GBB, Jigawa partner to boost digital inclusion, infrastructural development

The Galaxy Backbone (GBB) Limited and the Jigawa Government have enhanced collaboration to boost digital inclusion and infrastructural development in Nigeria.

The Gov. Umar Namadi of Jigawa said this when he paid a courtesy visit to GBB head office on Friday in Abuja.

Speaking to journalists after a tour of the GBB facility, the governor said the state would continue to enhance collaboration with the agency to ensure e-governance, improved revenue generation and Information Technology development in the state.

“Well, you see, there are so many areas we need to collaborate as I said, we have started this, so it is not something new to us.

“We have so many plans that we will want to do, that will help us to improve governance, that will help us to improve our revenue, also to use ICT to improve the livelihood of our people.

“So we have so many areas that we need to collaborate, and we have those areas in detail. Let me assure them they are ready to collaborate with us and ensure we achieve it,” the governor said.

On his part, the Managing Director of GBB, Prof. Muhammad Abubakar, said the cardinal role of the agency was to build formidable digital infrastructures and connectivity for the government.

Abubakar said that GBB was committed to ensuring digital inclusion in Jigawa and 36 states across the federation.

He said GBB pledged to key into Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy Dr Bosun Tijani’s agenda to train three million Nigerians on digital inclusion in four years.

“We discussed the kind of service we can render to bring about good governance, enhance revenue generation and digital inclusion in Jigawa state, and we intend to cover the 36 federation.

“We are an infrastructure company of the government, So, our major value proposition is to provide connectivity. We are ready to key into the honourable ministers’ aspiration for the industry,”he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) recalls that Tijjani, unveiled his strategic blueprint for the industry in early October and disclosed plans to train three million technical talents nationwide in four years.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria