BRICS Ministers of Justice to meet in Moscow

Justice and Constitutional Development Minister Thembi Simelane is expected to attend the meeting of the BRICS Ministers of Justice in Moscow, Russia, this week.

This ahead of the BRICS 2024 Summit expected to be held in that country from 22 to 24 October.

‘The meeting seeks to strengthen relations between Ministries of Justice from BRICS countries and will see the Ministries of Justice from BRICS countries working together to ensure the protection of civil rights and freedoms, introduction of technological solutions in the area of digitalisation of justice services and benchmarking on experience in providing legal services and legal aid to the members of the public.

‘It is envisaged that the BRICS Ministries of Justice meeting will culminate in improved relations between the BRICS Ministries of Justice, resolution to current issues related to the areas of cooperation and organization of advanced training programs in the legal fraternity,’ the department said in a statement.

The meeting of the BRICS Mini
ster of Justice is set for 18 to 20 September.

The department said the Minister will also have the opportunity to hold bilateral discussions with Ministers from the BRICS countries.

‘The interaction of different countries in [the meeting] is based on respect for the universally recognised principles, norms of international laws and the desire for equal international cooperation in order to solve mutual problems and promote common interests,’ the department said.

Source: South African Government News Agency