Elders actively participate in the democratic process: Mbumba

WINDHOEK: President Nangolo Mbumba has said that the elderly play a crucial role in upholding and actively participating in the democratic process.

The Head of State during his visit to the Katutura old age home on Thursday said that it is the elders who mostly register and participate in the election.

‘It is a known fact that it is the old people who always register and vote, which means you truly believe in your constitution, the systems, and your government,’ Mbumba said while interacting with the elderly.

As a result, he urged them to register and vote in the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections. The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) is conducting a three-month voter registration that ends in August 2024.

‘Please, when people from the ECN come, register and God willing, on the 27th of November, then you vote for the candidate of your choice and the party of your choice.

We are lucky that you have a place like this, where you have access to medicine, access to food, and where they
are doing everything to make sure you continue to be in good health,’ Mbumba said.

During his visit, he donated blankets to all 24 residents, which he said would provide warmth and comfort throughout the cold winter months.

The president was accompanied by Cabinet ministers, including Doreen Sioka, Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty, and Social Welfare.

‘All I have to inform our seniors is that they are currently concerned about the promise made by the late president regarding a 200 dollars increase. I will be frank and tell you that your money will be there in August – you will receive 2400. Right now you are receiving N.dollars 1400, but the N.dollars 200 increase will be backdated, so in August, you will receive N.dollars 2400, and from then on, you will pick up N.dollars 1600,’ Sioka said while urging pensioners to be patient about the N.dollars 3000 that has been promised to them.

The Late President Hage Geingob promised to increase the monthly old age grant to N.dollars 3000 before his death in Fe
bruary 2024. And Deputy President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, the Swapo Party presidential candidate, pledged to fulfill this promise if elected president.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency