitken.

Para mais informação sobre a Tech.AD, visite autonomous-driving-berlin.com.

Antes de se registrar no Tech.AD inscreva-se no Webinar de QI Automotivo: 29 de junho de 2021, 11h – 12h ET

Tema: Uma Varredura Limpa: Como a Adoção da Tecnologia de Veículos Autônomos e Veículos Elétricos está Abrindo o Caminho para Aumentar a Eficiência e Segurança do Varredor Rodoviário, Reduzindo o Impacto Ambiental. Junte-se a Pierre Olivier, CTO da LeddarTech, e Julian Turner, CEO do Westfield Technology Group, neste evento organizado pela Automotive IQ.

Inscreva-se aqui

Sobre a LeddarTech

A LeddarTech é líder em plataformas de detecção ambiental para veículos autônomos e sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista. Fundada em 2007, a LeddarTech evoluiu, tornando-se uma empresa abrangente de sensoriamento ambiental completo, permitindo que os clientes resolvam desafios essenciais de sensoriamento e percepção em toda a cadeia de valor dos segmentos do mercado automotivo e de mobilidade. Com sua plataforma de percepção e fusão de sensores LeddarVision™ e sua solução de desenvolvimento LiDAR rentável, escalonável e versátil para LiDARs de estado sólido de grau automotivo com base na LeddarEngine™, a LeddarTech permite que integradores de sistemas automotivos de Nível 1- 2 possam desenvolver soluções de detecção de pilha completa para nível de autonomia 1 a 5. Essas soluções são implantadas ativamente em shuttles autônomos, caminhões, ônibus, veículos de entrega, cidades/fábricas inteligentes, e aplicativos robotaxi. A empresa é responsável por muitas inovações de aplicações com sensor remoto automotivos e de mobilidade avançadas, com mais de 95 tecnologias ADAS aprimoradas patenteadas (concedidas ou pendentes), e capacidade de condução autônoma.

Para mais informação sobre a LeddarTech, visite www.leddartech.com e LinkedInTwitterFacebook, e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Gestão Global de Marketing, Comunicações e Produtos, LeddarTech Inc.
Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ramal 232
[email protected]

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, VAYADrive, VayaVision, e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

Fotos deste comunicado podem ser encontradas em:



Randburg police station temporarily closed for decontamination

GAUTENG – All communities serviced by Randburg police station are advised that the police station has been temporarily closed for decontamination after a positive test for Covid-19.

The Community Service Centre will be operating from station’s Pink room which is situated inside the premises.

The telephone lines at client service centre will not be accessible for the duration of closure.

The building will be undergoing decontamination and the community will be informed when the station will be operational again.

Station Commander: 082 335 2470

Vispol Commander: 082 411 4644

CSC commander: 082 469 2398

Duty officer: 082 469 2429

Detective service branch: 082 778 7901

Support Services: 082 576 4416

Communication Officer: 079 888 3514

The South Afrcan Police Service management apologise for any inconvenience may arise.

Source: South African Police Service

President Ramaphosa to deliver Youth Day address virtually

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on Wednesday deliver virtually the keynote address commemorating Youth Day, and will launch the National Pathway Management Network to provide young work-seekers with a range of support, including training for work readiness.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the Presidency said the Youth Day commemoration will be hosted as a hybrid event with a significantly reduced physical audience at the national event in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal.

“This follows the country’s move tomorrow, 16 June 2021, to Alert Level 3 of the COVID-19 risk adjusted strategy. This includes, for example, arrangements for the Youth Day commemoration, which was scheduled to be held in Pietermaritzburg tomorrow,” the Presidency said.

The President will provide an update on the Presidential Youth Employment Intervention, announced in SONA 2020, and will officially launch SAYouth.mobi, the National Pathway Management Network, to expand opportunities and support available to young people.

The National Pathway Management Network is a partnership between the National Youth Development Agency, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator, Department of Science and Innovation, Department of Employment and Labour, Department of Higher Education and Training, Department of Small Business Development, and the Youth Employment Service.

“Young people are encouraged to sign up to join the network and access opportunities through SAYouth.mobi,” the Presidency said.

It is 45 years since the uprising by learners against the mandatory use of Afrikaans as a medium of instruction and the violent response of the apartheid government to communities’ objections.

The shootings provoked protests throughout the country and intensified resistance to apartheid.

Youth Day 2021 is commemorated under the theme, ‘The Year of Charlotte Mannya Maxeke: Growing youth employment for an inclusive and transformed society’.

The public is invited to follow the national event on government digital platforms and major news channels at 11am.

The event can also be followed on Facebook: http://facebook.com/GovernmentZA, Twitter: http://twitter.com/GovernmentZA, and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/GovernmentZA.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA moves to lockdown level 3, with tighter curfew and alcohol restrictions

President Cyril Ramaphosa has ordered the country into stricter lockdown regulations, as government gears to tackle the third wave of COVID-19 cases.

The President on Tuesday announced that the new measures will see the whole of South Africa move into alert level 3.

In a bid to stop the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, the President has since instituted alcohol sales restrictions, tightened the curfew and slashed the number of people who are allowed at gatherings.

This comes after a meeting with the National Coronavirus Command Council (NCCC), the President’s Coordinating Council and Cabinet.

In a televised address to the nation, the President said with the third wave of infections upon the nation, every precaution must be taken to contain the spread of infections.

“We have to contain this new wave of infections,” he warned.

The latest data show that the country finds itself in heightened crisis mode, with hospital admissions soaring and private hospitals almost full.

Meanwhile, South Africa is witnessing an average of 7 500 daily infections, with Gauteng driving the resurgence, accounting for about two-thirds of new cases over the last week.

“We have to act decisively and quickly to save lives. And to do this, we need to return to the basics,” said President Ramaphosa.


South Africa’s new curfew that now starts from 10pm to 4am.

The President stressed that non-essential establishments like restaurants, bars and fitness centres need to be closed by 9pm to allow employees and patrons to travel home before the start of the curfew.


While gatherings are still allowed, the President said they would now be limited to a maximum of 50 people indoors and 100 outdoors.

“Where the venue is too small to accommodate these numbers with appropriate social distancing, then no more than 50% of the capacity of the venue may be used,” he explained.

This includes religious services, political events and social gatherings, restaurants, bars, taverns and similar places.


The number of mourners who can attend funerals and cremations has been slashed to 50.

The President encouraged people to observe social distancing and health protocols.

However, night vigils, after-funeral gatherings and “after-tears” gatherings are strictly forbidden.


Government has once again re-imposed alcohol sale limits.

According to the President, alcohol will now be allowed to be sold between Monday and Thursday from 10am to 6pm, while restaurants can only serve alcohol until 9pm. This excludes public holidays.

“Alcohol sales for on-site consumption will be permitted, as per licence conditions, up to 9pm,” he said.

Meanwhile, drinking alcohol in all public spaces, such as beaches and parks, is not permissible.

Act now

“If we act too soon, or impose measures that are too severe, the economy will suffer. At the same time, if we act too late, or if our response is too weak, we risk losing control of the virus,” said President Ramaphosa.

Meanwhile, the President said government is focusing on making sure there are enough hospital beds, health workers, ventilators and oxygen to give the best possible care.

He has since called on citizens to continue to practice the basic essential precautions.

“It remains mandatory for every person to wear a face mask that always covers their nose and mouth at all times when in public spaces. It is a criminal offence not to do so,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency