ECN identifies 11 new registration points in Oshikoto

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) Regional Electoral Officer, Ester Hipangelwa said they have identified 11 new registration points in the Omuntele and Nehale Lyampingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region.

Hipangelwa said in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday that they have identified six new registration points in the Omuntele Constituency and five registration points in the Nehale Lyampingana Constituency.

She said they have added two additional registration teams to serve the new points in the two constituencies.

‘The two new additional registration teams that we took from our reserve team will start on 03 July and end 01 August 2024. We now have 48 registration teams in total,’ said Hipangelwa.

The new registration points in Nehale Lyampingana are at Twapandula Combined School, Omukulukila, Omwifi, Onatuwe, Elavi B and Oshikukutu B whilst the new registration points in Omuntele are at Onakazizi church, Oshikomba centre, Omulamba centre, Okashakati centre and Omuntele community hall.

angelwa also pointed out that some people show up with no proof of citizenship whilst others show up with scattered pieces of identification documents.

‘Some people show up with notification from the Ministry of Home Affairs feeling that they have met the criteria to get the voter card,’ she added.

Hipangelwa pointed out that the public does not understand the difference between non-citizenship members and a citizen member.

‘We have seen people with nothing showing up claiming to be a non-citizen and demanding to have a voter’s card,’ said Hipangelwa.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency