With the new round of applications for the R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant being opened, the South African Post Office (Sapo) has urged applicants not to pay bribes to self-appointed queue marshals outside its branches to be taken to the front of the queue.
“The post office advises beneficiaries not to consider paying such bribes. Paying or soliciting a bribe constitutes criminal activity,” Sapo said on Monday.
The Sapo has urged applicants to use the option that allows beneficiaries to collect their grant at any Pick n Pay, Boxer, Shoprite, Checkers or USave supermarket.
This option is available on https://srd.sassa.gov.za and the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) can be contacted at 0800 601 011.
“Any individual who used his or her phone to apply only for their own grant and chooses the post office as a collection point, can indicate when they apply that they would like to withdraw their grant from any Pick n Pay, Boxer, Checkers, Shoprite or Usave supermarket.
“Beneficiaries who share a cell phone to apply for the grant can only collect the grant from a post office branch. Customers who receive the R350 COVID relief grant often visit the post office to check whether there is any money for them. This is not necessary, they can check online by clicking on https://srd.sassa.gov.za/sc19/status,” Sapo said.
The post offices has two separate queues, one for customers who receive the COVID-19 grant and one for other transactions.
This ensures the shortest possible waiting time for all customers.
Source: South African Government News Agency