Hawks pounce on vessel ferrying R240 m worth of cocaine

Hawks’ National Head, Lieutenant General Godfrey Lebeya, has lauded his team’s recovery of a 600kg cocaine cache with a street value of R240 million at the Durban harbour.

The Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation team made the recovery after receiving information about an MSC vessel that was sailing from the South America to South Africa transporting containers with wooden flooring boards which had cocaine concealed within the consignment.

“On arrival, the container was searched. It was discovered that between the boards, there was large black sports bags, each with bricks of cocaine,” said Hawks spokesperson Brigadier Nomthandazo Mbambo.

No arrests have been made at this stage pending the ongoing investigation.

“I appreciate the efforts by the members of the DPCI [Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation] in disrupting the supply of drugs. With the cargo safely in good hands, we shall now be focussing on the perpetrators,” said Lebeya.

He said he had further appointed a team on the recommendation of the Deputy National Head to cover ground in dealing with the drugs that were stolen in a burglary incident.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Department readjusts petrol price

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) has announced the readjustment of the price of both 93 and 95 ULP and LRP grades.

“The DMRE regrets to announce that the adjustment of the petrol price announced on Monday, 29 November was erroneous,” said the department on Wednesday.

On Monday, the department announced that the price of petrol (both 93 and 95) will go up by 81c per litre taking the price to R20.35 a litre in Gauteng as of Wednesday.

On Wednesday, the department announced that the price of petrol has risen by 75 cents a litre instead. This means that a litre of 95 ULP in Gauteng, which currently costs to R20.35 will now cost R20.29.

“The 6 cents difference is due to the fact that the adjustment of wages for service station workers had already been implemented in September 2021. Although it is for the very first time that such an error has occurred in the history of basic fuel price determination in South Africa, the DMRE profusely apologises for the inconvenience caused. The rest of the fuel prices are correct,” said the department.

It added that the reasons for the fuel price adjustments remain as communicated.

The price of diesel 0.05% increased by 72c and diesel 0.005% sulphur will increase by 75c per litre.

“The main reasons for the fuel price adjustments are due to…[t]he contribution of the Rand/US Dollar exchange rate. The Rand depreciated, on average, against the US Dollar during the period under review when compared to the previous one.

“The increase in the prices crude oil…[t]he average Brent Crude oil price increased from 82.50USD to 83.00USD per barrel during the period under review. The key driver is the higher global demand recovery amid a weaker supply response from non-OPEC and other oil producers,” the department said in a statement.

The department said other factors contributing to the increase include petroleum products prices around the world, the adjustments in the Regulatory Accounting System Industry Margins and the implementation of the Slate Levy.

Meanwhile, the wholesale price of illuminating paraffin has increased by 42c per litre, while the maximum retail price for illuminating paraffin has increased by 56c per litre.

The retail price for gas also increased by R1.83 per kilogram.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA, Nigeria elevate bilateral and trade relations

Two of Africa’s largest economies, South Africa and Nigeria, are today expected to strengthen their longstanding bilateral ties and trade relations during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s two-day state visit in Nigeria.

Upon President Cyril Ramaphosa’s arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport on Tuesday, the two Heads of State met for a private dinner to kick start the state visit.

President Ramaphosa and President Muhammadu Buhari are expected to sign a number of Memoranda of Understanding and agreements across political, diplomatic and economic and trade relations.

The visit to Nigeria coincides with the 10th Session of the Bi-National Commission (BNC) between Nigeria and South Africa. This year also marks the 20th anniversary of the Bi-National Commission.

“The BNC will provide an opportunity for South Africa and Nigeria to deepen relations across the spectrum of South Africa’s national priorities, including political cooperation and the strengthening of economic development cooperation,” the Presidency said in a statement.

The Presidency said that the 10th BNC is expected to review and follow up on decisions taken by the 9th Session of the Commission which, among others, included the establishment of an Early Warning Mechanism, the re-establishment of the South Africa-Nigeria Consular Forum, an agreement on Diplomatic Consultations, and the reaffirmation of the historical and political relations between the two countries.

“South Africa and Nigeria are also committed to regular consultations on bilateral issues, and continental and global issues of mutual concern. During this BNC a number of Memoranda of Understanding/Agreement will be signed,” the Presidency said.

South Africa and Nigeria have strong historical ties dating back to the days of the struggle against apartheid and colonialism.

In March 2016, the BNC was elevated from the Deputy/Vice President level to be presided over by the Heads of State, which signifies the strategic importance attached to the bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries.

President Ramaphosa is accompanied by the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Naledi Pandor; Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Thandi Modise; Minister of Police Bheki Cele; Minister of Justice and Correctional Services Ronald Lamola, and Minister in the Presidency Mondli Gungubele.

The delegation also includes Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Maite Nkoana Mashabane, Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, Minister of Health Dr Joe Phaahla, Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula, and Deputy Minister of State Security, Zizi Kodwa.

Upon conclusion of the state visit in Nigeria, President Ramaphosa and his delegation will proceed to the Côte d’Ivoire, where he will be hosted on a state visit at the invitation of President Alassane Dramane Ouattara.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Nigeria an important market for SA, says President

South Africa and Nigeria are determined to create a conducive environment for businesses to operate in both countries, says President Cyril Ramaphosa.

The President was speaking at a meet and greet session at the Hilton Hotel in Abuja where he met business leaders ahead of a Nigeria – South Africa Business Forum and his bilateral trade talks with Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday.

President Ramaphosa told South African businesses operating in Nigeria this morning, that he had met with his Nigerian counterpart Buhari, and both parties have committed to creating a “conducive environment” for businesses to operate and thrive in their respective countries.

“Nigeria is a very important economy and market from our country’s perspective and I guess from your own business perspective as well. That is why so many South African businesses have planted their business operations in Nigeria,” the President said.

He told business leaders that it was important to showcase the presence and operations of South African businesses in countries that people travel to.

President Ramaphosa acknowledged that there were a number of challenges that saw a number of companies exit for one reason or another. This was something he would like to shed light on so that the issues can be fully understood.

“It so happens that in my discussions with President Buhari, both last night over dinner and this morning, this matter has been raised and will be raised again.

“We have both agreed as two countries that we are going to improve and create a conducive environment for our businesses to operate, for both Nigerian businesses to operate in South Africa and South African businesses to operate in Nigeria within an environment that will enable businesses to thrive and grow, that is an objective we have in mind,” the President said.

President Ramaphosa said they both understood that there is a maze of challenges and difficulties. He said Nigeria was an important market.

“It is a far too an important a market, the largest economy on our continent, and we are also a big economy on the African market,” he said.

The President said his delegation of ministers have been hard at work the past few days in discussing matters that will continue to be discussed going forward.

Even during a difficult time for South Africa, President Ramaphosa says Nigeria has remained supportive and demonstrated a positive approach towards the country.

“Nigeria’s disposition towards us is very positive even during trying periods like now with the Omicron variant where everybody is banning us. They called and asked if we are still coming, this demonstrates their positive approach to us. They have supported us during these travel bans we are subjected to,” he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Global Embossed Film Market Research Reports 2021, Competitive landscape, Company overview, Revenue, Market Potential, Recent development to forecast to 2027.

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The “Embossed Film Market” is a trend to estimate the year 2027- current reports to its research database. The Research report highlights the specific Understands of the deciding factor such as size, shares, sales, forecast trend, supply, production, demands, industry, and CAGR to provide a global outlook of the comprehensive market. It also involves the supplier, vendor, and key player in the overall market. The Unique statistics put forwards in the report are evaluating in a mechanically and scientifically way to better understands the global market. Get a Sample Copy of the Report at – http… Continue reading “Global Embossed Film Market Research Reports 2021, Competitive landscape, Company overview, Revenue, Market Potential, Recent development to forecast to 2027.”

Global Industrial Printer Ribbon Market Size, Segmentation, 2021, to Analysis top key Player, Supplier, Vendor, in the overall Market.

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The “Industrial Printer Ribbon Market” is a trend to estimate the year 2027- current reports to its research database. The Research report highlights the specific Understands of the deciding factor such as size, shares, sales, forecast trend, supply, production, demands, industry, and CAGR to provide a global outlook of the comprehensive market. It also involves the supplier, vendor, and key player in the overall market. The Unique statistics put forwards in the report are evaluating in a mechanically and scientifically way to better understands the global market. Get a Sample Copy of the Repo… Continue reading “Global Industrial Printer Ribbon Market Size, Segmentation, 2021, to Analysis top key Player, Supplier, Vendor, in the overall Market.”