Huawei: Accelerate Financial Digitalization, Create New Value Together

SHANGHAI, June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Today, was the first day of the Huawei Intelligent Finance Summit 2021 held at Shanghai, with the theme “Accelerate Financial Digitization, New Value Together.” The two-day event attracted more than 3,000 global financial industry customers, partners, industry experts, and media. Huawei detailed how financial institutions can utilize technology to upgrade the industry and range of services on offer by constructing an ecosystem that is agile and intelligent, and ultimately transform themselves into digital-capable eco-enterprises. Huawei presented three strategic initiatives for their work in the financial sector: fully embracing cloud-native technology, diversifying and improving use cases within the industry and aggregating different SaaS products to help financial institutions become better digital enterprises.

The Financial Industry Needs to Adapt and Accelerate the Pace of Transformation

Peng Zhongyang, Member of the Board, President of the Enterprise Business Group, Huawei, in his opening speech made the point that as industries upgrade and converge, the financial services sector will transform to have their operations based on cloud through a more connected device ecosystem built for all scenarios. He added that Huawei is currently collaborating with its customers and partners to enable them to become more sustainable, resilient digital ecosystem-based enterprises, through the co-creation of technology, scenarios, and sustainability.

Mr. Peng Zhongyang

In the keynote speech on “Global Economic Recovery: Certainty and Uncertainty”, Dr. Fan Gang, Professor of Economics, Peking University; Vice President, China Society of Economic Reform, said, “The global pandemic is far from over. As the new engine of economic recovery, the most important component of the digital economy is not the production of digital equipment and digital technology itself, but the application of new information technology to transform various industries. Digital finance is the driving force of the development of the digital economy. It is therefore necessary to accelerate financial technology innovation, as FinTech will play a leading role in upgrading the digital transformation of thousands of industries.”

Cao Tong, President of HDFH and First President of WeBank; Hou Weirong, General Manager, Transaction Banking Department, China Merchants Bank; Chen Kunte Chief Digital Transformation Officer of Global Financial Services Business Unit, Enterprise BG, Huawei and Ye Tan, Well-Known Financial Critic joined the Panel: Intelligent Finance Transformation.

“The world is going through a digital revolution, which is closely related to finance and affects us all. Traditional banks are expanding their boundaries. I’m looking forward to the day when bankers and experts in technology can customize asset packages for users based on their age, wealth, and family structure.” Said by Ye Tan.

Huawei Announces Three Strategic Initiatives to Turn Financial Institutions into Better Digital Ecosystem-based Enterprises

Huawei announced three strategic initiatives it would develop in the financial sector to help financial institutions become better digital ecosystem-based enterprises. These included:

(1)  Encouraging institutions to fully embrace cloud native, innovative technologies that provide optimal infrastructure to accelerate digital and intelligent convergence and create an agile platform.

(2)  Deepening digitalization across all industry scenarios to enhance safe and secure data transfer, unlock the potential value of big data, and build out financial inclusion.

(3)  Aggregating different SaaS products to build an open ecosystem for all scenarios, and enable scenario-based financial services.

Jason Cao, President of the Global Financial Services Business Enterprise BG, Huawei, said in his speech, “Huawei has been working with the global financial industry for 10 years and has become an important partner in digital transformation for the industry. Huawei will continue to work with this industry to drive cloud-native computing to ensure financial institutions benefit from a modern and dynamic digital ecosystem that can be continually updated and developed, making use of the latest innovations. Huawei’s ethos is to help financial institutions grow into better digital ecosystem-based enterprises and develop fully connected, intelligent, and ecosystem-based finance together”.

Shi Jilin, Vice President of HUAWEI CLOUD BU and President of Global Marketing and Sales Service, said in her keynote speech that the financial industry has always been at the forefront of digital transformation, and is at the stage of developing to digital finance, from a single scene to a multi-scenario.

She said, “Huawei and the financial industry grow together to build multi-purpose and intelligent FinTech solutions. We put forward four proposals: first, fully embrace cloudification, solve the core problems of enterprise cloud access, and guide digital transformation on the right path; second, full-scenario intelligent connection, create “finance+X ” to serve all kinds of industries; third, to carry out intelligence to the end, AI will enter the finance core production system and main business processes; fourth, build a financial ecosystem around scenarios and create an ecological financial industry. ”

Realizing New Value in the Financial Industry with Global Banking Customers to Build a New Financial Future Together

Various banking executives shared their stories and achievements of digital transformation of Chinese financial enterprises at the meeting today.

Huawei has been working closely with DBS Bank to enable their digital transformation to meet their evolving needs. In 2020, Huawei was awarded by DBS the 2020 Most Valuable Technology Partner Award from a selection of 64 other global technology vendors.

Tan Choon Boon, Head of Cloud Engineering and Services at DBS Singapore, said: “DBS has developed a strategy focusing on five key elements for digital transformation: driving comprehensive organizational change, including business success-oriented organizations; moving from ‘projects to platforms; taking onboard modern system design; building excellent agile teams; and moving towards complete automation. In the future, the two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation in cloud, artificial intelligence, and IoT. We have been working closely with Huawei to meet the bank’s evolving requirements and drive digital transformation.”

The financial industry varies greatly across regions around the world, there are still many people as well as small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot access basic financial services. Financial institutions in many countries have taken rapid steps to build digital platforms such as mobile wallets and mobile payments with partners such as Huawei. These platforms are used to build a super app ecosystem, such as Kenya NCBA, to help these financial institutions achieve significant progress in enhancing their service offerings. Added keynote1 to the customer’s speech.

During the summit, Sitoyo Lopokoiyit, CEO, M-PESA Africa said, “We’ve seen the power of M-PESA and mobile money in Africa in transforming how we can make an impact in terms into society .Today we have over 350,000 businesses and over 5 million micro SMEs that use our services. On the other side, we have 58 million customers who use our various products and services. At the core of this is our technology and partners such as Huawei play a key role in ensuring that our technology architecture addresses the needs of our business and customers.”

Huawei Launches the Financial Partner Go Global Program (FPGGP)

During the summit, Huawei announced the official launch of the Financial Partner Go Global Program (FPGGP). The company will work with partners in the financial services industry to leverage Huawei’s deep experience and technological innovation capabilities in financial digital transformation.

The initial FPGGP has 25 members, including seven on the board of directors from Huawei, Sunline, Tongdun Technology, Netis, Wallyt, Sinosoft, and Chinasoft International.

Huawei Launches the Financial Partner Go Global Program (FPGGP)

Huawei’s vision is to build a multi-purpose open ecosystem and enable global financial institutions to serve users in various industries. During the summit, Huawei explores additional cooperation agreements with financial institutions such as Temenos, and plans 15 joint solutions to be released covering a diverse set of use cases.

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Expert optimistic about China’s open-source capability, 28nm chip mass production

BEIJING, June 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A news report by on Expert optimistic about China’s open-source capability, 28nm chip mass production.

China should devote more efforts to strengthening its open-source capability as it continues to expand its hardware industry, a top expert in computer science said on May 27.

Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, underscored the importance of staying at the forefront of the open-source competition at a keynote speech in Shenzhen, southern China’s Guangdong province, according to a report by, a website run by the China Securities Journal.

Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, talks about open-source chips at a forum during the 6th World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Oct. 21, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

Ni said the open-source software is more widely used in artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other leading technologies and is gradually replacing traditional proprietary software. In recent years, the open-source designing, building, and customizing of hardware has also grown in popularity.

China is an open-source global leader in terms of the number of people working and contributing to the field, Ni noted. By 2019, there were 10.50 million open-source contributors worldwide, among which 3.8 million came from Asia, including 1.18 million Chinese contributors, accounting for 31% of Asia’s total.

Despite its large scale, China should also devote more efforts to strengthen its open-source capability, he said.

Those who stay at the forefront of open-source development are bound to become leaders in the next-generation IT development, Ni added.

In an interview earlier this month with, a media outlet focused on the IoT industry, Ni also stressed the importance of staying at the forefront of the advanced chipmaking industry to catch up with other leading countries.

Ni said new technology breakthroughs in the 28 nanometer (nm) node and the more advanced 14nm process will raise morale in China’s semiconductor industry, and facilitate growth in cutting-edge sectors like new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence.

Considering cost and technical factors, the 28nm chip is regarded as the demarcation point between mature and advanced processes.

Ni said, once China’s 28nm chips are fully localized, many downstream application industries will be able to achieve self-sufficiency and use domestic chips. This will also meet the needs of most electronic products other than mobile phones.

He said looking at the current domestic chip industry, leading companies are devoted to research and development in each and every section, completely covering the entire industrial chain. As the technology rapidly develops, the domestic chip industry is now fully equipped to begin mass producing 28nm process chips.

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Étude de préfaisabilité visant à faire progresser le captage du CO2

REGINA, Saskatchewan, 02 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Amplifier l’impact des réductions d’émissions par le biais du captage et du stockage du carbone (CSC) est l’objectif d’une nouvelle étude de préfaisabilité explorant l’application potentielle du captage du dioxyde de carbone (CO2) sur les centrales au charbon de 750 mégawatts. Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une vaste étude portant sur la viabilité d’un centre régional de stockage géologique du CO2 à l’échelle commerciale dans le Sud-Est des États-Unis. L’International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre), basé à Regina, dans la Saskatchewan, au Canada, collabore avec une équipe internationale sur le projet financé par le département de l’Énergie des États-Unis (DOE) pour développer les études de conception et les estimations des coûts en capital évaluant l’installation de captage de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) après combustion sur une centrale électrique de Southern Company.

Le projet représenterait une hausse d’échelle significative et constitue une progression naturelle dans la maturation de la technologie de captage du carbone. En apportant son leadership, sa vision et son expérience sur la base de ses enseignements substantiels tirés de l’installation de CSC entièrement intégrée Boundary Dam 3 et de son étude complète du CSC de deuxième génération (Étude de faisabilité du CSC Shand), le Knowledge Centre réalise l’étude de préfaisabilité de captage du carbone du scénario. Cette étude est menée dans le cadre d’un accord de coopération avec le gestionnaire de projet, le Southern States Energy Board, et une équipe qui comprend Southern Company, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group et Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet Establishing An Early Carbon Dioxide Storage: Project ECO2S, sous l’égide d’une vaste initiative du National Energy Technology Laboratory du DOE, Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE). CarbonSAFE s’adresse aux principaux fossés sur la voie critique vers le déploiement du CSUC (captage, stockage et utilisation du carbone) en réduisant le risque technique, l’incertitude et le coût d’un complexe de stockage géologique pour plus de 50 millions de tonnes métriques de CO2 provenant de sources industrielles sur une période de 30 ans.

L’étude de préfaisabilité se penchera sur la conception et le coût du captage du carbone. Elle inclura des détails tels qu’une analyse des options d’intégration de vapeur entre l’unité de production et l’usine de captage, ainsi que l’identification des impacts potentiels des nouveaux processus sur le permis environnemental de l’usine existante. L’installation théorique de systèmes de captage du carbone dans les centrales électriques ne garantirait pas seulement une électricité de base fiable, elle préserverait aussi la valeur de l’installation existante, tout en permettant de réaliser des progrès importants dans la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’origine anthropique.


« Avec ce potentiel de réduction du CO2 à l’échelle des mégatonnes, nous sommes ravis de travailler avec une excellente équipe sur ce projet important et ce passage à l’étape suivante pour le captage et le stockage du carbone à grande échelle. Nous saluons à la fois le département de l’Énergie des États-Unis et le Southern States Energy Board pour leur engagement à faire des progrès significatifs sur la voie de l’action climatique. »

– Conway Nelson, vice-président, développement de projets et services de conseil, International CCS Knowledge Centre

« Stantec est fière de jouer un rôle dans le premier travail de captage et de stockage de carbone de son genre en Saskatchewan en tant qu’ingénieur enregistré de ce projet. L’équipe d’experts de Stantec apportera son expertise en ingénierie aux côtés de nos partenaires afin d’exécuter la phase d’étude de préfaisabilité de ce projet. »

– Mark Griffiths, directeur principal, énergie et ressources, Stantec, Saskatchewan


Liens en relation avec le changement climatique

  • Le CSC est considéré comme essentiel dans trois des quatre voies pour maintenir le réchauffement de la planète dans les limites de 1,5 °C – Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat : réchauffement mondial de 1,5 °C
  • La plupart des pays du monde ne peuvent pas atteindre les objectifs d’émission sans CSC, et pour ceux qui le peuvent, l’augmentation médiane du coût d’atténuation est de 138 % – Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat : Cinquième Rapport d’évaluation du GIEC, 2014
  • Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE) : captage et stockage du carbone et perspectives pour les technologies énergétiques de l’AIE : rapport spécial 2020 sur le CCUS

À propos de CarbonSAFE et Project ECO2S

  • CarbonSAFE – Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise Initiative – est un programme dirigé par le DOE conçu pour accélérer l’utilisation à l’échelle commerciale de la technologie de CSC visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère provenant de sources industrielles et de production d’énergie en se concentrant sur le développement de sites de stockage géologique du CO2 permanents et sûrs  pouvant être utilisés pendant plusieurs décennies.
  • Project ECO2S – Establishing an Early CO2 Storage Complex – est l’un des cinq projets sélectionnés pour la phase 3 de CarbonSAFE.
    • Project ECO2S, mené par le Southern States Energy Board, travaille avec des collaborateurs pour explorer la création d’une zone géologique régionale, sécurisée et à l’échelle commerciale capable de stocker en toute sécurité plus de 900 millions de tonnes métriques de CO2.
    • L’étude de préfaisabilité actuelle visant l’installation d’un système de captage du CO2 après combustion sur une unité de production de Southern Company fait partie de l’évaluation requise pour confirmer l’un des émetteurs à sources ponctuelles de CO2 pour le site de stockage.


International CCS Knowledge Centre
Jodi Woollam
Responsable de la communication et des relations auprès des médias
[email protected]
T : +1-306-565-5956 / M : +1-306-520-3710

À propos de l’International CCS Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre) : ayant pour mission de favoriser la compréhension et le déploiement mondiaux du CSC à grande échelle pour réduire les émissions mondiales de GES, le Knowledge Centre fournit le savoir-faire pour mettre en œuvre des projets de CSC à grande échelle ainsi que l’optimisation du CSC à travers les apprentissages de base à la fois de l’unité de captage et stockage du carbone Boundary Dam 3 entièrement intégrée et de l’étude complète du CSC de deuxième génération, connue sous le nom d’étude de faisabilité du CSC Shand. Opérant depuis 2016 sous la direction d’un comité indépendant, le Knowledge Centre a été créé par BHP et SaskPower. Pour de plus amples informations :

Mindray Launches Resona I9 Ultrasound System, Revolutionizing General Imaging

SHENZHEN, China, June 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Mindray (SZSE: 300760), a global leading developer and provider of medical devices and solutions, has announced the release of its latest general imaging diagnostic ultrasound system, Resona I9, to its suite of general imaging solutions. With innovations both inside and out, Resona I9 provides accurate and timely answers for clinicians, while delivering outstanding efficiency and a remarkable user experience.

Mindray Launches Resona I9 Ultrasound System, Revolutionizing General Imaging

Resona I9 was developed based on Mindray’s in-depth insights into complex clinical scenarios and is a state-of-the-art ultrasound system equipped with all the latest technologies. Delivering innovation in every facet, Resona I9 features a customizable control panel, foldable structure to a height of one-meter, extended battery life and super silent design — all of which help reduce fatigue to a minimum during scans. Mindray’s revolutionary ZST+ platform powers the system and elevates it to an unparalleled level in its class by delivering exceptional image quality for infinite imaging solutions.

“At Mindray, we are constantly striving to provide better healthcare solutions for clinicians. To do this, we need to deeply understand our customers, be inspired by their daily work, and harness these insights to deliver innovations that make a difference to their workflow. Resona I9 has evolved with the changing demands of diagnostic imaging and includes a suite of innovative features, all powered by our advanced ZST+ platform,” said He Xujin, General Manager of Mindray Imaging System Division.

Resona I9’s iConsole control panel features a breakthrough design and adaptive layout for different clinical scenarios. Its E-ink keys are customizable for functions that are most frequently used during scans, while the full-space floating control panel can be adjusted for better space utilization allowing Resona I9 to easily meet various scanning needs for patients. These revolutionary design elements enable new possibilities for ultrasound exams and improve workflow efficiency from the beginning.

The solution’s high frame-rate (HiFR) STE delivers consistent shear waves and precise tissue stiffness access to bring more sensitive motion detection for greater stability and accuracy during scans. Resona I9 is also equipped with Smart Breast and Smart Thyroid automatic standard lesion analysis, which shortens examination times for more effective scanning.

With its innovative features and unlimited scanning flexibility, Mindray’s Resona I9 provides clinicians with the comprehensive tools required for more precise diagnostic treatment – enabling enhanced diagnostic confidence for better patient care.

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The Impact of Science to Create a Movement; the Case of Fooditive, Pioneer in Plant-Based Upcycled Ingredients

Fooditive Products

Fooditive Product Line

ROTTERDAM, June 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The challenging year 2020 saw the blossoming of plant-based ingredient manufacturer Fooditive BV, a Dutch company set on revolutionising healthy eating. Through upcycling third – grade and side-streams of fruit and vegetables into 100% natural products, it has created one of the keys to a more sustainable future. It all started with a Jordanian man and his hate for waste and want for change.

Having experienced scarce availability of food during his childhood in Jordan, founder and food scientist Moayad Abushokhedim vowed to create healthy and affordable food for all.

Packed with a strong food science and business background, he developed his own unique process of creating affordable plant-based ingredients, simply using the science of fermentation.

In recognition of his drive for success in the food and beverage industry, Abushokhedim was named as one of the Food100 2020, an award that celebrates changemakers who are working towards transitioning to a sustainable food system.

“For a Jordanian guy like me, who cannot believe he is living his dream of changing the world, receiving this award made me realise that if you can dream it, you can achieve it. And it reminded me that I am not alone in this endeavour because there are so many others in the world who believe in making a difference,” said Moayad Abushokhedim.

Moayad Abushokhedim

Food Scientist and Founder of Fooditive Group

Fooditive’s first product, the game-changing zero-calorie sweetener made from apples and pears, was only just the beginning. Since launching the sweetener, the company has expanded its range of creative products, including a thickening agent made from banana skins, a carrot-based preservative, and an emulsifier made from potato extracts.

The innovation behind Fooditive’s products and its dedication to delivering what consumers deserve have led to the company being nominated for the Foodvalley Champions 2020 award in the category Food & Health. The new collaboration with Frutco AG in Switzerland, which will use Fooditive’s unique continuous fermentation process to produce a sweetener from banana side-streams, is the company’s latest step towards making the world greener and more sustainable.

As pioneers of healthy eating, Fooditive’s actions have also a-peel-ed to Gary Clarke, former general manager of Mars International Travel Retail. With more than 20 years of consumer packaged goods experience, Clarke felt that “as a next step, joining Fooditive as a partner seemed like such an obvious thing to do.”

“When I learned about Fooditive’s approach to developing a circular economy and producing foods that are better for you, I really thought they were leading the charge to evolve the food industry. I believe that Fooditive really can drive the industry to a new future for food. One that is not only good for people but also good for the planet, and should we be able to scale this idea then the difference can be enormous”, added Clarke.

Fooditive is currently funding up to €6.5M for the year of 2021 to revolutionize the plant-based food business and create healthy and affordable food for everyone.

Later this year, the company will share its exciting new products, a healthy fat replacer from avocado seeds and a vegan milk formation from peas, so be sure to keep an eye out for Fooditive.

Now that it is backed by even more committed partners and equipped with un-pear-alleled competitively priced ingredients, the Fooditive fever is catching on and inspiring others along the way to think more about what they eat.

About Fooditive BV

In 2018, the plant-based ingredient manufacturer Fooditive BV was established in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The company is committed to making healthy food available for all with its 100% natural ingredients. Since its launch, Fooditive has received several awards for its innovative ideas, sustainable approaches, and contributions to a circular economy, including being nominated for the Index Award 2021.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

Niki Karatza
[email protected]
+31 10 3216167

Madison Realty Capital Provides $30 Million Inventory Loan for Two Luxury Condominiums at Metropica in Sunrise, Florida

NEW YORK, June 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Madison Realty Capital, a fully integrated real estate private equity firm focused on debt and equity investment strategies, today announced it has provided a $30 million first mortgage loan to Metropica Development for a luxury condominium tower and a ten-acre development site, which includes plans to develop a second 250-unit multifamily tower. The portfolio is part of Metropica, a four million-square-foot master planned community comprised of luxury residences, modern office towers and high-end retail offerings located in Sunrise, Florida.

Metropica Development, led by Joseph Kavana, began construction of the first 263-unit luxury condominium tower in 2017 and has sold 174 units to date. Madison’s loan will be used to support 89 units, representing 101,989 square feet on the upper floors of the first condominium tower as well as the adjacent 250-unit second condominium tower. In addition to the first tower, the Metropica master planned development will include 500 multifamily units, 550,000 square feet of commercial space for luxury retail, dining and entertainment destinations as well as 246 hotel keys.

“We are pleased to deliver a customized and flexible financing solution for the remaining condo inventory in the Metropica Development,” said Josh Zegen, Managing Principal and Co-Founder of Madison Realty Capital. “Madison’s ability to finance residential projects through every stage of development was highly attractive to Metropica, an experienced local development firm, and we look forward to working with Joseph and his team to support this unique and ambitious project.”

Located at 2000 Metropica Way, adjacent to the Sawgrass Mills shopping mall and BB&T Center, the 28-story Metropica Tower offers luxury residences with an average of 1,034 square feet, top-of-the-line finishes and high-concept designs from Oppenheim Architecture and YOO Studio. The tower’s resort-style amenities consist of a saltwater swimming pool, lounges, movie theater, fitness center, massage and yoga centers, and a children’s playroom.

Melissa Rose of JLL Capital Markets arranged the financing from Madison Realty Capital.


About Madison Realty Capital

Madison Realty Capital is a New York City based real estate private equity firm focused on debt and equity investment strategies with regional offices in key markets including Los Angeles and Dallas. Founded in 2004, MRC has closed on approximately $14 billion of transactions in the multifamily, retail, office, industrial and hotel sectors nationwide. The firm manages investments in the United States on behalf of a global investor base. MRC is a fully integrated firm with over 60 employees across all real estate investment, development, and property management disciplines. Among other industry recognitions, MRC has been named to the Commercial Observer’s prestigious “Power 100” list of New York City real estate players and is consistently cited as one of the industry’s top construction lenders. To learn more, follow us on LinkedIn and visit


Nathaniel Garnick/Grace Cartwright
Gasthalter & Co.
(212) 257-4170
[email protected]