Mbumba calls on Swapo Party members to work hard for electoral victory

WINDHOEK: Namibian President Nangolo Mbumba urged members of the ruling Swapo Party on Sunday to ensure that the former liberation movement secures victory in the upcoming general elections scheduled for 27 November . Addressing delegates to the 2024 Swapo Party electoral college in Windhoek , Mbumba expressed his conviction that all party members will work hard for the party and its presidential candidate , Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah , to achieve a resounding victory . ‘ As I have said several times , I do not see or understand how a strong party with so many members and a celebrated history of the liberation struggle will be removed from power by parties of the few . It is up to you and me to work hard in unity and retain our power , or to give it up ! But I am convinced that all of us will work hard for the Swapo Party and comrade Netumbo Nandi – Ndaitwah to achieve a resounding victory ,’ Mbumba said . Meanwhile , he reminded party members that those who emerge successful from the electoral college have a r
esponsibility to both Swapo and the Namibian nation . ‘ The job of the comrades who are elected at this college will not only be about representing the Swapo Party in the National Assembly . Crucially , you must work hard to achieve people – centered development and to ensure that we move closer to victory during the second struggle for the economic liberation of all Namibians . Your top priority is to ensure that the Swapo Party is returned to power by getting a resounding mandate to govern Namibia for the next five years . Your other top priority is to make sure that our presidential candidate , comrade Nandi – Ndaitwah , is elected as the next and first female president of Namibia ,’ Mbumba said . In addition , he further reminded prospective Swapo members of parliament that they are potential candidates for public service . ‘ Namibians want more jobs , they want more business opportunities and housing . They want good health and education . They want to live in a crime – free society . In short , they wan
t successful , prosperous and happy lives . Therefore , they expect from you , as their elected leaders , to provide all these things ,’ he said in his address .

Source: The Namibia News Agency