Namibian company partners with Indonesia’s Mensa Group in N.dollars 9 million deal

Namibian company Future Image Investment CC has signed a business agreement of N . dollars 9 million that will see Indonesian products enter the Namibian market . The agreement with Indonesian pharmaceutical company Mensa Group was signed in Bali , Indonesia on Tuesday during the second Indonesia – Africa Forum . The forum started on 01 September under the theme ‘ The Bandung Spirit for Africa ‘ s Agenda 2063 ‘, with 29 African countries represented . It ended on Tuesday . Speaking to Nampa , Future Image Investment CC General Manager , Anthony Atejioye described the agreement as a milestone for Namibia , as Indonesia is known for its good quality pharmaceutical products which are affordable and adoptable to African nations . ‘ It will make life more comfortable for all individuals , from low to high earning citizens , and because of the convenience , quality and potential of the products , Namibia will now be a distributor of these products to neighbouring countries , especially the landlocked nations ,’ he
said . He said the products which will be available in Namibia by January 2025 , will include natural ginger tea and less carbonated energy drinks , amongst others . Atejioye said they also hope to establish manufacturing plants for these products in Namibia in future . ‘ We are looking at transferring the technology to Namibia in an effort to alleviate poverty through job creation and make Namibia the main exporter of these products ,’ he said . Mensa Group International Division General Manager , Yulia Hidayat , said the products are well – suited to the Namibian climate . She indicated that the company currently operates in seven west African countries .

Source: The Namibia News Agency