Health directorate preparing IRS campaign for Oshikoto

The Directorate of Health and Social Services in the Oshikoto Region is preparing an Indoor Residual Spraying ( IRS ) campaign for malaria hotspots that will start on 16 September 2024 . The directorate ‘ s head , Joshua Nghipangelwa said in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday that they will carry out the IRS in remote areas of the region to curb malaria . Nghipangelwa said they are carrying out the spraying in the Okankolo , Eengodi , and Nehale Lyampingana constituencies from September to May 2025 . ‘ We normally have a challenge with malaria in our region during malaria season and that is why we came up with the IRS exercise to stop the cases ,’ he said . Nghipangelwa explained that IRS is the process of spraying the inside of dwellings with an insecticide to kill mosquitoes that spread malaria . Oshikoto Region Governor , Penda Ya Ndakolo also highlighted during the State of the Region Address on Friday that the health directorate is collaborating with its developmental partners to raise the standard of
health in the region . ‘ In this regard , the directorate is constructing a new 90 – bed capacity maternity ward at Onandjokwe Hospital at a budgeted amount of N . dollars 59 million . The project will contribute to enhance service delivery and possibly reduce maternal deaths upon completion ,’ Ya Ndakolo said . He added that N . dollars 1 . 8 million is being spent to renovate a theatre at Onandjokwe State Hospital , which will enhance service delivery and minimise referrals to Oshakati and Windhoek . ‘ Renovation of the Omuntele clinic to provide a conducive environment for patients and staff has been completed ,’ said Ya Ndakolo . The governor said that the construction of the Omeyantalala Health Post 10 000 – litre water tank , and fencing off the area in the Okankolo Constituency , which will improve community – based health care services , is completed . ‘ The directorate is busy constructing septic tanks at Onkumbula , Onyuulaye , and Onakazizi clinics respectively to improve sanitation and hygiene ,’
Ya Ndakolo added

Source: The Namibia News Agency