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MAWLR allocates money for irrigation design at Neckartal

Keetmanshoop: The Ministry of Agriculture , Water and Land Reform has allocated N . dollars 20 million during the 2024 / 2025 financial year for the design of the long – planned irrigation scheme at Neckartal Dam . This information was revealed by || Kharas governor , Aletha Frederick as she officiated the ministry ‘ s 2024 / 2025 financial year quarter two management review workshop here on Tuesday . Frederick urged the ministry to expedite the process for procurement of the consultancy services for the design of the irrigation scheme , stressing that the process is overdue and government should move into the production phase of the project . ‘ This process is long overdue though we understand that there has been a lot of tender cancellations in the past , but I can ‘ t overemphasise the urgency and importance of having an irrigation scheme at Neckartal . I would like to highlight the urgency and importance of having the land around Neckartal Dam put under production ,’ she added . According to the governor
government to date has managed to acquire over 19 304 hectares of land for irrigation purposes around Neckartal Dam . ‘ While the ministry continues to make strides in acquisition of land around Neckartal , more still needs to be done to put that land under production ,’ she cited . Further Frederick said the issue of water shortages in rural areas in the region is a pressing reality for many , among them those who are poor . She said her office has been inundated with cries regarding water supply challenges that are becoming increasingly difficult to manage because of limited resources at their disposal . In an interview with Nampa , Ndiyakupi Nghituwamata , the executive director in the ministry said the tender for the design and supervision of the project was advertised and closes in two weeks ‘ time ‘ Yes , we have acquired the land but we still negotiating with one farmer who has really not come forth positively to sell his land to government and that is one of the key lands that is needed to be develope
d for the project . This is so that the community can benefit from land allocation and plot allocation to be able to contribute economically ,’ she stressed . She said with the hope to address the issue of water shortages at Snyfontein , the ministry is looking into getting a contractor to transport water from Neckartal to supply the community of Snyfontein . ‘ That is what we want to push in this quarter , that just started and hopefully to complete it in the fourth quarter . Us being here is just really reviewing and plan to execute better and fast – track projects that are lagging , to ensure that at the end of the financial year we have achieved what we said we will ,’ said Nghituwamata.

Source: The Namibia News Agency