Eskom applies electricity tariff increase

The price of electricity will increase this week, following Eskom’s implementation of its new electricity tariff of between 12.72% and 12.74%.

This after the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) determined the increases in December last year.

The increases are as follows:

Local authority tariff charges: 1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025: 12.72%

Eskom direct customers: 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025:

All tariff charges except the affordability subsidy charge: 12.74%.

Homelight 20A: 12.74%.

Affordability subsidy charge: 25.24%

‘The average increase applied to the key industrial and urban tariffs will be 13.29% due to the increase in the affordability subsidy charge. The affordability subsidy charge is raised as a subsidy to the Homelight 20A tariff and is determined by NERSA. This charge exists due to historically lower Homelight 20A tariff increases and is paid by the non-municipal large industrial and urban tariffs.

‘There are no tariff structural changes for 2024/25, however, Eskom is considerin
g a tariff restructuring submission to NERSA for implementation in 2025/26,’ the power utility said.

Source: South African Government News Agency