Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Minister Thembi Nkadimeng, says the District Development Model (DDM) izimbizo are critical for ensuring that government serves the people and that no one is left behind.
She was speaking at the DDM Imbizo held at the Batlharos Sports Ground in Kuruman in the Northern Cape.
The imbizo is the 13th that has been held by the sixth administration lead by President Cyril Ramaphosa.
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The izimbizo, which have been held in all provinces, allow members of communities to interact with leaders from national, provincial and local government on service delivery challenges that communities are facing.
‘We are here to listen to you as the people who are supposed to receive government services. President Ramaphosa has come with Ministers, provincial leaders as well as councillors so that they can bring answers and solutions to all of the challenges you have.
‘The President has come with
his Cabinet so that you can talk to them,’ she said.
The Minister told the crowd that the upcoming general election – expected to be held on 29 May – does not have any influence on why the DDM is being held.
‘We are not here because of elections. We are here because of COGTA that runs the Presidential Imibizo. It is not many Presidents that come in front of the people to answer. It is about delivery in action… Our intention is to leave no one behind,’ Nkadimeng said.
Source: South African Government News Agency