Men discuss suicide, violence at conference in Keetmanshoop

Over 300 men from the ||Kharas Region attended the third Namibia national men conference held under the theme ‘Zero male suicide, promoting positive masculinity’ on Thursday.

The one-day conference held at Keetmanshoop was organised by the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare.

In a speech read on his behalf, Deputy Minister of Disability Affairs and Marginalised Communities, Royal |Ui|o|oo urged men to encourage each other in a positive way, adding that they should share positive experiences that are helpful for others to learn from and promote a culture of non-violence.

‘Let us seek help when going through disappointments, rejection or any other situation that we find ourselves in. I am confident that as men we can strive for a culture of non-violence, we can resolve conflict with no violence,’ he said.

Statistics provided at the conference indicate that between August 2022 and June this year, the Ministry of Health and Social Services reported 623 suicides of which 511 ar
e men, translating to 82 per cent.

According to |Ui|o|oo the aim of the conference is to create platforms for men to discuss issues of gender-based violence (GBV) and issues of gender equality. It also aims to promote greater involvement of men in prevention of GBV and HIV and AIDS, safe motherhood, fatherhood initiatives, promote positive gender norms and positive change.

Speaking to this news agency, Ulrich Dawids, a farmer said the conference was a good platform for men to openly speak about issues affecting them without fear of being judged, urging the gender equality ministry to consider hosting it at a rural set up to have more people involved.

‘It should also be held in rural communities, where we can set up talks among men for us to learn from each other on how to deal with these issues because there are real problems, we see them within our families and communities and we need to know where we can go for help instead of resorting to violence,’ he said.

Participant Maurius Shikongo said: ‘This pla
tform enlightens us to deal with emotions because in society as the boy child we are taught to suppress our emotions and we do not know how to express ourselves. The boy child is not prepared for how to deal with toxic relationships, financial pressure and other issues. As men we need to love ourselves and take on what we can handle.’

Other topics the men deliberated on included how they feel laws of Namibia favours women and the girl child over men and boys, lack of employment as countries are moving into artificial intelligence, the issue of paternity, and the role of churches.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

RFA donates N.dollars 9 million, vehicles to NamPol

The Road Fund Administration (RFA) on Friday donated N.dollars 9 million and 22 vehicles to the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) as part of their corporate responsibility.

During the handover ceremony in Windhoek, the Inspector General of the police force, Lieutenant-General Joseph Shikongo said the vehicles will assist NamPol in its quest to render quality service to the Namibian people and visitors alike.

‘Such donations will definitely assist us to ensure police visibility on our national roads. I find it imperative to reiterate that NamPol and RFA signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 11 October 2021, for the funding of the operation of traffic law enforcement,’ he said.

Shikongo emphasised that the donated vehicles are not just assets on wheels but are symbols of the trust that the public places in the police. He added that it is NamPol’s duty and obligation to ensure their judicious use and maintenance.

At the same occasion, RFA Chief Executive Officer, Ali Ipinge, said that as a road infrastructur
e maintenance funding organisation, the RFA seeks to ensure efficient and equitable funding of road maintenance with the limited resources they collect through road user charges.

‘We take note that more is needed to meet the demanding challenges of policing a modern society that is tech-savvy and finding many means to evade law enforcement. Making strides in road safety initiatives will require concerted efforts from all multi-faceted stakeholders,’ he said.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Namibian fish belongs to Namibians: Amukwa

The chairperson of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Association (CNFA), Matti Amukwa has called out Government for allocating Governmental Objective quotas to entities that are not right holders.

The chairperson was referring to among others the auction of governmental objective quotas of horse mackerel to the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Amukwa during the Annual Fishing Industry Address in Walvis Bay on Thursday expressed concern on behalf of the industry, saying some Namibians do not benefit from their own ocean resources as a result of this.

‘I wish to clarify that Namibian fish belongs to all Namibians and not just right holders. Right holders are not entitled to Namibian fish at the exclusion of other Namibians. What we are saying is that the law in the Marine Resources Act of 2000, Section 33 provides mechanisms on how all, not a few, Namibians can benefit from Namibian fish, whether or not they are actively fishing,’ he expressed.

Amukwa explained that this mechanism amongs
t others includes the distribution of taxes and levies paid by fishing right holders to all Namibians through the national budgeting process.

‘We agree to governmental objectives and indeed the industry has been at the forefront in supporting Namibians in times of drought, floods and other calamities. We also support the process to stabilise support for governmental objectives from the fishing industry through existing right holders, as provided for in the law,’ he said.

There is however no need to create other quota holders for governmental objectives, contrary to the law, when this objective can be realised through existing right holders, he added.

Amukwa requested that if Government wants to create new rights and quota holders outside the provided Act, then it should be done through a revision of the Act through Parliament and with full stakeholder participation.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

NHE invests millions in housing development

The National Housing Enterprise (NHE) has invested nearly N.dollars 60 million for the construction of 144 houses in Omuthiya, Ondangwa and Okahao, as part of addressing the housing backlog in the country.

Of the houses, 50 were constructed in Omuthiya, 24 in Ondangwa and 70 in Okahao.

Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, said the government recognises everyone’s right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate housing and the provision of basic infrastructure and services, which remain key priorities for government at all levels, including central, regional and local.

Uutoni was speaking during the official handover of the NHE houses at Okahao on Thursday, saying the town is one of the local authorities that do not hesitate to avail land for housing.

‘Decent shelter is a basic necessity of life and we believe that it is justified for citizens, as the sovereign, to expect to have a place they can call their own and to meet their dwelling and survival needs,’ he said.

He ad
ded that in keeping with this reality, and their commitment to the people, housing remains one of their key development priorities as articulated in the national development frameworks such as Vision 2023, national development plans and the Harambee Prosperity Plan 2.

NHE board chairperson, Toska Sem, stated that during the 2023/24 financial year, they are committed to raise enough capital to allow them to build over 1 400 housing units around the country, with a projected investment of over N.dollar 770 million.

Sem indicated that the NHE is mandated to build and finance quality and affordable housing products for Namibian inhabitants.

‘We have intensified our engagements with local authorities and other key stakeholders to foster sound relations that will result in the attainment of our national goals,’ she said.

At the same occasion, the Okahao Town Council also recognised the long service of the town’s mayor, Cornelia Iiyambulua, and deputy mayor, Julia Katoole, by awarding them medals.

Source: The
Namibian Press Agency

Murirua Kaaheke memorial tourney this weekend

A football and netball tournament in honour of the former head of the Kambekua Sports Association (KSA), Mannfredt ‘Molaiks’ Murirua-Kaaheke, will take place at the Khomasdal stadium in Windhoek this weekend.

Kumbee Ngakuzevi, president of the Namibia Rural Sports Development Federation (NRSDF), confirmed the tournament to Nampa on Thursday, stating that the tournament’s initial purpose is to pay tribute to one of Namibia’s icons and legends in football management who paved the way for most of the former football prodigies.

‘Kaaheke was an ardent advocate of grassroots sports and his stint as president of the Kambekura All Stars football club was unparalleled. During his heyday, Kaaheke played a vital role in recruiting and managing new talent at Hungry Lions Football Club, commonly known as the Lions of Judah,’ he said.

Kaaheke died in 2001.

The competition will include 10 football teams namely the Sesfontein, Omongua, Opuwo, Epupa, Okondjatu, Epukiro, Otjinene, Otjituuo, Okakarara, and Ovitoto All-Star

Only eight netball teams have been selected for the competition on Saturday.

In the netball category, Okondjatu will face the Epukiro All Stars netball team in the opening encounter on Saturday, followed by Omongua and Otjinene. The players from Okotjiuuo will face Epupa, while the Ovitoto All-Stars will face the Okakarara squad.

In the football category, former Federation All-Stars tournament winners Sesfontein All-Stars will face Otjinene All-Stars followed by the Otjituuo and Omongua All-Stars, while Okakarara will take on Opuwo All-Stars later in the day. Okondjatu’s youthful team will play Epupa, while Ovitoto All-Stars will put their strength to the test against the tournament’s strong force, the Epukiro All-Stars.

A total of N.dollars 40 000 has been set aside for the tournament, with N.dollars 28 000 going to the football category and the remaining N.dollars 12 000 going to the top four netball teams.

The football champions will walk away with N.dollars 14 000, the runner-up with N.dollars 7 0
00, and the semi-final losers will each settle for N.dollars 3 500 for their efforts.

The winning netball team will walk away with N.dollars 6 000 while the runner-up will receive N.dollars 3 000, and the semi-final losers will each receive N.dollars 1 500.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Lammert pays courtesy visit to NC

Norbert Lammert, Chairperson of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), paid a courtesy visit to the National Council of Namibia on Thursday.

During the discussions, the delegation explored the organisational structures of their respective federal systems.

‘We not only share a complicated common history, but even similar structures as far as the constitutional understanding of the political system is concerned,’ Lammert said during the visit.

Lukas Sinimbo Muha, Chairperson of the National Council, emphasised the importance of the working relationship between KAS and the National Council.

‘Today’s engagement marks the beginning of the warm working relationship between your office and mine,’ Muha said, acknowledging the challenges faced during lawmaking and policy formulation processes.

Muha highlighted, with gratitude, KAS’s sponsorship of the five-year strategic plan, which will run until the 2027/2028 financial year. He also discussed the imperative need for digitalisation, emphasising the launch of Namib
ia’s e-parliament strategy, which will ensure that the Namibian Parliament maximises citizen participation in the law-making processes, Muha said.

Muha further drew attention to the severe effects of climate change, emphasising the responsibility of lawmakers to proactively respond with robust risk management systems.

He also highlighted the positive relations between the German and Namibian parliaments, expressing hope for broader cooperation beyond government levels.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency