Case Docket Opened for Illegal Mining Conspiracy; Other Suspect Arrested for Dealing in Drugs

Cape Town: The joint collaboration between the South African Police Service and private security companies continues to clamp down on factors contributing to illicit mining in the Free State. A case docket of conspiracy to commit a crime related to illegal mining, with an additional charge of contravention of the Mine Health and Safety Act, was opened at Theunissen police station.

According to South African Police Service, this action followed the arrest of an employee found in possession of foodstuffs, including boxes of powdered milk, maize meal packets, batteries, a steel plate intended for use as gold processing equipment, and cash at Beatrix Mine Shaft 1. The 44-year-old female was arrested for smuggling contraband items into the mine area and was booked for detention by Proactive Vala Umgodi operators.

In another operation, the combat team executed illicit mining disruptive actions on hotspot areas in Thabong. Operators received information about a house where drugs were being sold and reacted accordingly.

Upon searching the identified house, 33 packets containing crystal meth were discovered hidden inside the kitchen unit. The police immediately arrested the 54-year-old male and seized the 21.1 grams of crystal meth. Consequently, a case docket of dealing in drugs was opened at Thabong police station.

The arrested suspects are scheduled to appear before the court soon.