BRICS adopts Johannesburg II Declaration

The 15th BRICS Summit has successfully adopted the Johannesburg II Declaration, a document that encapsulates significant BRICS viewpoints on matters of global economic, financial and political significance.

This was announced by the Chair of BRICS President Cyril Ramaphosa on Thursday during a media briefing to announce the outcomes of the XV BRICS Summit.

“We adopted the Johannesburg II Declaration which reflects key BRICS messages on matters of global economic, financial and political importance. It demonstrates the shared values and common interests that underlie our mutually beneficial cooperation as the five BRICS countries.

“BRICS itself is a diverse group of nations. It is an equal partnership of countries that have differing views but have a shared vision for a better world,” the President said.

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa met in Sandton, Johannesburg, from 22 to 24 August 2023 for the XV BRICS Summit.

The Summit was held under the theme: “BRICS and Africa: Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth, Sustainable Development and Inclusive Multilateralism”.

This is the first BRICS Summit to be hosted in-person since the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent global travel restrictions.

The BRICS leaders have reaffirmed their commitment to the BRICS spirit of mutual respect and understanding, sovereign equality, solidarity, democracy, openness, inclusiveness, strengthened collaboration and consensus.

As the bloc builds upon 15 years of BRICS Summits, it further committed to strengthening the framework of mutually beneficial BRICS cooperation under the three pillars of political and security, economic and financial, and cultural and people-to-people cooperation.

Partnership for Inclusive Multilateralism

The bloc has also committed to enhance its strategic partnership for the benefit of its people through the promotion of peace, a more representative, fairer international order, a reinvigorated and reformed multilateral system, sustainable development and inclusive growth.

“We reiterate our commitment to inclusive multilateralism and upholding international law, including the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations (UN) as its indispensable cornerstone,” President Ramaphosa said.

The BRICS leaders expressed their concern about the use of unilateral coercive measures, which are incompatible with the principles of the Charter of the UN and produce negative effects notably in the developing world.

“We reiterate our commitment to enhancing and improving global governance by promoting a more agile, effective, efficient, representative, democratic and accountable international and multilateral system.

“We call for greater representation of emerging markets and developing countries, in international organizations and multilateral fora in which they play an important role. We also call for increasing the role and share of women from EMDCs at different levels of responsibilities in the international organizations,” the Declaration read.

Local currencies

The BRICS leaders emphasised that they are ready to explore opportunities for improving the stability, reliability and fairness of the global financial architecture.

In the declaration, the leaders said they recognise the widespread benefits of fast, inexpensive, transparent, safe, and inclusive payment systems.

Therefore the Summit agreed to task the BRICS Finance Ministers and/or Central Bank Governors, as appropriate, to consider the issue of local currencies, payment instruments and platforms and report back to the BRICS leaders by the next Summit.

“We look forward to the report by the BRICS Payment Task Force (BPTF) on the mapping of the various elements of the G20 Roadmap on Crossborder Payments in BRICS countries. We welcome the sharing of experience by BRICS members on payment infrastructures, including the interlinking of cross-border payment systems.

“We also encourage strengthening of correspondent banking networks between the BRICS countries and enabling settlements in the local currencies. We task our Finance Ministers and/or Central Bank Governors, as appropriate, to consider the issue of local currencies, payment instruments and platforms,” the leaders said.

New Development Bank (NDB)

The summit further recognised the key role of the New Development Bank (NDB) in promoting infrastructure and sustainable development of its member countries.

The Summit congratulated Dilma Rousseff, former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, as President of the New Development Bank (NDB) and are confident that she will contribute to the strengthening of the NDB in effectively achieving its mandate.

“We expect the NDB to provide and maintain the most effective financing solutions for sustainable development, a steady process in membership expansion, and improvements in corporate governance and operational effectiveness towards the fulfilment of NDB’s General Strategy for 2022-2026,” the leaders said.

The leaders further welcomed the work of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance in their first in-person engagement with leaders, particularly welcoming the participation of youth representatives in the Summit.

They further addressed expectations for the BRICS economic partnership to generate tangible benefits for communities and deliver viable solutions for common challenges faced by the global South.

The Summit further reaffirmed the importance of BRICS people-to-people exchanges in enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation.

Brazil, Russia, India and China commend South Africa’s BRICS Chairship in 2023 and expressed their gratitude to the government and people of South Africa for holding the XV BRICS Summit.

The bloc further extended its full support to Russia for its BRICS Chairship in 2024 and the holding of the XVI BRICS Summit in the city of Kazan, Russia.

Source: South African Government News Agency

BRICS Heads of State welcome ‘historic’ bloc expansion

The Heads of State of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) have welcomed the historic expansion of the bloc to include six new developing countries.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced on Thursday that Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates will join BRICS as of the start of 2024.

This is after over 20 countries formally applied to join BRICS and several others have expressed an interest in becoming part of the bloc.

“As the five BRICS countries, we have reached an agreement on the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedures of the BRICS expansion process, which has been under discussion for quite a while. We have consensus on the first phase of this expansion process, and further phases will follow,” President Ramaphosa, who is also Chair of BRICS, announced.

The BRICS Summit is underway at the Sandton Convention Centre led by bloc leaders of emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The Heads of State took to the podium on Thursday to talk about the outcomes of the 15th BRICS Summit held in Sandton, Johannesburg, this week and welcomed the new members.

India Prime Minister Narendra Modi said he was pleased that the summit had many positive outcomes.

“On the 15th anniversary of BRICS, we have taken an important decision to expand it,” he said, adding that India has always supported the expansion of the bloc’s membership.

India, the Prime Minister said, has always been of the view that the addition of new members will further strengthen the organisation and will bring a new stimulus.

“This will also strengthen the belief of many countries of the world in a multi-polar world order.”

He expressed his satisfaction that the team agreed on the guiding principles, standards, criteria and procedure of the expansion.

Prime Minister Modi has since conveyed his heartfelt congratulations to the leaders and people of the six new nations.

“I am confident that together with these countries, we will be able to infuse new momentum and energy into our cooperation.

“India has had very deep and historic relations with all of these countries, with the help of BRICS, new dimensions will be added to our bilateral cooperation.”

He also had a message to the countries who have also expressed interest and said India will contribute towards building a consensus for them to be a part of BRICS countries.

“The expansion and modernisation of BRICS is a message that all institutions in the world need to hold themselves according to changing times.

“This can be an example for reforms and other global institutions that were established in the 20th century,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, Chinese President Xi Jinping described the BRICS countries as nations with influence and shoulder important responsibility for world peace and development.

“During the summit, we’ve reached broad consensus, adopted a declaration and achieved fruitful outcomes.”

He said the Heads of State have unanimously agreed to invite the other countries as official members.

“China congratulates these states and highly appreciates the efforts made by our chair South Africa and President Ramaphosa.”

He described the expansion as historic and said it shows the determination of BRICS countries for unity and cooperation with the broader developing countries.

“The expansion is also a new starting point for BRICS cooperation.”

President Xi believes it will also bring new vigour to the BRICS cooperation mechanism and further strengthen the force for world peace and development.

“I’m confident that as long as we work with a common purpose there’s a lot that BRICS cooperation can achieve and the future will be bright for BRICS countries.”

“Let’s work together to write a new chapter of emerging market countries and developing countries working together in unity for development.”

Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva also welcomed the new members.

Da Silva noted the BRICS’ Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will now shoot up to 37% of the world’s GDP in terms of purchasing power and 47% of the global population.

“BRICS will continue to be open to new members,” he added.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also welcomed the new members.

“Let me assure all the colleagues that we will keep up with the work we have launched to expand BRICS influence in the world.”

He said the BRICS Heads of State will proceed with the smooth work they have done and look at ways to best coordinate the expansion.

Source: South African Government News Agency

FG to construct flyover on Abuja-Lokoja road to curb flooding

Minister of Works, David Umahi, says the ministry under his watch will construct a flyover as a permanent solution to end the perennial flooding on the Abuja-Lokoja highway.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the minister stated this on Tuesday during his tour to inspect ongoing construction works on the Abuja-Lokoja road a day after his inauguration into office.

The minister alongside the Governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello and some directors in the ministry visited some work sites on the road.

According to the minister, the Abuja-Lokoja road is a major gateway that links the southwest, south-south and southeast regions to the Federal Capital Territory and the northern parts of the country.

He said priority should, therefore, be given to it because of its critical role to the socio-economic life of the country.

“We have seen the area that always get flooded at Koton Karfe section and the the only solution to it is to do a flyover on it to fly above the flood level.

“That will really work because it is about 1.6 kilometres which will take five flyovers, you know, multiply by two.

“So we are going to be making a proposal and submit to Mr. president to give us his nod because we are looking for permanent solutions to our problems,” he said.

The minister, however, urged the contractors handling the road project to use concrete , adding that there would be a review and redesign of the road contracts.

He promised to deliver concrete roads across the country, saying they were more durable and could last up to 50 years and were also maintenance free.

In his remarks, the Kogi governor commended the minister for choosing to visit the state as his first field assignment and pledged to give all necessary support to the minister and the contractors handling the road.

Bello noted that construction of roads and provision of other critical infrastructure by President Bola Tinubu’s administration will serve the people better than palliatives.

He, therefore, commended President Tinubu for appointing Umahi as Minister of Works, adding that ”the minister is a field man and will deliver the Renewed Hope project of this Administration.

“For Mr Presidents to deploy the Honourable Minister of Works, just a day after swearing-in, to come and look into this particular problem, is commendable. I think we can ask for more.

“The road is going to be designed in such a way that no matter the flooding that will ever come, our road will stand the test of time, and I thank you sir,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Innovation key to thriving in a changing world, says Minister Patel

Business as usual is no longer an option, and the ability to innovate and adapt in a world characterised by volatility and fractiousness is the key to thriving, says Trade, Industry and Competition Minister, Ebrahim Patel.

“Today, the world is more polarised, climate change is more pressing and the speed of technological innovation is increasing rapidly.

“These trends in turn are reshaping our economies and societies in more profound ways than many could project,” Patel said on Tuesday.

The Minister officially opened the BRICS Business Forum as South Africa hosts the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China at the 15th BRICS Summit.

The event, which kicked off on Tuesday, will wrap up on Thursday. The summit brings together 1 200 delegates from South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and several African nations.

Patel used the platform to draw attention to the collective economic might of the BRICS nations, which together account for over a quarter of the world’s economic output.

Highlighting South Africa’s remarkable achievements in exports, Patel acknowledged the large contingent of exporting firms, noting that South Africa exported goods worth R2 trillion last year, constituting nearly one third of the nation’s gross domestic product.

He praised the establishment of significant institutions like the New Development Bank, emphasising the importance of networks for policy exchanges and knowledge-sharing.

He underscored the BRICS countries’ commitment to a worldview founded on the right to develop independently without relying on others.

Acknowledging the transformative power of industrialisation, trade and technological development, Patel hailed the African Continental Free Trade Area, which unites 54 nations and offers a platform to spur African industrialisation and innovation.

He stressed that Africa is no longer just a raw material supplier but an “emerging force of innovation and industrialisation in the global arena”.

He called on the BRICS Business Forum to explore how companies and firms in BRICS economies can grow and prosper through collaboration and partnership.

He urged investment and trade practices that support the industrialisation and welfare enhancement of developing nations.

This forum meeting, Patel said, provides the framework for forging valuable business-to-business partnerships and contributing to the world’s shared prosperity.

Notable figures such as Dilma Rousseff, the President of the New Development Bank; Fernando Haddad, the Minister of Finance of Brazil; Mozambican Industry and Commerce Minister Silvino Augusto José Moreno, and the leaders of the respective BRICS Business Council Chapters attended the meeting.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Mbumba launches #WeAreEqual campaign

Vice President Nangolo Mbumba on Wednesday launched the #WeAreEqual campaign, a continental action plan by Africa’s first ladies aimed at closing the gender gap in Africa.

#WeAreEqual is an initiative of the Organisation of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD), which has a membership of 45 first ladies across Africa. The initiative is aimed at advancing gender equity and closing the gender gap across the continent.

Speaking at the launch at State House, Mbumba said the campaign aims to advocate and improve the lives of women and girls in Namibia and across Africa by promoting gender equality. He said women and men possess the same inherent dignity and deserve the same rights as they have the same potential to contribute to society regardless of gender.

“With this campaign, we want to bring an essential truth that women and men are equal, no exception. Despite the fundamental truth, the reality faced by many girls and women across Africa tells a different story and Namibia is no exception,” he noted.

According to the Global Gender Gap Index (GGGI), Namibia has been ranked as the most gender-equal country in Africa, and the eighth most gender-equal country in the world as of June 2023. No country has however achieved full gender parity yet.

Mbumba highlighted that the campaign will focus on areas where women and girls mostly experience inequality such as health, education and economic empowerment, amongst others.

Speaking at the same occasion, Namibia’s First Lady and President of OAFLAD, Monica Geingos said African first ladies are joining hands to shine a spotlight on the importance of closing gender gaps, how gender equality benefits everyone, and why it is essential for progress on all fronts of development.

“Inequality continuously manifests itself in every shape that challenges society and the result of inequality speaks for itself and we need to listen… #WeAreEqual speaks to the discrimination women and girls experience in everyday lives, and together we can break down the wall that is standing in their equal rights,” she noted.

Geingos further noted that the campaign equally aims to bring together stakeholders and partnerships with the mission to overcome harmful gender practices and build towards the African Union Agenda 2063 where both women and men conquer ‘The Africa We Want’.

The campaign was officially launched in Kinshasa, Congo by OAFLAD in June 2023 and Namibia is the first country to launch its national campaign.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

South Africa can use expertise from Namibia for Nama language development: Mapanka

South African Nama Development Association (SANDEVA) founding president, James Mapanka, has stated that for the South African government to effectively develop the Nama language and integrate it into schools, it must rely on Namibia’s expertise.

A group of about 16 people, including Mapanka, are in the ||Kharas Region for a week-long working visit organised under a twinning agreement between the ||Kharas Regional Council and the Northern Cape Provincial Government on economic development opportunities, safety and security and improving education and cultural tolerance, which was signed in September 1999.

In an interview with Nampa here on Wednesday, Mapanka said there is no need for South Africa to reinvent the wheel while it can benefit from the expertise and skills found in Namibia, which is also covered by the twinning agreement.

“We can learn a lot from our counterparts in Namibia, we are trying to show people that in the southern African region, we can integrate our programmes, we can learn from one another, and all we need is goodwill for the language and the culture,” he said.

He indicated that one of SANDEVA’s objectives is to create a training manual that will be employed in South Africa to provide Nama language training at an acceptable level.

“It is in our constitution for the language to be developed, but we aim to avoid delivering sub-standard language training. We want it to be on a standardised level, we do not want a situation where the Nama language is spoken on different levels in Namibia and South Africa. It should be uniform,” he added.

He further said once the group returns to South Africa, they must persuade the education department to introduce Nama language teaching in schools for Nama descendants and any other South Africans interested in learning the language.

“We are the activists of the language and tradition, we will go back and lobby those who are in power to see to it that the Nama language becomes part of the curriculum,” said Mapanka.

Edwina Adams, a qualified teacher from the Eastern Cape, told this news agency she aspires to be a Khoekhoegowab practitioner.

“Nama is a very interesting language, our language has been dying out where I am from. I am learning a lot from this trip, the Nama history and all. What stood out for me was that when we visited the schools those little children could speak, write and read the language fluently, It was amazing and I want to be part of that,” she said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency