COP27 needs a tremendous focus on action, Commonwealth of Dominica looking to share scalable solutions

Roseau, Nov. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There are a few days left until COP27 takes place in the Egyptian city of Sharm El-Sheikh from 6 to 18 November and the Commonwealth of Dominica, like many nations around the world, will be watching to see if this summit finally brings action and implementation of proposals and promises.

“We are at the stage where we can no longer use these events as talk shops, but rather, we need to be laser-focused and intentional about developing actionable plans to tackle the biggest challenge of our time – climate change,” says Dr. Vince Henderson, Dominica’s minister for planning, economic development, climate resilience, sustainable development, and renewable energy.

Small island nations like Dominica, are not the only countries facing extreme weather conditions as a result of global warming. UN Secretary-General António Guterres mentioned to journalists in New York recently that a third of Pakistan is flooded, Europe is experiencing its hottest summer in 500 years, the Philippines is dealing with the aftermath of tropical storm Paeng and in the United States, Category 4 Hurricane Ian was just another reminder of the climate crisis.

Dominica has been on a path to be the world’s first climate-resilient nation following Hurricane Maria which left an estimated 90 percent of buildings damaged or destroyed in 2019.

This year, at COP27, Dominica wants to showcase how it will reach climate resiliency by 2030. The country has implemented a number of projects that can be used as case studies that can be used as a flywheel of action.

“Everybody is talking about sustainability and climate change and why we need to reduce carbon emissions, the issue is how we are going to make a meaningful impact. For people to translate insight into action, they need to see good examples that motivate them, and we believe Dominica has an abundance of examples that are yielding results,” continues Minister Henderson.

In response to the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria, Dominica launched a climate resilience policy framework to help guide its recovery journey in the form of the National Resilience Development Strategy 2030 (NRDS).

The Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan of Dominica aim to build strong communities, build a robust economy, have a well-planned and durable infrastructure; strengthen institutional systems and, protect and sustain natural and other unique assets.

It centres around three pillars: structural resilience, financial resilience, and post-disaster resilience.

Structural resilience: The government of Dominica is building a resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding natural disasters, including Category 5 hurricanes. It includes the construction of 5 000 climate-resilient homes, healthcare centres, roads, bridges, airports, and schools.

Financial Resilience: The government of Dominica is implementing institutional fiscal reform to ensure stronger fiscal resilience which will aid in the strengthening of debt sustainability utilising several key institutional fiscal areas.

Post Disaster and Social Resilience: This pillar helps encourage farmers to plant more root crops which are more resilient to heavy rain and wind, and increases farmer training programmes and government assistance with the provision of seeds and fertilizers. The government’s plan to strengthen food security includes specific policies for the resiliency of the agriculture and fisheries industries.

With 2022 set to rank among the 10 warmest years on record, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Dominica is also constructing a geothermal power plant which will increase the country’s share of renewables and diversify the country’s energy matrix. The Commonwealth of Dominica already obtains 28% of its energy requirements from renewable energy sources such as hydropower and wind.

The UN is urging the world’s industrialized nations to ‘lead by example’ by taking ‘bold and immediate actions’. One of these nations includes the United States of America and with President Joe Biden confirmed to attend, it is said he will build on the significant work the United States has undertaken to advance the global climate fight and help the most vulnerable build resilience to climate impacts.

Last year, Biden arrived at COP26 largely empty handed and this year he will promote the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, a bill that devotes hundreds of billions of dollars to clean energy initiatives and brings Biden’s pledge to cut United States emissions in half by 2030 closer within reach.

The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the group of nations that have signed the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which was put together in 1992. It commits them to act together to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations “at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human-induced) interference with the climate system”. Since then, the parties, or nations, have met almost annually.

COP26 was held in the Scottish city of Glasgow in November 2021 and it brought together 120 world leaders and representatives from almost 200 countries. It culminated in the Glasgow Climate Pact, which reaffirmed the 2015 Paris Agreement goal of “limiting the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C”.

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001 (767) 266 3919
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Small Military Bombing Drone to Debut on AIRSHOW CHINA 2022

ZHUHAI, China, Nov. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The opening of the 14th China Airshow is coming soon. LoongUAV will bring a variety of cost-effective, efficient, lightweight military drones to debut, including LOONG 4 surveillance drone, LOONG 5 bombing drone, LOONG 1 targeting drone, LOONG 2 reconnaissance drone.

In recent years of local wars and armed conflicts, as an emerging air combat force, drones have highlighted their combat effectiveness. Equipping drones has become an effective means to enhance national defense strength at a lower cost.

There are various types of military drones, which can be divided into reconnaissance drones, combat attack drones, electronic countermeasure drones, decoy drones, target drones, and reconnaissance and striking drones. It can also be divided into large drones, medium drones, light drones, small drones, and micro drones by their size. Large UAVs like combat attack drones from China and USA are very expensive and have low combat efficiency. Certain Iranian UAVs have only a single function and are not recyclable. The cost for single use is more than hundreds of thousands of dollars. Although some Chinese consumer drones are low-priced, the battery life is short and the application scenarios are limited.

LOONG 5 Bombing Drone

This drone has low cost and high cost-effectiveness. It can carry six 60mm or four 82mm mortars, through a simple module installed on shells at a cost of less than $10, the accuracy of the bombs is within 3 meters, the maximum endurance time exceeds 240 minutes, and the maximum flight speed is 80km/h. The VTOL(Vertical Take-Off and Landing) technology is used to improve deployment maneuverability and optimize flight performance. With suicide attack capability, it can lock and track dynamic targets for precise strikes. It has strong stealth, is a low-slow and small target, has no heat source, and has a very small radar reflection surface, which can effectively avoid radar monitoring and is not easy to be shot down. And it has the strong anti-interference ability and super battlefield survivability, and the current anti-UAV technology cannot defend against it.

Visit for more information (includes 3 demo videos)

LoongUAV designs, develops, manufactures, and markets efficient tactical drones, and offers a wide range of tailored support services.  Our small military drones are cost-effective, efficient, lightweight, and capable of carrying large payloads over long distances.

For sales requests, please contact: [email protected], LoongUAV

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Intercultural Innovation Hub: Calling Projects promoting an inclusive and diverse society

Apply now to become the Next Global Changemakers

  • The new Intercultural Innovation Hub of UNAOC and the BMW Group connects people and cultures, empowers grassroots organizations and elevates intercultural innovation.
  • Selected projects promoting diversity, integration and social inclusion will work towards achieving sustainable growth.
  • Participants will benefit from a financial grant of up to 20,000 USD plus a year of capacity-building workshops, customized support, and membership to the “Intercultural Leaders” global networking platform.
  • Deadline for Applications: 2nd December 2022 at

MUNICH, Germany and NEW YORK, Nov. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Since 2011, UNAOC and the BMW Group have worked with leaders and organizations from around the globe to tackle intercultural challenges through social innovations. With the new Intercultural Innovation Hub, our mission is to connect people and cultures, empower grassroots organizations, as well as elevate and scale up intercultural innovation. To this end, organizations promoting diversity, integration and social inclusion are invited to become part of the hub and benefit from comprehensive support to expand the social impact of their projects.

Participating and increasing impact
The Intercultural Innovation Hub is focused on supporting projects that promote gender equality, counter violent extremism, hatred, and prejudice, and advocate for art, culture and sports as vectors for social cohesion and diversity, through:

Financial support for sustainable growth: To leverage the social impact of the selected projects, up to ten finalists will receive up to 20,000 USD each to help their initiative scale up sustainably.
One-year capacity-building program: UNAOC and BMW Group with the support of Accenture, will provide the recipients a year-long series of capacity-building workshops and customized support.
Membership to the “Intercultural Leaders” community: Participants will be part of a global network of changemakers working in the fields of social inclusion and diversity.

Apply now and become the next global changemaker
Interested organizations should submit their applications by 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, December 2nd, 2022, at

If you have any questions, please contact:

Milena Pighi, BMW Group Corporate and Governmental Affairs, Spokesperson CSR
Telephone: +49-89-382-66563, [email protected]

Alessandro Girola, Programming Coordinator, UNAOC
Telephone: +1 (929) 274-6217, [email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID  8685593

‫تلفزيون الصين المركزي (سي سي تي في+): كلمات باسم الشباب

بكين، 3 نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022 / PRNewswire / — أنشأت Ruijin ، أوج جمهورية الصين الشعبية، بدايات لا تعد ولا تحصى في التاريخ. قرية سونج بنج هي موقع تاريخي. كتب على الجدار بعض المقالات، خشنة في السطور ولكن أسلوبها رقيق، ويبدو أنها رسومات مبتكرة للتلاميذ. في الواقع، جنود الجيش الأحمر الذين درسوا هنا منذ حوالي 90 عامًا هم من كتبوا هذه المقالات.

في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي، نفذ الكومينتانغ “تطويقًا وقمعًا” عسكريًا عنيفًا وحصارًا اقتصاديًا في المنطقة السوفيتية الوسطى. في عام 1933، تم إنشاء مدرسة الاتصالات للجيش الأحمر للعمال والفلاحين الصينيين في بينغشان هيل في قرية سونج بنج أثناء الحرب المدمرة. مجموعة من جنود الجيش الأحمر الشباب، تتراوح أعمارهم بين 16 و 17 عامًا، مستواهم أقل من مستوى المدرسة الابتدائية، درسوا بجدية تكنولوجيا الراديو لبناء شبكة اتصالات للجيش الأحمر.

لقد مرت 90 سنة منذ ذلك الحين. قد لا يكون الطلاب الصغار اليوم قادرين على الشعور بالجوع والعطش لمعرفة شعور الشباب في تلك الأيام. بعد 90 عامًا، لم يعد بإمكاننا فك رموز شعور الجنود الشباب عندما رسموا الشعارات على الحائط. ومع ذلك، يمكننا أن نرى آثارًا لحياتهم هنا. هذا هو المكان الذي تم فيه تسجيل أصواتهم المرتفعة وشبابهم المزدهر. خلال تلك السنوات، هرعوا بشجاعة إلى ساحة معركة التواصل فقط بعد فترة قصيرة من التعلم.

أصبح المراهقون ذات يوم شخصيات متلاشية في محيط الزمن، لكن مقالاتهم على الحائط لا تزال واضحة. ما تمثله الضربات القاسية والعطاء هو الروح التي لا تمحى للجيش الأحمر. بعد 90 سنة، تحققت بالفعل الرغبة وراء الكتابة على الجدران. أدى الولاء والإيمان والتفاني والتضحيات التي قدمتها أجيال من الشيوعيين إلى النهضة الكبيرة للأمة الصينية. لقد ولت ظلال الماضي، لكن العلامة الحمراء على أرض جيانغشي لم تتلاشى أبدًا وستظل دائمًا لامعة.

الفيديو –



Orders for the Eviation Alice Pass US$ 2 Billion

Order Book for the World’s First Flight-Tested All-Electric Passenger Airplane Passes Major Milestone

ARLINGTON, Wash., Nov. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Eviation Aircraft, a manufacturer of all-electric aircraft, today announced that the order book for its world-leading nine-seater all-electric Alice airplane has passed a total value of US$ 2 billion.

Eviation logo.

The Eviation Alice conducted its first flight on 27 September 2022 at Grant County International Airport (MWH), Washington, U.S., the first all-electric commuter airplane to pass this test. This historic achievement marked the start of a new phase in the development of the Alice. Eviation is now focused on its certification program on the way to completing Entry into Service (EIS). Customers for the Alice so far include U.S. regional airlines Cape Air and Global Crossing and German airline operator EVIA AERO.

“Our order book passing the US$ 2 billion mark is a significant commercial milestone,” said Gregory Davis, President and CEO of Eviation. “This success demonstrates that the Alice is leading the industry and meeting the market demand for zero-carbon flight. We are already seeing a growing clamour from passengers for sustainable aviation, matched by an increasingly robust attitude from regulators. By ordering the Alice, our forward-thinking customers are positioning themselves wisely for the future.”

The Alice, built from a clean-sheet design around all-electric propulsion, produces no carbon emissions and costs significantly less to operate per flight hour compared to light jets or high-end turboprops. The aircraft is also quieter than combustion engine aircraft, allowing more flights into cities and communities where noise is a factor. Together, these developments promise to usher in a new era of low-cost point-to-point travel, reshaping the commuter and regional air market. Alice is powered by two magni650 electric propulsion units developed by magniX, the global industry leader in flight-proven electric propulsion systems.

“With almost 300 aircraft now on order, the Alice is receiving strong customer endorsement. The aircraft is capturing the hearts and minds of the marketplace with its beautiful design, low operating costs and carbon zero footprint,” said Eddie Jaisaree, Vice President, Commercial Sales at Eviation. “The Alice will not just protect the planet but also create a more enjoyable flight experience for passengers. Considering the environmental and fuel cost challenges facing conventional airlines, incorporating the Alice into our customers’ fleets will give them a significant competitive advantage.”

About Eviation Aircraft

Based in Washington State, Eviation Aircraft Inc. develops and manufactures electric aircraft to delight operators and passengers with green, cost efficient and convenient regional transportation. Its electric propulsion units, high-energy-density batteries, mission-driven energy management, and innovative airframe are designed from the ground up for electric flight. Please visit us at

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CCTV+: Lyrics of In the Name of Youth

BEIJING, Nov. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Ruijin, the cradle of the People’s Republic of China, has created countless firsts in history. Songping Village is a historic site. On a wall, there wrote a few essays, rough in lines but tender in style, appearing to be doodles of pupils. In fact, these essays were written by the Red Army soldiers, who studied here some 90 years ago.

In the 1930s, the Kuomintang carried out a raging military “encirclement and suppression” and economic blockade in the Central Soviet Area. In 1933, the Communication School of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army was established at Pingshan Hill of Songping Village during the ravaging war. A group of young Red Army soldiers, aged 16 to 17, with lower than elementary school-level knowledge, diligently studied radio technology to build the communication network for the Red Army.

It has been 90 years since then. Today’s young students may not be able to feel the hunger and thirst for knowledge of the youth in those days. After 90 years, we can no longer decipher how the young soldiers felt when they painted the graffiti on the wall. However, we can see traces of their lives here. This is the place where their loud reciting voices and their flourishing youth were recorded. It was during those years that they bravely rushed to the battlefield of communication only after a short period of learning.

The once teenagers became fading figures in the ocean of time, but their essays on the wall are still clear. What the rough and tender strokes represent is the indelible spirit of the Red Army. After 90 years, the wish behind the graffiti has already come true. The loyalty, faith, dedication, and sacrifices of generations of Communists have initiated the great revival of the Chinese nation. The shadows of the past are bygone, but the red mark on the land of Jiangxi has never faded and shall always remain brilliant.

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