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DPWI requests bi-weekly reports on reconstruction of the National Assembly

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson has requested the Development Bank Of Southern Africa (DBSA) to supply his office with bi-weekly reports on the progress made in the reconstruction of Parliament’s National Assembly reconstruction site.

This also include monthly cost schedule which will be made available to the Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure in the interest of transparency.

This according to the department, has been requested to ensure that the contractors to the project are held to agreed upon time periods and budget.

‘As someone who called the National Assembly his office for more than 10 years, it is simply heartbreaking to see what has happened to this keystone of our democracy,’ said the Minister, adding that he wants to be actively involved in the reconstruction of the National Assembly building to ensure that the project is completed on time and on budget.

During his site visit on Thursday, Macpherson said the reconstruction of the National Assembly bu
ilding should be moving much faster to avoid any further delay.

‘We simply cannot wait any longer,’ he said.

The Minister also met with the National Assembly Speaker Thoko Didiza to discuss progress on the National Assembly’s reconstruction and efforts to expedite the construction.

He emphasised that the increased oversight would help avoid abuse of scarce public resources and encouraged members of the public to report any corruption allegations should they arise with evidence to his office to escalate and investigate.

‘We have to work together to rebuild the National Assembly building in such a manner that it is protected from future disasters such as fires and theft, while at the same time making it more accessible to the public to learn about this important institution.

‘The reconstruction of the National Assembly needs to honour our past while it looks to the future to stand as a testament to the strength of democracy,’ Macpherson said.

A fire destroyed the historic Parliamentary buildings in Januar
y 2022.

Source: South African Government News Agency