Correctional Services hosts countries from Southern Africa for sports and culture games at Kgoši Mampuru, 14 to 18 Aug

DCS to host countries from Southern Africa for sports & culture games

Correctional Services in South Africa is to host Sports and Culture Games from 14 – 18 August 2023 at Kgoši Mampuru II Correctional Centre, involving countries from the Southern Africa Region. These games mark an important cultural diplomacy in the integration agenda for Corrections, Prisons and Penitentiary Services of the countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

Participating countries include Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Correctional officials from these countries are expected to compete in various sporting games, such as, soccer, netball, aerobics, athletics, chess, darts, pool, tennis, volleyball and many other sporting codes.

Sports and Culture Games are a critical element in strengthening and consolidating the long standing historical, social and cultural affinities and links among the people of the SADC Region. Cooperation within the Corrections, Prisons and Penitentiary Services will result in the Region being more streamlined in terms of legislation, training and development, promoting best practices that shall place African corrections in the international arena.

Moreover, the importance of sports cannot be over emphasized, especially for correctional officials due to the nature of the work that they do. The games will further contribute towards a healthy workforce within the corrections in the SADC region. This is with the hope that officials will also exchange ideas on how to take the work of corrections in the SADC region to new heights.

Generals, Commissioners and high-ranking officials from participating countries are expected to attend the games in support of their respective teams.

Sporting Games are scheduled at Kgoši Mampuru II Correctional Centre Sporting field as follows:

Opening Ceremony Date: 14 August 2023 Time: 08h00

Closing Ceremony Date: 18 August 2023 Time: 16h00

Other venues to be utilised include the Pilditch Stadium and Gezina sports field. A comprehensive programme will be shared prior the commencement of the games.

Interested members of the media are invited as indicated above:

Media Confirmations:

Mocheta Monama

Cell: 083 555 2188

Source: Government of South Africa