Commission distributes tools to aid educational needs of PWDs

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) has distributed tools to aid social and educational needs of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the tools were handed over to the beneficiaries by the Executive Secretary of the Commission, Mr James Lalu, on Friday in Abuja.

The items included desktop, typewriters, wheelchairs, door bell, welding machines, Abacus, audio calculator, Hair dressing tools, mobile typewriter, cartons of Braille papers, and shea butter creams.

Lalu said the gesture was part of Federal government’s unwavering determination and commitment to improve the quality of life of PWDs in Nigeria.

He explained that part of the responsibilities of the commission includes providing assistive devices annually to the disability community for free.

According to him, it was because of this that the commission entered into partnership with an international manufacturing company to provide affordable workimg tools to support the PWDs.

He said that the partnership would ensure access to the assistive tools at lower rate than currently obtainable in the market.

”The commission is currently in partnership with an Australian manufacturing firm who are willing and interested to come and establish their manufacturing plant for the production of Assistive equipments in Nigeria.

”We are also working with the Federal Capital Territory Administration to secure a land for the commencement of the building of the factory in Nigeria.

”We look forward to the successful execution of this partnership, where we will have all types of wheelchairs that will be produced here in Nigeria,” he said.

According to Lalu, the firm will provide their products at cheaper rate to PWDs in the country.

Speaking on behalf of the beneficiaries, Mr Taiwo Amao, Head Teacher, Oyo State Special Needs School, Ogbomosho, thanked the commission for the gesture.

Amao said that the commission has been consistent in uplifting the living standards of persons with disabilities in Nigeria.

Other beneficiaries included the Albinism Association of Nigeria, Nigerian National Association of the Deaf, Nigeria Association of the Blind, and Government Secondary school Kwali in the FCT, Global Hope and Justice Incorporated, and some individuals.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria