Vytelle Releases Public Feed Efficiency Database

KANSAS CITY, Missouri, June 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Vytelle, with their network partners, announce the release of the Top 150 Proven Bulls. These high accuracy bulls have risen to the top of more than 81,000 animals of 25 different breeds and more than 262,000 residual feed intake (RFI) EPDs.

“There are two high-stake producer decisions that drive genetic progress in the global cattle industry: mating selection and reproduction method. By publicly sharing this list of feed efficient bulls, we’re able to assist cattle producers in identifying elite animals that drive a more accurate mating selection,” said Kerryann Kocher, Chief Executive Officer for Vytelle. “Producers can accelerate genetic progress to meet the global demand for high-quality and nutritious protein by utilizing the most modern hormone-free, in vitro fertilization to multiply offspring from their elite-performing animals.

The 2021 Top 150 Bulls list was compiled using data collected by Vytelle SENSE systems and Vytelle INSIGHT analytics services, formerly known as GrowSafe Systems. All tested animals include at least three generations of pedigrees and all animals must have at least a 0.6 accuracy rating on their RFI EPD to be eligible for the list. Each phenotyped animal strengthens the database providing producers insight to make profit-bearing decisions regarding selection for feed efficiency and performance. With the permission of each network member, Vytelle shares this information publicly to collectively advance feed efficiency improvements across the industry.

“Feed is 70 percent of a beef producer’s total production costs,” said Lisa Rumsfeld, Vice President of International Commercial Operation for Vytelle. “Whether breeders are looking to impact their direct feed cost, achieve marketing premiums or underpin methane emissions reduction claims with evidence-based metrics this database offers selection possibilities across breeds globally.”

Phenotypic data is captured through the use of Vytelle SENSE systems. The Feed Intake Nodes measure feed disappearance every second an animal is feeding, each time an animal feeds, to a 10-gram resolution. The In-Pen Weighing Position measures individual animal partial body weight and growth. It weighs every second an animal is standing at the water trough, which can equate up to 450 weights a day.

To find the full listing of the 2021 Top 150 Proven Bulls, visit https://vytelle.com/breeding-values/.

About Vytelle

Vytelle is a precision livestock company reshaping how cattle producers worldwide optimize their herds. Through Vytelle’s integrated technology platform, generations of genetic gains can be made in just a few years. This allows producers to sustainably deliver more protein with fewer inputs, helping to ensure meat and milk are viable, competitive food choices for future generations.


Danielle Starr
[email protected]

Huobi Launches Bonus Point Campaign with $18,000 Prize Pool for P2P Advertisers

GIBRALTAR, June 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Huobi Global, one of the world’s leading digital asset exchanges, announced last week the launch of its bonus point campaign for users from India, Russia, and Nigeria. Aiming at improving the liquidity of its P2P Market, the launch of this campaign offers users multiple choices while endowing advertisers with more benefits.

“Professional players represented by large institutions and listed companies are continuing to enter the digital assets market in recent years. At the same time, there are still many people in the world who have not been able to enjoy the benefits brought about by the development of this industry. As the first link into the crypto space, peer-to-peer market plays a decisive role in connecting fiat and cryptocurrency,” stated Ciara Sun, Vice President of Huobi Global Markets.

In addition to sharing the prize pool, advertisers participating in the event could also upgrade to “Verified” advertisers with a “V” symbol next to their names. For each region, only 20 advertisers would be selected to join in the campaign. Satisfying different conditions such as posting time, payment method, order completion rate, and trading volume are methods for advertisers to be able to obtain corresponding points which could then be redeemed for rewards.

In most normal circumstances, gaining access to the points can be easy for participants. For instance, if an advertiser’s USDT selling price ranks TOP 10 on another platform, he/she will be able to obtain three points. If the advertiser posts two ads with at least one of them resulting in a sale of 500 USDT, he/she earns two points. Other conditions such as supporting local bank cards, having order completion rates greater than 85%, or exceeding 150-hour advertisement posting time will count as 1 point. Only 6 points, however, are required for a reward and the highest score of 10 points could be used to redeem 300 HUSD.

“We’ve been committed to providing institutional and retail users with a safe, stable, and user-friendly trading experience in a compliant manner. By offering users more choices in relation to pricing and advertising, we can greatly reduce their time and cost for trading. This will, in turn, help us establish a sound ecosystem,” added Ciara.

To participate in the campaign, users from India, Russia, and Nigeria are required to register through an exclusive link, complete advanced verification, and enable phone authentication.

About Huobi Group
Huobi Group is a world leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider with a financial product suite that includes the largest digital asset exchange by liquidity and real-trading volume. Trusted by users in over 170 countries, the Huobi platform is dedicated to improving financial freedom and inclusive access for all users. Huobi boasts an unmatched portfolio of crypto product offerings. This includes trading and financial products, cryptocurrency and blockchain financial infrastructure solutions, education, data and research, social welfare, investment, and incubation. We are always continuing to innovate on our future horizon.

Centrient Pharmaceuticals boosting statins API manufacturing capacity

Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 21, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —


  • Centrient Pharmaceuticals has started production at its newly built statins API manufacturing unit in Toansa, India.
  • With this expansion the company is doubling its production capacity of Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin, meeting the increased demand for its high-quality uniquely produced statins.
  • Centrient Pharmaceuticals’ statins are one of the most sustainably produced in the industry by eliminating harmful solvents, generating less waste, and a reduced carbon footprint of 32% as compared to traditional manufacturers.
  • Using backward integrated manufacturing methods, and dedicated production facilities, Centrient Pharmaceuticals is able to offer its customers security of supply.

Centrient Pharmaceuticals (“Centrient”), the global leader in sustainable antibiotics, next-generation statins and anti-fungals, announced today to have started production at its new statins manufacturing unit. With the building of its second dedicated unit on the Toansa site in India now completed, the company will double its statins production capacity. This will enable Centrient to meet growing demand for its sustainably manufactured Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).

Statins are currently the most prescribed drug class globally for the treatment of high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases and are among the top-selling drugs worldwide. The markets for Atorvastatin and Rosuvastatin in particular, has shown steady growth in the past years, as a result of the continued global prevalence of high cholesterol issues, replacement of older generation statins, and genericization of the market.

Starting almost a decade ago, Centrient has grown today into one of the leading statin API suppliers worldwide, servicing large pharma companies around the globe.

Next to high-quality features like long shelf life and large batch sizes, the company offers security of supply to customers through its dedicated statins production facility and backward integration. Being backward integrated, Centrient is independent from external imports of starting materials. Its enzymatic route of synthesis and patented technology minimise the use of harmful solvents, generate less waste, and reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 32% as compared to traditional manufacturers.

The news of the facility expansion follows major milestones on statins that the company reached in the past years. In 2012, under the name of DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals, it was the first pharmaceutical manufacturer worldwide to offer generic Atorvastatin APIs under a Certificate of Suitability to the Monograph of the European Pharmacopoeia (CEP). Since 2014, it has produced the unique Atorvastatin APIs in its state-of-the-art facility in Toansa, India for third-party customers.

In addition, the company was one of the first three companies worldwide that started to offer generic Rosuvastatin APIs under CEP in 2016. Two years later, the first generic Rosuvastatin and Atorvastatin finished dosage forms were launched in Western Europe.

“With the doubling of our production capacity, we demonstrate our commitment to maintain our leadership position in line with our strategy and to continue supporting our customers’ business growth. Guided by our brand promise of Quality, Reliability, and Sustainability, Centrient’s Rosuvastatin and Atorvastatin offer superior performance in all three areas to the benefit of our customers and the environment.”, says Frans Vlaar, Chief Commercial Officer at Centrient.

Ground breaking of the new manufacturing unit started at the end of 2019 and commercial supplies from the new unit will start in mid-2021With the new manufacturing line being operational and doubling the production capacity, Centrient will be even better positioned to secure supply, meeting the growing demand from customers and helping to improve the lives of patients who are in need of these medicine.

“We are extremely proud that we have been able to complete this project in a timely way given the challenges of executing such a complex project in the midst of the COVID pandemic,” says Jim McPherson, Chief Quality & Technical Operations Officer. “It reinforces our absolute commitment to meet the expectations of our customers as a partner of choice – delivering reliable and secure supply using leading sustainable technologies. The facility incorporates design features that allow further improvements in GMP and energy utilization, and enable greater automation for improved process control.”


About Centrient Pharmaceuticals

Centrient Pharmaceuticals is the leading manufacturer of beta-lactam antibiotics, and a provider of next generation statins and antifungals. We produce and sell intermediates, active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished dosage forms.

We stand proudly at the centre of modern healthcare, as a maker of essential and life-saving medicines. With our commitment to Quality, Reliability and Sustainability at the heart of everything we do, our over 2200 employees work continuously to meet our customers’ needs. We work towards a sustainable future by actively participating in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Founded 150 years ago as the ‘Nederlandsche Gist- en Spiritusfabriek’, our company was known as Gist Brocades and more recently DSM Sinochem Pharmaceuticals. Headquartered in Rotterdam (Netherlands), we have production facilities and sales offices in China, India, the Netherlands, Spain, Egypt, the United States and Mexico. Centrient Pharmaceuticals is wholly owned by Bain Capital Private Equity, a leading global private investment firm.

For more information please visit www.centrient.com or contact Centrient Pharmaceuticals Corporate Communications, Alice Beijersbergen, Director Branding & Communications. E-Mail: alice.beijersbergen@centrient.com.

Forward-looking statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements with respect to Centrient Pharmaceuticals’ future financial performance and position. Such statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections of Centrient and information currently available to the company. Centrient cautions readers that such statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and therefore it should be understood that many factors can cause actual performance and position to differ materially from these statements. Centrient has no obligation to update the statements contained in this press release, unless required by law. The English language version of the press release is governing.

Alice Beijersbergen
Centrient Pharmaceuticals

JinkoSolar delivers initial DC-coupled storage system to West Africa

SHANGHAI, June 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (the “Company” or “JinkoSolar”) (NYSE: JKS), one the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers, today announced to deliver 1.2MWh of energy storage system to West Africa. JinkoSolar’s experience in solar, storage, complex multi-application systems resulted in offering a new solution in African market: integrating batteries, Power Conditioning System (PCS), DC modular, switch cabinets, with EMS software. This all-in-one, fully integrated modular and compact solution minimizes complexity of deployment activities, and delivers the lowest lifecycle costs.

JinkoSolar Energy Storage Project in West Africa

JinkoSolar’s DC coupled battery storage system can meet project requirements of varying scale and is suitable for various environmental conditions, making it an ideal solution for grid ancillary services and C&I applications while ensuring reliability and safety. The potential advantage of this DC coupled solution Includes improved system efficiency, lower balance of plant costs, and clipped solar recapture. With storage attached to the solar system, the batteries can be charged with excess solar generation when the PV reaches its peak and would otherwise begin clipping. The stored energy can be introduced into the grid at the appropriate time, maximizing the value of the system’s generation. The flexibility and broad capabilities of the EMS software enable effective and efficient control and management over the entire system, compatible with solar, wind, grid, and diesel engines.

“For us, this is a milestone project of delivering ESS system to Africa.  It is one of our initial storage projects globally on this scale using DC-coupling. Africa is a very promising market for energy storage due to relatively poor state grid infrastructure and high electricity price, there is a strong potential to replace peaker gas or cola fired plants in Africa with cleaner alternatives like solar made dispatchable using batteries,” said Gener Miao, CMO of Jinkosolar.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1537317/Africa_Energy_Storage.jpg

Janet D’Addario, cofundadora da D’Addario & Co., e ex-presidente da Providence House, falece aos 72 anos

FARMINGDALE, NY, June 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Janet D’Addario, prodigiosa força criativa e filantrópica em todo o mundo, e esposa do presidente da D’Addario, Jim D’Addario, faleceu no dia 14 de junho em casa, cercada por toda a família. Ela tinha 72 anos.Ela faleceu de complicações de um câncer de vesícula biliar, de acordo com o marido, Jim D’Addario.

Janet Marie D’Addario nasceu em 10 de dezembro de 1948 no Condado de Nassau. Sua educação foi toda em Long Island: St. Brigid em Westbury; St. Dominic ‘s High School em Oyster Bay, e Nassau Community College em Garden City.

Em 1966, o curso da vida dela mudou para sempre quando, com 18 anos e principal cantora de um grupo folclórico, conheceu outro jovem músico em ascensão que se encantou instantaneamente pela sua voz terna e personalidade magnética. Jim e Janet D’Addario se casaram, cantaram e se apresentaram juntos no palco, e iniciaram uma parceria extraordinária que durou 50 anos, resultando em uma família, um legado filantrópico e a empresa de acessórios musicais mais prestigiada do mundo.

Quando D’Addario & Co. foi fundada em 1973, Janet usou seu talento criativos para conceber a publicidade da empresa, bem como o design das embalagens de todos os seus produtos. Durante o estabelecimento da empresa a visão e compaixão de Janet tiveram uma tremenda influência no desenvolvimento da cultura que orienta a empresa até hoje.

Ela ocupou vários cargos, incluindo de dirigente de Relacionamento com Artistas e cofundadora da D’Addario Foundation, que continua a proporcionar educação musical para crianças em comunidades carentes. Janet atuou como Diretora Executiva da Fundação durante 20 anos – ajudando a aumentar a conscientização da causa, produzindo concertos de música clássica em cidades de todo o mundo.

A Sra. D’Addario era conhecida pela família e amigos por sua incomparável compaixão e generosidade – por acreditar fervorosamente que as ações significam muito mais do que apenas palavras. Ela serviu 11 anos no Conselho da Long Island Cares, a instituição de caridade criada por Harry Chapin para erradicar a fome em Long Island. Como católica devota, ela apoiou inúmeras instituições de caridade católicas em todo o mundo, o sistema do Hospital Católico de Long Island, bem como a paróquia à qual pertencia, St. Brigid.

A instituição de caridade que ocupou um lugar particularmente especial no seu coração foi a Providence House, uma instituição de Nova York que fornece alojamento transitório para mulheres e crianças sem-teto.

“A Providence House é, de muitas maneiras, a própria personificação da minha esposa…que quando via dor trazia alento. Quando via a fome alimentava. Quando via pessoas sem-teto proporcionava abrigo. E o mais importante, quando Janet via alguém sem esperança, ela fazia de tudo para proporcionar as ferramentas necessárias para que a pessoa pudesse ter de volta a vontade de superar os desafios enfrentados”, disse Jim D’Addario.

A Sra. D’Addario atuou como Conselheira da Providence House durante 21 anos e como Presidente de 2004 a 2019. Ao longo desses anos, ela ajudou a arrecadar milhões de dólares para garantir que milhares de mulheres e crianças tivessem a oportunidade de ter um futuro mais brilhante. Seu trabalho inestimável levou Janet e Jim a serem nomeados os primeiros People of Hope (Pessoas da Esperança) em 2002 e a construção da D’Addario Residence com 43 unidades em Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.

Além do seu trabalho filantrópico, Janet era uma ávida foodie e pintora prolífica. Não surpreendentemente, sua maior alegria era reunir amigos e familiares para uma refeição caseira e uma apresentação musical ocasional por ela e Jim, bem como seus muitos amigos da área da música.

Janet D’Addario era filha de Robert James Carbone e Annabelle (Eannaccone) Carbone de Westbury, Nova York. Ela deixa seu amado marido de mais de 50 anos de casamento, Jim D’Addario, e seus três filhos: Julie (Pat); Amy (Marcus) e Robert (Gina). Ela também deixa oito netos, e seus amados cães, Dave e Blue.

Em vez de presentes ou flores, a família pede a quem que deseje prestar seus respeitos que considere uma doação modesta para a Providence House (https://www.providencehouse.org/support-our-work).

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/88f5885b-1766-4876-89ab-810766a28ed6

Natalie Morrison
[email protected]

Janet D’Addario, co-fondatrice de D’Addario & Co., et ancienne présidente de Providence House, s’est éteinte à l’âge de 72 ans.

FARMINGDALE, État de New York, 18 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Janet D’Addario, une force créatrice et philanthropique prodigieuse dans le monde entier, et l’épouse du président de D’Addario, Jim d’Addario, est décédée le 14 juin chez elle, entourée de toute sa famille. Elle avait 72 ans.

Selon son mari, Jim D’Addario, son décès est dû à des complications suite à un cancer de la vésicule biliaire.

Janet Marie D’Addario était née le 10 décembre 1948 dans le comté de Nassau. Ses études lui ont fait faire le tour de Long Island, ayant fréquenté : St. Brigid à Westbury ; la St. Dominic’s High School à Oyster Bay et le Nassau Community College à Garden City.

En 1966, le cours de sa vie a changé à jamais lorsqu’à 18 ans, alors chanteuse principale d’un groupe folk, elle a rencontré un autre jeune musicien en herbe qui s’est tout de suite épris de sa tendre voix et de sa personnalité magnétique. Par la suite, Jim et Janet D’Addario se marient, chantent et se produisent ensemble sur scène, puis entament un partenariat extraordinaire de 50 ans qui a donné naissance à une famille, un héritage philanthropique et l’entreprise d’accessoires de musique la plus prestigieuse au monde.

Lorsque D’Addario & Co. a été fondée en 1973, Janet a utilisé ses talents créatifs pour concevoir la publicité de la société ainsi que le design d’emballage de tous ses produits. Organisation alors naissante, la vision et la compassion de Janet ont eu une influence considérable sur le développement de la culture qui la guide aujourd’hui.

Elle a occupé diverses fonctions, notamment celles de directrice des relations avec les artistes et co-fondatrice de la D’Addario Foundation, qui continue de dispenser une éducation musicale aux jeunes enfants des communautés mal desservies. Janet a occupé le poste de directrice générale de la Fondation pendant 20 ans, aidant à sensibiliser à la cause en produisant des concerts de musique classique dans des villes du monde entier.

Mme D’Addario était connue par sa famille et ses amis pour sa compassion et sa générosité sans égales, croyant fermement que les actions signifient bien plus que de simples mots. Elle continuera à siéger 11 ans au conseil d’administration de Long Island Cares, l’organisme caritatif créé par Harry Chapin pour éliminer la faim sur Long Island. En tant que pieuse catholique, elle a soutenu de nombreuses œuvres de bienfaisance catholiques à travers le monde, le système de l’hôpital catholique de Long Island ainsi que sa propre paroisse, St. Brigid.

L’association caritative qui occupait une place particulière dans son cœur était Providence House, une institution de New York qui fournit des logements transitoires aux femmes et aux enfants sans abri.

« Providence House est, à bien des égards, l’incarnation même de ma femme… lorsqu’elle voyait des gens souffrir, elle voulait les soulager. Lorsqu’elle voyait des individus affamés, elle leur apportait de la nourriture. Lorsqu’elle voyait des sans-abri, elle leur offrait un refuge. Mais surtout, lorsque Janet voyait quelqu’un sans espoir, elle travaillait dur afin de lui fournir les outils nécessaires pour rétablir sa volonté de surmonter ses difficultés », explique Jim d’Addario.

Mme D’Addario a été membre du conseil d’administration de Providence House pendant 21 ans et présidente de 2004 à 2019. Au cours de ces années, elle a aidé à lever des millions de dollars pour garantir que des milliers de femmes et d’enfants auraient une voie vers un avenir plus prometteur. Son travail inestimable a conduit à ce que Janet et Jim soient nommés premières personnes d’espoir (People of Hope) en 2002 et à la construction de la résidence D’Addario de 43 unités dans le quartier de Bedford-Stuyvesant, à Brooklyn.

Outre son travail philanthropique, Janet était une passionnée de gastronomie et une peintre prolifique. Sans surprise, sa plus grande joie était de réunir ses amis et sa famille pour un repas maison, et parfois pour une représentation musicale aux côtés de Jim, ainsi que de leurs nombreux amis musiciens.

Janet D’Addario était la fille de Robert James Carbone et Annabelle (Eannaccone) Carbone de Westbury, dans l’État de New York. Elle laisse derrière elle son mari aimant après plus de 50 ans de mariage, Jim D’Addario, et leurs trois enfants : Julie (Pat), Amy (Marcus) et Robert (Gina). Elle laisse aussi huit petits-enfants, et ses chiens adorés, Dave et Blue.

Au lieu de cadeaux ou de fleurs, la famille demande à quiconque souhaite lui rendre hommage d’envisager de faire un modeste don à Providence House (https://www.providencehouse.org/support-our-work).

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible sur https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/88f5885b-1766-4876-89ab-810766a28ed6

Natalie Morrison
[email protected]