Tax Reforms: Shettima urges presidential committee to develop robust roadmap

The Vice President, Kashim Shettima, has urged members of the Presidential Committee on Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms to develop a robust roadmap that will transform the nation’s economy.

Shettima gave the advice on Monday when he received the members of the Committee, led by its Chairman, Mr Taiwo Oyedele at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

” The task before you is enormous, I believe you have the best brains to come up with a robust roadmap that will reposition our economy.

“And to address some of the fundamental issues underlying our fiscal and tax policies, fiscal and tax policies are key to the realisation of any nation’s economic development.

“I believe you will come up with a roadmap to salvage our nation, we are in a big mess, but I have confidence in your team. This is a great nation chained by poor governance, chained by many challenges”

He described President Bola Tinubu as man of courage and conviction and a progressive man in the Nigerian political space.

Shettima, who stressed the importance of fiscal policy and tax reforms, noted that it was a potent tool for resource mobilisation.

According to him, the committee should make recommendations that are quick deliverables in view of the nation’s current economic realities.

While assuring them of the National Economic Council’s cooperation, he said “our focus should largely dwell on domestic resource mobilisation.

” Especially with trends in the world today, even the biggest economies in the world are faced with this reality.”

The Vice President said further that fiscal policy and tax reforms were critical for meeting national aspirations.

” This is also taking global dimensions with global realignment of forces with the emergence of BRICS and current geo-politics, ” he said.

Shettima, who praised the composition of the committee, said that the composition of the committee bears testimony to the seriousness that the Tinubu attaches to its mandate.

” Honestly, I am proud of you. I am personally conversant with some of the members of this committee who are men and women of impeccable character, high integrity, committed and patriotic.”

Earlier, Special Adviser to the President on Revenue, Zaccheus Adedeji, said that the committee would be interested in working with the NEC, chaired by the Vice President.

” This will ensure effective collaboration with the sub-national governments who are critical stakeholders’ group in the task before the committee.”

In his remarks, Oyedele, said that the committee was excited for the opportunity to help the country to redefine and redesign a new fiscal policy framework.

” We are focused on our mandate as directed by Mr President which covers fiscal governance, revenue transformation and fiscal competitiveness and economic growth facilitation.”

He assured that the committee would engage with Nigerians both at home and abroad as well as with all segments of the society.

He expressed the readiness of the committee to engage with sub-national governments through NEC in achieving its mandate.

” I’m the chairman of the presidential fiscal policy and tax reform committee. And the reason why we are here is to see His Excellency, Vice President Kashim Shettima.

” The mandate given to us by Mr President is to help our country regarding matters of fiscal governance, which is really about how do we manage our revenue.

” As well as revenue transformation beyond tax. So, this is both tax and non tax, as well as how do we facilitate economic growth so that people can have prosperity? That is inclusive.

” So, we came here today to pay courtesy visit and to give His Excellency an updates about what we’re doing and more importantly, and to ask for his support and guidance, particularly engaging with the sub national government.

” This is important because our assignments will be incomplete and unsuccessful without the support from the governors, as well as even the Local Government Areas.”

He noted that the committee was different from the previous ones for two major reasons.

” The President has the political will to follow through our recommendations which may not be the usual recommendations that people are comfortable with.

” But we’re putting the interest of our country first, and all the way through. The second thing is Mr President was very clear, that he was not interested in committees writing reports.

” He has said to us as you recommend, how you get the approval, go ahead and help me to implement. So, that’s why we have milestone three of them.

” The first one is the first 30 days, which is where we’re focusing on the quick interventions around fuel subsidy removal, exchange rate stability, and then we have the second milestone, which is the first six months.

” First six months of critical reforms; We plan to rewrite the law. So, that will remove the burden on the poorest people.

” And then lastly is one year which is implementation, and the good thing is that the 30 days, six months and one year, will run concurrently, so, we’re already counting down to our first 30 days.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Army trains personnel, others on combating security challenges

In a bid to ensure effective and efficient operations of the Nigerian Army, Army Headquarters Garrison, on Monday commenced a weeklong Operational Planning Cadre for middle level career officers of the army and other sister security agencies.

The Chief of Civil-Military Affairs (Army), Maj.-Gen. Nosakhare Ugbo, said the officers would have the opportunity of understanding the rudiments and fundamentals of operational planning, urging them to seize the opportunity and enhance their capacity.

Ugbo said the theme of the 2023 Cadre, which is “Military Capacity Building and Multi Agency Approach to Counter-terrorism/Counter-insurgency operations in the Nigerian army”, was well thought out considering the contemporary security environment in Nigeria.

He said it was imperative that commanders implement a holistic and well planned approach with a view to overcome and checkmate the various security challenges within the nation’s borders.

According to him, their unwholesome activities have been characterised by killings of innocent and law abiding citizens, abduction, attacks on vulnerable communities, use of improvised explosive devices and ambushes on security personnel.

“As part of efforts to ensure that you are adequately trained and ready to confront these challenges, AHQ gave approval for the conduct of the operational planning cadre annually across all Nigerian army formations.

“I am glad to state that the sustenance of this directive over the years has caused a parameter shift in the conduct of our operations in various theaters, both within and outside Nigeria.

“Your active participation in this cadre specially organised for you will enrich and enhance your knowledge in operational arts and campaign planning within a joint environment and assist you in timely execution of all assigned tasks,” he said.

Ugbo urged the commander to adopt creative and innovativeness approach in operational planning for success and positive outputs, adding that such approach will endear them to both subordinates and superiors alike.

He also urged them to strive to galvanise and utilise the two variables towards achieving assigned operational objectives.

“I urge you all to key into this drive by ensuring that you are guided by the Chief of Army Staff Commands philosophy, which is “To Transform the Nigerian Army into a Well Trained, Equipped and Highly Motivated Force Towards Achieving its Constitutional Responsibilities Within a Joint Environment”.

The Commander, Army Headquarters Garrison, Maj.-Gen. Koko Isoni, said the 2023 cadre had brought together tactical and operational level officers from Nigerian army formations as well as sister security agencies and paramilitary organisations in AHQ Garrison area of responsibility.

Isoni said the training was meant to refresh participants on the various aspects of operations planning process with a view to enhancing their skills in operational acts and campaign planning.

He added that the training would also improve the capacity of participants in joint and single operations planning process in line with the Chief of Army Staff operate in line with the COAS Command philosophy.

“As we are all aware, warfare is becoming increasingly complex due to changes in the nature of threats and advancement in technology.

“In view of this, armies all over are continually engaged in training and capacity building to enable them surmount contemporary security challenges.

“The Nigerian army fully recognises these changes and therefore seeks to develop capacity through realistic training that will enhance its operations.

“Additionally, AHQ Garrison’s experiences in its various engagements have held also draw lessons and have also assisted the Garrison to identify gaps in the conduct of these operations.

“To this end, the operations planning cadre for this year is expected to explore ways of building on existing efforts by the Garrison to meet its operational needs,” he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Military, stakeholders begin awareness campaign on mental health among personnel

The Nigerian Army and other stakeholders have emphasised the need to enhance mental health awareness among military personnel and other security agencies to address cases of stress disorder in operational fronts.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Nigerian Army Resource Centre (NARC), Department of Army Transformation and Innovation in collaboration with Peace Building Development Consult, on Monday commenced a three-day Mental Health Resilience and Wellness Course (MHRWC 3) in Abuja.

The Director General of NARC, Maj.-Gen. Garba Wahab, represented by retired Maj.-Gen. Joseph Orokpo, said the issue of mental health was crucial to the military, paramilitary and the entire nation.

Wahab said there had been instances of soldiers shooting indiscriminately and killing colleagues, saying such circumstance could be triggered by operational issues, stress, trauma, anxiety and other factors that affect mental health of personnel.

He urged the participants to advise their patients and commanders on what to do to avoid the issue of mental health on the field considering the current operations being undertaken by the military and other security agencies.

“We expect that they will find themselves in the operational areas and then they will be able to advise the commanders and treat their patients accordingly.

“Mental issues in the military is of a great concern to us at all time. People with stress disorders, trauma, and all those kind of things.

“In the military, we want them to be in the right frame of mind to carry out the operations for national security,” he said.

Dr Omoyemu Dike-Osuhor, a Consultant Psychiatrist, Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), said there was need to understand the role of the brain being the control centre of the body.

Dike-Osuhor said the brain controls emotion, intelligence judgment and behavior, saying that it was crucial for security personnel who had to make important decisions and judgments when carrying out operations.

She said the issue of mental health was important for military personnel in enhancing their resilience and handling of stress to avoid poor judgment that could lead to loss of life.

The psychiatrist lamented the dearth of adequate facilities to manage and control mental health, as well as shortage of doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and counsellors.

“It is only almost at the tertiary level that we are able to identify mental health disorder, but it is from the grassroots, the primary healthcare center that it would be discovered that a person is becoming depressed, has anxiety and should be refered appropriately.

“It is not only medication that is needed to manage mental health disorder, you have the behavioral part which involves counselling, psychotherapy and all that.

“So we need to inculcate this from the primary healthcare to the tertiary level.

“My call to the military is I know that their training involves them being resilient and being hard, but everybody has got a brain and the brain is subject to being affected by any stress situation.

“So when you feel that you are overwhelmed and not coping, please call out for help. Don’t say my training says I should not feel sick, if not, the end result, the outcome might not be so good,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Operation Vulindlela reaches several key milestones

Operation Vulindlela has made significant progress by reaching several key milestones in the second quarter of 2023.

The Presidency and National Treasury on Sunday released the progress report for quarter two of 2023 on the implementation of economic reforms through Operation Vulindlela.

According to the report, over 70% of the reforms have have been completed or are on track to be finalised within the next year.

President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the establishment of Operation Vulindlela in October 2020, as a joint initiative of The Presidency and National Treasury to accelerate the implementation of reforms to revive economic growth and create jobs.

“Operation Vulindlela is now approaching its third anniversary. In that time, progress in the implementation of priority structural reforms has gathered pace. As it stands, over 70% of OV [Operation Vulindlela] reforms have now either been completed or are on track to be finalised within the next year.

“A minority of reforms – those in the municipal space and the additional reforms that Operation Vulindlela has taken on in the last year – will run beyond the 2023/2024 fiscal year,” stated the report.

The progress report outlines several key milestones that have been reached as part of government’s economic reform agenda.

The first of these came with the gazetting of the final date for the analogue switch-off (ASO) on 15 June 2023.

“Gazetting of the final date for analogue switch-off, has enabled analogue transmission to be switched off for all frequencies above 694 Megahertz (MHz) on 31 July 2023 to enable the use of spectrum for mobile telecommunications. This key reform will improve network quality, reduce data costs and expand digital access for all South Africans,” the report said.

In the transport sector, President Ramaphosa directed the establishment of the National Logistics Crisis Committee (NLCC) to oversee implementation of the Freight Logistics Roadmap, which is being developed by government and Transnet.

The roadmap incorporates proposals to resolve the immediate operational challenges while developing interventions to fundamentally restructure the logistics sector to support inclusive economic growth.

“A key milestone was reached with the selection of an international terminal operator to partner with Transnet at the Durban Pier 2 container terminal. This will crowd in private investment and management expertise to improve the performance of South Africa’s largest container terminal, handling 72% of the Port of Durban’s throughput and 46% of South Africa’s port traffic,” the report said.

Another key milestone was reached in the establishment of the NLCC to oversee short and long-term interventions to fix South Africa’s freight logistics system.

The NLCC has eight work streams focused on immediate operational improvements in the logistics system as well as longer-term reforms to improve efficiency and competitiveness, and will report to the President.

In the water sector, the National Water Resources Infrastructure Agency (NWRIA) Bill received approval from Cabinet to proceed to Parliament.

The Bill, which seeks to establish an agency to manage national bulk water resource infrastructure and attract investment in water resource development, is expected to be tabled in Parliament by August 2023.

“The establishment of the NWRIA as a dedicated agency to manage and invest in bulk water resource infrastructure is the centrepiece of institutional reforms in the water sector,” the report said.

Another milestone reached is the establishment of the One Stop Shop for energy projects to accelerate private investment in new generation capacity. The One Stop Shop will facilitate regulatory authorisations for energy projects, with the aim of establishing a single, fully electronic application process.

“Progress in procuring new generation capacity to close the gap in electricity supply, with nine projects from Bid Window 5 having reached financial close to date and a further four expected to close by September 2023.”

The report provides a detailed update on each of the priority reform areas in Operation Vulindlela, including reforms to the energy, logistics, telecommunications, and water sectors as well as the visa regime.

The full Operation Vulindlela 2023_24 Q2 Report can be downloaded at .

Source: South African Government News Agency

Interior Minister assures to reform 4 services

The Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, has promised to embark on comprehensive reforms in key sectors under his ministry to enhance their operational capabilities.

In a video broadcast on Sunday monitored by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Tunji-Ojo reaffirmed his commitment to executing the “Renewed Hope Agenda” of President Bola Tinubu, a transformative plan aimed at revamping sectors.

The four sectors include the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), the Nigerian Correctional Service (NCOs), the Federal Fire Service (FFS) as well as the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC).

Acknowledging the leadership of Tinubu, Tunji-Ojo expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve and promised to uphold the responsibilities entrusted to him.

He emphasised that his focus would be on ensuring that the government’s promises translate into meaningful action, making a positive impact on the lives of Nigerians.

The minister promised to do all he could within his capacity not to disappoint the president in terms of the implementation of the “Renewed Hope Agenda”.

In addressing challenges relating to NIS, the minister highlighted his determination to enhance the experience of Nigerians seeking to register and obtain passports for various purposes.

“I assure Nigerians of our desire to proceed with reforms in our NIS, such that Nigerians can be treated with respect, and that we get to unbuckle all bottlenecks of passport collections.

“We will also ensure that other issues associated with the service in general are under control,” he stressed.

Besides, Tunji-Ojo said he would ensure the decongestion in NCoS custodial centres as well as providing inmates with the opportunity for rehabilitation and re-integration into the society.

“Of course, with beaming life, and hope we’d groom inmates and help inmates to ensure proper re-integration into the society.”

The minister further said that on the proposed reforms for the FFS, he would ensure that response times to emergencies was enhanced.

“We will do everything within our power as a ministry to ensure that there are key reforms in the nation’s fire service centres and turn around the response time to say 15 minutes.

“The commitment further reflects the administration’s recognition of the critical role played by the service in safeguarding citizens and infrastructure.”

Tunji-Ojo further pledged to prioritise the protection of national assets and facilities, as well as to ensure the effective protection of national infrastructure by the NSCDC.

The minister added that his commitments to reform all the services under his ministry reflect the administration’s vision for a more secure, efficient and prosperous Nigeria.

“We will ensure that in terms of protection of national assets, it’s expected of the NSCDC to respond to ensuring that our national asset are well protected.

“I assure Nigerians that under my leadership as the Minister of Interior, I will not rest on my promise of taking a clue from the zeal, determination and commitment of the President.

“I also assure that the Renewed Hope finds its footings in the Interior Ministry, and Nigerians will be proud of this administration,” he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG discovers illegal crude oil connection in Abia

An oil theft situation assessment delegation deployed in the Niger Delta by President Bola Tinubu discovered an illegal oil connection on Saturday.

From the illegal connection discovered at Owaza in Abia, Nigeria loses an average of 7.2 million dollars monthly, the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Ltd. (NNPC Ltd.) stated on Sunday.

It added that clandestine refineries, illegal bunkering operations and environmental devastation the team saw in communities visited, collectively translated into severe economic losses for the nation.

The delegation, led by the Minister of Defence, Malam Muhammed Badaru, has service chiefs, and the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Oil), Sen. Heineken Lokpobiri as members.

Other members are the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas), Mr Ekperipe Ekpo, the National Security Adviser, Malam Nuhu Ribadu, and the Group Chief Executive Officer, NNPC Ltd., Malam Mele Kyari.

Also in the team are Commander of “Operation Delta Safe”, Rear Adm. Olusegun Ferreira, operatives of security agencies and chief executive officers of regulatory agencies in the oil and gas sector.

The team visited the Trans-Niger Pipeline Right of Way in Owaza, Abia, where an array of dismantled illegal connections were observed.

The delegation also visited Bille, Azuzuama, Ahoada, Rumuekepe Ebocha, Abacheke, Egbema, Ohaji, and Koko communities in five states of Abia, Rivers, Bayelsa, Imo and Delta States.

“We are ready to do whatever it takes for a peaceful Niger-Delta. Cease and desist from crude oil theft and economic sabotage,” Malam Badaru advised at the site.

In his remarks, Kyari said while oil theft in vessels could be tracked, oil-bearing communities must play a vital role in curbing oil theft within their communities.

“Oil theft is one of the reasons why Nigeria cannot meet her OPEC daily production quota,’’ he said.

Also speaking at the site, Chief Security Officer of Pipeline Infrastructure Nigeria Ltd., Mr Patrick Godwin, said some arrests had been made and culprits arraigned.

In his comments, Ribadu applauded security agencies, community security contractors, and NNPC Ltd. for stepping up the fight against oil theft and economic sabotage.

“The environment and livelihoods are being destroyed while the federation is deprived of revenue capable of shoring up the economy and strengthening the Naira,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria