Man dies from snake bite

A 25-year-old man died on Thursday at Matjwa village in the Kavango East Region after he was bitten by a snake in the forest.

The Namibian Police Force crime investigations coordinator in the region, Deputy Commissioner Bonifatius Kanyetu told Nampa on Friday that the incident happened at around 08h00.

It is alleged that the deceased who has been identified as Tjingereshu Tjitumbo went alone in the forest to go cut poles for his house when a snake bit him.

He reportedly ran to his uncle’s house screaming out for help, but the uncle was not home.

The people in the village then called the State ambulance from Rundu, however on the ambulance arrival, the deceased was declared dead at the scene by the nurse.

His next of kin have been informed and police investigations into the matter continue.

Source: Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)

Speak out, don’t end own life: |Ui|o|oo

Deputy Minister for Disability Affairs and Marginalised Communities, Royal Johan Kxao |Ui|o|oo, has urged men never to take their own lives, no matter how hard things might become for them.

|Ui|o|oo made this request during the 3rd National Men Conference held at Ondangwa in the Oshana Region on Friday.

According to |Ui|o|oo, if matters get any worse men should always talk to someone, go and report the case and allow the law to take itscourse.

‘Let us seek help when going through disappointments, rejection, or any other situation that we find ourselves in,’ he said.

|Ui|o|oo added that he is confident that as men, they can strive for a culture of non-violence. And they can resolve conflict with no violence.

He indicated that according to reports a total of 679 suicides took place in Namibia within a period of 17 months. Out of this number, 559 were men, representing 82 per cent of total suicides. The total number of suicides among women totalled 120.

This, |Ui|o|oo said, is a matter of serious concern.

Meanwhile the Namibian Correctional Service North Western and Eastern Regional Commissioner Eliakim Shikongo, stated that only 20 correctional officers at NCS reportedly have either been subjected to, or are victims of gender-based violence.

Shikongo indicated that there is a reluctance in reporting GBV cases among correctional officers.

He stressed that the issue of masculinity is one that particularly in Namibia has been associated with wrong beliefs that have led to devastating consequences such as suicides, passion killings and even men-on-men murders.

Speaking at the same occasion, Oshana Governor Elia Irimari indicated that addressing issues of mental health in the context of GBV is a crucial aspect of this conference.

‘As men, we either find ourselves to be victims or perpetrators of gender-based violence, often bearing the heavy burden of trauma and emotional distress,’ he said.

Irimari added that this conference creates a space where these issues can be openly discussed, encouraging men to seek
support without stigmatisation and promoting mental wellbeing.

Source: Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)

NCS holds graduation ceremony for the first intake of its 30th basic training course

The Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) held a graduation ceremony for the first intake of its 30th basic training course held in 2023 at Omaruru on Thursday.

Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security Albert Kawana, during the ceremony said the Basic Training Intake 1 of 2023 began on 01 March 2023, with a total of 373 recruits consisting of 246 males and 127 females.

‘Today, we welcome 359 graduates who completed the training successfully and are ready for deployment. Fourteen recruits couldn’t make it – six withdrew for personal reasons, four were dismissed for disciplinary contravention, two due to pregnancy, and two were discharged,’ he said.

He encouraged the new graduates to uphold the good name of the correctional service department, which is an integral part of the ministry and the government. Kawana urged the graduates to embody patriotism, courage, and discipline consistently.

NCS Commissioner General Raphael Hamunyela at the event highlighted the service’s commitment to enhan
cing professionalism and imparting skills aligned with modern corrections and the evolving approach to offender treatment. Hamunyela mentioned the recent extension of basic correctional training from six to nine months. This extension aims to incorporate a well-structured practical aspect, exposing recruits to various areas within correctional facilities, assessing their performance based on international minimum standards for, amongst others, inmate treatment, including unit/section duties, escort, guard duties, and searching.

Source: Namibia Press Agency (NAMPA)

Swakopmund Man Arrested for Alleged Rape of Teenager

Swakopmund – A 21-year-old man was arrested in Swakopmund for the alleged rape of a 15-year-old girl. The incident, as reported by the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) on Thursday, occurred between Friday and Monday. The suspect and the victim reportedly met at a bar in Mondesa, following which he took her to his house.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), the girl was held for five days, during which the alleged sexual assaults took place. The suspect is scheduled to appear in the Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court on Friday, and police investigations are ongoing.

Otjozondjupa Region Launches Festive Road Safety Campaign

Otjiwarongo – The Otjozondjupa Region’s annual festive road safety campaign was launched at the B1 police roadblock outside Otjiwarongo on Wednesday. Governor James Uerikua officiated the event, emphasizing the importance of adhering to traffic rules and regulations, particularly on the busy Okahandja-Otjiwarongo and Otjiwarongo-Otavi national road sections. The campaign, involving NamPol, traffic inspectors, local traffic officers, and emergency officials, will run from 17 November 2023 to 16 January 2024. It aims to curb drunk driving, speeding, reckless and negligent driving, and ensure vehicle and driver fitness. Regional Police Commander, Commissioner Heinrich Tjiveze, highlighted the focus on other critical roads, including the B8 and C33 highways.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), Additionally, a temporary emergency clinic will operate between Otjiwarongo and Okahandja. The event also saw the distribution of three newly acquired NamPol traffic pick-ups for patrolling in Okakarara, Otjiwarongo, and Grootfontein. Otjiwarongo Mayor, Gottlieb Shivute, issued a stern warning against bribery among traffic officials involved in the operation.

Two teenage boys, Thikuko Muharakwe John, 19, and Muthitu Dennis

Divundu, Namibia – Thindhimba, 17, died instantly after being struck by lightning at Kamutjonga village in the Divundu Constituency. The incident occurred on Wednesday while the boys were playing football at a local sports field. Namibian Police Force spokesperson, Inspector Raimbert Muronga, confirmed the tragic event and the identification of the victims.

According to Namibian Press Agency (NAMPA), In addition to the fatalities, six other 17-year-old boys and a 23-year-old man were also struck by the lightning during the incident. They were rushed to Andara District Hospital and are currently in stable condition. The families of the deceased have been notified, and the bodies were moved to Andara mortuary for autopsies.

Inspector Muronga stated that two inquests have been opened and police investigations are ongoing.