Minister Aaron Motsoaledi invites members of the public to nominate nine people to serve on the Electoral Reform Consultation Panel

The Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has issued a gazette inviting the members of the public to nominate duly qualified people to serve on the nine-member Electoral Reform Consultation Panel.

The closing date for nominations is 5 June 2023.

The invitation is pursuant to the provisions of the Electoral Amendment Act that took effect on 17 April 2023. The Act requires the Minister of Home Affairs to appoint the Electoral Reform Consultation Panel within four months of the effective date of the Amendment.

The Act enjoins the Minister to call for public nominations of suitable people. In appointing the consultation panel, the Minister must consult the Electoral Commission. Final appointment of members of the panel is subject to the approval of the National Assembly.

The following qualities are required of prospective members of the consultation panel:

Fit and proper South African citizens

Have the necessary skills, expertise, experience, knowledge or academic qualifications in the administration and running of elections or constitutional law or electoral systems

Not currently a Member of Parliament or of any provincial legislature

Have not in the past 12 months been office-bearers or employees of any political party.

The Panel will be required to;

Independently investigate, consult on, report on and make recommendations in respect of potential reforms of the electoral system for the election of the National Assembly and the election of the provincial legislatures in respect of elections to be held after the 2024 elections;

Prior to the 2024 elections, engage in research and consider the issues falling within its functions;

After the 2024 elections, undertake a public participation process regarding the issues falling within its functions;

From the date of its establishment, submit a report to the Minister every three months on its progress; and

Must, within 12 months of the date of the 2024 elections, submit a report to the Minister on the possible options for electoral reform for the election of the National Assembly and the election of the provincial legislatures which must include—

(a) Reasons, advantages and disadvantages;

(b) Legal and constitutional implications; and

(c) Financial implications, for each proposed electoral system or electoral reform identified by the Panel.

All motivated nominations indicating the prescribed requirements must be accompanied by an acceptance of nomination duly signed by the nominated candidate.

Source: Government of South Africa