Belated World Population Day celebration held at Katima

World Population Day was commemorated with the launching of the State of the World Population Report by the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) at Katima Mulilo on Thursday . Speaker after speaker emphasised the need to understand population dynamics as it is key to planning , policy developments and programme enhancement and intervention . ‘ Data is more than just numbers . It is the foundation upon which we build our policies , programmes and ultimately , our future . Inclusive data empowers us to understand the needs , aspirations and challenges faced by diverse populations . It illuminates pathways towards equality and gives a voice to the often – marginalised segments of our society ,’ Minister of Health and Social Services Kalumbi Shangula said in a keynote speech delivered on his behalf by Zambezi Governor Lawrence Sampofu . Shangula said according to statistics by the Namibia Statistics Agency ( NSA ), Namibia has a high youth population , with 71 . 1 per cent of the population age under 35 year
s . ‘ Due to these population imbalances , the world population report urges governments , civil society organisations and other stakeholders to fulfil commitments made at the international conference on population and development and accelerate efforts to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health services , while at the same time emphasising the need for stronger data collection and analysis to monitor progress and identify areas where action is needed most ,’ Shangula said . He further noted that the State of the World Population Report 2024 serves as a powerful reminder that advancing interventions related to sexual and reproductive health is crucial for achieving sustainable development and building a more equitable and prosperous future for everyone . The event was attended by key stakeholders in the population and planning segments such as the National Planning Commission , NSA and officials from the British High Commission to Namibia , as well as several government officials . The them
e for this year ‘ s World Population Day was ‘ Embracing the power of inclusive data towards a resilient and equitable future for all ‘, while the world population report is titled ‘ Interwoven lives , threads of hope : Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights .’ World Population Day is commemorated on 11 July every year and this was a belated commemoration event .

Source: The Namibia News Agency