Hunger and malnutrition contribute to school dropouts: Magerman

Hunger , malnutrition , and teenage pregnancy are the major factors pushing learners to drop out of school , the || Kharas Region Acting Director of Education , Arts and Culture , Jesmine Magerman , has said . In a speech read on her behalf at the Prevention and Reduction of School Dropout Campaign on Friday , Magerman said it is difficult for any learner to concentrate and learn when their basic needs are not being met . ‘ We must work together to ensure that all students have access to nutritious meals at school , so that they can focus on their education and thrive academically . Teachers must understand the situations of learners at home , their socioeconomic barriers , which can create insurmountable obstacles for young and vulnerable children ,’ she said . Magerman emphasised the importance of local churches , youth organisations , and schools collaborating with families to create support networks for learners , ensuring they remain in school . ‘ This can include after – school programmes and resources
for families . However , we also need support that includes weekends , as weekends are challenging for some parents and learners . It is then that temptations walk on two legs in the community , and our learners can stray from good paths ,’ she stressed . Information provided at the event indicated that about six learners dropped out of school last year across the region , while from January to June this year , a total of 21 learners dropped out . Suiderlig Secondary School principal , Rebbeka Enkali – Aupokolo , urged learners to prioritise their academic goals , citing that the future is tough and they need qualifications to secure their prospects . ‘ The professions that used to absorb most citizens , such as the defence force and the police , have also tightened their requirements . To become a police officer or a soldier today , you need 25 points in five subjects from Grade 11 , with an E symbol in English . Who knows , soon they may even require university degrees ,’ she stressed . Amabel Tjivava , a G
rade 8 learner at Suiderlig Secondary School , said , ‘ Dropping out of school is the easy way out , but it is not the solution . Every challenge you face is a lesson , and every lesson is a step closer to our goal or a better life . Even when people around you do not offer their support , be your biggest supporter because you are stronger than you think , and do not let setbacks define your future .’

Source: The Namibia Press Agency