BAND Royalty Is Changing the NFT Landscape

NEW YORK, June 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — BAND Royalty today announces its placement in an editorial published by NetworkNewsWire (“NNW”), one of 50+ trusted brands within the InvestorBrandNetwork (“IBN”), a multifaceted financial news and publishing company for private and public entities.

To view the full publication, “NFTs Flipping the Script, Bringing Value Back to Music Artists,” please visit:

Currently retail investors can only get exposure to the music industry by buying stock in a public music label, investing in funds that buy/sell music royalties, or via websites that auction royalty rights, often well into the six-figure dollar range. In what many perceive as a ground-floor opportunity, BAND Royalty is changing the landscape and making it accessible for retail investors to participate by owning NFTs.

After a private sale of music NFTs that generated almost $1 million, BAND launched its own NFT sales platform on its website, creating the first music NFT-only platform this month. The company opened up access to the first series of 3,000 BAND NFTs on its platform, staggering the release based on rarity. The company’s plan is to keep the NFT count tight, much like other popular NFT projects such as CryptoPunks and Hashmasks, both of which have had secondary market sales in the millions of dollars. The long-term intention is to have a maximum of 12,000 BAND NFTs across four different series to be released over the next 18 months.

About BAND Royalty

BAND Royalty lets music lovers and fans take their enjoyment of music to the next level by offering blockchain-secured BAND NFTs that enable holders to earn crypto from some of the world’s most popular songs. This unique opportunity allows individuals to share in income streams each time a song in the BAND music catalog is performed. The name BAND is derived from the initials of its co-founders, blockchain experts Barnaby Andersun (BA) + Noble Drakoln (ND).

To learn more about the company, visit

NOTE TO INVESTORS: The latest news and updates relating to BAND are available in the company’s newsroom at

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NetworkNewsWire is part of the InvestorBrandNetwork


BAND Royalty muda cenário da NFT

NEW YORK, June 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — BAND Royalty divulgou hoje que foi incluída em um editorial publicado pela NetworkNewsWire (“NNW”), uma das mais de 50 marcas de confiança da InvestorBrandNetwork (“IBN”), uma empresa editora de notícias financeiras multifacetada para entidades privadas e públicas.

Para ver a publicação completa, “NFTs Flipping the Script, Bringing Value Back to Music Artists” visite:

Os investidores de varejo atualmente só podem se expor à indústria da música comprando ações de uma gravadora de música pública, investindo em fundos que compram/vendem royalties de música, ou através de sites que leiloam direitos de royalties, muitas vezes bem na faixa de seis dígitos. No que muitos percebem como uma oportunidade privilegiada, a BAND Royalty está mudando o cenário, possibilitando que os investidores de varejo tenham acesso à compra de NFTs.

Após uma venda privada de NFTs de música que gerou quase US$ 1 milhão, A BAND lançou sua própria plataforma de vendas de NFTs no seu site, criando a primeira plataforma NFT de música somente este mês. A empresa abriu acesso à primeira série de 3.000 NFTs da BAND na sua plataforma, escalonando o lançamento com base na raridade. O plano da empresa é limitar o número de NFTs, como em outros projetos populares de NFTs, como CryptoPunks e Hashmasks, que alcançaram milhões de dólares com vendas no mercado secundário. A intenção a longo prazo é emitir no máximo 12.000 NFTs da BAND em quatro séries diferentes nos próximos 18 meses.


A BAND Royalty permite que os amantes e os fãs da música levem seu prazer musical para o próximo nível, oferecendo NFTs da BAND protegidas por blockchain que permitem que seus proprietários ganhem cripto de algumas das músicas mais populares do mundo. Esta oportunidade única permite que os indivíduos compartilhem fluxos de renda cada vez que uma música no catálogo de música da BAND é executada. O nome BAND é derivado das iniciais de seus cofundadores, especialistas em blockchain Barnaby Andersun (BA) + Noble Drakoln (ND).

Para mais informação sobre a empresa, visite

NOTA PARA OS INVESTIDORES: Notícias e atualizações recentes sobre a BAND estão disponíveis na redação da empresa em

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BAND Royalty transforme le paysage du NFT

NEW YORK, 01 juin 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  via InvestorWire — BAND Royalty a annoncé aujourd’hui son placement dans un éditorial publié par NetworkNewsWire (« NNW »), l’une des plus de 50 marques réputées de l’InvestorBrandNetwork (« IBN »), une société de presse et d’édition financière multiforme destinée aux entités privées et publiques.

Pour consulter l’intégralité de la publication, « NFTs Flipping the Script, Bringing Value Back to Music Artists » (Le NFT révolutionne l’ordre établi, réinsufflant de la valeur aux artistes musicaux), veuillez consulter la page :

Actuellement, les investisseurs de détail ne peuvent être exposés à l’industrie de la musique qu’en achetant des actions dans un label de musique public, en investissant dans des fonds qui achètent/vendent des redevances de musique, ou via des sites Web qui mettent des droits de redevance aux enchères, souvent pour plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars. Dans ce que beaucoup perçoivent comme une opportunité idéale, BAND Royalty transforme le paysage et permet aux investisseurs de détail d’y participer en devenant propriétaires de NFT.

Après une vente privée de NFT de musique qui a généré près de 1 million de dollars, BAND a lancé sa propre plateforme de vente de NFT sur son site Web, créant la première plateforme exclusivement dédiée aux NFT de musique ce mois-ci. La société a ouvert l’accès à la première série de 3 000 NFT BAND sur sa plateforme, échelonnant l’émission sur la base de la rareté. Le plan de la société est de maintenir le nombre de NFT assez bas, à l’instar d’autres projets de NFT populaires tels que CryptoPunks et Hashmasks, qui ont tous deux enregistré des ventes sur le marché secondaire de plusieurs millions de dollars. Son intention à long terme est de disposer d’un maximum de 12 000 NFT BAND à travers quatre séries différentes à émettre au cours des 18 prochains mois.

À propos de BAND Royalty

BAND Royalty permet aux amateurs et fans de musique de passer à la vitesse supérieure en offrant des NFT BAND sécurisés par la blockchain qui permettent aux détenteurs de gagner des crypto-monnaies provenant de certaines des chansons les plus populaires au monde. Cette occasion unique permet aux individus de partager des flux de revenus à chaque fois qu’une chanson du catalogue musical BAND est interprétée. Le nom BAND est dérivé des initiales de ses cofondateurs, les experts de la blockchain Barnaby Andersun (BA) + Noble Drakoln (ND).

Pour en savoir plus sur la société, rendez-vous sur

NOTE À L’INTENTION DES INVESTISSEURS : les dernières actualités et mises à jour concernant BAND sont disponibles dans la salle de presse de la société à l’adresse

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Micro Insurance Company and ImaliPay Partner to Deliver Digital Insurance Products to Africa’s Gig Workers

Micro Insurance Company x ImaliPay


NEW YORK, May 31, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MicroEnsure (now part of the Micro Insurance Company) and ImaliPay are partnering to deliver digital insurance products to Africa’s gig workers. These unique insurance products will provide this underserved sector with a safety net, so when the unexpected happens, people are able to bounce back swiftly.

Micro Insurance Company (MIC) is focused on providing end-to-end microinsurance products to the mass market at affordable premiums. ImaliPay is a fast-growing Pan African and VC-backed financial services platform focused on offering credit, savings, and insurance via a single channel or API to Africa’s gig economy platforms. ImaliPay deploys short-term finance easily and quickly to enable their customers to generate more revenue from their gig work.

ImaliPay is partnering with MIC to deliver insurance products to their growing customer base of gig workers in Kenya. This partnership will empower gig workers by providing insurance tailored to their needs and their level/proportion of income generation. Furthermore, the addition of this insurance product will help improve the quality of life for delivery, ride-sharing, and mobility sector workers.

The majority of gig workers, especially in the ride-sharing sector, remain active despite the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to the nature of their jobs, they remain at high risk for contracting Covid-19 with minimal access to insurance coverage to protect them. Therefore, this insurance product being offered through the partnership between MIC and ImaliPay will cover Covid-19 as well as a range of other risks including health, death, disability, and property destruction.

Micro Insurance Company brings its comprehensive trajectory and track record in providing microinsurance which ImaliPay will leverage to provide insurance products to its customers.

Ms. Wairimu Njoki, Country Manager, MicroEnsure East Africa, says: 

“We are delighted to be partnering with ImaliPay to boost the rising gig economy by providing social protection through innovative, need-based insurance. This is in line with our audacious goal of insuring the 4 billion un/underinsured lives globally.”

Uptake of insurance remains low in Kenya, with poor product design and constrained distribution channels contributing to low insurance penetration levels. MIC and ImaliPay join forces to address both of these issues – using ImaliPay’s platform as a route to access these services along with their knowledge of the gig workforce, and MIC’s expertise in product design to ensure optimal product consideration and adjusted premiums.

Tatenda Furusa, Co-founder of ImaliPay, says:

“At the very heart of our business, we are concerned with re-defining our customer experience by providing a wider product basket and prioritising the products that are most important/necessary to our customers. Insurance sits right at the forefront of our customer needs and we’re happy to be catering to those needs with this collaboration.”

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

For more information, please email [email protected] or visit or email [email protected] or visit

Marine Online’s Global Connectivity Sustains Full Service Shipbroking

Vessels’ ship sales and purchase unfazed by pandemic

SINGAPORE, May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Across the last decade, the global shipbroking market enjoyed growth from various drivers including increasing global seaborne trade, falling oil prices, swift economic growth and rising energy consumption. Unfortunately, the pandemic disrupted shipping industry, and made its way into vessel sales and purchase.

Travel restrictions made it significantly harder for buyers to source for the right ships. Similarly, a smaller pool of buyers compelled sellers to release their vessels at a loss. Tightened safety controls thwarted vessel inspections which further threatened sales and purchase – causing buyers and sellers to reconsider their decisions.

Marine Online helps both buyers and sellers bypass disruptions in vessels sales and purchase. Unrestricted geographically, its platform offers a broad network, acting as an effective bridge between both buyers and sellers. Surveys can also be carried out by Marine Online’s authorised service providers worldwide upon a successful transaction.

Bharat Bahl, Marine Online’s Sales and Purchase Manager highlighted: “In this challenging economic climate, our platform effectively converges all buyers and sellers. Additionally, our wide network of authorised service providers is able to carry out necessary surveys, clearances and other marine services wherever the vessel is located. Marine Online’s team of experienced professionals would be overseeing the whole process, ensuring smooth and secure transactions.”

Marine Online is a client-centric platform providing maritime professionals with effective vessel sales and purchase solutions. To date, Marine Online has transacted for both buyers and sellers worldwide including Indonesia, China, Singapore and Vietnam.

About Marine Online (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Marine Online is the world’s first one-stop integrated platform specialising in maritime services for the global market. Launched in 2019, it has provided various maritime services through its revolutionary A.I and Big Data enabled platform to regional ship and cargo owners. With its portfolio of 8 major services, Marine Online shapes the future of maritime by using cutting edge technology to create business opportunities and connections. For more information, visit

Mindray Defines Future of Imaging Technologies with New General Imaging, Women’s Healthcare and Cardiology Ultrasound Solutions

SHENZHEN, China, May 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Mindray (SZSE: 300760), a global leading developer and provider of medical devices and solutions, has announced the launch of its new General Imaging, Women’s Healthcare, and Cardiology ultrasound solutions on May 28, 2021. Underpinned by the theme “Innovation Defines”, each solution is specifically designed to increase the strength of diagnostic evidence available to doctors to ensure better patient care.

Mindray Defines Future of Imaging Technologies with New General Imaging, Women’s Healthcare and Cardiology Ultrasound Solutions

“For over 30 years, innovation has been deeply-rooted in Mindray’s DNA. With hospital systems growing and expanding, it is imperative for the healthcare industry to continue to go beyond designing individual products to engineering connected healthcare solutions. It is with this holistic view that we can ensure an improved healthcare experience for patients, whilst helping to expand clinical capacity,” said He Xujin, General Manager of Mindray Medical Imaging Systems. “The launch of our latest ultrasound solutions marks a milestone for Mindray, as we continue to pioneer new platforms under the guiding principle, ‘Innovation Defines’”.

Mindray’s General Imaging ultrasound solutions are equipped with a number of advanced technologies, including high frame rate contrast-enhanced ultrasound (HiFR CEUS), comprehensive HiFR elastography, and enhanced quantification measurement for a new level of image clarity. These features provide clinicians with extensive tools for more precise diagnosis and treatment — giving them reinforced confidence for improved patient outcomes.

The Women’s Healthcare ultrasound solutions offer a diversified range of expert tools that includes Smart Scene 3D, Smart Planes CNS, Smart ICV, Smart Pelvic and Smart ERA. These features have been designed and inspired by the daily work of clinicians with the aim of enhancing efficiency for OBGYN applications, including IVF, neonatal and postpartum.

For cardiovascular clinicians, Mindray’s new Cardiology ultrasound solutions include TEE imaging, HiFR V-Flow, Wall Shear Stress (WSS), real time IMT. These technologies allow for truly accurate visualization, which arms clinicians with extra evidence for diagnostic certainty.

Mindray draws upon its deep insights into unmet clinical needs to provide clinicians with comprehensive imaging solutions that allow for precise diagnoses and treatments across different applications. The three latest medical imaging solutions combine extraordinary technologies with smart applications and an intuitive workflow that elevates the quality of clinical data to a higher level. At the same time, patients can benefit from faster medical imaging and more accurate detection of potential complications, all at the point of care.

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