MEC Desbo Mohono visits Skoongesig community ahead of Presidential Imbizo, 7 Mar

MEC Mohono to engage Skoongesig community ahead of Presidential Imbizo

The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) MEC Desbo Mohono will today, 07 March 2022 meet and engage the community of Skoongesig, a village on the South West of Mahikeng (Ngaka Modiri Molema District). The meeting is set to take place near Bontle Primary School at 14h00.

This engagement happens prior to the Presidential Post State of the Nation Address Imbizo taking place on Saturday 12 March, also in Mahikeng.

MEC’s Skoongesig meeting forms part of a series of stakeholder engagements wherein communities will be given an opportunity to ask service delivery-related questions and to receive responses. It is also meant to contribute to the government’s continuing efforts to build an ethical, capable and developmental state that delivers on its mandate.

The other issues raised in MEC community engagement will be responded to during the Presidential Imbizo.

Source: Government of South Africa