Borno Govt raises concern over proliferation of lottery houses

The Borno Geograhic Information Service (BOGIS), has raised concern over the proliferation of illegal lottery houses in Maiduguri and environs.

A statement by the Executive Secretary of the BOGIS, Adam Bababe, said there was noticeable increase in people leasing out thier lands in residential and commercial areas for such lottery or game house operators.

“BOGIS wishes to inform the public that it has noticed the increase in leasing legally allocated spaces, whether for commercial or residential purposes, to lottery or game house operators which is strictly against the law.

“The presence of these gaming/bet houses within our state has led to numerous complaints from concerned residents because it exposes a significant number of our youth to various forms of criminal and notorious activities, all in the pursuit of funds to finance lottery games.

“In view of these, BOGIS would like to reiterate that providing spaces and shops for lottery and gaming houses contradicts established regulations,” Bababe said.

He noted that Section 13, sub-section 2 of the Borno State Land Use Regulation 2022, mandates title holders to adhere to the terms and conditions of their right of occupancy.

According to him, any deviation from the conditions, including engaging in activities that conflict with approved land use, could result to the revoking the land title.

“Furthermore, Section 205 of the Penal Code laws of Borno State specifies that maintaining a house or place for betting or playing games of chance e.g. bet king, bet Naija, sport bet etc, as well as assisting in such activities, is a criminal offense that may lead to imprisonment.

“It is important to note that the law establishing the Borno Geographic Information Service grants the agency the authority to address any land-related administration and management.

“We kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that our shared spaces are utilized responsibly and in accordance with the law,” Bababe said. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Navy has zero tolerance for oil theft – CNS

The Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Adm. Emmanuel Ogalla, has reiterated the commitment of the Nigerian Navy to stamp out the menace of oil theft and other crimes in the nation’s maritime domain.

Ogalla reiterated this at the opening of the CNS 2023 Retreat with Principal Staff Officers, Flag Officers Commanding and Commanders, on Tuesday in Abuja.

He said that naval personnel and the service were duty bound to reverse the impression in terms of securing the maritime domain and stamping out oil theft in Nigeria.

“I therefore want to make this clear that under my watch there is zero tolerance for oil theft. Any officer or rating or any person who is found to be involved in oil theft will be punished to the full extent of the law.

“We will not fear anyone. I expect you to go back and educate your officers and ratings about the menace of oil theft.

“The government looks up to us to lead the fires and we have no option but to do just that,” he said.

He said that in view of this, the navy must work together with sister services, the armed forces, the police and other military and security agencies to stamp out the measures of all attempts.

According to him, Nigerians expect the navy to remain above reproach, above board and to remain law-abiding as a force they can admire and rely upon.

The CNS said that the event was an opportunity for participants to interact and evaluate the state of affairs in the navy.

He said this was with regards to tackling the security challenges that had been having devastating impacts on the country and undermining its national security and development.

He explained that President Bola Tinubu had given them marching orders to deal decisively with all security challenges facing the country.

He added that the event was in line with the president’s directive and his vision statement.

The vision statement he said is: “to have a highly motivated professional naval force capable of shaping the security outcomes within Nigeria’s maritime domain and the littorals including land-based engagements in fulfilment of Nigeria’s national interest”.

He also said his mission statement is: “to Maintain and equip a professional competent and ethical naval force while leveraging on all elements of national power for the effective defence of Nigeria’s maritime area of interest against all forms of threat in fulfilment of national security imperatives”.

“I gave my Command Philosophy which is anchored on leading with integrity, courage and relentless pursuit for excellence in consonance with the core values of the Nigerian navy.

“My Strategic End-state is the attainment of a safe and secured maritime environment in Nigeria and the Gulf of Guinea to enable wealth creation, economic prosperity as well as national security, growth and development.

“In tandem with this, I have issued the Chief of the Naval Staff, Strategic Directive 2023–6 which highlights the expected deliverables along the 9 Lines of Development (LoDs) of the Nigerian Navy Strategic Plan (NNSP) 2021 -2030.

“It is imperative that all of you immediately key into the vision so that together, we can take the NN to greater heights,” he said.

Ogalla said the navy had in the past few years, achieved significant milestones in operations, fleet recapitalisation, infrastructure and human resource managements as part of a comprehensive transformation plan articulated to guide the service in the discharge of its constitutional mandate.

He said that the navy had taken steps to be innovative in its approaches with the evolving nature of threats in the nation’s maritime domain.

According to the CNS, the navy under his watch is determined to rebuild the conceptual, moral and physical components of its fighting power.

“My top priorities, therefore, would be to diligently implement the provisions of the NNSP 2021 -2030.

“Let me, however, mention that while no effort will be spared in achieving these goals, it is command responsibility to ensure the sustenance and maintenance of all facilities, equipment and platforms.

“To set a clear direction and build momentum, we identified some quick impact projects and conceptual initiatives that would be completed and commissioned within my First 100 days in office,” he said.

He urged commanders to uphold discipline in their commands, be role models to their officers and men, set high standards of conduct and enforce the rules fairly and consistently.

He also directed them to enhance Civil-Military Cooperation and relations with civilians in their areas of operation, noting that the people should see them as partners to be able to support their efforts and cooperate with them.

Ogalla dismissed the allegation that naval personnel were involved in oil theft, assuring that the service would not spare any personnel found wanting or culpable in the crime.

He also charged commanders to be mindful of the welfare of those under them, saying that prioritising the welfare of their subordinates is essential to mission success.

He pledged to provide opportunities for job satisfaction and self-actualisation as well as recognise and reward hard work and dedication.

He added that issues relating to personnel accommodation, uniform items and appointment/draft cycle were already receiving attention.

In his remarks, the Chief of Policy and Plans (Navy), Rear Adm. Joseph Akpan, said the retreat would afford them the opportunity to review the threat environment and their operations, with a view to identifying gaps that could be addressed for better performance.

Akpan expressed hope that the discussions would be incisive, innovative and provocative with a view to have frank discussions about what is working and what is not.

He thanked the CNS for his focused and visionary leadership and assured him that the officers are committed to upholding the highest standard of ethics and integrity. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

We made banking transactions convenient for our customers- First Bank

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the First Bank Group, Dr. Adesola Adeduntan said that the group had made banking transactions convenient for its customers to transact all their business.

He said this at the cocktail party organised by the Annual Banking and Finance Conference in Abuja on Monday.

Adeduntan, who was represented by Mr Callistus Obetta, the Group Executive, Technology and Services at the bank, said technology had rebuilt a lot of the transmission across many industries within the financial services space.

He said that technology within the financial sector had come in different stages which had helped to drive development level leveraging on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

According to him, technology has made it easy for customers to make payment, withdrawal and other transactions.

“Customers has more time to do their personal things because technology has enable the bank to do business at easy.”

He said that technology would continue to change the society in the way it envisaged the future.

“We live across the globe and the key to move forward is to build a future driven by technology and no one can be be left behind.

“As we talk about next generation, we are talking about how to really drive access, drive convenience, drive development, leveraging on technology or intelligence and more data,”.

Earlier, Dr. Ken Opara, the President/Chairman of the Council of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) and Executive director with Fidelity Bank, said that the future of banking industry had gone digital.

He said that the youth were the future of the banking industry and charged them to work hard as the sector belonged to them in the nearest future.

While commending the organizers, Opara said that the event was about networking, sharing ideas and experiences. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG’ll expand social register, include families of fallen soldiers – Minister

The Federal Government has unveiled plans to include families of wounded and fallen soldiers in the national social register and its poverty alleviation programmes.

The Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Dr Betta Edu, made this known during a meeting with the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Christopher Musa, on Monday in Abuja.

Edu expressed the need to support the military families.

”We want to expand our social register to accommodate military personnel that have either been wounded or affected by war even soldiers that left their families behind.

“’ We need this data from the military so that we can have them captured under the social register” she said.

The minister said, she was at the defence headquarters to solicit the support of the Nigerian military to tackle humanitarian crises across the country.

“Alleviating humanitarian crises and poverty is top most on President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

”Our preference is to discuss humanitarian crises across the nation and the need to collaborate with the military to prevent more persons coming under the humanitarian bracket.

” We also should be able to reach out effectively to those who are affected by humanitarian crises wherever they are.

”So that our humanitarian workers should be able to reach the people wherever they are with the support of the military” she said.

Responding, Gen. Musa, assured the minister of the commitment of Nigerian military to support her towards achieving the mandate of the ministry.

Musa who acknowledged the link between military operations and humanitarian aid, noted that, successful organisations directly benefits their military efforts.

The defence chief therefore expressed gratitude to the humanitarian ministry for considering the military community on the task.

While assuring the minister of his unwavering commitment towards her humanitarian mission, the defence chief was optimistic that the collaboration will yield positive results.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that, the agenda of the engagement was to forge a formidable alliance between humanitarian efforts and the military.

The aim is to urgently curb the crisis growth and offer swift aid to those affected(NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Deadline looms for comments on minimum wage adjustments

Stakeholders with an interest in the adjustment of the National Minimum Wage (NMW) have until Friday to submit their written representations.

The National Minimum Wage Commission, through its Chairperson Professor Adriaan van der Walt, issued a notice on 1 August 2023 inviting all interested parties to submit written representations concerning possible adjustment to the NMW in 2024.

“The written comments/representations concerning possible adjustments to the National Minimum Wage will be considered by the Commission before it publishes its annual report and recommendations on the annual review of the national minimum wage later in the year,” Van der Walt said.

The invite for written submissions is conducted in accordance with section 6(2) of the National Minimum Wage Act, No. 9 of 2018.

The current rate of NMW as announced by Employment and Labour Minister Thulas Nxesi in February 2023 jumped from R23.19 (in 2022) to R25.42 for each ordinary hour worked.

The annual rate came into effect from 01 March 2023.

The existing National Minimum Wage determination now includes the vulnerable sectors of farm workers and the domestic workers – whom with effect from last year were also aligned with the NMW rates.

The National Minimum Wage Act applies to all workers and their employers except members of the South African National Defence Force, the National Intelligence Agency and the South African Secret Service.

The act does not apply to a volunteer, who is a person who performs work for another person and who does not receive or is not entitled to receive, any remuneration for his or her service

A fine maybe imposed on an employer who paid an employee less than the national minimum wage.

The primary functions of the Commission is to review the NMW and make recommendations annually for its adjustment, and to investigate the impact of the NMW on the economy, collective bargaining and income differentials among others.

Representations should reach the directorate: Employment Standards, Department of Employment and Labour, Private Bag X117, Pretoria, 0001 or be sent to [email protected]

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA strives to meet national ambient air quality standards

While South Africa’s air quality monitoring network shows that the country has not yet met the national ambient air quality standards, significant strides to attain improvements in the quality of air have been made.

Addressing the National Air Quality Governance Lekgotla, Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Makhotso Sotyu, said despite government’s efforts over the years, particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and ozone remain the key pollutants of concern, especially in metropolitan municipalities and the air quality priority areas.

“Large scale industrial activities, power stations, vehicles, waste burning, and the burning of open veld continue to be major causes of air pollution. Recently, load shedding has increased the country’s reliance on alternative energy sources such as generators, coal, wood, charcoal, and paraffin in communities. The reliance on these alternative energy sources not only poses health hazards to the individuals themselves, but also exacerbate the deterioration of air quality,” Sotyu said on Monday.

Since the promulgation of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, South Africa has made significant strides to attain improvements in the quality of air.

“Our country has progressively facilitated the realisation of the Constitutional Right to an environment that promotes sustainable, equitable and inclusive growth that is not harmful to the health and well-being of citizens.

“We have advanced these constitutional rights to a safe and healthy environment with strong laws, vibrant cooperative governance, and innovative tools on air pollution management. These laws and tools must be supported by an effective and proactive enforcement to reduce harmful levels of air pollution and ensure a safe and healthy environment,” Sotyu said.

She further noted that South Africa’s quality monitoring stations continue to face increasing pressure due to escalating operational and maintenance costs and ageing infrastructure.

“At a time when the country is faced with economic and social challenges, and fiscal constraints, the national Department has had to find new ways to meet monitoring objectives through the support of the South African Weather Service (SAWS).

“We will be calling upon the entity to assist all spheres of government in managing several strategic stations for the foreseeable future. Such an intervention must ultimately build the much-needed technical capacity in government that will be sustainable,” she said.

The National Air Quality Governance Lekgotla took place in Polokwane, Limpopo, under the theme: “Scalable Emission Reductions by 2030.”

“While capacity at local government remains a challenge, the implementation of the Special Cabinet decision to assist struggling municipalities with the administrative function of processing atmospheric emission licences has enabled significant improvements in this regard.

“The sector has achieved an efficiency of 88% in processing atmospheric emission licences in the last financial year, compared to 63% achieved in the previous financial year,” Sotyu said.

The Deputy Minister said the department is developing priority area regulations to implement and enforce Priority Area Air Quality Management Plans.

“I am happy to report that these regulations have undergone extensive public consultations and will be considered for publication soon. These regulations will intensify accountability and a shared responsibility across all sectors of society in improving the quality of air,” the Deputy Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency