Minor boy drowns in a sewage pond at OtaviPresident approves MoU to strengthen action against load shedding

OTJIWARONGO: A nine-year-old boy allegedly drowned in a sewage bond at Otavi in the Otjozondjupa Region on Thursday afternoon.

Namibian Police Force (NamPol) community affairs commander in the region, Inspector Maureen Mbeha in an interview with Nampa on Thursday said the deceased’s body was retrieved by members of the public who were joined by police officers at approximately 15h40 the same day.

The deceased was then identified by his close relatives as Jimmy Renaltus Gubeb, said Mbeha.

‘It is alleged Gubeb fell into the pond at the town and he drowned,’ said Mbeha.

Mbeha added that Gubeb was a resident of the Harambe informal area at the town, and his body was transported to the Otavi State Clinic mortuary.

Police investigations in the matter continue.

Source: Namibia Press Agency

President Cyril Ramaphosa has approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) entered into by Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan and Minister of Electricity Kgosientsho Ramokgopa to better clarify their respective responsibilities with respect to Eskom and the resolution of the electricity crisis.

The MoU establishes a firm basis for a collaborative approach between the Ministers in exercising their assigned powers and functions.

‘While significant progress has been made in reducing the severity of load shedding, much work still needs to be done to guarantee a secure supply of electricity. The collaborative approach outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding will further strengthen Eskom’s efforts to resolve the electricity crisis,’ President Ramaphosa said in a statement on Friday.

The MoU outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Minister of Electricity as follows:

Focus full time on all aspects of the electricity crisis and the work of the National Energy Crisis Committee.

Exercise auth
ority over the Eskom Board and management on ending load shedding and ensure that the Energy Action Plan is implemented without delay.

Improve generation capacity and the purchase of additional capacity.

Oversee implementation of the Eskom Generation Recovery Plan.

Ensure that the generation fleet performs optimally and results in security of supply and a low level of loadshedding.

Ensure that matters dealing with transmission are dealt with, including the issuing of the Requests for Proposals and/or Requests for Information for financing of new transmission lines.

Developing and agreeing on financing models and options for transmission together with National Treasury and the Presidency.

The Presidency said the MoU takes into account the Eskom Memorandum of Incorporation, which makes it obligatory to inform the Minister of Public Enterprises of critical decisions in this respect.

The MoU stipulates that the Minister of Public Enterprises will:

Remain the shareholder representative of Eskom.

Support a
nd assist the Minister of Electricity in his interactions with the Board by incorporating the responsibilities of the Minister of Electricity listed in the MoU in the execution of his role as shareholder, in line with the Eskom Shareholder Compact, and inserting the obligations of the Board in this regard into the Board Performance Evaluation Framework.

Steer the restructuring of Eskom in line with the Eskom Roadmap.

Ensure the establishment and operationalisation of the transmission company.

Lay the basis for the restructuring of Eskom arising from the Electricity Regulation Act Amendment Bill.

Oversee the implementation of the Just Energy Transition strategy as provided for in the Shareholder Compact.

The MoU makes provision for regular review meetings between the Ministers to address any impediments to its implementation. The Ministers will also have regular review meetings with the President.

‘The Ministers will work together more closely and with their respective responsibilities clearly outlined t
o ensure the effective implementation of the Energy Action Plan,’ the President said.

The President announced the Energy Action Plan in July 2022 as South Africa’s plan to end load shedding and achieve energy security. It outlines a bold set of actions aimed at fixing Eskom and adding as much new generation capacity as possible, as quickly as possible, to close the gap in electricity supply.

The arrangement outlined in the MoU will be operational until the end of the current administration.

Source: South African Government News Agency