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ECN makes u-turn on Christian Democratic Voice Party de-registration

The Electoral Commission of Namibia ( ECN ) has reviewed its initial decision to de – register the Christian Democratic Voice as a political party , following an urgent application in the Windhoek High Court on Thursday . The ECN , appearing before Judge Shafimana Ueitele , sought an order declaring its own decision null and void . The ECN said it deregistered the Christian Democratic Voice on 13 June 2024 . Government Attorney Lovisa Ihalwa said in an affidavit that the Christian Democratic Voice ‘ s registration as a political party was cancelled as it persistently failed to lodge its audited annual financial statements for 2022 and 2023 . The party , she added , also failed to publish abridged forms of annual financial statements between 2020 / 21 , 2021 / 22 , 2022 / 23 and 2023 / 24 in daily newspapers as required . ‘ The first respondent was deregistered together with two other political parties . In particular , the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters ( NEFF ) was deregistered in similar circumstances a
s the first respondent and on the same date ,’ Ihalwa argued . Judge Ueitele granted the order nullifying the deregistration . Reacting to the ruling , Christian Democratic Voice President Gotthard Kandume told Nampa he is now preparing to go to Parliament . ‘ I want to thank the Heavenly Father for starting this movement , as well as our supporters and sympathisers who supported and kept us in their prayers . I have said before that we are trusting in our judiciary and the rule of law . We are now focusing on elections as we only have a few weeks left to get our house in order . We have lost so much , but we are focused ,’ Kandume said .

Source: The Namibia News Agency